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Chapter 597 Lu Xiyu, Lu Xiangyi (1)

The room has been thoroughly disinfected, and the sheets and quilts have been replaced with brand new ones. On the small white table is a delicately crafted glass vase with a bouquet of plump and fresh white roses in it.

Compared with ordinary wards, this place is much more comfortable.

Lu Boyan walked to the bed, pulled up a chair and sat down, looking at Su Jianan for a moment.

Su Jianan hasn't woken up yet, and only the rehydration liquid continues to flow into her body through the infusion tube and needle.

Lu Boyan held Su Jianan's hand without the needle. Perhaps because she had lost too much blood, her hand was still very cold.

He unconsciously wrapped Su Jianan's hand tightly, and just sat calmly by the bed, waiting for Su Jianan to wake up.

This doesn't mean he doesn't care about the two newly born little guys.

It's just that in comparison, he needs to accompany Su Jianan more.

With the two little guys, there were not only Tang Yulan, but also Su Yicheng and Luo Xiaoxi. Su Jianan was the only one with him.

Su Jianan had just come out of the operating room, and he didn't want there to be no one around her when she woke up.

At least, he should be there.

The time it took for Su Jianan to wake up was shorter than Dr. Han expected.

Less than an hour later, she slowly opened her eyes. In her blurry vision, she saw Lu Boyan's face and the infusion bottle dripping with liquid.

Lu Boyan noticed Su Jianan's movement immediately and held her hand: "Jian An?" There was anxiety in his voice.

Su Jianan's vision gradually became clearer, and she realized that Lu Boyan's brows were furrowed, like a little old man who was deeply anxious and worried.

She forced out a smile and touched Lu Boyan's face with her fair and cold hands: "It's over, why do you still have this expression?"

Lu Boyan confirmed that Su Jianan was really awake. Instead of letting go of her hand, he held it tighter.

He lowered his head and kissed Su Jianan's lips slowly and solemnly: "Honey, thank you for your hard work."

Su Jianan smiled nonchalantly.

Because there was an incision on her lower abdomen, she did not dare to move. She glanced around the room: "Where is the baby? How long have I slept?"

"Less than an hour."

Lu Boyan was about to tell Su Jianan that the two little ones had been taken to take a bath, but before he could say anything, the door to the room was pushed open, and Luo Xiaoxi rushed in and said:

"The baby is coming back soon. Aunt Tang and Yicheng will bring the baby back soon! They just took a bath and went for a lot of tests, and now they have the last one left, what is it called ap..."

"apgar." Su Jianan caught Luo Xiaoxi's words, "Newborn score."

"Yes, that's it, we have to draw blood from the heel." Luo Xiaoxi's beautiful features almost wrinkled, "A newborn child is really just a child, so having to draw blood is a bit cruel.

I’ll be back first.”

Obviously, Luo Xiaoxi was not the only one who couldn't accept this matter. After hearing her words, Lu Boyan's brows furrowed.

Su Jianan looked at the situation and said hurriedly: "This is an examination that every newborn must undergo."

"I know, it's all for the baby's good and safety - that's what the nurse said too!" Luo Xiaoxi looked at Su Jian'an, with a faint excitement in her voice, "During the blood draw, the nurse kept praising the two little ones.

The guy is good-looking! My sister hasn’t opened her eyes yet, and my brother fell asleep while taking a shower, with a look on his face like ‘this baby is cool’!”

Sister, brother?

Su Jianan looked at Lu Boyan in disbelief, with surprise and blame in her eyes.

She once said that it would be best for the two little guys in her belly to be a boy and a girl. Unexpectedly, this is actually the case, and they are still brother and sister!

Lu Boyan should have told her when she woke up!

Lu Boyan touched Su Jianan's head apologetically: "Sorry, I was only looking out for you and forgot about them."

Su Jianan was holding on to the bed and was about to get up, but was held down by Lu Boyan: "The doctor said you can't move around today."

"I want to see the baby." Su Jianan's voice was full of excited anticipation.

When she first woke up, she still felt a little tired.

But at this moment, let alone getting out of bed to see the children, she had no problem holding both children!

"I'll go and bring them back." Lu Boyan pulled up the quilt for Su Jian'an again, "Wait for a while and don't move."

As soon as Lu Boyan walked out of the ward, Luo Xiaoxi came over with a smile, bent down and looked at Su Jianan: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay." Su Jianan couldn't stop the smile on her lips, "By the way, who does the baby look more like?"

"My sister hasn't opened her eyes yet, so I can't tell clearly." Luo Xiaoxi smiled, "However, my brother looks very much like your boss Lu! Especially the outline, they are carved from the same mold. The Lu family

It won’t be a problem to pass on the good genes.”

The smile on Su Jianan's lips deepened. At this moment, the bedroom door was pushed open. Lu Boyan and Su Yicheng came back with the two little guys in their arms, and Tang Yulan followed happily.

Lu Boyan and Su Yicheng put the children on the bed and let them lie side by side next to Su Jianan.

Su Jianan looked at the two little guys blankly, a little in disbelief.

The brother and sister were wearing the same baby clothes and wrapped in soft towels. They were even smaller than she had imagined.

