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Chapter 815 Arrested by Mu Sijue again

Xu Youning is very familiar with everything about this house.

When she walked in, she even had the urge to put on slippers.

However, this place cannot be her home after all.

In his absence, a familiar aura came over him. Xu Youning looked over and saw Mu Sijue coming down from upstairs.

Mu Sijue was uncharacteristically calm. He put his hands in the pockets of his casual pants and looked at her without surprise, as if he had been waiting for her for a long time.

"Mu Sijue," Xu Youning looked at Mu Sijue steadily, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Mu Sijue walked up to Xu Youning: "A week ago, if you were willing to come back with me, we wouldn't have to go to such trouble."


Xu Youning connected a series of things and suddenly realized something, his eyes filled with disbelief: "You deliberately disclosed the memory card information because-"

Because of shock, Xu Youning only spoke half of what he said, and Xu Youning's voice suddenly stopped.

She knows better than anyone else that no matter what she does, Mu Sijue focuses on profit.

However, he went to great lengths to reveal the news about the memory card and kept the follow-up of the memory card a secret, just for her?

Mu Sijue...really likes her?

Mu Sijue stared at Xu Youning and continued her words: "The last time I went to great lengths was to send you back to Kangruicheng. This time, it was to let Kangruicheng send you back. Xu Youning, don't ever think about it again.


His eyes were like the night outside the window, cold, dark and deep.

It was so complicated, but it still couldn't hide his determination that he was bound to win.

Xu Youning was in a trance, and finally realized that she had walked step by step into the trap specially dug for her by Mu Sijue. The worst thing was that this time, Mu Sijue really didn't seem to want to let her go.

She looked at Mu Sijue in disbelief: "How can you be sure that Kangruicheng will definitely send me to get the memory card? What if he sends someone else here, wouldn't your plan become a joke?"

Mu Sijue laughed coldly: "This memory card is related to the life and death of the Kang family base. Is Kangrui City very nervous these days?"


Xu Youning did not speak, and Mu Sijuquan took it as her acquiescence, and then said: "Xu Youning, you know me well enough and you are capable enough. The first person Kang Ruicheng thinks of is definitely you. Even if Kang Ruicheng will hesitate, but his nature

Selfish, coupled with suspicion of you - I am sure that Kangrui City will send you."

Xu Youning quietly clenched his hands into fists: "So, when you went to the hospital that day, you deliberately revealed the news about the memory card to make Kang Ruicheng nervous and ensure that Kang Ruicheng sent me out as soon as possible. After you came back, have you been waiting for me?"

"That's right." Musijue raised the corners of his lips with satisfaction, "In the end, you really did not disappoint me."

Mu Sijue's compliment made Xu Youning furious, but Xu Youning had no choice.

She didn't really come to get the memory card, and she didn't have a specific plan.

She originally wanted to do her best in one scene and then go back.

But after turning on the camera, she discovered that the director of this scene was Mu Sijue.

If Mu Sijue doesn't call for completion, she will never be able to leave the show.

"Mu Sijue, why do you put so much effort into doing all this?" Xu Youning's eyes were filled with confusion, "Why do you have to ask me to come back?"

Musijue said: "To clarify some things."

"What is it that you have to ask me to come back to figure out?" Xu Youning suddenly thought of something, "You want to know the information about Kangrui City?"

Musijue: "..."

Xu Youning thought he had guessed correctly, and his face lit up with joy: "Let's make a deal."

Musijue's face sank calmly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me and listen."

Xu Youning said: "I can tell you everything I know about Kangruicheng, and you can let me go after asking. How about that?"

"I said, this time, don't try to escape again." Mu Sijue smiled, shattering Xu Youning's luck, "Xu Youning, you are dreaming."

Xu Youning did not expect that Mu Sijue would not agree, and rushed to Mu Sijue: "What exactly do you want to do? Is it useful to keep me? How useful is it?"

Mu Sijue glanced at Xu Youning somewhere indifferently: "Although it's not big, it still has some effect."

Xu Youning lowered his head and looked at himself, his teeth almost shattered: "Mu Sijue!"

Mu Sijue looked at the time and grabbed Xu Youning's hand: "Let's go."

Xu Youning grabbed the armrest of the sofa and resisted Mu Sijue: "Where are you taking me?"

"Go to a place where Kangrui City can't find you." Mu Sijue grabbed Xu Youning's waist, "Do you think I will stay here and wait for Kangrui City to bring someone to rescue you?"

Mu Sijue said that he could not find it in Kangrui City, and he would definitely not find it in Kangrui City.

In other words, once Xu Youning was taken away by Mu Sijue, it would be difficult for Xu Youning to wait for rescue.

Xu Youning reacted quickly and started struggling with his backhand, trying to break free from Mu Sijue's grip and try hard to see if he could escape.

However, Musijue's reaction was faster.

Mu Sijue suddenly increased his strength, trying to trap Xu Youning and make her retreat, but Xu Youning still struggled. He frowned and directly carried her on his shoulders.

"Mu Sijue! Let me go!"

Xu Youning didn't expect that Mu Sijue would do this again, biting Mu Sijue's shoulder, but Mu Sijue seemed to be used to his tricks and carried her out indifferently.

