Turn off the lights
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Chapter 573

Qin Han silently watched Shen Yuechuan leave the bar with Xin Huan in his arms, and then turned his attention to the group of people playing games.

As expected, everyone looked confused, except Xiao Yunyun who looked like she was addicted to the game.

The more this happens, the more suspicious Qin Han feels.

But in fact, Qin Han is just a bunch of people who don't know the truth - on the day of Su Yicheng's wedding, Shen Yuechuan clearly had to put his arms around Xiao Yunyun to declare territorial sovereignty, but today he went to find his new love in front of so many people. |Have fun...

If this is a routine, it is too twists and turns! Qin Han thinks he has a pair of discerning eyes, but even he cannot see the end of this routine.

Xiao Yunyun understood, but she hoped she didn't understand.

For a moment, Xiao Yunyun's brain was blank. In this blank space, something was roaring and trying to overwhelm her. But in front of so many people, she could not let herself be swallowed up and could only be stubborn. He maintained a calm look, silently reciting the rules of the game over and over again, urging others to move faster.

To others, Xiao Yunyun seemed normal, but something seemed wrong.

"Yunyun." A girl who was relatively friendly with Xiao Yunyun grabbed Xiao Yunyun's hand and said, "You..."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yunyun raised her head, her big bright eyes flashing, like the bright stars in the night sky, looking confused and ignorant, "Are my cards wrong?"

Seeing this, the others all looked at the girl, telling her not to mention Shen Yuechuan.

If something really happened between Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yunyun, there were too many people here, and Xiao Yunyun was not particularly familiar with them. If he asked too directly, he would only be concerned and would embarrass Xiao Yunyun.

The girl was very alert and immediately understood what the others meant. She took back her hand and said with a smile: "Nothing, just keep playing."

When Xiao Yunyun was about to play cards, her cell phone rang suddenly. She raised her phone embarrassedly and said, "I have to answer a call." After saying that, she waved to Qin Han, "Come here for me."

After handing the cards to Qin Han, Xiao Yunyun went straight to the balcony on the second floor.

Compared to the noisy and joyful first floor, the second floor was as quiet as another world. Xiao Yunyun answered the phone, and a colleague's voice came from the receiver: "Yunyun, where did you put the ward round records of the 17-bed patient? It seems that they are not in the file. On the shelf.”

"I was looking at his records when I was leaving get off work, and he put them on my desk." Xiao Yunyun said, "Go and look for them on my desk."

Not long after, a colleague said he had found it. Xiao Yunyun said "hmm", hung up the phone, and was about to leave the balcony when she suddenly saw Shen Yuechuan's car downstairs.

Shen Yuechuan's eye-catching Ferrari could not be ignored even if it was thrown in the corner, let alone parked next to the door of the bar, and Xiao Yunyun was so familiar with it.

Looking down, you can see the car's convertible with its hood wide open. The girl in the passenger seat has long hair and slender white legs that are voluptuous and stretched out gracefully, making people think.

Xiao Yunyun grabbed the railing of the balcony and couldn't look away.

If she was brave enough, she should have turned around and left immediately, but looking at Shen Yuechuan and the girl, her steps seemed to be nailed to the spot by the devil, unable to move.

A few minutes ago, she saw clearly out of the corner of her eye that Shen Yuechuan put his arms around the girl, and the two left the bar in an intimate manner, like a couple in love.

At that moment, she felt as if someone had suddenly sunk to the bottom of the sea. She kept sinking and was starved of oxygen. Every cell in her body was struggling to survive, but she still had to remain normal in front of so many people, pretending that she had no idea at all. Not affected.

Xiao Yunyun didn't want to admit it, but the fact couldn't be concealed - she envied the girl sitting in Shen Yuechuan's passenger seat.

She probably will never be able to sit in that special position again.

Thinking about it, Xiao Yunyun lowered her eyelashes. At this moment, a burst of lively laughter came from downstairs. She followed the laughter and looked down. She happened to see the girl snuggling sweetly into Shen Yuechuan's arms and said something sweetly. : "You are really good and bad."

Shen Yuechuan smiled and naturally put his hands around the girl's waist. Then he lowered his head and was about to kiss the girl's lips——

Xiao Yunyun's eyes widened, and countless barrages popped up in her mind - Bastard! Don't kiss! Don't kiss anymore!

As if hearing Xiao Yunyun's inner voice, Shen Yuechuan suddenly raised his head and looked at the balcony on the second floor - Xiao Yunyun couldn't avoid it, and his eyes met Shen Yuechuan's in the air.

Xiao Yunyun was shuddered, and her first reaction was to hide, but then she thought that hiding was tantamount to concealing herself, so - she raised the corners of her lips generously, raised her hand and saluted Shen Yuechuan to show her admiration.

This time, Shen Yuechuan was very grateful. He gave Xiao Yunyun a low-key expression, then started the car, and the slutty Ferrari cut through the bright night of City A, roaring towards the hotel.

