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Chapter 101 Signing a Letter of Intent

In the yard, Gu Yuqin and Li Yunyun were playing with the deer "Meimei". This is a common wild sika deer in China. It had just eaten its fill of goat's milk and was limping around chasing it.

Seeing Li Yuan sitting on the deck chair, lazily basking in the sun, Zhang Zhen rolled her eyes angrily: "They have already gone into the mountains, why are you still at home?"

Li Yuan waved his hand and sighed: "Oh! It's no longer interesting."

"It's boring? Are you lazy? My grandson must never learn from you in the future."


If he was just coaxing himself to play, Li Yuan wouldn't care. Apart from other things, firing a gun is still fun. But even the hunting belongs to him? Isn't that a bad rule? Brother Yuan can't afford to lose that face.


So after leaving the mountain, Li Yuan only wanted two wolf skins and a deer, and all he wanted was the little deer Mei Mei. The rest was left to Master Tuo to preside over and divide. And he also decided not to continue running in the mountains, there was no need to fight with him.

Others go and snatch the prey.

"Hey, honey, I heard that you have a quota for rural-to-non-agricultural transfer?" Zhang Zhen suddenly sat down next to Li Yuan with a smile.

Li Yuan squinted: "Mom, why do you ask this?"

"Nonsense, who doesn't like the idea of ​​a non-agricultural transfer?" Zhang Zhen said matter-of-factly.

"Alas!" Li Yuan sighed, "Mom, I will make arrangements. The eldest brother is already a cadre in the city, so she will be able to eat the royal food from now on. The third child hopes she can go to college. I will also make arrangements for the fourth child.


"What about you and Qinqin?"

"Qinqin has not been able to apply for a household registration in the past few years. After a few years, she can choose from any household registration across the country. It will be no problem to get a household registration in the capital."

"Just brag!" Zhang Zhen scolded with a smile, "I can't control you either. Let me ask you, where is my eldest grandson?"

"The child's household registration follows the mother. If Qinqin solves the problem, won't the child also solve the problem?"

"Hey, what about you?"

"I am different. I have jumped out of the Three Realms and am not in the Five Elements. Haha."

"speak English!"

"I don't care about the household registration at all. Even if I go to the city in the future, I can basically solve it with money. And if we keep the household registration in the village, our family will have a way out in the future. The worst is to go home and farm. Haha."

How could Li Yuan give up his household registration in Yutou'ao Village? Otherwise, how could he become the second generation in the future?

Zhang Zhen laughed and spat: "You can still farm? I don't expect you in this life."


Realizing that everyone was yearning for the Nongzhuanfei, Li Yuan secretly shook his head. If people's hearts were broken, it would be difficult to lead the team.

However, those things that should worry Liu Kuan and other village cadres have nothing to do with him.

"Yuanzi, you have a registered letter." Gu Yuqin said with a smile.


Li Yuan opened it and saw that it was his soft exam (intermediate) certificate. As expected, he passed the exam and finally got his first certificate.

Interestingly, it also comes with a file stub link.

This is also very characteristic of the times. In other words, with this stub, Li Yuan's file was transferred to the Personnel Bureau. Li Yuan automatically obtained the qualification of a reserve cadre.

Of course, it is just a preparatory qualification, and an establishment quota still needs to be solved. But in any case, Li Yuan has now become a cadre recognized by the state, and his level is not low.

Intermediate professional titles are basically engineer level, which is equivalent to associate degree or full degree (mainly depends on the working years. The size of contribution can also be used as a reference), and are generally technical cadres. If technical cadres are transferred internally, Li Yuan can easily become a higher education institution

Lecturer or senior lecturer.

You read that right! Even though Li Yuan has only graduated from high school, he is already qualified to be a teacher in a university. As for whether the university will hire Li Yuan? That is another matter.

However, the rotation of cadres during this period was smooth. There was also no obstacle to becoming an administrative cadre. In other words, Li Yuan was also qualified to serve as the township chief, deputy township chief, or the county director and deputy director.

Note: This is just for qualifications!

For some people, it is difficult to obtain such qualifications; but for others, such qualifications are easy? To put it clearly, this is basically a battle.

But having said that, if you have a good father and can pass the intermediate professional title exam, then you must have excellent academic qualifications, morality, intelligence and physical fitness. Then you will definitely follow the high road and never look for such "crooked ways", right?

Therefore, this era is quite friendly to intellectuals. There is a real chance to achieve success in one step, and the country also provides policies to encourage it. Where will such good things come from in a few decades?

Although having such an additional qualification as a preparatory cadre was of no use to Li Yuan, he was still in a very happy mood.

Moreover, Zhang Hongguang and the others really made people feel comfortable, so after Shannan University issued the water quality report, Li Yuan, on behalf of Hong Kong businessman Huang Moumou, readily signed the "Letter of Intent for the Wild Mountain Qingquan Project".

Yeshan Qingquan will be wholly owned by Hong Kong, with a planned investment of HK$30 million in the first phase. The construction period is expected to be 30 months, which is two and a half years.

And before March next year, the first capital of HK$135 will be injected. Adding the previous 650,000, it will be HK$2 million. Then before the end of next year, no less than HK$10 million will be injected. And as the project construction progresses,

Funds were injected one by one according to the plan, until the entire HK$30 million was injected before trial production.

The headquarters and warehousing center of Yeshan Qingquan will be built in the Neizhou City Economic Development Zone. The independently accounted Tonggu Township branch will be built in Tonggu Township, Fengling County. This is the result of internal coordination between the top management of Neizhou City and Fengling County.

Tonggu Township will provide 50 acres of construction land free of charge. It will also reserve 250 acres of land on the side for the second and third phases of expansion. The land reserved later will also be given a preferential price - 5,000 per mu!

The Municipal Development Zone has also designated 80 acres of land for construction, and has given a preferential price of RMB 15,000 per mu. There is no need to pay fees for the time being, as long as the land is paid in full before the completion of the construction period.

The water resource management fee for the water intake point is set at 1 million per year. If it exceeds the amount, Neizhou City and Fengling County will receive 8% of the revenue of the Tonggu Township branch. However, during the 30-month construction period, Yeshan Qingquan only needs to pay

A sum of 200,000 does not require additional charges.

There are also several clauses, so I won’t go into detail here.

In other words, Li Yuan only spent 200,000. Oh, and the water quality testing fee of Shannan University was 50,000. A total of 250,000.

He got the water quality testing report, water resource use rights report, construction report on 80 acres of land in the Municipal Economic Development Zone, construction report on 50,250 acres of land in Tonggu Township, business license, etc.

A large-scale aquaculture factory finally made its grand debut...

This chapter has been completed!
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