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Chapter 996 Xu Youning Starts Action

Mu Mu was so happy that she accidentally lost the fun and became very sleepy just after dinner.

The little guy lay on Xu Youning's shoulder and said coquettishly: "Aunt Youning, I want to sleep..."

"You haven't taken a bath yet." Xu Youning touched the little guy's head and coaxed him softly, "I'll take you to take a bath first, and then you can go to sleep, okay?"

Mu Mu pursed her lips. It was obvious that he didn't want to agree, but she didn't want to make Xu Youning unhappy. In the end, she could only nod reluctantly: "Okay..."

Xu Youning looked at Ah Jin and said in a very polite tone: "Please help me hug Mu Mu."

Ah Jin smiled slightly and his attitude was unexpectedly friendly: "Okay."

Xu Youning was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

She didn't know why, but Ah Jin's attitude toward her had always been weird. He seemed to dislike her, but he never took it personally.

She has always believed that others will not offend me and I will not offend others, so she did not take A Jin's weirdness to heart.

But today, Ah Jin actually smiled at her.

Could it be that he is possessed by evil spirits?

Xu Youning didn't think deeply about it and followed Ah Jin upstairs to help Mumu take a bath.

She didn't know how many times she could bathe Mumu, so she was extra gentle. Mumu was sleepy and tired, so she lay on the edge of the bathtub and dozed off, like a cute sleepy bug.

After taking a bath, Xu Youning sent the little guy back to his room.

Mu Mu almost fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed. Xu Youning looked at his peaceful and contented look, feeling soft-hearted and feeling doubly regretful at the same time.

If she and this little guy have a fate in the next life, I hope they can get to know each other under different identities.

Xu Youning's remaining time is limited, and no matter how reluctant she is to leave the little guy, she will eventually leave.

She leaned down and kissed Mu Mu's forehead, then stood up and left the children's room.

Ah Jin happened to be passing by outside. Xu Youning stopped him and asked, "When will Brother Cheng come back?"

"About ten o'clock." A Jin said, "Brother Cheng has something to do and won't come back too early."

What Ah Jin wants to tell Xu Youning more is that even if she does what she wants to do, he will cover it for her.

Of course, Xu Youning would not know A Jin's intention, so he nodded: "I understand, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Ah Jin had a calm look on his face and went downstairs without revealing any flaws.

Xu Youning sneaked into Kang Ruicheng's study again while no one was paying attention, opened his computer directly, and forced a search for hidden secret files.

Kang Ruicheng's computer has a program installed that can record the use of the computer, including her forced search for hidden files on the computer.

Once Kang Ruicheng checks the computer usage records, he will find that someone has touched his files.

However, she didn't care about that much anymore.

Even if she doesn't take action, the doctors hired by Kang Ruicheng will find that her child still has signs of life when they arrive. Kang Ruicheng will definitely be suspicious of her, and when the time comes, she will fall from heaven to hell.

She searched Kangruicheng for criminal evidence. Although she had to risk being discovered by Kangruicheng, she could at least let Mu Sijue know that she had another purpose in returning to Kangruicheng.

She will find a way to send the searched documents to Musijue, and by then, Musijue might be able to rescue her.

Failure to act will lead to death.

Searching for criminal evidence in Kangrui City, there is at least a glimmer of hope for survival mixed with a dead end.

In this case, why didn't she choose the latter?

Thinking about it, Xu Youning typed on the keyboard faster.

When Xu Youning was training under Kang Ruicheng, Kang Ruicheng did not focus on teaching her computer network knowledge.

However, Musijue is a top expert in this field. Her killing skills were only learned after going undercover next to Musijue.

Until this moment, Xu Youning felt that she was very grateful to Mu Sijue for being willing to teach her things without reservation, otherwise, she would not be so successful now.

It didn't take long for Xu Youning to successfully unlock the encrypted files. She copied them all to the USB drive regardless of which ones were important.

All the data combined took up a very large amount of memory, and the copying progress was very slow. Xu Youning could only stare at the progress bar intently, his heart almost beating out of his chest.

Whether today's action is a success or a failure depends on this.

When the progress bar reached 85%, Xu Youning glanced at the surveillance screen.

For her safety, she called up the surveillance screen as soon as she came in and took a look at it from time to time.

Before this, there had been nothing unusual in the surveillance, but this time, she saw Kang Ruicheng's figure in the surveillance on the stairs.

Kang Ruicheng is going upstairs!

Didn't Ajin say that Kang Ruicheng would not be back until ten o'clock? Why was the time advanced?

Xu Youning subconsciously looked at the progress of copying files, and it only reached 90%.

There were still 10% left, and she definitely couldn't finish it before Kang Ruicheng came up. Even if she could barely finish it, she wouldn't have time to leave the study.

Once Kang Ruicheng discovers her hiding in the study, she will be exposed now without waiting for the doctor to arrive!

While Xu Youning was stunned, Kang Ruicheng had already reached the door of the study room on the second floor.

She just felt cold all over——

Damn it, can’t God help me?

