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Chapter 55 Jian An, Don't Be Disobedient

The distance was very close, and his breath penetrated into hers, like a drug, easily disturbing her mind.

Su Jianan secretly took a deep breath.

Isn't it just being banged against the wall? It's not the first time. You have some potential, so stay calm!

She raised a "sweet" smile: "Huh? Are you coming in to wash your hands too?"

How could Lu Boyan be confused by her smile and squinted his eyes: "If you want to know about the plane, why don't you come and ask me?"

He thought she was going to wash her hands, but he heard her chatting with Shen Yuechuan in the back seat.

When you sit next to him, you look like you want to run away, but when you turn around, you can have a very happy conversation with another man?

Su Jianan couldn't figure out whether Lu Boyan was unhappy, so he muttered: "You were busy at the time, I...I didn't want to disturb you."

Besides, she didn't have the guts to disturb him at that time because of his unapproachable expression.

"So, you are considerate of me?" The corners of Lu Boyan's lips slowly raised, and he couldn't tell whether it was pleasure or ridicule, "What about this morning, it's also a waste of time for someone to go to Luo Xiaoxi's house to pick you up.

Do you understand that I'm too busy? Huh?"

What happened in the morning... Su Jianan did avoid him on purpose.

She smiled dryly and tried to pretend to be stupid and shirk: "I...I didn't say that Xiao Xi and I would sleep at home..."

Lu Boyan raised his eyebrows: "You mean, I should be blamed?"


Su Jianan was speechless.

If you say you blame him, he will definitely be angry. But if you say you don't blame him, then you can only blame her?

Then she will be in bad luck, okay?!

In the end, Su Jianan decided to be super soft: "Brother Bo Yan, I... um..."

Lu Boyan suddenly lowered his head and captured her lips involuntarily.

Su Jianan was caught off guard, her eyes widened suddenly and her whole body became stiff.

Lu Boyan's lips were just like his, impeccably made, but cold and ruthless. They pressed softly against hers, sucking and sucking ambiguously. Su Jianan felt that he was taking away her ability to think.

Reason told her not to be like this, but her stiff hands just couldn't reach out to push Lu Boyan away.

Lu Boyan seemed to be aware of Su Jianan's struggle. He let go of Su Jianan's lips and looked at her intently. His eyes were deeper than before, and his voice was lower and more sexy: "Close your eyes."

Su Jianan blinked her eyes after a long while and looked at Lu Boyan blankly, as if she hadn't realized what had just happened.

Lu Boyan sighed and lowered his head to find Su Jianan's lips.

This time, Su Jianan clearly felt that he was slowly approaching, and his hot breath was getting closer and closer to her skin...

Her heartbeat was even more out of control than before. When Lu Boyan took her lips again, she almost subconsciously closed her eyes.

It was as if she and Lu Boyan were the only ones left in this world for an instant. She could feel Lu Boyan's every breath and every movement clearly.

He held her lips in his mouth, licking and sucking gently, as if he was tasting the sweet delicacy. His breath sprayed on her cheeks, and her cheeks suddenly warmed up...

Among the few kissing experiences, Su Jianan's head was the clearest this time, and it was also the most gentle... for Lu Boyan.

Lu Boyan's tongue pried open her teeth, and she responded stupidly, letting him take what he wanted.

This was wrong, she knew, but she couldn't resist Lu Boyan like this.

Hanging on the edge of the cliff, she seems to be giving up struggling and choosing to sink...

Lu Boyan's breathing became heavier and heavier. His hand against the wall slowly slid down, held Su Jianan's cheek, stroked her neck, and then moved down his arm to hers.

He wrapped his arms tightly around his waist and brought her into his arms without any refusal.

The distance between the two people was instantly close. Su Jianan could vaguely feel Lu Boyan's somewhat hot body temperature. Only then did she realize that they had crossed a boundary.

If this continues, she will really be shattered to pieces and never recover.

Just when Su Jianan was about to struggle, Lu Boyan let go of her.

He looked at her with deep eyes, and his voice was magnetic: "Jian An, don't be disobedient in the future."

Su Jianan couldn't see through those deep and complicated eyes. She nodded blankly and immediately lowered her eyes: "Yesterday I...although I stayed in the hotel on purpose, but...I never thought I would trouble you..."

She was just out of anger with Lu Boyan, but she never thought about making his trip go in vain.

Could it be that Lu Boyan didn't know what she was thinking, and he didn't intend to worry about it anymore, so he changed the topic: "Have you seen the news this morning?"

Su Jianan still lowered her head: "I saw it."

"Do you know that nothing happened between Han Ruoxi and me?"


"Jian An," Lu Boyan whispered her name. She raised her head and looked at him and heard him say, "I can tell the difference between you and Han Ruoxi very clearly."

Su Jianan smiled: "It's best if you can tell the difference clearly." After a pause, she added, "Actually, whatever you want, you can... don't worry about me. We made it clear when we got married.

, do not interfere with each other.”

Rather than saying this to Lu Boyan, it is better to say that she is warning herself.

The feeling just now, like being under the spell of Lu Boyan, was unbearable.

Lu Boyan still remembered what she said angrily when he pressed her against the wall the night before: "I'm not Han Ruoxi, please see clearly."

He wanted to tell her that he had never regarded her as Han Ruoxi, but what did she just say?

