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Chapter 811 You are at any time, one corpse and two lives

Kang family's old house, Xu Youning's room.

"Aunt Youning," Mu Mu sat on the edge of the bed, holding her chin with her hands and looking at Xu Youning, "Do you want me to stay with you, or do you want to rest?"

Xu Youning touched the kid's head: "I'm a little tired and want to rest."

"No problem!" The kid stood up and kissed Xu Youning's cheek, "You have a good rest, and I will come in to see you when you wake up."

After saying that, the little guy jumped up and down and left the room.

Xu Youning looked at the drip hanging on the bedside, and unconsciously touched his lower abdomen with his right hand. Mu Sijue's words echoed in his ears over and over again——

"Xu Youning, I regret letting you go."

"I want you alive."

"Xu Youning, do you really believe that I am the murderer of Grandma Xu?"

In the hospital, Xu Youning did not dare to think about the deep meaning behind these words. Looking back at this moment, she was no longer shocked, only the outline of a certain guess became clearer and clearer——

Maybe, Musijue really likes her.

Should she be happy or sad?

If Mu Sijue had confessed to her immediately when her grandmother died, she might have stayed.

However, she revealed that she was an undercover agent in front of so many people, and it was difficult for Mu Sijue to convince the public if he did not deal with her.

Besides, Musijue's pride did not allow him to fall in love with an undercover agent.

Now, it's too late.

She didn't know how much time she had left. She only knew that before leaving this world, she had to collect evidence of Kang Ruicheng's crimes and make them public.

If she doesn't avenge her grandmother, she won't be willing to die.

If possible, let her bring the child in her belly into this world, so that when she leaves, she will have less regrets and more concern for this world.

After injecting the intravenous drip, Xu Youning asked someone to remove the needle for her. The person who came in was Dr. Liu, who had examined her yesterday.

Xu Youning couldn't hide his surprise and asked in surprise: "Dr. Liu, why are you here?"

Dr. Liu smiled and said, "Mr. Kang is worried about you and the fetus, so he specially invited us to stay here for a few days to prevent any accidents."

Xu Youning soon understood that in order to conceal her pregnancy, Kang Ruicheng hid all the doctors and nurses who treated her.

Dr. Liu obviously knew that he was being "kidnapped" and was very careful about his smile and words, let alone removing Xu Youning's acupuncture.

After pulling out the needle, Xu Youning pressed the eye of the needle with cotton and said, "Dr. Liu, I'm sorry, you can leave in a few days. I can guarantee your safety."

"I know, Mr. Kang has talked to us." Dr. Liu's face turned pale when he mentioned Kang Ruicheng, "Madam, if everything is okay, I will go out first."

"Wait a minute." Xu Youning stopped Dr. Liu, "Can I borrow your cell phone?"

"Of course." Dr. Liu took out his phone, unlocked the screen and handed it to Xu Youning.

Xu Youning took out a notebook from the drawer, found a series of numbers on the inside page, and made a call using Dr. Liu's mobile phone.

This was a call from an expert and professor in the Department of Neurology of the Eighth Hospital. He was the one who initially detected the blood clot in Xu Youning's brain.

Xu Youning suspected that her sudden fainting yesterday was not because of pregnancy, but because of a blood clot in her brain.

After the call was connected, Xu Youning explained his identity and asked politely: "Professor, do you still remember me?"

"Of course I remember. Your case is so special that it's hard to forget." The professor said, "Why didn't you contact me again after you went back? Girl, have you considered the surgery?"

"Professor, I'm pregnant." Xu Youning was so nervous for the first time, and he was careful with every word he spat out. "I want to know, will that blood clot affect my child?"

"Silly girl." The professor sighed heavily, "The blood clot has no direct impact on your fetus, but it has an impact on your body and will indirectly affect the development of the fetus! Even if the fetus is lucky enough to avoid the impact of the blood clot, its development

Healthy, but the stability of the blood clot will be affected during fetal development! Come to the hospital for a checkup and receive treatment as soon as possible!"

"Professor, I don't understand." Xu Youning grabbed the quilt, "What will happen if the fetus affects the blood clot?"

"You will be in more danger!" the professor said. "Once the blood clot changes, you will die at any time. Do you understand?"

One corpse, two lives.

In other words, it is very likely that she will not be able to bring the child into this world?

Xu Youning's face turned pale, and his phone almost slipped from his palm.

"Your situation is very dangerous. If you want to save the fetus, you must ask experts for consultation and formulate a treatment plan." The professor advised, "Girl, don't delay any longer and come to the hospital as soon as possible."

"I understand, professor, thank you."

Xu Youning hung up the phone and returned the phone to Dr. Liu, his eyes uncontrollably reddening.

From Xu Youning's few words, Dr. Liu vaguely guessed that Xu Youning had a physical problem. She originally had something to tell Xu Youning, but now it seems that Xu Youning can no longer bear any bad news.

Dr. Liu comforted her: "Madam, please don't be too pessimistic. In a few days, I will take you back to the hospital for a checkup to check the condition of the fetus before making other decisions."

"Dr. Liu, can you help me?" Xu Youning begged, "Help me keep this child."

Dr. Liu nodded: "I will prescribe medicine for you. Starting tomorrow, you will have infusions every day."

She could see that Xu Youning really wanted this child.

But...there was a problem to begin with.

There was only so much she could do to help Xu Youning, and the rest was up to fate.