When Xu Youning was thinking about countermeasures, a figure suddenly jumped out of the surveillance camera. She took a closer look and saw that it was Ah Jin.

Through the door panel, Xu Youning could hear Ah Jin calling Kang Ruicheng——

"Brother Cheng, you are finally back!"

Ah Jin's voice was full of surprise, and he didn't know whether it was true or false.

Kang Ruicheng turned around and looked at Ajin: "Is something wrong?"

"Yes, and it is a very important matter." Akin looked excited, "Auston is here to see you! Brother Cheng, tell me, is Auston ready to change his mind and choose to cooperate with us?"

Kang Ruicheng wanted to cooperate with Auston, but unfortunately, when he and Xu Youning went to talk to Auston, they both had accidents.

Auston suddenly came to the mansion in person. Is there really good news?

Kang Ruicheng immediately turned around: "Let's go down and meet Auston."


Ah Jin maintained his cheerful look. Before going downstairs, he glanced at the surveillance camera at the door of the study.

Xu Youning was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and kept staring at the surveillance camera, almost scratching his desk.

When Ah Jin looked at her, she seemed to be looking at him.

Suddenly, Xu Youning forgot about fear, and even developed a strange feeling——

Ah Jin seemed to know that she was in the study and he was here to help her.

But isn't Ah Jin a subordinate of Kang Ruicheng? How could he help her?

Just a coincidence.

Xu Youning forced himself to forget Ah Jin's strange look and looked at the progress of file copying, which was completed.

She quickly pulled out the USB flash drive, put it in her pocket, and returned to the room as quickly as possible.

Mumu was still asleep, and Xu Youning turned on the computer. The first thing she did was not to send the file, but to delete the surveillance clips of her entering and exiting the study, and then copied a blank surveillance clip to fill in the clips she deleted.

In this way, no one would know that she had ever entered or left Kangruicheng's study, unless someone carefully checked the surveillance video.

After figuring out the surveillance content, Xu Youning breathed a sigh of relief, took out the USB flash drive from his pocket, inserted it into the computer, and read the files.

There are some documents that are of great use to Lu Boyan and Mu Sijue.

It's a pity that she can't send it out now.

The Kang family's network is completely under the surveillance of Kangrui City. Everything sent out will be filtered by the program. If there is any abnormality, the program will intercept it and Kangrui City will receive an alert.

If Xu Youning sent an email to Mu Sijue, there was no doubt that the email would be blocked. Kang Ruicheng saw that the recipient was Mu Sijue, so he knew it was from her without guessing.

In this way, her death will come.

Unless there is a very critical moment, she will not rush through the interception of the program and force the email to be sent out.

Xu Youning unplugged the USB flash drive and put it away, turned off the computer, and then there was a knock on the door.

She took a deep breath and calmly opened the door as if nothing had happened. The person outside the door was indeed Kang Ruicheng.

Xu Youning made a puzzled expression: "Did you just come back?"

"Well." There was no obvious emotion in Kang Ruicheng's voice, "Just now, Auston came."

Xu Youning was stunned for a moment, with a hint of surprise on his face: "Has he decided to cooperate with us?"

"He came to apologize." Kang Ruicheng's voice deepened, revealing a hint of gloom, "He still decided to cooperate with Musijue."

The surprise on Xu Youning's face gradually dimmed, and after a while, she slowly raised the corners of her lips and said, "It doesn't matter, we can still fight for it in the future."

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Kang Ruicheng glanced into the room, "Where is Mu Mu?"

Xu Youning stepped aside and motioned to Kang Ruicheng to look in: "He is very happy today. He is too tired from playing and has gone to bed long ago."

Kang Ruicheng grabbed Xu Youning's hands, and his eyes suddenly became affectionate: "Aning, even if Auston didn't choose us as a partner, I would still be very happy today, because you can get better."

"..." Xu Youning nodded, and took the initiative to hug Kang Ruicheng gently, "I will."

"Go to bed early." Kang Ruicheng took the initiative to let go of Xu Youning and looked at her deeply, "Aning, if you take the initiative to approach me, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself."

Xu Youning pretended to be angry, glared at Kang Ruicheng, closed the door, and returned to the room.

No one noticed that the moment he turned around, Xu Youning's expression suddenly became deep and confused.

She had been in contact with Alston and could see the pride in that man at a glance.

In this cooperation, Auston has the right to take the initiative. It is his freedom to choose who to cooperate with, and his pride does not allow him to apologize to Kang Ruicheng because of his freedom.

Auston actually came all the way to apologize, which was really abnormal.

The most unusual thing is the time when Auston appears.

How could it be such a coincidence that when Kang Ruicheng was about to discover her, Akinang rushed up, and Auston also happened to come over, so Kang Ruicheng had to go downstairs to see Auston, giving her time to leave the study to deal with the aftermath.

Is all this a coincidence or a careful arrangement?

Thinking of the word coincidence, Xu Youning couldn't help but laugh at himself——

If all this is carefully arranged——

Who arranged it for her?

This time, she was left alone after leaving Musijue. Who would carefully arrange all this for her and get her out of danger?

Actually, it's just a coincidence...

This chapter has been completed!
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