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Chapter 961 Aiming at her head (1)

Han Ruoxi had rarely been treated so rudely. She couldn't swallow it for a moment, and her temper got worse: "Dongzi, who do you think you are talking to?!"

What Xu Youning hates most about Han Ruoxi is that Han Ruoxi is no longer the star that millions of people are looking for, but she still acts like a superstar all the time.

Has she ever thought that no one cares about her anymore?

Xu Youning glanced at Han Ruoxi coldly: "Miss Han, a has-been female star who has destroyed her own future. Is this an appropriate description of you?"

Self-destructive future, outdated...

Any word can sting Han Ruoxi severely.

Han Ruoxi glared at Xu Youning, so angry that her delicate makeup was ruined: "Xu Youning, you-"

"It seems that Miss Han is very satisfied with my summary." Xu Youning raised an infuriating and compensatory smile, "You're welcome, get out of here!"

Han Ruoxi gritted her teeth and looked at Xu Youning and Dongzi gloomily: "One day, I will make you beg me!"

"How long do we have to wait?" Xu Youning smiled even brighter and asked, "Do we have to wait until you are reincarnated in the next life so that everyone will forget about your involvement in AA drugs?"

Xu Youning poked Han Ruoxi's wound again, causing more than 10,000 points of damage to Han Ruoxi.

Han Ruoxi glared at Xu Youning bitterly, turned and left.

If she remembered correctly, Xu Youning and Su Jianan had a very good relationship, which was probably why Xu Youning rejected her.

Xu Youning, it's best not to let her catch anything.

Otherwise, she will definitely not let her have an easy time!

After Han Ruoxi left, the world finally became peaceful.

Xu Youning breathed a sigh of relief and patted his forehead: "Dongzi, let's continue talking about Brother Cheng."

Dongzi's face was about to turn into a bitter melon: "We don't know how much evidence Mu Sijue submitted to the police."

Xu Youning thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and quickly brought up the dialing interface.

Dongzi's eyes darkened and he held Xu Youning's hand: "What do you want to do?"

Xu Youning raised his eyes and glanced at Dongzi, with a cold voice: "I want to contact Brother Cheng's lawyer, but you are stopping me...what do you mean?"

She knew that Dongzi was doubting her.

In this case, she can also doubt Dongzi.

Who is not a human being?

Dongzi's expression relaxed and he retracted his hand: "You go ahead and fight."

While Xu Youning contacted Kang Ruicheng's lawyer, he complained in his heart - Kang Ruicheng just asked Dongzi to stare at her, and Dongzi made it so obvious. Fortunately, Dongzi was not her teammate, otherwise she would have kicked her out of the team long ago.


When Xu Youning hung up the phone, Dongzi asked again: "Ms. Xu, what should we do next?"

"The lawyer has rushed to the police station. Brother Cheng should be fine." Xu Youning thought for a while and glanced at Dongzi, "Don't you want to know how much evidence Mu Sijue provided to the police? Let's go check it out."

Dongzi's eyes became defensive again, staring at Xu Youning: "You want to contact Mu Sijue?"

"Is there a problem?" Xu Youning repeated his old trick, looking at Dongzi provocatively and throwing the question back, "Are you afraid of Mu Sijue?"

Dongzi lowered his head and hesitated for several seconds, then suddenly put something on the back of Xu Youning's neck at lightning speed. Xu Youning didn't have much to guard against him, and he succeeded easily.

After reacting, a murderous look flashed across Xu Youning's eyes, and his eyes were as sharp as if he wanted to cut Dongzi into pieces: "What did you put on me?"

"Our latest research result - micro-remotely controlled bomb." Dongzi said unhurriedly, "When Mumu went to find you, he knocked down two adults with something.

.This bomb is an upgraded version of the thing used by Mu Mu - you can't dismantle it by yourself. The remote control range is four kilometers. Its lethality is not just as simple as stunning a person. Once I detonate it, you will die violently. You can dismantle it by yourself.

, the consequences will be the same as if I detonated it."

Xu Youning looked at Dongzi funny: "What are you afraid of?"

"Brother Cheng is at the police station. You go to see Mu Sijue. I don't know whether you are helping Brother Cheng or seeking refuge with Mu Sijue." Dongzi was not afraid of Xu Youning and said with a straight face, "I can only do this.


Xu Youning suddenly smiled, and the meaning of the smile was unclear: "I said, if you have something to do, you can eat more walnuts to nourish your brain."

"..." Dongzi was a little confused - he didn't know whether he should interpret Xu Youning's words as humiliation.

Xu Youning was too lazy to talk nonsense, turned around and walked out: "I'm going to find Mu Sijue now, you can follow me."

Dongzi followed Xu Youning's pace without hesitation.

Kang Ruicheng had just told him that this was the best opportunity for Xu Youning to escape, and it was also the best opportunity for them to test Xu Youning clearly.

Lu Boyan and Su Yicheng had already gone home with their wives. Only Mu Sijue was still entangled in the parking lot by Yang Shanshan.

Yang Shanshan still looked like she had been greatly wronged: "Brother Si Jue, don't you think Xu Youning is going too far?"

Musijue lit a cigarette and said coldly: "It's none of your business."

Yang Shanshan exhausted all her brain cells and could not imagine that Mu Sijue would answer her like this.