These two little guys slowly grew up and took shape in her belly. Now that they have finally come to this world, they will slowly grow up and call her and Lu Boyan mom and dad, and grow up to be like them.

The same adults.

They, Lu Boyan and her have an inseparable blood relationship.

If Su Jianan didn't know how to be a mother before, now she doesn't have this trouble.

The first time she saw the two little guys, she knew that she would take care of them carefully all the way, even if it was windy and rainy, she would protect them so that they could grow up calmly and slowly understand some truths and things.

I also slowly saw the beauty of this world.

She is their mother and should do this.

"Jian An," Luo Xiaoxi looked at Su Jian'an mysteriously, "can you tell which one is the brother and which one is the sister?"

The brother was asleep and looked like his sister, who had not yet opened his eyes. They were both lying next to Su Jianan, and the babies looked similar. It was actually difficult to tell who was the brother and who was the sister at a glance.

But Su Jianan didn't look at it much and pointed to the little guy lying next to her and said, "This is my sister, and the one outside is my brother."

Luo Xiaoxi originally wanted to embarrass Su Jianan, but Su Jianan guessed it right. She had never seen these two little guys before, and she guessed it right at once!

"That's amazing." Luo Xiaoxi sighed, but couldn't help but be curious, "Jian An, how did you recognize them?"

Su Jianan smiled: "This is called telepathy! You will understand when you become a mother!"

Luo Xiaoxi nodded and said tactfully: "Then I probably won't understand too soon."

Su Jianan touched her sister's little face. The little guy suddenly stretched out his thin hands and pursed his lips as if he was about to cry, as if he was dissatisfied that he was suddenly disturbed.

Then, she slowly opened her eyes.

The little guy's eyes are very much like Su Jian'an's, with obvious double eyelids, dark and bright, shining with the unique innocence of a child.

If she closed her eyes, she looked like a quiet little princess. Then when she opened her eyes, she looked like an angel who strayed into the mortal world.

If you look carefully at her facial features, she actually looks a bit like Su Jianan. She has a small face, a small and smart nose, and delicate eyebrows. The more you look at her, the more surprising she becomes.

Su Jianan looked at the little guy and suddenly couldn't look away. It wasn't because the little guy's eyes were so beautiful, but because the little guy was also looking at her, as if he knew she was her mother. There was a subtle connection between them.

Time slowly builds up.

Su Jian'an couldn't help but turned her head and kissed the little guy's face. The little guy didn't object to Su Jian'an's intimate contact. He even raised his hand to touch Su Jian'an's face and stayed there for a while before putting it down.

Su Jianan's heart was so soft that the happiness in her smile was so full that it almost overflowed.

Luo Xiaoxi couldn't help but feel moved when she saw it: "I also want to have a daughter..."

Su Jianan raised her head and looked at Luo Xiaoxi with a smile, and motioned her with her eyes to tell Su Yicheng - whether Luo Xiaoxi wanted to have a daughter or a son, only Su Yicheng could help her.

Luo Xiaoxi looked away and pretended not to hear anything.

Tang Yulan came over and looked at the two little guys lying next to Su Jianan, her eyes full of love: "The most important thing now is the name. We haven't even decided on the baby's name yet."

"Mom, didn't you take one?" Su Jian'an said, "It's so pleasant."

"Lu Xinyi?" Tang Yulan pondered for a moment and shook her head, "In my time, this name might have been good. But it's not good now. It's too common. My beautiful little granddaughter can't be called such a common name."

In other words, whether it is a boy|baby or a girl|baby's name, you need to rethink it.

Su Jian'an pulled the quilt and gave Lu Boyan a look.

She and Lu Boyan had already made an agreement: she would be responsible for the physical work - bringing the two little guys into this world; Lu Boyan would be responsible for the mental work - thinking of names for the two little guys.

Lu Boyan raised his eyebrows: "Are you going to leave everything to me?"

"I can be responsible for half of it." Su Jian'an pondered for a moment, "Actually, 'Xinyi' doesn't sound bad, but it may have the same name. How about changing the word 'Xin' to 'Xiang' and calling it Lu Xiangyi?"

It is always appropriate to wear light makeup and heavy makeup. For a girl, this meaning is very good.

Luo Xiaoxi raised her hand: "Although it has nothing to do with me, I still want to agree."

Su Jianan asked Tang Yulan again: "Mom, what do you think?"

"Of course." Tang Yulan savored the charm of the name and kept nodding, "It sounds very nice."

"Unanimous vote passed!" Su Jianan looked at Lu Boyan with a sense of accomplishment, with a hint of provocation in his tone, "The rest is up to you."

Lu Boyan squatted down, looked at the little guy lying next to Xiangyi's child, gently stroked his face, and said after a moment:

"How about 'Western Yu'? The 'West' in Seattle, the 'Yu' in Yunnan."

Lu Xiyu.

Although I'm not sure if this name has any special meaning, but even if it doesn't, I can't deny that this name sounds good.

Everyone else agreed with the name. Only Su Jianan muttered the name silently in her heart, and then fell into memories...

This chapter has been completed!
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