Xu Youning was no longer afraid, but unwilling to give in, and increased his strength.

Mu Sijue frowned, then raised the corners of his lips: "Xu Youning, have you ever heard of a sentence?"

Xu Youning snorted, "I won't listen!"

Mu Sijue didn't care and continued talking on his own: "Shen Yuechuan said that girls like to bite people because she likes that person."

"...Shen Yuechuan lied to you!" Xu Youning sneered, "Besides you, I have also bitten others!"

In fact, she was the one who deceived Mu Sijue.

Musijue's voice suddenly turned cold: "Who?"

Xu Youning did not expect that Mu Sijue would not only be fooled, but also get really angry. He was somewhat frightened and asked defensively: "What are you going to do?"

Mu Sijue put Xu Youning on the passenger seat, buckled her seat belt, and said with a sullen face: "Wherever you bit him, I asked someone to remove him."

"..." Violent maniac!

After thinking about it, Xu Youning finally didn't have the courage to curse out, so he sat down peacefully.

However, she did not suddenly become obedient, but was waiting for the opportunity.

Mu Sijue closed the passenger seat door, and the opportunity Xu Youning had been waiting for came. She tugged on the seat belt hard, trying to repeat her old trick, jump out of the car and run away.

This may be her last chance to escape!

However, the seat belt cannot be unfastened?

Xu Youning didn't give up and tried again, but finally despaired - she really couldn't unfasten the seat belt.

She thought that Musijue had left a loophole for her to exploit, but he was completely foolproof!


Mu Sijue sat on the driver's seat and reminded Xu Youning calmly: "I changed this seat belt specially for you. Do you like it?"

"..." Xu Youning was so angry that he didn't want to speak. Anyway, he could only curse.

Mu Sijue started the car and glanced at Xu Youning: "Or do you prefer handcuffs?"


What happened after Mu Sijue took him back to the villa last time suddenly came to Xu Youning's mind.

Now think about it, the child in her belly came to life at that time, right?

Xu Youning's expression suddenly darkened. She looked out the window and stopped struggling or talking.

Mu Sijue thought she would make a fuss for a while, but she just calmed down...probably knowing that she had no way to escape, but there was nothing she could do.

Speaking of which, this was the second time he had arrested Xu Youning. It would be strange if she wasn't angry.

However, no matter how angry she was, he was not going to let her go.

The person who is even more angry is Kang Ruicheng.

Xu Youning always has his own plans when it comes to actions, but he doesn't like his interference.

This time, Kangruicheng didn't ask any questions as usual.

He thought that even if Xu Youning failed, he could at least escape unscathed.

However, Ah Jin told him on the phone that Mu Sijue seemed to have planned it a long time ago and was simply waiting for Xu Youning to throw himself into the trap. They had no way to get in, let alone save Xu Youning.

"A bunch of useless idiots!"

Kang Ruicheng vented his anger, hurriedly called enough men, and led people to Musijue's villa.

Even if he had to have a head-on conflict with Mu Sijue, even if he had to pay a price, he would take Xu Youning back.

All of this is a trap set by Musijue.

Mu Sijue used clues from the base as bait and released the news step by step to lure him to send Xu Youning out. He dug a trap in the villa and waited for Xu Youning to fall into the trap.

He was wrong. Mu Sijue's target was Xu Youning, and he sent Xu Youning away with his own hands.

He gave Musijue a second chance.

When they arrived at Musijue's villa, Kang Ruicheng ignored the alarm and forced his way in. After entering, he found that the entire villa was empty.

They searched the entire villa, but saw no one and found no clues.

"Check it for me!" Kang Ruicheng roared at Ah Jin, "Even if we turn the whole city A upside down, we still have to find out where Mu Sijue took You Ning!"

Last time, he made a wrong decision and gave Xu Youning to Mu Sijue.

This time, he won't let Xu Youning stay with Mu Sijue, not even for a minute!

"Yes!" Ah Jin said, "I'll go check it out right away."

Kang Ruicheng was unwilling to give in and searched the study and master bedroom himself, only to find some of Xu Youning's clothes and daily necessities in the master bedroom.

Xu Youning and Mu Sijue lived here in the past.

These things are all evidence of the intimacy between Mu Sijue and Xu Youning.

In a rage, Kang Ruicheng destroyed everything before leaving with everyone.

Back at Kang's house, Ah Jin came to Kang Ruicheng with a mournful head and said, "Brother Cheng, I can't find out where Mu Sijue took Miss Xu."

Kang Ruicheng was not surprised by this answer.

Mu Sijue planned to lure him to hand over Xu Youning, and he must have thought that he would find someone.

According to Mu Sijue's cautious style, he should have planned the next step and take Xu Youning to a place where he could not find it.

It doesn't matter, as long as Mu Sijue and Xu Youning are still in City A, he will be able to find Xu Youning sooner or later!

"Pay attention to the flight plan of Mu Sijue's private jet and don't let him take You Ning back to G City!" Kang Ruicheng told A Jin, "Also, continue the investigation and be sure to find An Ning!"

City G is Mu Sijue's territory. Once Mu Sijue takes Xu Youning back, he will be truly powerless at that time.

Now, Xu Youning is still in City A, and this is his last chance.

This chapter has been completed!
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