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Chapter 53 Did you meet the sweeping monk?

"Damn it! There are still technical experts in this shitty place like Hong Kong? Did you invite them here? Are you not blind?"

Hearing Li Yuan say such words, Ying Xin's mouth was about to burst in shock. A thought suddenly appeared in her mind - how dare this Hun Dan?

In fact, the performance of the others was not much better. They were also dumbfounded and couldn't believe Li Yuan's nonsense - this country bumpkin is so ignorant that he is fearless!

In this era, the country has not long since opened its doors, so the mainland would imagine everything overseas as unattainable. The adjective "worshiping foreigners and favoring foreigners" is not an exaggeration.

For example, asking Chinese people to give up their seats to foreigners on the subway, this kind of despicable behavior that was later criticized by netizens, is not only common in this period, but also everyone takes it for granted, and even feels honored and happy?

And such examples abound in the technical field. It’s not just blind faith, it even reaches the level of superstition.

This trend continued decades later. In his previous life, Li Yuan had seen a news interview crash scene. The reporter used the standard template for the interview - Excuse me, how many years is your scientific research team away from the international advanced level?


The scientific researcher looked at the reporter with a stern look - you should ask, how many years are we away from the internationally advanced level?

Back to the present, it is for this reason that in this project, the two Hong Kong engineers were allowed to mess around. And no one felt anything was wrong.

However, Li Yuan's map cannon directly stirred up a hornet's nest. After the shock, someone immediately shouted loudly: "What do you know? This is a national key project! Are you qualified to speak?"

"Haha." Li Yuan's expression also had the same look of disdain, "Then you use Hong Kong people? Just be happy! Hahaha."

The people on the other side felt tons of hurt. Not only was it extremely hurtful, it was also extremely insulting!

Huang Jiaojiao was also furious. However, years of education as a noblewoman allowed her to maintain her grace. She took a few deep breaths and said, "Sir, if there was any offense just now, I can apologize to you. But William and

George is a top student at the University of Hong Kong and a well-known electrical engineer in the industry. We have indeed been invited to participate in your CNC equipment project in mainland China. Please do not question our professionalism."

Huang Jiaojiao still spoke in English. She didn't want to make the matter a big deal, hoping to keep things quiet, so she had better get rid of this English-speaking... mainlander.

In fact, unknowingly, Huang Jiaojiao has become less confident because the project was indeed messed up, and it was the Hong Kong engineers she brought who made mistakes.

Li Yuan can't control so much. What he pursues is a clear idea. However, he is not so tasteless, and he still said sarcastically in English: "Professional? In addition to selling off-the-plan properties and Disneyland, what other majors do you have in Hong Kong? Mickey (

Mickey Mouse) Engineer? Haha."

Unexpectedly, everyone was shocked by his fluent English.

Li Yuan still underestimated the great power of English in this era.

There are not many people in the Mainland who understand English. Even if there are a few who do, they are basically mute in English. They have no problem reading in exams, but almost all of them have no ability to listen, read and communicate.

Because of this, there was no need for a translator for Huang Jiaojiao and the others, so they would use English to ridicule and ridicule the mainlanders unscrupulously. Huang Jiaojiao and the others did not think that anyone around them could understand English.

Therefore, seeing Li Yuan speak English fluently, everyone's expressions changed. Before, they could still maintain a condescending attitude, but they didn't expect to meet a sweeping monk? They immediately put Li Yuan on an equal footing.

He even looked up a little bit.

Only Ying Xin's eyes were blank. She knew a little bit more - what's the big deal? Do all the little farmers setting up stalls speak English now? Did this girl recognize the wrong person? Or does this person have other ulterior motives?


Seeing some awkwardness, everyone else was stunned. Ying Xiong on the side coughed a few times and took the initiative to smooth things over: "Ahem, little comrade, you misunderstood. They are indeed experts from Hong Kong. They are currently working together to solve the white machine problem."

The factory’s CNC grinder project. Now technically..."

It should be said that among all the people here, Ying Xiong's reaction is the fastest, but he also has a common problem among scientific researchers - he likes to put professional skills into daily conversations.

In fact, Li Yuan was about to leave. Anyway, he had successfully ridiculed and achieved his goal. But when he heard Ying Xiong's professional vocabulary, he stopped curiously: "What chip model are you using? Which manufacturer's assembly language are you using?

?Are you sure whether it is a hardware problem or a software problem?"

In my previous life, what the Internet industry loved most was to follow trends, such as the pursuit of traffic, cloud computing, sharing economy, P2P, big IP, driverless driving, intelligent robots, and the emerging metaverse, etc.

As long as a new trend emerges, no matter whether it is a large or small factory, they will rush to burn money, regardless of whether it is useful or not, for fear that they will not catch up with this trend and be completely eliminated.

Li Yuan was once in charge of an intelligent robot project. For example, after the development of CNC grinding machines, isn't it an intelligent industrial robot? So he is not an outsider, but he understands the situation very well.

Furthermore, what industrial equipment pursues is stability, and does not require how advanced it is. We also need to consider compatibility issues after upgrading. So if we know the development decades later, how can we not know the preliminary version of this period?

When Ying Xiong heard these insider words, he was suddenly surprised, and then overjoyed. He didn't care where the sweeping monk came from, and took the time to communicate, it would be fine if he could give some inspiration!

"Comrade, it's like this. All the instructions are currently in action. There should be no problem with the hardware of the mechanical part and the CNC part. It's just..."

"Then let me ask you, what sentence pops up on the screen? Have you ever used these shortcut keys? That's it..."

"We have considered this method, and this is what we did at that time. We..."

"Your ideas should be fine. You can try this. Until..."

"Will this solve the problem?"

"At least one doubt point can be eliminated. If not, then..."

"Hmm. Your statement is theoretically feasible."


Ying Xin was once again scorched on the outside and tender on the inside. She stared blankly at the heated discussion between the old and the young, and she finally felt doubtful about life.

What is wrong with this world? Are the standards of even small farmers that high now?

This chapter has been completed!
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