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Chapter 352 Partnering up

The next day, Yeshan Qingquan's stock price unexpectedly fell below the 30 Hong Kong dollar mark. Interestingly, there was no thunderstorm as a group of onlookers expected, stock trading continued normally, and there was no news of Li Yuan's bankruptcy.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Coca-Cola just suppressed the stock price to give a warning, but they did not want to completely smash the market. But now Li Yuan has enough ammunition, so he spent more than 30 million yuan to easily hold up the stock price and did not appear.

A situation that is out of control.

The next two days will be the weekend when the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is closed. It also happens to be a chance to take a breather. Li Yuan took his family to the manor in the suburbs of Beijing...

The two hounds jumped and had fun next to Li Yuan, Qiqi shrank her short legs in fear, and curiously looked at Huzi and Sanhu in Li Yuan's arms: Mom, wow... wow..."

Qiqi still spoke Martian, and Li Yuan asked strangely: "Qinqin, why hasn't my son learned to call him daddy?"

"Isn't this strange?" Zhang Zhen smiled and took Qiqi, "Boys learn to speak late. Back then you..."

"Okay!" Li Yuan interrupted quickly, "Mom, there's no need to talk about this old almanac, right?"

"Mom, I love to hear it. Grrrrrrrr!" Although she had already guessed what she was going to say, Gu Yuqin never got tired of listening.

"Let's go! Let's find Xiaosi." Li Yuan pulled Gu Yuqin's arm, turned around and ran towards the depths of the manor.


"Why can't I find Xiaosi? I don't know where I went as soon as I got off the car..."

"Li Yuan!"

"Understood! You are tired! I will carry you and run!"

"Excuse me! Mom, my dear son, help me——!"


When she found Li Yunyun, she was looking at the group of chickens and ducks. It should be a beautiful memory of her childhood, the little girl's pocket money bag.

"Brother, grab a chicken and a duck each and eat them today!"


"I want to celebrate!"

"What can you celebrate? Did you finally get 10 points on the exam?"

"No! Don't accuse me wrongly. I worked very hard. I have passed 60 points now! Huh."

"Hey, you, you are such a scary high-scoring kid. Didn't you expect that my fourth grader is still a top student?"

"Brother, now I know why you are so bad! Do you see? I finally didn't repeat a grade, and I am one year short of graduating from junior high school! Hahahaha——!"


Okay, okay! The little girl is not that good at studying.

"Brother, can you support me from now on?"

"What are you doing? I've heard of chewing the old man, but never heard of chewing the brother?"

"My mother threatened me, saying that I didn't like studying and didn't want to work, so she would send me to get married!"

"I can't help you with this. Look at your eldest sister, she works every day. And look at your third sister who is the most outrageous? If she succeeds in the college entrance examination, she will go to college."

"Then what can I do? Mom said that the intelligence of the eldest sister and me has been sucked away by you and the third sister. So I don't want to use the last bit, let's leave it to Qiqi!"

Li Yuan was amused, what is this? Does this thing also have automatic transfer?

"So, just stay here! No matter how much you continue, you will become an idiot. Haha."

"That doesn't matter, as long as you can eat it."

"Let's go! Kill all the chickens and ducks first!"

Li Yuan didn't know that during this period, Jeff from Coca-Cola was looking for him all over the world. And because he was in the suburbs of Beijing, there wasn't even a bp signal here.

Moreover, the manor was only crudely decorated, and there was not even a telephone line connected.

"Qinqin, should we give the manor a name?"

"I know, I know." Li Yunyun learned to answer quickly, "It's called Huxiao Villa!"


"Keke, it sounds pretty good." Gu Yuqin winked. She just liked to see Li Yuan's jokes.

"Okay!" Li Yuan didn't care much about the name. At least he had a strong martial arts style.

"Brother! When are you going to get a big tiger?"

"Pfft——!" Li Yuan spat, "Xiaosi, are you being punished? Where can I catch a big tiger and let it roam free in the capital?"

"Yun, I thought you used Huzi's name?"

Hearing "Hu Zi", Hu Zi and San Hu shouted and rushed over.

"Oh! It's not you two. It's not." Li Yuan felt tired.

"Brother! I'm not a tiger, I just like tigers roaring."

"Then do you still like pandas? Do you want me to catch a few?"

"Yeah." Li Yunyun and Gu Yuqin nodded rapidly, their big eyes flashing.

There's no way, I'm going to end up in jail soon. Come on! I'm not Uncle Yu, I just like to raise some weird animals. I raise animals just for food!