Lu Boyan's eyes suddenly turned cold: "If Han Ruoxi and I can do something, then what do you think we were just now? Huh?"

Su Jianan's eyes flickered twice: "Repay the interest?"

Lu Boyan took back her mother's bracelet for her, and she owed him three million. At that time, he said that the interest would be repaid in this way.

She knew it was inappropriate, but she wouldn't say it out loud. She liked the feeling of being close to Lu Boyan...

Lu Boyan raised the corners of his lips, and his smile was filled with coldness: "Su Jian'an, you are more self-conscious than I thought."

He grabbed the back of her head without hesitation and kissed her lips hard again.

This time, he was no longer as gentle as before. He clasped her tightly with one hand, and tightly circled her waist with the other hand. Every movement declared his sovereignty forcefully and domineeringly. He kissed her hard and sucked her.

The small wounds on her lips caused by his bite were not as violent as the night before, but they were still the same as ravaging her lips.

After a while, Su Jianan's lips began to ache slightly and she could no longer breathe.


She could only push Lu Boyan hard. Fortunately, Lu Boyan was still a gentleman this time and quickly let go of her.

She took two breaths and glared at Lu Boyan.

"I've been away on business for so many days," Lu Boyan stroked her wet, slightly swollen lips, "Isn't it too much to ask you to come back all at once?"

"..." Su Jianan was speechless for a moment, "Go out, I want to wash my hands."

The corners of Lu Boyan's lips raised happily, he opened the bathroom door and stepped out.

Su Jianan washed her hands and couldn't help but raise her head and look at herself in the mirror.

Cheeks are red and lips are red and swollen.

But why don’t I feel any hatred or resistance in my heart?

However, Lu Boyan finally opened his mouth to explain to her what happened that day. Nothing happened between him and Han Ruoxi.

She couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips, opened the door and walked out of the bathroom. She was surprised to find Lu Boyan standing outside. She was so frightened that she gasped: "You haven't left yet?"

"Wait for you."

Lu Boyan naturally took Su Jianan's hand, took her back to her seat, and called Shen Yuechuan over.

Shen Yuechuan was a little nervous and walked over cautiously: "Mr. Lu, what are your orders?"

Lu Boyan handed all the unprocessed documents to Shen Yuechuan: "Finish them before arriving in G City."

Shen Yuechuan seemed to understand something. He glanced at Su Jianan, took the document with a crying face, and rolled back to the back seat to read it.

Su Jianan looked at Lu Boyan in confusion: "Don't those documents require your signature?"

Lu Boyan looked at ease: "He can imitate my signature."

Shen Yuechuan's hateful voice came from the back seat: "You didn't force me!"

Su Jianan: "..." Lu Boyan is indeed a tyrant, a tyrant.

More than three hours later, the plane landed at G City International Airport.

In this city in the north, the temperature is much colder than that of City A, which has already entered summer. Su Jianan felt it as soon as she got off the plane. She hugged herself tightly unconsciously. Lu Boyan put his arm around her shoulders: "Cold?"

Su Jianan tried her best and said: "It's okay." But she unconsciously shrank into Lu Boyan's arms. In her impression, Lu Boyan's arms were warm.

How could Lu Boyan not notice her little move? He took off his coat, put it on her shoulders, and led her out of the airport.

An S600 was waiting at the exit. A man in a suit and leather shoes stood outside the car. When he saw Su Jianan, the man was stunned for a moment, and then greeted him politely: "President, Madam, welcome to G City." He obviously didn't expect that. Lu Boyan came here for official business and brought his newlywed wife with him. It seems that the CEO and his wife are as loving as reported.

Su Jianan was not used to being called "Madam" for the first time. She smiled politely at the other person. Lu Boyan opened the back seat door and let her get in, telling the man: "Go to the hotel first."


The man got into the passenger seat and told the driver to drive to the hotel. Shen Yuechuan got into another car and was sent to the company in pain.

The secretary booked Lu Boyan for a five-star hotel in the city center. The presidential suite on the top floor was spacious and comfortable. There was a small sky garden just outside the living room. It was very elegantly decorated. Su Jianan instantly felt that Lu Boyan had carried him to this strange place. The city is also worth it.

"I'm going to the company and will be back later." Lu Boyan said in a hurry, "If you need anything, ask the hotel manager or call me."

Su Jianan murmured for a few seconds: "I want to eat..." She was carried away by Lu Boyan as soon as she and Luo Xiaoxi got home at noon. The fruit salad she ate on the plane was not enough to satisfy her hunger...

Lu Boyan's movements paused, and his voice immediately softened: "There is a Western restaurant on the fourth floor, is that okay?"

Su Jianan nodded, Lu Boyan took her hand and took her downstairs.

The Western restaurant on the 4th floor is part of the hotel. It is decorated in a high-end and classy style. The male guests wear suits and leather shoes, and the female guests are also well-dressed and have exquisite makeup. Piano music flows quietly, and the environment is very comfortable.

Lu Boyan sent Su Jianan in and left. Su Jianan ordered a steak. While sitting and waiting for the meal, a man suddenly sat down in front of him: "Su Jianan? You are Su Jianan, right?"

Su Jianan raised her head and felt that the man in front of her looked familiar.

"Haha!" The man laughed happily, "You are Su Jian'an! Do you remember me? The Tang Yangming who chased you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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