Xiao Yunyun kept smiling as she watched Shen Yuechuan's car, but as the car drove farther and farther, the smile on her face became stiffer and stiffer. When the car disappeared from sight, she kicked the railing hard: " Son of a bitch!"

Before stepping down towards the railing, Xiao Yunyun forgot one thing - it was already summer, and she was wearing open-toed sandals. When she stepped down, all the force acted on her toes.

A second later, she felt a heartbreaking pain.

"I'll wipe it!" Xiao Yunyun took a deep breath, retracted her feet with a twisted look on her face, squatted down and hugged her knees.

They say ten fingers connect to the heart, which means not only the fingers, but also the toes!

Why else would the pain in the feet spread to the heart?

Or should I say, the pain in my heart actually started a long time ago...

Xiao Yunyun closed her eyes tightly, but her eyes still heated up quickly as if they were on fire. Her eyes were hot and sore. She had to bite her lips tightly, but tears still came out of her eyes and wet her arms.

Even if you want to cry, you can't reveal your secret!

With a tough-guy feeling in her heart, Xiao Yunyun gritted her teeth and stood up, rushing to the bathroom on the second floor.

At this time, she suddenly felt very happy that there were few people on the second floor and it was quiet.

In this way, no one will know that she is crying.

What Xiao Yunyun didn't know was that Shen Yuechuan's sexy Ferrari didn't drive very far before it stopped at a certain intersection.

Although this intersection is located in the city center, there are residential buildings on both sides, so there are not many people and vehicles passing by. Shen Yuechuan suddenly parked his car here, which puzzled the girl in the passenger seat.

After a while, the girl blushed slightly and tentatively said shyly: "Although there are not many people here, it is still a main road, so it's not so good..."

Shen Yuechuan turned his head and looked at the girl, took a check and handed it to her: "Get off the car. Just a few steps ahead is the intersection. It's easy to take a taxi."

The girl stared at the check and asked hesitantly: "What... do you mean?"

"Isn't the meaning obvious?" Shen Yuechuan's face was expressionless, and he was obviously losing patience. "Don't waste my time."

The implication is that if the check is taken away quickly, the person will disappear quickly and his patience will be consumed. This is not a smart move.

The girl pursed Yeyan's big red lips, feeling unwilling to do so: "Why! Don't you want to follow me..."

"You are overthinking. I am not interested in you. I just need you to cooperate with me in a play." Shen Yuechuan ordered coldly, "I repeat for the last time: get off the car."

The girl didn't listen, but thought about the word "acting".

She remembered that before leaving the bar, Shen Yuechuan pulled Xiao Yunyun into the private room - did Shen Yuechuan want to act for that girl?

But Xiao Yunyun looks ordinary. Although she has no flaws, there is nothing outstanding about her. How can she compare with her?

The girl leaned towards Shen Yuechuan. The toes of her high heels seemed to inadvertently lift up Shen Yuechuan's trousers, and gently stroked his legs: "Acting... is not impossible. However, wouldn't it be more realistic to act in a full set? a little?"

If it were in the past, Shen Yuechuan would have liked this routine very much - although it is cliché, it cannot be denied that for men, this is a fatal sexual feeling and temptation.

But now, he only feels disgusted.

"That's enough." There was a biting chill in Shen Yuechuan's tone, and he was not moved by this temptation at all, "Go down!"

The girl stared into Shen Yuechuan's eyes, only to see an unruffled calm. She knew that her teasing failed, so she took the check and got out of the car in despair.

I thought I had caught a rich man whose appearance is directly proportional to his net worth, but I didn’t expect that what I met was just a good-looking freak!


The girl looked at the number on the check and thought proudly: This freak is quite generous!

Shen Yuechuan didn't even look at the leaving girl, and didn't care about the number on the check. He numbly closed the convertible, started the car, and returned to the apartment.

After returning to his apartment, he opened his laptop and sent an email to the doctor who treated his father.

Judging from the business card, the attending doctor at that time has become a professor.

The content of the email sent by Shen Yuechuan was very simple. He first identified himself and then told the doctor directly: Professor, I know that you have been studying my father's disease. I hope you can come to City A to continue your research. All conditions are provided, and I am willing to cooperate with your work.

At the end of the email, Shen Yuechuan left his contact information.

Unexpectedly, he received a reply from the professor soon, and the professor expressed that he hoped to have a phone call with him.

Finally, Shen Yuechuan dialed the old professor's number almost in a nervous mood.

"Mr. Shen?" The overseas phone call was connected faster than Shen Yuechuan imagined. An old man's voice came from the other side of the world, "Hello, I am your father's attending doctor."

It was this voice that told Jiang Ye about his condition back then.

Shen Yuechuan held the microphone and thought that his father had also heard this person's voice when he was young. But he didn't know if he felt the same way as he does now when he was young at that time.

This chapter has been completed!
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