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Chapter 765 Xiao Yunyun's life experience (1)

The next day, Shen Yuechuan's apartment.

Xiao Yunyun woke up and found that her whole body was sore.

Of course, it’s not the kind of soreness you feel after a “strenuous exercise.”

Yesterday, after she and Shen Yuechuan calmed down, they hugged each other and slept in a weird and difficult position all night. The pain now was the sequelae of the problematic sleeping position.

Xiao Yunyun adjusted back to the normal posture with difficulty, looked at the sleeping Shen Yuechuan, and the corners of her lips rose slightly uncontrollably.

She was very grateful to Shen Yuechuan and... loved him even more.

In such a confusing situation yesterday, she was ready to hand herself over to Shen Yuechuan, but Shen Yuechuan still did not make it to the last step.

After all, Shen Yuechuan still couldn't bear to hurt her because he loved her.

Early in the morning, Xiao Yunyun's heart felt as sweet as a layer of honey.

She secretly kissed Shen Yuechuan's face, then looked at the time and realized it was almost nine o'clock. She unlocked the screen of her phone and a notification suddenly popped up on Weibo:

"Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yunyun's mother held a press conference, which is being broadcast live (link)."

Xiao Yunyun once thought she was hallucinating. She rubbed her eyes hard several times, opened the live broadcast link, and saw Su Yunjin.

Su Yunjin is in the reception hall on the second floor of Lushi Media.

She sat solemnly behind the podium and said word for word: "That's the thing. Yuechuan and Yunyun are not related by blood. Their falling in love does not harm the law, nor does it violate the law. Publishing news to smear my son and my adopted daughter That blogger who is not in love, the court summons will be sent to you soon."

The reporters in the audience raised their hands and asked: "Ms. Su, it has been three days since the incident between Mr. Shen and Ms. Xiao happened. Why are you just coming forward to clarify it for them now?"

Su Yunjin's back was straight, and her expression was filled with a feminine sharpness and fierceness: "The two children didn't want me to worry, so they didn't tell me what happened. I heard from their friends that they just came back from Australia yesterday afternoon. .”

What else did the reporter want to ask, but Su Yunjin announced that the press conference was over and left the live broadcast camera under the escort of security guards.

After the live broadcast ended, Xiao Yunyun's mobile phone screen went dark and automatically locked.

Xiao Yunyun was confused, feeling like she was being locked up, and she couldn't react in a daze.

Su Yunjin has returned to City A, but why didn't she come to see her and Shen Yuechuan?

Also, what does she mean by "adopted daughter"?

She is not her daughter, and she has no blood relationship with Shen Yuechuan?

Xiao Yunyun's whole body was agitated, as if she was waking up from a dream, and she replayed the entire press conference of Su Yunjin with trembling hands.

The replayed video clearly showed that Su Yunjin produced an adoption document in front of all the media. The document in black and white said that she was adopted by Su Yunjin and Xiao Guoshan when she was one and a half years old.

In other words, she is really not the biological daughter of Su Yunjin and Xiao Guoshan.

Next, Su Yunjin spoke alone.

Su Yunjin sternly denied all rumors on the Internet about her and Shen Yuechuan's brother-sister relationship, and pointed out coldly:

"All the current attacks on my son and adopted daughter on the Internet are malicious harm. I hope that the misled netizens can delete your comments. But those who take advantage of their large number of fans and use money to spread rumors for others, No matter how you delete it, it will be useless. As their mother, I will definitely sue you."

Xiao Yunyun replayed the scene where the camera focused on the adoption documents several times, and was finally convinced that she and Su Yunjin and Xiao Guoshan were not related by blood.

She put down her phone and tears fell down drop by drop.

It turns out that she is the real orphan, and Shen Yuechuan is not her brother.

But how could she be an orphan? Why did Su Yunjin keep hiding her?

After she turns 18, she has the right to know her life experience. Why did Su Yunjin never mention that she was just adopted?

Shen Yuechuan was awakened by the noisy sound. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Yunyun burying her head in his arms and crying.

He hugged Xiao Yunyun, wiped the tears from her face with the back of his hand, frowned and asked softly: "What happened?"

Xiao Yunyun didn't say anything, but buried her face deeper into Shen Yuechuan's chest, gradually losing control and crying.

In the past three days, no matter how fierce the wind of public opinion was, Xiao Yunyun always maintained an optimistic attitude and never cried.

Until this moment, she cried bitterly.

Shen Yuechuan felt distressed and hugged Xiao Yunyun a little tighter, constantly comforting her, "What's wrong? Tell me and I'll solve it."

"Mom is back." Xiao Yunyun was crying and said intermittently, "But she said that she is not my mother... Shen Yuechuan, I don't know what happened..."

At first glance, it is easy to misunderstand Xiao Yunyun's words as Su Yunjin not recognizing her as her daughter.

However, if Su Yunjin really came to see Xiao Yunyun, there is no reason for Shen Yuechuan not to know.

Shen Yuechuan suddenly thought of something, took his mobile phone, and saw the overwhelming reports.

Just after the press conference held by Su Yunjin, the official media pointed out one after another that Xiao Yunyun was adopted by Su Yunjin and her husband, and she and Shen Yuechuan were not related by blood. Therefore, strictly speaking, Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yunyun were not considered siblings at all.

