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Chapter 709 Shen Yuechuan, you can't be so selfish (1)

When Xiao Yunyun was a child, she was hospitalized for a period of time because of illness.

Xiao Guoshan and Su Yunjin were very busy, and accompanying her through that painful time were her brother and sister, doctors in white coats.

After being discharged from the hospital, Xiao Yunyun decided to be a doctor when she grew up. Like her brothers and sisters who treated her, she would heal every patient with warmth and let them be discharged happily.

In order to realize this wish, she had a quarrel with Su Yunjin, stayed away from the place where she grew up, and traveled across the ocean to exchange in China.

After five years as a medical student, she finally put on a white coat. She was about to graduate and qualified to be a formal doctor...

The dean told her that the hospital would expel her and the school would expel her from the school?

If she really made an unforgivable mistake, she would be willing to bear such serious consequences.

However, she clearly didn't do anything, it was clearly Lin Zhixia who framed her, and the money was clearly in Lin Zhixia's hands.

Xiao Yunyun forced herself to stay calm, looked directly into the dean's eyes and begged: "Dean, I can prove my innocence, please give me a chance."

"..." The dean said nothing and looked at Xiao Yunyun in embarrassment.

Xiao Yunyun was unwilling to compromise like this, and continued: "Dean, let alone 8,000 yuan, I won't be moved even if it is 80,000 yuan. I have no reason to ruin my reputation and future for 8,000 yuan."

"I know." The dean finally relented, "But now, there are very loud calls for your dismissal on the Internet. This is related to the reputation of the hospital, and I have to deal with it as soon as possible."

"Give me one more day." Xiao Yunyun said, "Before get off work today, if I still can't prove my innocence, I am willing to accept punishment from the hospital and school."

At this time, Dr. Xu opened the door and walked straight to the dean's desk: "Dean, I use my reputation to guarantee that Yunyun will not do that kind of thing. Give her one more day, don't kill her like this

A medical talent."

The dean hesitated several times, but finally agreed and emphasized: "Remember, you only have one day."

Xiao Yunyun didn't want to waste time, so she turned and ran out of the dean's office.

Doctor Xu chased him out: "How are you going to prove that you were framed?"

Xiao Yunyun thought for a while and said calmly: "The last straw that broke the camel's back was that eight thousand yuan suddenly appeared in my account. The key is that I didn't deposit that money at all. Find out what the money was.

Who accessed my account through this should be able to alleviate the current situation."

Doctor Xu pondered for two seconds: "Shall I go with you?"

Xiao Yunyun was stunned, smiled and shook her head: "I won't bother you, I can handle it."


Doctor Xu looked at the slender Xiao Yunyun and couldn't imagine how a girl like her would deal with these things.

"Don't worry." Xiao Yunyun smiled lightly, "The patients need you more than me, especially Mr. Lin."

"Are you still thinking about Mr. Lin?" Dr. Xu looked at Xiao Yunyun unexpectedly, "If you weren't his daughter, you wouldn't be in this predicament."

"The patient is the patient, and the family members are the family members." Xiao Yunyun said helplessly, "Dr. Liang said that as doctors, we must develop the skill to treat patients as our own patients no matter how much the family members do."

Dr. Xu couldn't help but laugh: "If you need help, please contact me at any time."

Xiao Yunyun nodded, went back to the office to get the car keys, and went straight to the bank.

After taking the number, the receipt printed out that there were 17 people waiting in front of her.

Xiao Yunyun thought for a while, she didn't have so much time to waste waiting, and she couldn't jump in line, what should she do?

Qin Han called at the right time.

The young master was more direct than anyone else and asked straight to the point: "Is there anything you need help with?"

"Yes." Xiao Yunyun said tangledly, "I am at XX Bank and want to check the source of a deposit the day before yesterday, but there are too many people in front of me."

"That bank, we have business cooperation with them." Young Master Qin didn't take it seriously at all and asked leisurely, "Which branch are you in?"

"Huaxia Road."

"I know." Qin Han said, "I'll call their manager right away."

Less than two minutes after Xiao Yunyun hung up the phone, a girl wearing bank uniform walked to the waiting area and asked: "Who is Miss Xiao?"

Xiao Yunyun raised her hand: "I am."

"Hello, Miss Xiao." The staff member politely made a "please" gesture, "I'll take you to our manager's office."

Xiao Yunyun had no time to chat with the manager and directly explained her intention.

The manager nodded and replied: "This can be checked. Please show me your ID card and bank card."

After verification, the manager swiped the card to check, wrote the found address on a note and handed it to Xiao Yunyun: "At ten o'clock the night before yesterday, eight thousand yuan was deposited into your account without a card at the ATM of this branch. We have it here

We can’t confirm whether it was done by you, so you need to go to the branch at the address.”

"Thank you."

Xiao Yunyun walked out of the bank with the note, got in the car, located the address on the note, and rushed to another branch.

