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Chapter 583 I Forgive You

Ever since Su Yunjin told Shen Yuechuan about his life experience, Shen Yuechuan's attitude towards her has always been that he was not close, but not too distant.

It was this lukewarmness that made Su Yunjin confused about Shen Yuechuan's thoughts.

It wasn't until this moment that Su Yunjin suddenly realized.

It's not that Shen Yuechuan is unwilling to forgive her, nor does he hold a grudge against her.

He was just afraid that he wouldn't get better.

Yes, why didn't she think of it? Jiang Ye, who was so tough back then, confessed that he was scared after learning that he was sick, let alone Shen Yuechuan?

The difference is that Shen Yuechuan is not afraid of the disease itself, but that his departure will bring pain to the people around him.

Therefore, he not only stimulated Xiao Yunyun to give up on him, but also refused to get close to her, his biological mother.

Shen Yuechuan privately believed that as long as there was no love, his departure would be nothing to them. Even if that day did come, it would just be like a stone being thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples to appear in circles. Afterwards, calm will return soon.

In fact, after learning about his illness, Shen Yuechuan has been thinking about her and Xiao Yunyun.

Su Yunjin covered her face with her hands and suddenly cried.

Even when she saw Jiang Ye was so thin that he was almost humanoid, she was not so sad and sad.

"Ma'am," a passing nurse stopped and looked at Su Yunjin, "How can I help you?"

Su Yunjin waved her hand: "I'm fine, thank you."

The people who come in and out of this hospital are not weak financially. Judging from Su Yunjin's dress, the nurse can tell that she is a woman with a successful career.

But in the face of illness, everyone is equally vulnerable. The nurse was unable to determine whether Su Yunjin had a family member who was sick or whether there was something wrong with her own body. She just handed her a tissue and walked away silently.

Su Yunjin wiped away her tears and walked to Henry's office.

At this time, the conversation between Henry and Shen Yuechuan had just ended. When he saw Su Yunjin, Henry smiled and said, "You came just in time, I happened to be taking Yuechuan for a checkup."

Su Yunjin nodded: "I will accompany him."

The wrinkles at the corners of Henry's mouth deepened, and he and his assistant led Shen Yuechuan to the examination room for the first examination item, with Su Yunjin following behind them.

Shen Yuechuan asked. All inspection items added up would take more than two hours.

This is simply bad news for the impatient Shen Yuechuan.

But no matter how reluctant she was, she still had to undergo one examination after another. Some examinations he had heard of, some he had never heard of, some done by Henry himself, and some done by assistants...

After more than ten years, Shen Yuechuan once again tasted the feeling of being "manipulated" by others.

Although it was said that it was the doctor who "manipulated" him this time, and the doctor did not have any ill intentions, he still wanted to emphasize that this feeling was not good at all.

The only thing Shen Yuechuan could accept was Su Yunjin's gentle and considerate company.

There were too many items to check, and he had to run up and down several floors. Su Yunjin followed him all the time without saying a word about tiredness, and even helped him fill in some information.

For each project, Su Yunjin communicated with Henry and asked clearly about the purpose of the inspection and how long it would take to inspect.

It's not that Shen Yuechuan has never been to the hospital, but he has always been alone.

One person registers, one person faces the doctor, and one person pays for the medicine.

He never felt anything wrong. After all, he was not a fragile little girl and did not need the company of relatives or friends.

Only now did he realize that having a loved one by your side, even if she can't help you share your pain, is still different from being alone.

As the saying goes, one person can solve all problems, which is great, but with friends and family by your side, you will never be lonely.

Moreover, the peace of mind that you are not afraid of even if something happens temporarily is something you will never have when you are alone.

Two hours later, Henry told Shen Yuechuan that the inspection was completed.

Shen Yuechuan breathed a long sigh of relief: "When will I get the results?"

"Wait patiently for two days." Henry patted Shen Yuechuan on the shoulder, "This time, I will do it carefully and slowly, and you don't have to be in a hurry. Trust medicine, trust me, okay?"

Shen Yuechuan had no choice but to smile and nod.

"Okay." Henry said again, "You can go. Going to have a meal or a cup of coffee are both good choices."

After leaving the outpatient department building, Shen Yuechuan stopped and looked at Su Yunjin: "Let's eat together."

Su Yunjin was happy, but she still tried her best to suppress the excitement in her voice: "Okay."

Shen Yuechuan took out his mobile phone: "Do you want to eat Chinese food or Western food?"

"Chinese food." Su Yunjin's tone showed helplessness, "In the past ten years abroad, I have become tired of eating Western food. If you want to eat authentic Chinese food, you have to drive a long way. If you don't take advantage of such convenient conditions in China, you will not be able to eat them. use."

Shen Yuechuan didn't care. After hearing what Su Yunjin said, he called Zhuiyueju and asked the manager to temporarily arrange a place for two people.

While he was on the phone, Shen Yuechuan had already driven the car out of the garage. He parked the car, got down and opened the door for Su Yunjin.

The hospital is not very far from Zhuiyueju. Within thirty minutes, Shen Yuechuan's car stopped in front of Zhuiyueju. A waiter came up, opened the car door, and led Shen Yuechuan and Su Yunjin into the restaurant.