"Fifth Aunt, we are looking for someone to kill the sheep in the village!"

The fifth aunt was arranged to work from a nearby village. She is busy making farm dishes today.

"Don't waste it!" Zhang Zhen shouted from a distance, "Can we finish it?"

"If you can't finish eating, fifth aunt will take it back!" Li Yuan felt that his appetite was whetted because he was made angry by the fourth girl.

The fifth aunt was smiling brightly. She would definitely be happy to kill an extra sheep. Maybe most of the remaining sheep could be taken home.

"Fifth Aunt, then you can bring some more lambs over. My boy is just greedy."

“Buy a bunch of them!”

"Brother, let me ask you, why do we all like pandas?"

"The panda represents our Chinese character. It looks simple and honest, cute and lovable. But when it strikes, it immediately reveals its ferocious nature and can kill its opponent with one palm!"

"Ah? The panda is so cute. Is it a ferocious beast?"

"It's so rare, so weird, right? In addition to bamboo, pandas also like to eat meat."

"Ah? It eats meat?"

Gu Yuqin beside her was already overjoyed: "Yunyun, don't listen to your brother, he just likes to talk nonsense."

Li Yuan is too lazy to talk to these two ignorant women, believe it or not!

The butcher invited by the village had already started, slaughtering the sheep and hanging them up without saying a word.

Sheep are different from other domestic animals, and are generally called "heroic sheep"! Before other domestic animals die, they shout, scream and struggle. Only sheep "see death as if they are home" and do not move at all.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In fact, the real reason is that sheep are particularly timid, and they are usually scared out of their wits.

The aroma of meat slowly floated in the manor. Several plates of cold dishes were also placed on the table in the main room.

The family sat around the table, and Gu Yuqin asked: "Yuanzi, what are you going to do this afternoon?"

"Let's go fishing! It's been a long time since I've been an Air Force veteran. Qinqin, are you going?"

"I won't go. What's so delicious about the fish in the lake?"

"Haha, you are finally our Yutou'ao's wife."

"Am I not? Am I not worthy of being your Li family's wife? Humph!"

Li Yuan was very happy. It seemed that his daughter-in-law was more and more arrogant.

"Yuanyuan." Zhang Zhen said at the side, "I have started to teach Qinqin to manage the accounts, and she will be in charge of the house from now on. Mom is already old, and there are some things that she can no longer take care of."

"Huh?" Li Yuan glanced at her in confusion. In her previous life, this old lady was walking like flying in her seventies. Why did she suddenly change her tone now?

"Hey, what a coincidence, you are all here?" A voice suddenly came from outside the manor door. A man in his fifties came in, his expression was nervous, but he pretended to have met by chance. He was Professor Shen from the Agricultural University.


"Hey, you." Li Yuan quickly stood up and greeted, "Professor Shen?"

"You're welcome, Yuanzi, call me...Uncle Jiang."

Li Yuan rolled his eyes and saw that his mother was also coquettish, so he knew there was something fishy going on: "Uncle Jiang, you haven't eaten before, have you? Let's deal with it together."

"No, no, no," Shen Jiang said politely, "I'm here today to see how the crops are growing. The students gave me a day off, and I'll record the data myself..."

Li Yuan was speechless. There was no need to explain it in detail, right?

"Sit down, sit down, the hot food hasn't been served yet."

"This... is not good!" Shen Jiang looked at Zhang Zhen honestly, but Zhang Zhen glared at her fiercely.

Li Yuan was secretly amused. Gu Yuqin also slowly figured it out and watched the show with great interest. Only Li Yunyun, the little girl, was carefree and focused on eating the floss in the cold dish.

Shen Jiang also sat down coquettishly: "Yuanzi, this...that...eat first! Haha."

Amidst the dry laughter, Li Yuan finally couldn't help but said: "Uncle Jiang, have you never chased a woman?"

"No, no, your mother and I have pure feelings..." Shen Jiang blurted out.


Zhang Zhen finally became angry and turned around and ran away to the kitchen...

In fact, since Li Yuan did not object, the matter was almost settled.

Shen Jiang had a son and a daughter. The son's family was with the army, and the daughter even married away to Gan Province, leaving him alone as an old man in the capital.

Before this, Shen Jiang and his mother Zhang Zhen had actually discussed it. They just lived together and did not ask for evidence or anything, which made it very complicated. But it would be like a normal wedding. Shen Jiang solemnly gave

A betrothal gift of five thousand yuan and a gold bracelet was given.

