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Chapter 634 Full of hope, plan for the worst (1)

After drinking the milk, the two little guys also fell asleep.

Aunt Liu asked Lu Boyan and Su Jianan to go back to their room to rest, and said, "Sister-in-law Wu and I will take care of Xiyu and Xiangyi, so you can rest assured."

There was really nothing to worry about. Su Jian'an asked Lu Boyan to go back to the master bedroom next door.

Thanks to proper recovery after the surgery, the incision on Su Jianan's lower abdomen no longer hurts, and some movements in daily life are no longer restricted.

She went to the cloakroom and took out a set of men's pajamas. When she handed it to Lu Boyan, she asked, "Will the pediatrician Yuechuan helped Xiangyi find arrive tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Lu Boyan took the clothes, "What's wrong?"

Su Jianan looked thoughtful: "I remember you said that Yuechuan must be looking for the most authoritative experts, and they will find ways to cure suitable asthma."

"Of course." Lu Boyan touched Su Jianan's head, "So, we just need to take good care of Xiangyi. Let the doctor figure out other things."

Su Jianan pursed her lips and smiled: "In other words, we don't have to worry!"

Lu Boyan heard clearly, and Su Jianan emphasized "we".

He stared at Su Jianan closely, and it took him a moment to realize that she was trying to comfort him in a roundabout way.

She didn't know when she saw that he was also worried about Xiangyi's condition.

Lu Boyan raised the corners of his lips, hugged Su Jianan and pressed a kiss on her forehead. He paused for a moment before letting go of her and walking to the bathroom.

Su Jianan looked at Lu Boyan's back, breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down by the bed.

She had nothing to ask for except that a doctor from afar could cure her asthma appropriately.

But if even the experts can't do anything, then this inherited asthma is probably a challenge set by fate for Xiao Xiangyi.

No matter what, she and Lu Boyan will accompany Xiangyi to face this challenge together.

While Su Jianan was full of hope, she convinced herself to accept the worst consequences.

At the same time, Shen Yuechuan and Su Yunjin were on their way back to the city center.

The white Land Rover was speeding against the wind on the highway, and the cabin was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be clearly heard, which made it feel vaguely awkward.

Shen Yuechuan seemed not to be aware of this embarrassment——

His slender and strong hands rested on the steering wheel, his dark eyes stared straight ahead, his handsome face showed no obvious emotions, and he looked natural.

In the end, it was Su Yunjin who broke the silence: "Yuechuan, just now... I'm sorry."

Shen Yuechuan asked calmly: "What did you mean just now?"

"It's about my cooking." Su Yunjin apologized, "It was too abrupt, I'm sorry."

"...You don't need to apologize to me." Shen Yuechuan's tone became even calmer, more like talking about something that had nothing to do with him. "It's your freedom to cook. I can't interfere with your freedom."

This statement was impeccable, but it also inadvertently distanced him and Su Yunjin, making them seem particularly unfamiliar.

However, they are obviously mother and son.

Su Yunjin was silent for a long time before slowly speaking: "Your father taught me this dish."

"..." Shen Yuechuan was stunned, remembering that he was driving, and forced himself to come back to his senses, but his attention had unconsciously shifted to Su Yunjin's voice.

Su Yunjin continued: "When I first arrived in the United States, I was not very accustomed to the way of eating there. After I got together with your father, I unexpectedly discovered that he has good cooking skills, especially this steamed fish. Even the taste is completely different from ours.

American classmates all love to eat it.”


"Later, your father told me the specific method of making it, but because of him, I never tried it once. I just ate the steamed fish he gave me again and again. Later, he left, and I didn't have it for many years. Have some steamed fish again.”


"Until the day of my thirtieth birthday, I dreamed about the first birthday your father spent with me. The main dish on the dining table that day was the steamed fish he often made for me. After I woke up, I took advantage of the opportunity. I still remember the method your father told me. I tried it many times before I made the steamed fish that looks exactly like what my father made."

"..." Shen Yuechuan's lips opened for a moment, but in the end he said nothing.

"Koshikawa, I just want you to taste it. If you feel it's offensive, just think of it as your father's taste, okay?"

Shen Yuechuan wanted to ask, since Su Yunjin could not forget his father, why could he be with another person for so many years?

Initially, she and Xiao Guoshan were together to pay off debts and avoid Su Hongyuan's persecution.

But what happened next?

Later, she had her own career and was completely able to control her own life. Why was she still with Xiao Guoshan?

However, if they were not together, there would be no Xiao Yunyun.

Thinking of Xiao Yunyun, all the doubts and resentments in Shen Yuechuan's heart disappeared, and his tone gradually became warmer:

"If you have a chance, make it for me alone next time. Today was so sudden that I didn't have time to taste it carefully."

Su Yunjin confirmed it several times before she could believe that she had heard correctly and that Shen Yuechuan was really willing to try her steamed fish again.

"Okay!" Su Yunjin was so excited that her usually steady voice trembled a little, "As long as you have time, I'm available at any time!"

Many years ago, she had no choice but to give up Shen Yuechuan, and it was only now that she had the chance to make amends.