She explained her purpose to the lobby manager. The manager looked at her and said "Oh--" meaningfully: "Are you the intern doctor that is hotly discussed on the Internet?"

Xiao Yunyun's eyes were instantly filled with a layer of chill, and she looked directly into the manager's eyes, "What do you want to say? Which intern am I?"

No matter which intern Xiao Yunyun is, she is a customer when she comes here. At this moment, the look in her eyes as a customer makes the lobby manager afraid.

The lobby manager coughed and looked at Xiao Yunyun disdainfully: "You have no right to ask us to play the surveillance video."

"Why?" Xiao Yunyun suppressed the anger in her heart and said as calmly as possible, "There is an extra eight thousand yuan in my account for no reason, and I still can't find out the source?"

"Did the extra money come out of nowhere?" The manager laughed sarcastically and looked at Xiao Yunyun meaningfully.

Xiao Yunyun's expression turned cold: "I ask to see the surveillance video, you just need to answer yes or no. If you continue to beat around the bush like this, your name will soon be on the customer complaint wall."

The lobby manager rolled his eyes at Xiao Yunyun: "You can't look at our surveillance video and think who you are!"

"Oh." Xiao Yunyun asked coldly, "Why?"

"Because our surveillance video is not something anyone can watch casually." The lobby manager looked away and replied arrogantly, "There may be our customers' privacy in it. We don't know what your purpose is, how could you give it to us?"


The lobby manager's attitude and strong demands will definitely not work.

Xiao Yunyun could only ask calmly: "How can I see the video?"

The lobby manager scoffed and said: "Go to the police station to report the crime and the police will come forward. Or if you can bring the police certificate, we can show you the video."

At this time, the bank manager hurriedly came out of the office and walked up to Xiao Yunyun: "Is this Miss Xiao?"

Xiao Yunyun said "Yeah", thinking that things were turning around, but the bank manager just said:

"Mr. Qin called just now. I'm really sorry that I didn't entertain you in time. However, Xiao Lin is right. If you want to watch the surveillance video, you really need the police to come forward. Otherwise, would you like to go to the police station?"

"Xiao Lin?" Xiao Yunyun glanced at the lobby manager and felt a vague suspicion in her heart, "Manager, what is your lobby manager's full name?"

"Lin Zhiqiu." The bank manager was confused, "Miss Xiao, why do you ask this?"

"Lin Zhiqiu? Are you related to Lin Zhixia?" Xiao Yunyun took a step towards the lobby manager and said unhurriedly, "Maybe you know how the money entered my account. However, you'd better tell me

This matter doesn't matter, otherwise, you must be more than just complained by customers."

After saying that, Xiao Yunyun walked out of the bank.

The bank manager looked at Lin Zhiqiu: "What did Miss Xiao mean by what she just said?"

Lin Zhiqiu said evasively: "I...I don't know what she is talking about."

"It's best like this." The manager said angrily, "Do you know why I came out? Qin's young master personally called me. This girl is not as lonely and helpless as she seems!"

Lin Zhiqiu understood what the manager meant - Xiao Yunyun at least had the Qin family as his backer.

She felt vaguely uneasy...

Outside, after Xiao Yunyun got in the car, she checked the address of the city police station, found the navigation location, and drove there directly.

Unfortunately, it was lunch break at this time, so Xiao Yunyun could only sit in the waiting area and wait.

"Aren't you Jian An's cousin?" Captain Yan was passing by and happened to see Xiao Yunyun. He walked over and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Xiao Yunyun thought for a while and remembered that she had met this person at Xiyu and Xiangyi's full moon wine. Su Jianan also introduced her to him. He was the captain of the criminal police team where she used to work, and his surname was Yan.

"Captain Yan." Xiao Yunyun stood up, "I'm here to do something. Well, let's... report the crime."

"Wait a moment." Captain Yan said, "I'll ask a colleague to come over and help you handle it."

Xiao Yunyun was extremely grateful, but after hearing her story, the police officer said that they could not file a case immediately.

"Why?" Xiao Yunyun's tone was inevitably a little excited, "The money ended up in my account inexplicably. I was framed and I was about to lose my job and school status. Why can't I open a case!"

"Don't get excited, we can help you investigate." The police officer said, "However, we handle 'cases' like yours that cannot be called cases in order. So, you need to wait."

Xiao Yunyun only had less than half a day left. She held on to her last glimmer of hope and asked: "How long do we have to wait?"

"One or two days, maybe three days." The police officer said, "You can fill out the form we gave you later and we will contact you if there is any progress."

Xiao Yunyun couldn't wait even for half a day, let alone one day.

But the rules are there, her business is business, and other people's business is also business. She has no right to ask the police to prioritize her case.

After filling in the information, Xiao Yunyun left the police station. She felt that the autumn wind was getting cooler, and the sunshine could not dispel the refreshing chill.

She had to hug herself in the cold wind and get some warmth from her own walls...

This chapter has been completed!
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