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Chapter 587 Su Jianan is expecting to give birth (2)

After thinking about it for so long, he still couldn't think of a satisfactory name, but Lu Boyan said, maybe he can think of a good name after the little guy is born?

Although this statement is unfounded, it is not unreasonable.

Su Jian'an simply didn't think about it anymore, spread her hands and said, "Then you can think about it slowly after they are born."

Her tone made it clear that she didn't intend to care about this matter. Lu Boyan couldn't help but look at her: "What about you?"

"I'm responsible for bringing them into this world!" Su Jian'an said seriously, "I'll be responsible for the physical work and leave the mental work to you - isn't that too much? Besides, this kind of mental work means nothing to you.

How difficult!”

"..." Lu Boyan was speechless by such oblique praise.

During dinner, Tang Yulan called, and Su Jianan took the initiative to tell her: "Mom, I will go to the hospital tomorrow to wait for delivery."

Tang Yulan called just because of this matter. Su Jianan had expected it and was worried that Tang Yulan didn't know how to talk to her, so she took the initiative to tell Tang Yulan.

Tang Yulan was surprised, but even more pleased, and warned: "Jian An, when you get to the hospital, don't think too much about anything, Bo Yan and I will be with you."

Su Jianan pursed her lips: "Yeah! I know."

"Then you guys eat first." Tang Yulan's every word was filled with joy, "I'll call the hospital first to make arrangements."

Su Jianan said "Okay", put down her phone, raised her head, and met Lu Boyan's smiling eyes.

She wondered for a moment: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Lu Boyan pushed a bowl of soup in front of Su Jian'an and warned carefully, "Be careful because it's hot."

After the meal, the two returned to the room. Lu Boyan said, "Aunt Liu has packed your clothes. Do you need to bring anything else?"

Su Jianan walked around the room, and when she came back to Lu Boyan, she had a few more things in her hand, and handed them all to Lu Boyan: "Put these in the suitcase for me too."

Lu Boyan looked at it and saw that it was also the iPad that Su Jianan used to read things. She could take it to the hospital if she wanted to. There was also a parenting book written by a famous domestic parenting expert. Su Jianan had almost read it.

It’s understandable that she wants to take her to the hospital for examination.

But what’s going on with those two English novels with weird covers and scary titles?

Lu Boyan has always known that Su Jianan likes to read this kind of novel, but is it really appropriate to read this kind of novel at this time?

Lu Boyan praised the two new books that had not even been opened from the plastic packaging: "Are you sure you want to bring this?"

"I'm sure!" Su Jian'an nodded with certainty, "This is a new book, and it's not available in China yet. A former classmate specially sent it to me from the United States. Don't let me down!"

At the end of the sentence, Su Jianan seemed to be a man who could not be refused. Lu Boyan had no way to refute and helped her pack her things into the suitcase with a complicated expression.

Su Jianan noticed that Lu Boyan seemed to be worried, and asked doubtfully: "What are you worried about?"

"The issue of prenatal education." Lu Boyan said.

Su Jianan thought for a moment and understood what Lu Boyan meant: "Are you worried that your baby will be like me when he grows up?"

Lu Boyan was indeed worried that the little guy's taste would be as unique as Su Jian'an's when he grew up, but when he looked at Su Jian'an, his eyes became gentle little by little, and finally compromised, "Forget it, there's nothing wrong with being like you..."

Su Jianan pursed her lips, and a happy smile spread from the corners of her mouth to her eyebrows, and penetrated into her beautiful peach blossom eyes.

If the little one in her belly is a daughter, Su Jianan will try not to let her daughter grow up to look like her.

Because the only Lu Boyan in the world has already married her. If their daughter grows up to look like a replica of Su Jianan, where can they find the second Lu Boyan?

The next day, the weekend, the sun was just right.

At ten o'clock sharp, Uncle Qian drove, and Lu Boyan and Su Jianan set off from home to the hospital.

Uncle Qian has been working as a driver for the Lu family for so many years. This is the happiest time for him. He kept saying along the way: "It's great. Next time I pick you up, there will be two more children at home!"

Aunt Liu, who went to the hospital to take care of Su Jianan, also smiled and agreed: "Yes, after waiting for so many years, I have finally waited for this day. The family will definitely be more lively in the future, and the old lady must be very happy!"

Su Jianan leaned in Lu Boyan's arms and listened to the conversation between Uncle Qian and Aunt Liu. She couldn't help but raise her head and met Lu Boyan's soft eyes. She smiled at him, and a smile immediately appeared on Lu Boyan.

The lips spread.

It's great, everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the two little guys.

At ten forty, the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital. The dean and the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department personally received them and took Lu Boyan and Su Jianan to the delivery room.

Compared with other departments, the obstetrics and gynecology department and postpartum care center of the hospital are independent and merged into a single white European-style building. Looking from a distance, Su Jianan did not believe that this was a department of the same hospital.

But when I think about it carefully, this warm, clean and sacred place seems to be more suitable for welcoming new life than the cold hospital departments.

