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Chapter 621 Life is still unknown

After leaving the doctor's office, Su Jianan remained silent, and Lu Boyan just held her hand along the way.

After returning to the obstetrics department and entering the elevator, Lu Boyan turned Su Jianan's body and asked her to face him: "Jian An, Xiangyi's asthma is not your fault."

Su Jianan still couldn't accept it and shook her head: "Although it is not life-threatening, this disease will have a great impact on her future life. She will lose a lot of things as she grows up."

After a pause, Su Jianan pursed her lips and continued: "She was born to me. It's not my fault. Whose fault could it be?"

Little Xiangyi came into this world less than five days ago. Before that, she had no symptoms of childhood asthma. She suddenly couldn't breathe this morning.

In other words, her asthma was probably brought from the womb.

Su Jianan thought that there must be something she failed to do when she was pregnant with Xiao Xiangyi, which caused this disease to plague her daughter.

Lu Boyan sighed lowly and tried his best to comfort Su Jian'an: "The doctor said that the cause of the disease is unknown, which means: this is a very accidental thing. If you follow your logic and pursue the responsibility, then it should be mine to pursue it to the end.


Su Jianan was stunned for a moment without knowing why. It took a moment to understand what Lu Boyan meant, and she looked at him dumbfounded: "Stop joking." She was not in that mood at all now.

Lu Boyan raised his hand and looked at the time: "Mom should be here, listen to what she has to say."

Su Jianan still felt like something was hanging in her mind. She said "hmm" and followed Lu Boyan to the suite.

Lu Boyan guessed correctly, Tang Yulan was already in the suite, but when she came in, there were only two nurses in the suite taking care of the two little ones, and Lu Boyan and Su Jianan were nowhere to be seen.

As for the two little ones, only Xi Yu was awake, while Xiao Xiangyi was still sleeping soundly, with a tender face, and her breathing was quiet and quiet, making people unable to bear to disturb her sweet dream.

Tang Yulan picked up Xiao Xiyu and asked the nurse in a low voice: "Where are his father and mother?"

The nurse thought for a while and said truthfully: "Xiangyi suddenly felt unwell in the morning and went for several tests. Now, Mr. and Mrs. Lu should go to Director Qiu's office to learn about Xiangyi's situation."

"My granddaughter is not feeling well?" Tang Yulan hurriedly walked to Xiao Xiangyi's crib and touched the little guy's sleeping face. "No wonder she is still asleep at this time. What is wrong with her? Is it serious?"

The nurse didn't know the specific situation and was wondering how to answer when Lu Boyan and Su Jianan came back.

Tang Yulan walked over quickly holding Xiao Xiyu in her arms, "What's wrong with Xiangyi? What's going on?"

"Mom, don't worry." Lu Boyan hugged Xi Yu and signaled Tang Yulan not to worry, "Asthma in children is not very dangerous, and the doctor will try his best to treat it. Even if there is nothing he can do, it will only have a negative impact on Xiang Yi's future life.

Some impact.”


"Mom, I'm sorry." Su Jianan lowered her head, her voice full of guilt, "We only discovered something was wrong with Xiangyi this morning. After the examination, the doctor said that the cause of Xiangyi's illness...is unknown."

"The cause of the disease is unknown?" Tang Yulan chewed these words carefully and suddenly said, "Could it be inherited from another generation? Bo Yan's great-grandfather suffered from childhood asthma since he was born. It is said to be hereditary."

Su Jian'an thought of the director's words: It might be inherited from generation to generation.

As if she had found a glimmer of hope, she quickly asked: "Mom, what happened to my great-grandfather in the end? Has his asthma been cured?"

"There is relief, but there is no cure." Tang Yulan's tone is quite relaxed, "But, the old man also lived peacefully until he was over eighty years old. He will naturally grow old, sick and die, and it has nothing to do with asthma."

Su Jianan breathed a sigh of relief: "In normal times, does asthma have any impact on great-grandfather's life?"

"As for this, I just listened to what Bo Yan's great-grandmother said." Tang Yulan said with a smile, "It definitely has an impact, but it is limited to not doing too strenuous exercise. This directly led to the fact that during physical education class, others

Being trained to death by the physical education teacher, your great-grandfather just sat under the shade of a tree and ate popsicles to enjoy the coolness. Apart from this, there was basically no other influence."

After saying that, Tang Yulan looked at Su Jian'an in confusion: "Jian An, what did you apologize to me for just now?"

Lu Boyan touched Su Jianan's head helplessly: "She thinks Xiang Yi's asthma is her fault."

Tang Yulan couldn't help but laugh out loud, looked at Su Jianan with pity and helplessness, and said:

"Mom understands how you feel now. When I was pregnant with Boyan, his father told me that Boyan didn't know whether he would inherit asthma. I was worried until Boyan was born. Later, the doctor checked that Boyan was fine. I

I was relieved. I just didn’t expect that this asthma would be passed down to Xiangyi from generation to generation. Silly boy, this is not your fault. If you really want to blame it, it can only be the ancestors of the Lu family."