Logically speaking, in this era, the value of this betrothal gift is relatively sincere. After all, income in society is generally not high.

But Zhang Zhen still has some concerns, mainly because she can't bear to leave her eldest grandson.

For Li Yuan, this matter was too simple, so he simply arranged a house on the same floor across from each other. He could come over whenever he wanted, and he could live a world of two people separately.

And under Li Yuan's hint, the old couple is planning to travel to Hong Kong to get married...ahem! There is also a second grandson there.

Now that we have talked about it, there is no need to worry about adult matters. After going back, we will prepare and prepare to move in together. Only Li Yunyun, the silly girl, is still unaware. Unexpectedly, after the outing, they actually have an extra child in their home.

New daddy? She is still having fun with Shen Jiang!

After eating melon all weekend, and this time it was for his mother Zhang Zhen, Li Yuan was satisfied with the meal and continued working energetically in the new week.

"Hey! Didn't I ask you to come earlier? We are all moving?"

The new headquarters building has been renovated and almost everything here has been packed up. Under Ying Xin's command, the more command you give, the more chaotic it becomes!

"Didn't I say that the moving company will come by then?"

"Then we still need to sort out the information. If it gets messed up, I won't worry. You sit in the corner and don't step on it!"

"Huh?" Li Yuan smiled and shook his head. This silly girl Ying Xin is really becoming more and more like a boss lady.

Messy, messy! Anyway, you don’t need to organize it yourself, so you can just be the hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind!

"Hey, I'm asking you. I went back and asked a classmate of mine who is also a very close friend of mine. She told me, are you lying to me?"

"Why are you lying to me? You don't have a lot of meat on your body, so what can I lie to you?"

"No! You used my stocks as collateral, and she said you had bad intentions! Humph."

"You just know? Haha."

"No kidding. She asked me to test you. If you are sincere, it's not like I can't help you."

"What test?"

"I just want you to write an IOU. Not to borrow stocks, but to borrow 44 million!"

"Wait! Why is there an extra 4 million?"

"She said, didn't you admit that you have money? Giving me 10% is nothing. What do you think?"


Li Yuan understood. This was the old routine of best friends - he was afraid that his best friend would suffer hardship, and he was also afraid that his best friend would ride in a Land Rover!

But this kind of best friends or brothers is so commonplace that Li Yuan doesn't want any disputes or misunderstandings to happen.

Li Yuan opened his arms and said with a smile: "Come on, let me mortgage me to you!"

"Who wants you, a stinky man?" Ying Xin spat with a smile, "I also think this statement is unreliable, but I don't know what's wrong, so I asked you!"

"..." Li Yuan was speechless. This silly girl is really stupid!

"Yuanzi, I care about you. Is your stock okay this time?" At this time, Ying Xin really didn't know that Li Yuan had already received 400 million Hong Kong dollars.

"Alas! Something really happened." Li Yuan had a sad face. He raised his head at a forty-five-degree angle, feeling sad and lost, "Xinxin, to tell you the truth, this time it is basically doomed. Alas! The time has come for heaven and earth.

With the same force, the heroes will not be free——!"

Ying Xin didn't realize that her little hand had fallen into the palm of a certain scumbag. Sha Niu quickly comforted: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I will sell my car and I will have hundreds of thousands for you later."

We won’t do stocks anymore, and we won’t play with those capitalists. Okay?”

Li Yuan secretly laughed wildly: Silly girl! You can't do this, you know? If you continue like this, brother, I will really feel guilty!

"Okay! When this time is over, I will wash my hands in the golden basin, say goodbye to the world completely, stay under the sun, moon and stars, and accompany the ancient Buddha in the Zen temple."


Ying Xin was so frightened that she trembled all over. She said urgently: "No, no, there's no need for this! There are many people waiting for you outside... huh?"

Li Yuan deliberately pretended to be stupid: "The world is suffering, I want to cut off three thousand worries and make the six roots pure! Amitabha!"

A certain person with a clean conscience had already wrapped his big pig's hooves around Ying Xin's waist, taking advantage of her.

"Huh?" Ying Xin finally felt something was wrong. Why did she unknowingly sit on Li Yuan's lap? And she had dirty hands...?

Ying Xin angrily gritted her little steel teeth and resisted with all her strength: "Go to hell! I am a big liar. Bah bah bah! You are just a shameless stinky hooligan——!"

"Hahaha!" It's been so long, but Silly Girl's skill at swearing still hasn't improved!

This chapter has been completed!
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