Su Jianan's delivery room is on the top floor. It has two bedrooms and one living room with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. It is spacious and bright. The balcony of the room can not only see the garden of the hospital, but also the night view of the city center from a distance.

The decoration of the suite itself is very good. After Tang Yulan specially decorated it, it doesn't look like a hospital delivery room at all, but more like a small home. The decoration style is very similar to the apartment where Su Jianan lived before.

Tang Yulan had been waiting for Su Jianan in the suite. As soon as he waited for her, he showed her around and finally asked: "Jian An, how do you feel?"

"I like it very much." Su Jianan smiled and said, "Mom, thank you."

"Why are you being polite to Mom?" Tang Yulan said with a smile, "Not only are you staying here, my grandchildren will also be staying here for a few days. You feel comfortable, which is more important than anything else!"

The dean has seen many wealthy mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law, but it is rare to see wealthy mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law who are so harmonious and happy. The smiles on their faces are no longer professional. He said warmly: "Mr. Lu, Mrs. Lu, let's go and get busy first. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time."

contact us."

Tang Yulan sent away the dean and department director, leaving only a few people from the Lu family in the ward.

Su Jianan opened her suitcase. Before she could start packing her luggage, Tang Yulan came over and stopped her: "Bo Yan is here, let him come! Let's go to the garden for a walk."

Aunt Liu on the side couldn't help but smile: "If you don't know, I must think that my wife is the old lady's biological daughter!"

Lu Boyan had long known that his status in Tang Yulan's heart was not as good as that of Su Jianan, so he was not too surprised and asked Aunt Liu to follow Su Jianan and Tang Yulan downstairs in case they needed anything suddenly. As for the luggage, he could pack it alone.


Tang Yulan will come here for a comprehensive physical examination every six months. Occasionally, friends who are not feeling well need to come over to visit, so she is very familiar with the hospital environment. As soon as she gets out of the elevator, she takes Su Jianan to the garden with familiar steps.

Considering Su Jianan's inconvenience, Tang Yulan slowed down her pace, but this did not prevent her from sighing: "Time flies so fast. At this time last year, you and Boyan suddenly started to break up, which scared the shit out of me.

Ah... Fortunately, you guys were just making a fuss, otherwise I wouldn’t know how to explain it to you | mother.”

"Mom, don't worry." Su Jianan held Tang Yulan's hand, "No matter what happens in the future, Bo Yan and I will face it together. We will never be separated again."

Tang Yulan nodded with relief: "By the way, have you decided on the name of the baby boy?"

"No, I've never been satisfied." Su Jian'an suddenly remembered something and asked with interest, "Mom, did you choose the name 'Bo Yan' or did your father give it to you?"

"I picked it up." Tang Yulan said with a sense of accomplishment, "When I was pregnant with Bo Yan, I flipped through the Book of Songs out of boredom and saw the sentence 'picking the vines, picking them up with thin words'. Although

These two words have no real meaning, but Bo Yan’s father and I both think it sounds very nice. So, Bo Yan is called Boyan.”

After saying that, Tang Yulan suddenly felt emotional: "Speaking of which, after the two little guys are born, I have to go to your mother and tell Bo Yan's father. They... should be able to feel at ease."

"Mom, we are all fine now." Su Jian'an said, "Dad and my mother should have stopped worrying about us a long time ago."

Tang Yulan nodded and walked around with Su Jianan for a while. It was already noon. She called Lu Boyan and asked him to come down and take them to dinner.

The hospital has Chinese and Western restaurants, and there are also several good restaurants near the hospital. Lu Boyan asked Su Jianan and Tang Yulan what they wanted to eat, but Tang Yulan gave Su Jianan full power of choice.

Su Jianan's appetite has been average recently. After thinking for a long time, she couldn't decide what to eat, so she gave Lu Boyan a look of help.

Lu Boyan touched Su Jianan's head: "How about that tea restaurant nearby? Mom likes their soup, and you like their signature dishes. It's just right."

It sounded like a good choice, but Su Jianan noticed that Lu Boyan had forgotten about her, and couldn't help but ask: "What about you?"

Lu Boyan raised his eyebrows: "Will you consider me?"

Su Jian'an was stunned for a moment, then turned to see that Tang Yulan was already suppressing a smile. She and Tang Yulan shook their heads in unison: "No."

Lu Boyan raised his eyebrows, still looking not surprised at all: "Let's go, let's go to the tea restaurant."

When picking up the car, Lu Boyan called his assistant and asked him to contact the restaurant to reserve a seat.

After the three of them finished eating, it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon. Tang Yulan was already tired after working hard all morning. Lu Boyan arranged for Uncle Qian to take Tang Yulan back, and he and Su Jianan walked back to the hotel.

On a summer afternoon, under the leafy sycamore trees, the figures of Lu Boyan and Su Jianan were elongated by the sunlight. Their smiles were stained by the sunlight shining through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and their postures looked particularly relaxed.

This chapter has been completed!
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