It turns out that Xiao Yunyun meant that she was not Su Yunjin's biological daughter.

Xiao Yunyun was actually adopted by Su Yunjin?

"Yunyun, don't cry." It took Shen Yuechuan a while to react, and he sat up with Xiao Yunyun in his arms, "First ask what's going on."

Xiao Yunyun looked at Shen Yuechuan with tearful eyes, like a lost person staring at a lighthouse.

Shen Yuechuan kissed Xiao Yunyun gently: "Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, I will never leave you."

He understood how Xiao Yunyun was feeling at this moment.

When Su Yunjin told him that he was her son, he felt that the whole world had changed, and even suspected that everything he had experienced since childhood was just a long dream.

At this moment, Xiao Yunyun should have had the same suspicion.

For more than twenty years, she had always believed that she was the biological daughter of Su Yunjin and Xiao Guoshan, but suddenly, she became an adopted orphan.

Her and his positions in life seemed to have been reversed.

Under Shen Yuechuan's comfort, Xiao Yunyun gradually calmed down. After washing and changing clothes, Su Yunjin called and asked them to go to Su Jian's home.

"Let's go together." Shen Yuechuan held Xiao Yunyun's hand tightly, "Don't be afraid, no matter what happens next, I will be by your side."

Xiao Yunyun nodded, as if she was really not that scared anymore, and went to Dingya Villa with Shen Yuechuan.

Uncle Xu had been waiting at the door for a long time. As soon as the white Land Rover stopped, he walked over and opened the passenger door. Shen Yuechuan took out the wheelchair from the trunk and sat on it with Xiao Yunyun in his arms.

"Yuechuan, Miss Cousin, come in." Uncle Xu said, "Mr. Su, Miss Luo, and Ms. Su, they are all here."

Xiao Yunyun looked at Uncle Xu and asked him for help in a low voice: "Uncle Xu..."

"Don't worry." Uncle Xu saw through Xiao Yunyun's thoughts at a glance and smiled, "They are all talking and laughing inside."

Xiao Yunyun breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Shen Yuechuan behind her: "Let's go in."

Shen Yuechuan pushed Xiao Yunyun into the house. Sure enough, as Uncle Xu said, everyone was here, but the atmosphere was surprisingly relaxed. Su Yunjin even had the intention to tease the two little guys, Xi Yu and Xiang Yi.

Su Jian'an was careful and discovered Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yunyun first, and walked over with a smile: "Come in, my aunt has something to tell you."

Shen Yuechuan nodded slightly and pushed Xiao Yunyun towards the living room.

As soon as Xiao Yunyun saw Su Yunjin, her eyes couldn't stop turning red. As soon as she lowered her head, tears fell down and she apologized like a mosquito: "Mom, I'm sorry."

Su Yunjin had already walked over and stroked Xiao Yunyun's right hand, her eyes filled with distress: "Does the wound still hurt?"

Xiao Yunyun shook her head: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Su Yunjin stood up, looked at Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yunyun and said, "You don't need to apologize to me. On the contrary, I am the one who should apologize. If I had confessed Yunyun's life experience earlier, you would have been together for the past three days. You don’t have to bear what happened. Now, it’s time for me to tell you the truth.”

Xiao Yunyun looked at Su Yunjin in surprise, expecting and fearing what she would say next.

She hoped that Su Yunjin would confirm that she and Shen Yuechuan were not siblings, so that they could be with Shen Yuechuan openly.

But she is afraid that everything she is familiar with will be changed.

Su Yunjin handed Xiao Yunyun a piece of information and said: "Yunyun, I'm sorry, your father and I are only a couple in name.

"After Yuechuan's father passed away unexpectedly, my compatriot brother wanted to use Yuechuan to threaten me and force me to return to China to marry an old man for business. I was desperate. Your father just needed a wife in name only. We reached an agreement and he paid the debt for me. Pay off the debt, take me away from Su Hongyuan's sphere of influence, and live in Australia, but I want to maintain a legal relationship with him as husband and wife."

"Yunyun, after all these years, your father and I are actually just friends,"

Xiao Yunyun could understand Su Yunjin's words, but she vaguely felt that every word she spoke was strange and distant.

In her impression, although Su Yunjin and Xiao Guoshan had lived together for decades, they had never had any quarrels. They treated each other with respect and even often said thank you to each other.

The difference is that she always hears from her classmates that their parents are quarreling again, and from time to time she even hears news that a classmate's parents are getting divorced.

At that time, she was secretly glad that her parents still had a good relationship. Let alone getting divorced, they didn't even quarrel.

Now, she finally understood why Su Yunjin and Xiao Guoshan never quarreled, because they were not husband and wife, but just partners and friends in life.

Despite this, there is one thing that Xiao Yunyun still cannot understand:

"Since you and dad are only nominally married, why did you adopt me? According to the law, when I was 18 years old, I already had the right to know my life experience, but why didn't you tell me that I was adopted?"

Su Yunjin hesitated several times, struggled for a long time, and finally decided to tell Xiao Yunyun her life experience.

This chapter has been completed!
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