After sitting down, Shen Yuechuan handed the menu to Su Yunjin, but Su Yunjin didn't read much and blurted out a few dishes.

Shen Yuechuan noticed that what Su Yunjin ordered were all the century-old signature dishes of this restaurant, which had been on the menu since the restaurant opened. He felt a little strange.

Su Yunjin seemed to have seen through Shen Yuechuan's doubts and said with a smile: "This is my favorite tea restaurant. I haven't eaten here for many years, but I still remember the taste and dishes here."

She seemed to be lost in memories and paused before continuing: "Back then, I told your father about this restaurant. We made an appointment to eat the signature dishes here after graduation and returning to China."

After saying that, Su Yunjin looked at Shen Yuechuan, her eyes becoming a little misty - Shen Yuechuan really looked like Jiang Ye.

The only difference may be temperament.

Back then, Jiang Ye gave people a clean and comfortable feeling, without any threat. He was such a gentleman that people couldn't help but want to get close to him.

Shen Yuechuan is the complete opposite. He is frivolous and elegant, like an unruly wind that will not take root anywhere. Girls should avoid him.

His facial features are really good, and his superior conditions give him a fatal attraction. His every word, every action, every gesture, exudes strong attraction, making people involuntarily focus their attention. in his body.

No wonder someone as calm and rational as Xiao Yunyun could not escape Shen Yuechuan's grasp, just like Su Yunjin could not forget Jiang Ye in her life.

There was a hint of bitterness in Su Yunjin's smile: "Unfortunately, he didn't taste the old signature dishes here in the end. His taste has always been very light, so he likes the dishes of this cuisine..."

Shen Yuechuan thought for a while and asked, "Was it painful when he left?"



"No." Su Yunjin said, "When he left, you were in his arms and I was by his side. He should have only regrets and no pain."

Something surged violently in Shen Yuechuan's heart. He lowered his eyes and tried hard not to let himself imagine that scene.

He asked the wrong person. When his father passed away, the person who suffered was Su Yunjin.

Su Yunjin wiped away the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes, took out a blue envelope from her bag and handed it to Shen Yuechuan.

Born in the Internet era, Shen Yuechuan has not received a paper letter for more than ten years. He couldn't help but ask: "What is this?"

"Your father left it for you." Su Yunjin said, "Before he left, he left two letters with Henry. One of them is mine. This letter... He asked Henry to tell me that he would give it to me when you are eighteen years old. You. I'm sorry, I'm many years late."

Shen Yuechuan took the letter. It was as big as a palm and less than one centimeter thick. He held it in his hand, but it felt like it weighed a thousand kilograms.

This is the only connection between him and the father he has never met.

"I don't know what he said to you in the letter." Su Yunjin never opened this letter for so many years. "I was afraid that he would blame me for abandoning you, so I never dared to read it."

Shen Yuechuan collected the letter as if it were a vital object: "I really don't blame you for choosing to give up on me back then, and you don't need to blame yourself."

"..." Su Yunjin looked at Shen Yuechuan and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

"In that case, it is the best choice for you to give up on me." Shen Yuechuan said, "Otherwise, I don't know where I will be sent by Su Hongyuan, and I won't be able to know Bo Yan and Mu Qi. My life may be different. Worse than being in an orphanage."

Su Yunjin asked in a trembling voice: "Do you really think so?"

"That's right." Shen Yuechuan said, "When I was young, I did blame you, and even hated you and my father. But now, I have let it go, and you don't need to take it to heart anymore. I am serious. of."

Su Yunjin still couldn't hold it back, tears suddenly burst into her eyes.

She held a tissue and kept wiping the tears rolling down from the corners of her eyes, but it seemed that the tears would never be wiped away. Finally, she simply covered her face with her hands and pressed the tissue over her eyes.

The matter of abandoning Shen Yuechuan has always been a knot in Su Yunjin's heart.

Over the years, this knot had been tied in her heart. It never saw the light of day, but it maintained its vitality. It tightened from time to time, causing her a sharp pain, which made her more regretful and sad than Jiang Ye's departure.

Under this inhuman mental torture, nightmares have plagued Su Yunjin all year round. She always dreams of Jiang Ye, or Shen Yuechuan when he was just born.

She dreamed that Jiang Ye accused her of not being able to take good care of their only child. She dreamed that Shen Yuechuan, who was still a baby, grew up little by little, but told her word by word that he would hate her forever and never would. Forgive her.

Su Yunjin once thought that she would never have a chance to make amends and that she would never be forgiven by her children.

So for so many years, she didn't even dare to try to find Shen Yuechuan.

It wasn't until she received Henry's call that she suddenly realized that she couldn't be so irresponsible and let her children repeat Jiang Ye's tragedy just because of her own fear.

Later, she started looking for Shen Yuechuan, but Lu Boyan wanted to protect Shen Yuechuan's information. She searched orphanages throughout the United States but found nothing.

But the god of luck was still willing to favor her. In order to attend Su Yicheng's wedding, she set foot on her motherland after more than 20 years of absence.

As soon as she left the airport, she found her only son in the most familiar place...

This chapter has been completed!
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