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Chapter 5816 Mr. Xiao Lu, you have to work harder (1)

Lu Xiangyi once again felt that she was touched by an angel.

She turned her head and kissed the little angel's hand.

As a result, the little angel opened his hand and held it on her face.

The soft warmth came from her soft little hands... Lu Xiangyi couldn't bear to move, just feeling the little girl like this.

It’s a bit magical to think about it——

The little girl was still in her belly yesterday, but today she has a baby!

"Husband," Lu Xiangyi's eyes were filled with gentle joy, "I like her so much! What should I do?"

Zhou Sen looked at the little girl and said, "I think she also likes you very much. Maybe she knows you are your mother."

In one word, the pain caused by the knife edge was soothed.

Ten months into pregnancy, an operation, and post-operative pain...it was all worth it!

Slowly, Lu Xiangyi felt that the little girl's strength relaxed.

She lowered her voice and asked, "Husband, is our daughter asleep?"

Zhou Sen smiled and said "Yeah", "I'll take her to the nursery."

Lu Xiangyi looked at the backs of his father and daughter and felt that the pain in his body seemed to have eased a little.

Of course, this is not Zhou Sen's magic power, but the little girl's "angel power"!

Zhou Sen came back after settling his daughter, caressed Xiangyi's forehead, "Go to sleep, I'll be here with you."

Lu Xiangyi felt a little sorry for Zhou Sen, "Can't you sleep?"

"I can't sleep." Zhou Sen said with a smile, "Xiangyi, I'm so happy that I can't sleep."

Hmm...is it such an exaggeration?

Lu Xiangyi looked intently - Zhou Sen's eyes were so bright that they could almost reflect light, and his face was filled with an unconcealable joy.

Maybe it's not an exaggeration, he is just so happy.

"I'm a little tired." Lu Xiangyi kissed Zhou Sen, "I'm going to sleep first."

Zhou Sen touched Xiang Yi's head and said "hmm".

slight pain,

Can't stop sleepiness from coming.

Soon, Lu Xiangyi fell into a deep sleep.

She could feel that Zhou Sen was always by her side.

He wanted to be with her; she felt at ease with him by his side.

So, they are a match made in heaven!

Neither of the two young people expected that there would be someone unable to sleep in the suite - Mr. and Mrs. Lu Boyan.

Lu Xiyu asked someone to bring their change of clothes. Lu Boyan returned to the room and took a shower first.

When he came out, he lowered his eyes thoughtfully and sighed.

Su Jianan knew that this tone was definitely not because her daughter had given birth.

She then asked, "Why is our young Mr. Lu sighing?"

Lu Boyan's expression was serious, "I think... none of the names I chose before sounded good."

Su Jianan was petrified, "That's not what you said a few days ago!"

Just like four years ago, Lu Boyan spent a lot of time choosing a name.

A few days ago, he said very confidently, "I have already chosen the best name! When the little girl is born, we will see which name suits her and just pick one!"

What does he mean when he says that now?

Lu Boyan calmed down and said seriously, "I want to change my name!"

"...Is this necessary?" Su Jianan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Of course!" Lu Boyan said resolutely. "Jian An, do you know how I felt when I saw the little girl - none of those names are worthy of her! She is so...so...in short, she has to

Have a better name!"

Su Jianan is not a person without judgment.

But when Lu Boyan said this, she

Suddenly it makes sense.

So the couple stayed up late at night looking up dictionary meanings to name the little girl...

Some people couldn't sleep, and some people fell asleep but got up early.

It was none other than two little guys.

Lu Xiyu and Fu Ya slept late yesterday, but today is Sunday, so they can sleep until they wake up naturally before going to the hospital to see Xiangyi.

The two little guys... let them sleep in today, they like it anyway. .??.

They never expected that the little guy's plan was different from theirs.

It was only six o'clock, and they came to knock on the door.

That's right, it's a smashing on the door, not a knock.

Lu Xiyu covered Huang Fuya's ears to prevent her from being woken up by the noise, then quickly stood up and opened the door.

He wanted to train the two little guys, but he was shocked when he saw them——

The two little guys were fully dressed, holding the meeting gift for their sister in their hands. Their expressions of excitement and anticipation were so lively and endearing that it was hard to say anything reprimanding them.

Lu Xiyu knelt down and said, "You want to see your sister?"

Yan Ci emphasized, "There is still aunt!"

Yu Heng went to hold his father's hand, "Dad, let's go, I can't wait!"

Tang Yulan came out of the two little guys' room and said with a smile, "These two little guys woke up as early as an old lady like me, after five o'clock!"

Lu Xiyu rubbed the heads of the two little guys, and then asked, "Grandma, are you going to the hospital today?"

Tang Yulan was also ready to go out, saying, "I wanted to go last night, but everyone said it was too late and wouldn't let me go. Today I have to go no matter what."

"Xi Yu, Fu Ya hasn't woken up yet? Why don't you stay with her at home, and I'll take the two little ones to the hospital."

The two little guys no longer miss their parents at all, they just said "Goodbye, daddy!"

When they went downstairs, they were jumping up and down, and the whole house was filled with their laughter.

Lu Xiyu said helplessly, "You guys walk slower and support Grandma."

The two little guys, one on each side, supported Tang Yulan and said, "Grandma, please walk slower, my sister must still be sleeping in!"

Tang Yulan smiled and said, "Why don't you sleep in today?"

"We gave our sister our lazy sleep!"

After Yuheng finished speaking, he smiled to himself, as if he already had a sense of responsibility as an older brother.

When Lu Xiyu saw this, he went back to his room and closed the door.

Huang Fuya was half asleep and asked, "Why was it so noisy outside just now? What time is it?"

"The two little guys went to the hospital with grandma." Lu Xiyu said, "It's only six o'clock."

"So early..." Huang Fuya opened her eyes unexpectedly, "Did they get up by themselves?"

Lu Xiyu smiled, "I'm surprised too."

The two little guys are very obedient children, but they both like to stay in bed.

Yan Ci was as angry as Lu Xiyu when he woke up. Every day when he got up, he looked like he would not let in any strangers.

Today is the first time that they got up early by themselves.

Huang Fuya approached Lu Xiyu's arms, "It seems like having a sister is different."

Lu Xiyu looked at his wife's flawless face in the morning light and said, "They like their sister very much. In the past, although Yu Heng liked to call himself brother, Yanci did not rely on him. He seemed to be enjoying himself by calling himself brother. But today I see

They... seem to all of a sudden look like older brothers."

"Having a sister can help them learn to take care of others. This is a good thing." Huang Fuya touched her belly, "But Xiyu, we...may only have two children. Do you feel regretful?"

This chapter has been completed!
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