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Chapter 533 The difference between like and love

Xiao Yunyun was embarrassed and her cheeks slowly turned red.

She always felt that "love" was an overly heavy word, and there was an essential difference between liking someone and loving someone.

She forgot where she saw it. She likes someone because she wants to meet him. She wants to talk to him a lot. She wants to share the delicious food and cold drinks on the street corner with him. She wants him to see the best side of herself. He is in her own world. There is also unparalleled good in my heart.

But when you love someone, you want to have them all to yourself. You know that they are not good, but you still accept them all willingly.

Just like she knew clearly that Shen Yuechuan had countless confidantes and was merciful at every turn, but she still couldn't help but fall in love with him.

Realizing that she had more than just a crush on Shen Yuechuan, Xiao Yunyun suddenly felt frustrated, lowered her head and held her chin in frustration: "Cousin, if there is no result between Shen Yuechuan and I, what do you think I should do?"

"...You can refer to Xiao Xi for this." Su Jian'an said, "Xiao Xi has been chasing my brother for more than ten years. Everyone thinks that there will be no result between her and my brother. However, she has never thought about the result. She just wants to try her best in the pursuit. As for the time when she is not pursuing my brother, she usually lives her life how she wants."

Xiao Yunyun thought about it seriously and nodded with sudden realization: "I know what I should do!"

Su Jianan felt a little relieved: "So, when are you going to hint to Yuechuan that you like him?"

"A hint?" Xiao Yunyun shook her head in confusion, "I didn't intend to hint to Shen Yuechuan! Didn't you tell me to live my life in a cool way?"


Su Jianan was speechless and choked.

Why did Xiao Yunyun only hear the second half of the sentence? Her focus should be on the first half of the sentence. She should take the initiative, take the initiative!

Although this is an era where everyone is flirting with girls, what’s more cool is when girls flirt with guys!

However, according to Xiao Yunyun's character, Xiao Yunyun probably couldn't do any of the things Luo Xiaoxi did.

But Xiao Yunyun is lucky after all, because Shen Yuechuan also likes her.

A love expert like Shen Yuechuan should know very well how to deal with a girl like Xiao Yunyun, so Su Jianan doesn't need to worry too much.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, it is only a matter of time before Shen Yuechuan catches Xiao Yunyun.

Thinking of this, Su Jianan safely changed the subject and discussed with Xiao Yunyun what to eat for dinner.

After Xiao Yunyun came to A City, she didn't know who she was influenced by, and she turned into a real foodie. She even coveted the skills of the Lu family's five-star chefs, and her ideas were easily confused by Su Jian'an. It's gone astray.

After the two of them finished dinner, it was completely dark. Xiao Yunyun, who had eaten and drank enough, stretched out: "Cousin, I have to go to the hospital for duty."

Su Jianan arranged for a driver to take Xiao Yunyun out.

It was less than seven o'clock at this time, and of course Lu Boyan hadn't come back yet. Xiao Yunyun was a little worried: "Cousin, will you wait for my cousin-in-law to come back?"

"He usually comes back before eight o'clock." Su Jianan smiled, with a relaxed look on her face, "Don't worry and go to work. Even if something happens, I know how to deal with it."

Xiao Yunyun thought for a while and felt that there was really no need for her to worry about Su Jian'an. She got into the car with peace of mind and asked the driver to take her to the hospital.

At this time, Lu Boyan and Shen Yuechuan happened to set off from the company, and their high-performance cars drove towards a hotel in the city center.

Shen Yuechuan sat in the passenger seat, thinking about it, and struggled for a long time before making a decision: "Mr. Lu, there is something I think I should tell you."

Lu Boyan was reading the document. When he heard this, he didn't even raise his eyes and asked calmly: "What's the matter?"

"Yesterday at Yicheng and Xiao Xi's wedding, I found Yunyun staring at someone. Who do you think that person is?" Shen Yuechuan deliberately tried to show off his mystery.

Lu Boyan turned over the document, his tone still calm: "Who?"

"You will be able to see this person later -" Shen Yuechuan said word by word, "Xia, Mi, Li!"

Something flashed across Lu Boyan's eyes. He raised his head and looked at Shen Yuechuan with a cold gaze: "Speak clearly." Xiao Yunyun and Xia Mili were strangers to each other, so there was no reason to stare at her.

But if someone else had asked Xiao Yunyun to stare at Xia Milli, the whole thing would be different.

Shen Yuechuan studied Lu Boyan's expression: "You must have thought about it, maybe Jian An asked Yunyun to keep an eye on Xia Milli."

Lu Boyan rejected Shen Yuechuan's guess without even thinking: "It can't be Jian An."

He knew Su Jianan too well. If Su Jianan really suspected something between him and Shamily, she would ask him directly instead of using surveillance.

Su Jianan has a meek temper, but pursues efficiency when doing things. In her opinion, nothing is more efficient than communication. If she really doubts something, she will definitely raise it.

Secretly following this kind of thing... is more like what Luo Xiaoxi would do before following Su Yicheng every day.

In other words, it was most likely Luo Xiaoxi who suspected something was going on between him and Xia Mili. Luo Xiaoxi was inconvenient on the wedding day, so she asked Xiao Yunyun to keep an eye on Xia Mili for her.

