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Chapter 5292 Unexpected Goodbye (1)

 After lunch, after chatting with the elders for a while, Zhou Sen took his leave.

At the new company, there are still piles of things waiting for him to go back and deal with.

Just now, only Xi Yu and Xiang Yi were picked up to pick up Zhou Sen. Now to see him off, the entire Lu family was mobilized.

However, only Xiangyi sent Zhou Sen out the door.

Lu Xiangyi naturally understands what her family members are thinking, but she and Zhou Sen... actually don't need this opportunity to talk alone anymore!

Besides, it was broad daylight and at home, so they had to restrain themselves again and again!

Zhou Sen didn't have so many worries anymore. He grabbed Lu Xiangyi's waist and pulled her into his arms, "I'll pick you up at Xu Zheng's company tomorrow night."

His voice was low and sultry, and Lu Xiangyi unconsciously buried her head in his arms, "Yeah!"

Zhou Sen hugged her for a while, patted her head gently, "I really want to leave."

Her current posture looks like she wants to keep him!

Lu Xiangyi raised his head and looked at Zhou Sen.

Her peach blossom eyes were always lively and talkative, but Zhou Sen always understood and asked, "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Yes, there are still many things to ask him!

But Lu Xiangyi let go of Zhou Sen and said, "No hurry, we'll talk tomorrow." From now on, they will have plenty of time!

Zhou Sen said yes softly, kissed Lu Xiangyi's forehead, got in the car and left.

At this moment, Xin An's puppy ran over again, and Lu Xiangyi picked it up and took it home.

The family members were all sitting in the living room, looking at her with smiles.

Her delicate little face flushed with happiness, she put down the puppy and asked, "Is there no problem with Zhou Sen's performance today?"

"Zhou Sen himself knows that he is stable, so you still worry about him?" Lu Boyan was too lazy to answer and waved to the puppy, "Puppy with peace of mind, come here."

The puppy jumped directly into Lu Boyan's arms, rubbing it from left to right, and obediently let Lu Boyan touch it.

When it saw Lu Xiyu, its eyes sparkled and it squealed with excitement.

So, Mu Nian was puzzled.

Because the dog doesn't like him!

It likes everyone, every man, woman, and child in the family, and it also likes his parents, but it just doesn’t like him!

He has been loved by people for so many years since he was a child, but in the end he was disgusted by a dog - he was still a peaceful puppy. He was quite depressed!

Lu Xiyu did not believe in evil and put the gift in Mu Nian's arms.

The gift squealed in disgust, rolled onto the carpet, and ran away without looking back.

Mu Nian was speechless.

Lu Xiyu looked interested - does this dog know something?

Lu Xiangyi quietly told his brother, "I heard it was because when Xin'an first raised the gift, he told the gift that Brother Nian Nian was a bad thing every day. Then when Nian Nian saw the gift, he called it 'Brother Nian Nian'."

Mu Nian accidentally bumped into the muzzle of a dog?

He should suffer this kind of injustice!

Tang Yulan ignored the fighting among the children and opened the calligraphy and painting given by Zhou Sen to appreciate it. The more she admired it, the more she liked it.

She put it away carefully and asked, "Xiangyi, do you know that Zhou Sen prepared these things?"

Lu Xiangyi shook his head, "I don't even know the shares of the company he wants to give me..."

"This child..." Tang Yulan was silent for a moment, "You should be nicer to others in the future."

"I got it!" Lu Xiangyi came to his father's side, "Dad, you also like Zhou Sen's gift, right?"

Lu Boyan laughed, "The gift he gave to the old lady was with money. The gift he gave to your mother was with heart. The gift he gave to me was both with money and heart. How can I not like it?"

Lu Xiangyi smiled like a flower, "You just like it!"

Lu Boyan handed the things to his wife and said, "Put it in my study. Xiyu, Niannian, follow me to the company."

Su Jian'an felt sorry for her child, "Xi Yu has been on a plane for more than ten hours, and he hasn't even had a rest yet when he got back."

Lu Boyan was not a tyrant, so he asked casually: "Xi Yu, do you need to rest?"

Lu Xiyu reassured his mother, "I'm not tired. I'm going to have a meeting with my father and will be back before ten o'clock in the evening."

Lu Xiangyi leaned against her mother, "Don't worry about brother, he is a physical monster!" She then said in her mother's ear, "So is Fuya!"

Su Jianan beamed for a moment and no longer felt sorry for her son.

Lu Xiyu also guessed that Xiangyi must have said some nonsense to his mother.

He gave Xiangyi a warning look and went out with his father and Niannian.

There were three women from three generations left in the family, and they simply had afternoon tea.

At five o'clock sharp, there was a sudden heavy rain in the entire city A. The summer heat suddenly subsided and the outside became cooler.

Lu Xiangyi looked at the rain curtain and said, "Dad and the others are coming back from the company and they are going to be stuck in traffic."

Su Jian'an frowned slightly, "They are okay, but many office workers can't get a taxi after get off work..."

Tang Yulan drank her tea slowly, "Just wait until the rain stops. Stopping the rain will solve everything!"

However, this heavy rain lasted until after nine o'clock in the evening.

The water in many places has reached the thighs of passers-by, and some places have lost water and power.

Almost everywhere, there are hundreds or even thousands of people waiting in line to take a taxi.

Puhua Financial Building is the most unlucky.

A sudden power outage caused everyone to leave the building at the same time, and more than 3,000 people lined up to take a taxi.

Men and women crowded the lobby, and most of them were pushed outside.

Huang Fuya carried her bag and squeezed into the crowd. She looked at the heavy rain and the number of people queuing up for a taxi, and felt a sense of despair...

The worst thing is that when she left, she was the only one left in the company, and she couldn't even find someone to send her off!

After much thought, she had no choice but to send a message in the group to ask if any colleagues could take her back.

A colleague soon responded, saying that he was nearby and could come over, but it was too busy and asked Huang Fuya if he could walk to the other side of the road.

In order to get away from the crowd, Huang Fuya walked to the opposite side of the road in the rain.

However, a colleague told her that his car stalled and he was trapped in the car waiting for rescue...

Huang Fuya had no choice but to say it was okay, asked her colleagues to pay attention to their safety, and walked back to the building in the rain.

This time, she could no longer squeeze into the safe area of ​​the lobby, and could only stand on the outermost edge, enduring the raindrops hitting her from time to time.

But it didn't matter, she was already almost soaked.

This was not the way to go. After much deliberation, Huang Fuya had no choice but to send a message to Zhou Sen.

It took about ten minutes before Zhou Sen responded and said, "I'm at the new company. I'll be there in ten minutes. Just wait."

Huang Fuya posted a thank-you emoticon.

She was so happy that she ignored that the new company was more than ten minutes' drive away.

Coupled with the bad road conditions caused by this weather, it is even impossible to arrive in ten minutes.

The Lu Group is quite close to here, and there is no traffic jam when driving in that direction.

Now it is entirely possible to arrive at the Lu Group within ten minutes...

This chapter has been completed!
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