"Thank you." Xu Youning wiped his eyes, "Also, please keep this matter of my health a secret from Mr. Kang."

Dr. Liu was surprised: "Why? In this case, you should discuss it with Mr. Kang."

Xiao Yunyun shook her head: "He is not the child's father. If he knew that the child's existence was not good for me, he would never let me keep the child. Dr. Liu, this is a little life. If you keep it secret for me, you are protecting it."

Little life. Please, help me."

Obstetricians and gynecologists are used to seeing people ruthlessly giving up their new lives, and also seeing people trying their best to save their new lives.

If possible, Dr. Liu hopes that Xu Youning's child can come into this world.

Dr. Liu nodded: "I promise you."

"Thank you." Xu Youning said, "Don't worry, I won't let you get into danger by helping me. In addition, I will find a way to get you out of here as soon as possible."

"Okay." Dr. Liu smiled and said, "I'll prescribe medicine for you first."

Only Xu Youning was left in the room. She placed her hand gently on her lower abdomen and prayed over and over again that the blood clot would not affect the child.

As long as the child is safe, she can endure any pain.

"Aunt Youning," Mu Mu opened the door and poked her head in, "Daddy said, if you have rested, I will ask you to go down for dinner."


Xu Youning quickly adjusted his mood and led Mumu downstairs as if nothing had happened.

private hospital.

Today, Shen Yuechuan underwent his third treatment. Xiao Yunyun stood outside the operating room, staring intently at the white door of the operating room.

Mu Sijue came out of the elevator, his powerful aura overwhelming the entire corridor, but Xiao Yunyun did not notice him.

He walked over and asked, "How long has Yuechuan been here?"

Xiao Yunyun turned around and was surprised when she saw it was Mu Sijue. Then she looked at the time and said, "It's been more than two hours."

Mu Sijue glanced at Xiao Yunyun: "Have you eaten?"

"……Have a meal?"

Xiao Yunyun couldn't react at all, as if she had forgotten that there was such a thing as eating in life.

Mu Sijue had already guessed the answer, and gave his subordinate a look. The subordinate understood it and said, "Miss Xiao, please wait a moment, I will be back soon."

In less than fifteen minutes, his subordinates came back with a few takeout boxes and said, "Ms. Xiao, eat it while it's hot."

Xiao Yunyun was thinking about Shen Yuechuan in the operating room and didn't feel hungry at all, but this was the meal Boss Mu ordered someone to buy!

If she doesn't eat, will Boss Mu kill her with one look?

Xiao Yunyun hurriedly took the lunch box, sat on the sofa nearby, opened it one by one, and found that there were quite a few. She looked at Mu Sijue: "Boss Mu, have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat with me?"

"I'm not hungry." Mu Sijue sat on the sofa next to Xiao Yunyun. When he met the little girl's confused and timid eyes, he finally said one more thing, "Eat more."

Xiao Yunyun nodded: "Then I'll eat it."

She didn't really have much appetite. She took a few bites of rice and ate some vegetables. She already felt ninety percent full. Remembering that this was the meal that Boss Mu bought, she took a few more bites and tried her best to eat until she was very full.

Mu Sijue looked at the door of the operating room, occasionally looking at his watch, but not paying much attention to Xiao Yunyun. Later, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Xiao Yunyun struggling with the food, and suddenly felt like laughing.

Of course, in the end, Musijue did not laugh out loud, but simply said: "They bought a lot, you don't need to finish it."

Xiao Yunyun breathed a long sigh of relief: "Thank you Lord for your kindness."

Musijue frowned: "What?"

"Ahem!" Xiao Yunyun almost choked herself and managed to say, "I mean, thank you Seventh Brother!"

Mu Sijue actually heard clearly what Xiao Yunyun said in the previous sentence, so he checked with the little girl to confirm. Seeing Xiao Yunyun's nervous cover-up, the corners of his lips rose slightly uncontrollably.

Xiao Yunyun was stunned for a moment, and her eyes suddenly focused on Mu Sijue's face: "Boss Mu, has anyone told you that you look good when you smile?"

Compared with Xiao Yunyun's question, Mu Sijue was more curious about whether Xiao Yunyun was afraid of him?

After all, this little girl will be frightened by him, but in fact, she is not afraid of him, right?

With her personality, no wonder Shen Yuechuan is devoted to her.

Xiao Yunyun suddenly had a feeling - Boss Mu is actually not that difficult to get in touch with. The important thing is that he smiles so hot~ He is so handsome~!

If she were You Ning, she would definitely like Boss Mu!

Mu Sijue met Xiao Yunyun's gaze: "Why are you staring at me?"

Xiao Yunyun said calmly: "Because you look good even if you don't smile!"

All of Musijue's men were stunned.

Is Xiao Yunyun not afraid of Mu Sijue, or is a newborn calf not afraid of tigers?

No one has ever dared to tease Mu Sijue like this!

Mu Sijue would not be defeated by a little girl, so he deliberately asked: "If Yuechuan hears this, do you think he will be happy?"

"No!" Xiao Yunyun said, changing the subject, "But I will tell him that in my eyes he is the most handsome!"

The implication is that it is true that Musi is the commander-in-chief, but in her mind, he is still not as good as Shen Yuechuan.


Musijue's mood was like a wavy line, with ups and downs.

At this moment, Musijue's mood was at rock bottom.

This chapter has been completed!
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