Su Jianan's delivery date is getting closer and closer. The doctor privately told Lu Boyan to try not to let anything arouse Su Jianan's emotions, otherwise problems will easily occur. This is why Lu Boyan never mentioned Xia Milli to Su Jianan. .

However, it seems that Luo Xiaoxi will not let him worry.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Boyan took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Su Yicheng.

Shen Yuechuan looked at Lu Boyan's series of actions and was confused: "Mr. Lu, do you know what's going on?"

"I probably know." Lu Boyan changed the topic, "Speaking of which, when do you plan to confess to Yunyun?"

Shen Yuechuan got a headache when he talked about this, and pressed his temples hard: "Now, things are not as optimistic as I thought."

Lu Boyan frowned and closed the document: "What's going on?"

"Some time ago, I found that someone was checking my information. I thought it was someone from Kangruicheng who wanted to do something. In the end, I found out that it was Jian An's aunt, so I didn't stop him." Shen Yuechuan smiled bitterly, "Recently, she might It was found out that I am an orphan, so I arranged a blind date between Yunyun and Qin Han at noon today."

"..." Lu Boyan was silent for a moment, "If you want Qin Han to leave City A, I can help you."

"It's not necessary." Shen Yuechuan said with a stress-free expression, "It's just Qin Han, so it won't make me lose confidence in myself. Let's compete fairly and leave the choice to Yunyun. I won't let myself lose."

Lu Boyan smiled: "Very good." Shen Yuechuan was full of confidence in himself, and he really had no need to help.

At this time, the hotel arrived. Lu Boyan and Shen Yuechuan got off the car together and walked towards a private room in the hotel.

This private room has the best view in the entire hotel. At this time, there are already several well-dressed men and women sitting in the private room, one of them is Xia Milli.

Sitting next to Xia Milli was Yuan Xun, the president of the Greater China region of her mr group.

The ultimate goal of this dinner is to promote cooperation between Lu and Mr Group.

Before this, Yuan Xun and Lu Boyan had never been in contact, but he had heard about Lu Boyan's behavior for a long time, so he asked Xia Milli with some uncertainty in his heart: "Do you think it can be done?"

"As long as we have enough sincerity and the conditions are right, Lu's will not reject us." In contrast, Xia Milli seemed confident, "Besides, this is also a good opportunity for Lu's to open up the North American market.

Although the opportunity is in their hands, I believe Mr. Bo... Mr. Lu will not refuse it."

Yuan Xun smiled meaningfully: "Everyone here is from our company. Everyone knows that you and Lu Boyan have been classmates for many years. You almost got together when you were in school. It's okay to call him by his first name. It's okay.


Xia Milli smiled lightly: "Mr. Yuan, that happened a long time ago."

"But you haven't passed it yet, have you?" Yuan Xun smiled very connotatively, "Although it is said that Lu Boyan loves his wife as much as her life, but you have been working in the mall for so long, and you still don't know about men? Lu Boyan's

My wife is pregnant now, so this is an opportunity for you."

Xia Milli just smiled. At this moment, the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open, and the slender and tall figures of Lu Boyan and Shen Yuechuan appeared at the door.

Everyone in the private room, including Xia Mili and Yuan Xun, stood up in unison. Yuan Xun nodded first and said, "Mr. Lu, Special Assistant Shen, you are here."

The waiter pulled out two chairs, Lu Boyan and Shen Yuechuan sat down respectively, and a negotiation began amidst exquisitely presented wine and food.

In addition to extraordinary wisdom and courage, strong persuasion is also a key factor for Xia Mili to reach her current position in the company. Yuan Xun is the regional president of a multinational group, so his strength should not be underestimated.

Between pushing the cup and changing the cup, every word of both parties determines their own interests.

No one has figured out the negotiation routine between Lu Boyan and Shen Yuechuan for so long. Yuan Xun and Xia Milli were cautious, but they still could not completely convince Lu Boyan.

In the end, Yuan Xun gave up the negotiation and simply established a relationship.

"Mr. Lu," Yuan Xun poured wine into Lu Boyan's red wine glass, "You and Xiaoxia are both old classmates. We have only met once after so many years. Logically speaking, the atmosphere at our dinner should not be so stiff.


The smile on Lu Boyan's lips did not reach his eyes: "Mr. Yuan, what we are talking about is cooperation."

The implication is that cooperation and classmate friendship are two different things. It is better not to confuse these at the negotiation table.

Xia Milli felt embarrassed for a while, but Lu Boyan didn't say anything explicitly. She could only swallow the embarrassment and bring the topic back to cooperation.

She knows Lu Boyan to a certain extent, and naturally understands another meaning of Lu Boyan: he will not look at their past relationship.

If we look into it seriously, we find that her relationship with Lu Boyan is just that of an old classmate. In fact, there is nothing nice about it.

The negotiation lasted for more than an hour. In the end, all the conditions were almost agreed. Xia Milli suppressed her anticipation and asked: "Mr. Lu, what do you think?"

Lu Boyan pondered for half a second: "I will give you the answer tomorrow."

Shamily was stunned: "Why do you have to wait all night?"

"This is not a trivial matter for our company, and I can't make a hasty decision." As he said that, Lu Boyan looked at the time, "Besides, it's getting late now, and my wife is still waiting for me at home."

This chapter has been completed!
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