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Chapter 1 He is indeed a good man

With the sound of drums, a cheerful wedding team dressed in red and colorful colors...

The sound of the suona of "Hundred Birds Paying Attention to the Phoenix" floats leisurely among the clouds. There is a new group of newcomers in the land of China. Like the sun rising in the east, it seems to indicate full of vitality.

In the central and western part of China, there is an inconspicuous and remote mountain village. It is surrounded by mountains and dotted with lakes, separated by criss-crossing roads, giving it an idyllic scenery.

There are fluttering birds and the sound of wild frogs.

In the morning light, the wedding procession slowly arrived in front of the small mountain village. At the head was a groom riding a flowered horse. He wore a big red flower on his chest, his face was expressionless, and he looked particularly energetic in his Chinese tunic suit.

The bride behind her was sitting on a carriage in the middle of the procession. Under the bright red hijab, the elegant oval face showed a mixture of shyness, excitement, excitement, anxiety and other complex expressions.

Sensing the bride's uneasiness, the bridesmaid beside her laughed softly: "Qinqin, you are so lucky to have found a good family. I heard that your man has no brothers, and you will be the head of their family from now on. I also heard that although your father-in-law

He is no longer here, but the Li family’s wealth is very rich. There are countless villages in the surrounding areas. Didn’t I give your family a gift of 1,500 yuan? This is twice as much.”

"My family doesn't care about the bride price. This is not selling our daughter." The bride, Gu Yuqin, spat in a duplicitous tone. However, the bride price also represented the level of attention, and she was quite sweet in her heart.

"Okay, okay, you just have your eye on Li Yuan." The bridesmaid laughed so hard that her whole body trembled, "I heard that he took the college entrance examination this time. If he becomes a college student, your whole family will become city residents in the future."

"I... I just think he's nice. And my parents agree, so there's nothing I can do about it?" Gu Yuqin explained weakly, her pretty face turned red with embarrassment.

However, such an explanation made the bridesmaid cover her mouth and laugh. It had only been more than ten days since the matchmaker came to the door. She had already seen a photo before and after, and without even meeting her, Gu Yuqin got married in a hurry. Wasn't it just to get ahead of other girls?

Are you going to be here?

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Qinqin, now that we have arrived at their village, you will enjoy the happiness in the future. Hehehehe."

"No. I am also very capable. I can do everything at home. I will also respect my mother-in-law and take good care of my sister-in-law."

"What about your man? You want to..."

"I hate you! I'm ignoring you."


In the warm summer breeze, the wedding was carried out step by step.

The bride welcomes the bride at the door, sets off firecrackers, worships heaven and earth, honors her parents, holds a banquet, toasts the newlyweds, and enters the bridal chamber...

Waiting alone in the new house, Gu Yuqin felt more and more nervous.

It should be said that the girl has been smart since she was a child, and her education level is a junior high school graduate. Not only does she have an outstanding appearance and a good personality, but she is also good at farm work and housework. She is also a good girl who is well-known far and wide.

But Gu Yuqin really had no experience in getting married. In order to ease her emotions, she whispered what her mother secretly told her before she got married: "Remember. Be filial to your mother-in-law and be tolerant to your sister-in-law. Be diligent and don't talk.

Greedy, watch more and listen more, don't talk too much. If you say the wrong thing, you will cause conflicts. You should coax the man more and give him face outside. Don't put too much money around a man. Except for tobacco and alcohol money, everything else must be tightly controlled. Hmm

Hmm. And...the child...hurry up and give birth to the child..."

Gu Yuqin's face was shy and she was trying to build up her mind. Suddenly she heard a faint voice coming from outside the door, which seemed to be her mother-in-law Zhang Zhen: "Debt collector, get out of here... What the hell is an arranged marriage? The Marriage Law? We

Rural people don’t like this...! You still want to make a big change, right? Remember, be nice to your wife, and let me hold my fat grandson quickly..."


The door finally opened, and the groom Li Yuan walked in with a slumped face. Carefully observing Li Yuan's expression, the two of them stared at each other, relatively speechless.

Li Yuan let out a long sigh and finally forced out a bright fake smile: "Hello. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Yuan. This is my home. You can come to me if you have anything in the future. If you don't understand anything,

You can also ask me somewhere."

Gu Yuqin lowered her head and tugged at the corner of her clothes, saying in a voice like a mosquito's whisper: "Hello. My name is Gu Yuqin."

"Don't be nervous. We can get to know each other. This should be our first meeting, right?"

"I...I'm not nervous. I saw you in school. In junior high school, I was one grade below you."


Li Yuan tried his best to recall, and he remembered that he and Mudba were kicking big trees in junior high school. The most annoying thing was the crying girls. He didn't pay attention to those troublesome creatures at all, let alone the junior school girls in the next year.


In fact, Gu Yuqin's impression was a bit vague. But the girl always liked to fantasize, so she took a peek at Li Yuan. Although he had an ordinary appearance, he could still be said to have good facial features. Especially his tall and strong figure, which gave people a very reassuring look.

It feels like. Isn’t this what men want to choose?

From now on, this will be my man. He will definitely be a down-to-earth, capable, hard-working and honest man. He is also capable of going to college, just like the scholar in the play...

"That... that that..."

"My family calls me Qinqin."

"Okay, Qinqin. In fact, I am a man of steel with very upright views. Please don't mind me speaking outright."

He has a very upright outlook on life? A straight man of steel?

As expected, he is a college student who is full of ink. It is difficult to understand these profound words...

"Are you over 18? I don't mean anything else, it's just easy to 404?"


"It was full last month. I studied relatively late." Gu Yuqin answered doubtfully.

"That's good. Although the wedding is a bit hasty, since we are married... let's live a good life?"

"Yeah, live a good life."

Li Yuan was slightly lost in thought, and then he stopped laughing. Now he finally understands why there were so many Justice Party in his previous life. As long as they have good looks, who can stand up to them?

Shit arranged marriage, "Marriage Law"!

At this time, Gu Yuqin also felt a little strange.

In order to get rid of that strange feeling, Gu Yuqin asked in a hurry, "Li Yuan, actually I will take good care of your family. You can go to university with peace of mind in the future."

"Uh... Actually, a diploma doesn't mean everything. Let's talk about it later. Anyway, it will never be worse than a college student. Haha." Li Yuan laughed a few times.

Sure enough, her man has great ambitions. According to his words, even being a college student is not the end. Gu Yuqin is intoxicated with happiness: "Leave the housework to me. I am also good at all farm work."

"Uh... don't tire yourself too much, it's almost enough. You can't dig out much money from the soil, and your family won't rely on it in the future."

Gu Yuqin felt even sweeter in her heart. Sure enough, this man is very good at caring: "Actually, my cooking is also very delicious..."

Li Yuan's color changed suddenly, and he interrupted categorically: "You must use more oil when cooking! Use more ingredients! Is boiled food for human consumption?"


Sure enough, I don’t care about putting more fuel at all, my family must be very good...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, my parents are really discerning and chose such a good man!

Rain hits the banana trees. Three days later.

This chapter has been completed!
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