Yang Shanshan seemed to have been shocked. She looked at Mu Sijue in disbelief: "Brother Sijue, you actually defended Xu Youning?"


Musijue took a deep drag on his cigarette and said nothing.

The deep night was shrouded, as if it wanted to swallow up everything in the world, but Musijue's figure penetrated the night, and even his handsome outline was extremely clear, as if he originally belonged to the night.

Musijue blew out the smoke, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly in a self-deprecating arc.

Yes, at this time, he is still protecting Xu Youning.

How much he hates Xu Youning is his business.

He didn't allow others to say anything wrong about Xu Youning.

"Brother Si Jue," Yang Shanshan looked at Mu Si Jue aggrievedly and wept, "Are you really like what they said - you like Xu Youning?"

Mu Sijue has already said that no one is allowed to mention Xu Youning in front of him, and Yang Shanshan is no exception.

He gave Yang Shanshan a warning look: "Shanshan..."

Before Mu Sijue finished speaking, Xu Youning and Dongzi led people out of the hotel.

Xu Youning had sharp eyes and quickly spotted Mu Sijue, pointed in the direction of Mu Sijue, and walked over with Dongzi and others.

Mu Sijue's men also discovered Xu Youning and reminded Mu Sijue: "Seventh brother..."

Mu Sijue raised his hand, indicating to his men that they need not say anything. A thought passed through his mind, and then he looked at Yang Shanshan: "Get in the car."

Yang Shanshan was hit by a huge surprise, and her eyes widened: "Brother Si Jue, are you asking me to get in your car?"

Growing up, Yang Shanshan asked to ride in Mu Sijue's car countless times, but Mu Sijue never agreed to her request.

After so many years, is Musijue finally willing to accept her?

Now, her Si Jue brother must not even want to see Xu Youning or anything like that!

The more Yang Shanshan thought about it, the happier she became. She opened the door and got in. Mu Sijue also walked around the door on the other side and got in.

The driver turned around and asked: "Brother Qi, where are we going?"

Musijue just said: "Drive first."


The men responded by starting the car and leaving the hotel.

Dongzi from behind saw this and asked Xu Youning: "What should we do?"

"They have cars, and so do we, and our cars are no worse than theirs!" Xu Youning gritted his teeth, "Get in the car and follow Mu Sijue!"

In front, Mu Sijue, who was sitting in the back seat, glanced at the rearview mirror and saw Xu Youning catching up. He leaned back, his posture relaxed, and his expression calmed down. Apart from his handsome facial features, no one else could see him anymore.

What do you see on his face?"

Yang Shanshan's attention was no longer on Mu Sijue's face. At this moment, she just wanted to get Mu Sijue.

She moved to the side and sat next to Kang Ruicheng. The toes of her shoes seemed to have unintentionally opened the hems of Musijue's trousers and rubbed against his legs.

Mu Sijue sat like a sculpture, his eyes fixed on the rearview mirror coldly. He didn't know that he didn't feel Yang Shanshan's touch, so he was not moved at all.

Yang Shanshan continued to tease Mu Sijue without giving up, and complained: "I'm so tired."

Her whole body leaned towards Musijue, and her proud plump breasts were right in front of Musijue's eyes. As long as Musijue lowered his eyes a little, he could take in the "one after another" scenery.

In fact, Musijue's attention was entirely on Xu Youning's car.

His car was driving very fast, and Xu Youning actually caught up with him.

It seems that Xu Youning does not have such good driving skills.

However, the person who got into the car with her just now was Kang Ruicheng's subordinate. Maybe the person driving the car was Kang Ruicheng's subordinate?

If not, Xu Youning...

Realizing that he was worried about Xu Youning, Mu Sijue frowned and suspected that he was crazy.

For a person like Xu Youning, what else should he worry about?

At this time, Yang Shanshan's hand touched Mu Sijue's leg. She controlled her strength very well, and her fingers moved up slowly like a charming snake.

Mu Sijue was a man, and it was impossible for him to ignore Yang Shanshan's obvious teasing. He frowned and glanced at the driver displeasedly through the rearview mirror.

The driver understood what Mu Sijue meant. He turned the steering wheel hard and the car swerved. Yang Shanshan was caught off guard and fell towards the car door. Not to mention teasing Mu Sijue. If she hadn't reacted quickly, people would have

They were almost thrown off their seats.

Yang Shanshan was rarely so embarrassed, but she couldn't take her anger out on Mu Sijue, so she could only yell at the driver: "Why are you driving? Believe it or not, I asked Brother Sijue to fire you!"

The driver ignored Yang Shanshan and asked Mu Sijue with a smile: "Brother Qi, will you fire me?"

Although Musijue's voice was cold, there was no hint of blame at all: "Drive your car!"

"Okay!" The driver responded cheerfully, and then became confused again, "But, Brother Qi, where are you going?"

Yang Shanshan immediately sat down and looked at Mu Sijue lovingly with her big eyes, hoping that Mu Sijue could understand her thoughts.

Mu Sijue glanced at Xu Youning who was chasing after him, and said calmly: "Go to Century Garden Hotel."

Yang Shanshan's face was filled with joy, and her eyes could almost bloom.

She said that no man can refuse her!

The driver's hand slipped and he almost lost his grip on the steering wheel.

Go to the hotel?

Can their seventh brother really afford Yang Shanshan’s style?

This chapter has been completed!
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