Su Jianan looked like she was frightened, and shook her head hurriedly: "How is this possible!"

Tang Yulan smiled and patted Su Jianan's shoulder gently: "Mom is joking with you."

Lu Boyan took Su Jianan's hand and said, "Did you hear that? It's not your fault."

Su Jianan pursed her lips and her expression finally softened a little: "What should we do next?"

"Of course I have to ask someone to take good care of my little granddaughter." Tang Yulan looked at Xiao Xiangyi with loving eyes, "She will occasionally feel uncomfortable in the future, but as long as we take good care of her, she can grow up healthily, so

Don't worry too much. Besides, medical treatments are so much more advanced now than they were a few decades ago, and doctors may be able to cure our little Xiangyi's asthma."

Only then did Su Jianan remember that they could place their last hope on the doctor.

The worry in her expression finally slowly subsided and she nodded.

At this time, Xiao Xiyu had also fallen asleep in Lu Boyan's arms, tilting his head and leaning on Lu Boyan's chest, breathing shallowly, looking very lovable.

Tang Yulan asked Lu Boyan to put the little one on the crib, and then said: "I have brought you and Jian An's breakfast, and it is placed in the restaurant outside. You can go and eat while it is still hot, Xi Yu and

I'll take care of you if you like."

The division of labor between the three people was happily decided. Lu Boyan took Su Jianan out for breakfast, while Tang Yulan stayed in the room and watched the two little guys.

Dining room.

While eating, Su Jianan's appetite was obviously not as good as before. Lu Boyan heated up a glass of milk for her and asked, "Still thinking about Xiangyi?"

Su Jianan nodded: "I'm thinking, if the doctor can't do anything, how can we minimize the impact of asthma on Xiangyi."

Lu Boyan frowned and said half suggestion and half command: "Jian An, we should leave this matter to the doctors - they are more professional than us. When I get to the company, I will ask Yue Chuan to contact the experts. As for you - after the operation

Your body hasn’t recovered yet, don’t think too much, take good care of your body first.”

Su Jianan raised her head and looked at Lu Boyan. There was still a power of belief in his deep eyes.

Just like before, whenever something happened, she would think of Lu Boyan, and as long as Lu Boyan appeared, she would know that everything would be fine, and Lu Boyan would solve the problem for her.

She suddenly felt at ease, said "hmm" and drank the hot milk handed over by Lu Boyan.

Lu Boyan could solve her problems in the past without any pressure. He should be able to solve his daughter's problems faster and more efficiently.

She just needs to trust Lu Boyan.

After breakfast, Lu Boyan set off to the company.

As soon as he arrived at the company, he told Shen Yuechuan about Xiangyi's situation without reservation.

Finally, Lu Boyan said: "Contact a pediatrician, whether it is domestic or foreign, as long as he is authoritative in the field of pediatric asthma. No matter what conditions they put forward, they will be met, as long as they come for Xiangyi consultation."

"I'll do this right away after I finish what I'm doing." Shen Yuechuan's face showed an unprecedented seriousness, "How could Xiangyi be in this situation?" He hugged the little guy, who looked so beautiful and cute. Little angel, she should obviously grow up healthily under the love of thousands of people, so how could she have asthma?

Lu Boyan frowned and said helplessly: "It's inherited from one generation to the next."

"..." Shen Yuechuan was silent for a moment, "This is an uncontrollable factor, and neither you nor Jian An can do anything about it. By the way, is Xi Yu okay?"

"It's okay for now. If something is wrong, we will arrange for him to have a check-up." After a pause, Lu Boyan continued, "Xiangyi has asthma. We can't let the media know about it. You can take care of it at the hospital."

Shen Yuechuan nodded: "I understand. Is there anything else?"

"And another thing -" Lu Boyan said, "you can ask Yunyun about contacting experts. After all, she is in the medical field. How to find a professional and authoritative doctor, she should know better than you."

Shen Yuechuan was stunned for a moment, then struggled to squeeze out a smile: "Don't you know, recently... I have tried to avoid her as much as possible. Only when I don't see her can I clearly realize that she is my sister. But as soon as I see her , my thoughts will lose control... I don’t like the way I lose control.”

"How long can you control yourself?" Lu Boyan said sharply, "You are brother and sister - this truth will be exposed sooner or later. You can't avoid her your whole life."

Shen Yuechuan raised the corners of his lips. This time, there was a hint of bitterness in his smile.

After a moment, he sighed: "I hope I can avoid her for the rest of my life."

Lu Boyan frowned: "What do you mean?"

Shen Yuechuan shrugged his shoulders pretending to be relaxed: "It's not interesting. If you have nothing else to do, you can go back to your office. I have to be busy. If I need Yunyun's help with finding a doctor, I will ask her."

Lu Boyan didn't notice anything unusual about Shen Yuechuan and returned to his office.

A long time later, when he recalled this moment, Lu Boyan understood what Shen Yuechuan meant.

Shen Yuechuan wanted to say:

Whether he will live his whole life is still unknown.

This chapter has been completed!
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