Don't say that Shen Yuechuan just wanted to taste the steamed fish she cooked. Even if he wanted everything from her, she would still give it to him.

The stiffness and awkwardness in the car finally disappeared, and after a while, Su Yunjin arrived at the hotel where she was staying.

Su Yunjin picked up her bag and told Shen Yuechuan: "Be careful when driving when you go back."

Shen Yuechuan did not answer, but asked: "When is it convenient for you? There is something I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Su Yunjin said, "If it's not too complicated, let's talk now and go to the coffee shop downstairs in the hotel."

The cafe is very large, decorated in a casual and business style, with pleasant jazz playing and warm white lights shrouding it, making it a good place to kill time.

After settling in the hotel, Su Yunjin would order a cup of coffee every morning. The waiter in the store had already known her and greeted her familiarly: "Ms. Su, what do you want to drink today?"

Considering that it was getting late, Su Yunjin ordered a drink instead of coffee.

"Okay." The waiter looked at Shen Yuechuan and said, "Where is this gentleman, coffee or a drink?"

Shen Yuechuan followed his usual style and ordered a flat white.

Before the waiter could respond, Su Yunjin said: "You want coffee at this late hour? Let's drink something else."

Shen Yuechuan grew up in the United States. To him, coffee is no different from boiled water.

When he was about to say that it didn't matter, Su Yunjin had already called the waiter: "Just give him a glass of hot milk."

The waiter was stunned and glanced at Shen Yuechuan, unable to imagine a man who looked like a business elite drinking hot milk here.

The waiter had professional qualities. In the end, he held back his smile and nodded: "Okay, please wait a moment."

Shen Yuechuan has never tried drinking hot milk in a coffee shop, and his heart is too complicated to express.

But forget it, let’s listen to Su Yunjin.

Milk and drinks were quickly served. Su Yunjin stirred the drinks in the cup and asked proactively: "Yuechuan, what do you want to say to me?"

Shen Yuechuan asked directly: "When will you return to Australia?"

Su Yunjin was stunned: "Why do you ask this suddenly?" There was disappointment in her tone that could not be concealed.

"You returned to City A originally just to attend Yicheng's wedding. But now Bo Yan and Jian An's children have been born." Shen Yuechuan said, "If you don't go back and have frequent contact with me, Jian An and Yunyun will both Suspicious."

Su Yunjin shook her head, "I can't go back in your current situation."

"I can do it alone." Shen Yuechuan said, "You can go back first."

Su Yunjin paused and asked uncertainly: "Yuechuan, do you not want to see me?"

Shen Yuechuan raised his eyes and accidentally saw the sadness in Su Yunjin's eyes.

Inexplicably, he felt a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help but explain: "I didn't mean that, I was just... afraid that it would be inconvenient for you to stay in City A."

"When I recognized you at the airport, I was already prepared to stay in City A." Su Yunjin said, "Wherever you are, I will be conveniently there. Yuechuan, this time, I will not act like twenty I left you alone like that a few years ago."

Shen Yuechuan avoided Su Yunjin's eager gaze, "...Since you want to stay, you'd better think about how to explain it to Yunyun."

Su Yunjin nodded: "Leave these to me."

Shen Yuechuan didn't know what else to say. He looked at the time and stood up, "I'm going back first."

Su Yunjin watched Shen Yuechuan's car drive away, but did not return to the hotel.

Shen Yuechuan's problem was solved, but she still had to face the problems that arose between her and Xiao Yunyun over a plate of steamed fish.

Tomorrow morning, maybe she should go to the hospital.

When Su Yunjin made this decision, Xiao Yunyun was in the operating room of the hospital, concentrating on assisting the superior doctor in performing an operation.

Only by entering AA's operating room can she forget her emotional troubles.

The feelings she talks about include love and family affection.

I have called Su Yunjin my mother for more than 20 years, but she never knew that her mother could make the steamed fish that everyone praised.

She should thank Shen Yuechuan. If he hadn't been dining with them today, she might not have known that Su Yunjin could cook.

Yes, she could feel that Su Yunjin cooked for Shen Yuechuan.

She didn't blame Su Yunjin, nor was she jealous of Shen Yuechuan, but she just felt uncomfortable somewhere.

Over the years, she has always been closer to her father. With Su Yunjin...how to describe it, it's not that Su Yunjin doesn't care about her, it's just that she is very strict with her, but in terms of material things, she never treats her badly.

After becoming sensible, Xiao Yunyun had a vague feeling that she and Su Yunjin were not as close as ordinary mothers and daughters, and that there was always a layer between them.

Thinking about it now, the person between them is Shen Yuechuan, right?

No matter why Su Yunjin gave up Shen Yuechuan many years ago, watching her grow up day by day over the years, Su Yunjin will definitely think of Shen Yuechuan and feel ashamed of Shen Yuechuan.

Therefore, Su Yunjin would never care about her daughter as closely as other mothers, and would only satisfy her materially without any limit.

Therefore, it is not wrong for her to feel that Su Yunjin does not like her that much.

This chapter has been completed!
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