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18. It's a big deal

Tan Xuan looked at the so-called activities outside for a while and then leaned back in his seat. He didn't pay attention to a group of wandering ghosts. They couldn't cause any trouble even if they wanted to do evil. And where did Li Jianyang learn from it?

They came with some half-hearted skills, and the previous etiquette was fulfilled. As long as they didn't make too much noise, nothing would happen. They wanted to be happy, and those ghosts were also happy.

Knowing that the "Yin Shen" was in place, the people sitting around the white cloth regained control of their excitement and continued their activities of seeking supernatural knowledge.

The first person to speak was Li Jianyang. He closed his eyes and asked: "Yin Shen, Yin Shen, can I succeed in getting promoted this year? Please give me clear instructions."

After a moment of silence, the plate on the white cloth moved again, still slowly, sliding from one word to the next, as if going from house to house, not hurriedly, and occasionally taking a few steps back.

The dishes didn't stop for a long time, and everyone was a little anxious, especially Li Jianyang. At this time, the calm mind taught by his master was completely delusional, and now this kind of waiting was completely torturous for him. Li Jianyang closed his eyes tightly and dared not open them.

He didn't dare to open his mouth to urge him. His master had warned him not to show any disrespect to the Yin God, otherwise he would get into trouble. The eagerness all over his body was reflected on his face. After a while, he pressed it against the bottom of the plate.

His fingers began to tremble unconsciously.

Finally, the plate stopped and stopped sliding. After Li Jianyang felt it for a while, he quickly opened his eyes and stared at the text pointed by the arrow on the plate. Others also opened their eyes.

"Can." The arrow pointed impartially.

After seeing the corresponding text, Li Jianyang squeezed his left hand hard, which had been resting on his lap. His face was instantly filled with joy. At the same time, other people were also smiling and happy for him, especially those who were in the same car with him.

Those who came.

"Go on, next person."

After the excitement, Li Jianyang spoke, the activity continued, and everyone closed their eyes again.

"Ahem!" The order must have been arranged in advance. This time it was Su Cheng who spoke. She cleared her throat before speaking, and then asked softly with a pious expression: "Yin Shen, Yin Shen, can I meet this year?"

My Prince Charming? Please give me clear instructions."

After saying that, Su Cheng shut her mouth tightly and sat up straight.

Hearing Su Cheng's question, Tan Xuan sat up again in the car. He was not interested in the answer that would appear soon. After all, as the saying goes - ghosts are full of lies, and ghosts are not sincere to people.

It can be said that now that these people have gone to great lengths to find the ghost to ask for the answer, it can only be said that they really have no one left. Tan Xuan is just curious about what Su Cheng will look like after getting the answer.

The skinny old man riding on Li Zhengyang's shoulder was having a great time. Although the smile on his face was sinister, it never broke. He kept touching the white cloth with the branches in his hands to let the little ghost on the white cloth catch it. Back and forth.

, left and right, the old ghost teased the little ghost and crawled back and forth on the white cloth. When Su Cheng's body on the opposite side was no longer so straight, and his expression became a little relaxed, the old ghost nodded his branch on a spot on the white cloth.

Then move. The little ghost hugged the branch and lay there sucking it, as if the branch was coated with honey.

Feeling that the plate was no longer moving, Su Cheng secretly counted three words and hurriedly opened her eyes to see the answer. However, when she saw the answer pointed by the arrow, her eyes widened, and then she frowned.

Because the arrow does not point to the word "neng", nor the word "yes", nor even the disappointing word "no", but to the word "木". What is the answer? The answer is completely different from the question. See

Su Cheng was confused.

This answer was really hard to understand. Su Cheng quickly closed his eyes and asked again: "Yin Shen, Yin Shen, can you make it more clear? Is the other person's surname Mu or does his name contain wood?"

Yin Shen did not reply to Su Cheng. Zhang Yanan, who was sitting next to Su Cheng, spoke directly, "Su Cheng, why don't you follow the rules? Didn't we agree that each of us will have one question? Why did you ask two questions in a row?"

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then her face immediately turned very ugly, "Why are you calling me by my name? You can't call me by my name. Don't you know what the consequences will be? Do you understand the rules?"

"What's wrong with calling your name? You broke the rules first."

Faced with the accusation, Su Cheng had no intention of giving in, "Why did I break the rules? Yin Shen didn't give me a clear answer to the question I just asked. I'll continue to ask what's wrong..."

"Why didn't I give you a clear answer? Isn't it all pointed out, Mu."

"I just want to ask what Qing Mu means."

"What are you still asking? I told you clearly, no, no, you don't know how to read or your brain is not working well."

Tan Xuan sat in the car and suppressed his laughter. He was able to speak the dialect. This explanation was really amazing. He was really not an ordinary person who could run out to invite ghosts in the middle of the night. But he couldn't tell that the skinny guy was related to Qingdao people.


Tan Xuan shook his head and could only find himself an excuse that was barely an excuse, "Maybe he came here from Guandong."

Su Cheng was stunned for a while after hearing Zhang Yanan's explanation, and then retorted loudly, "You have a problem with your brain, not nothing..."

"Why not..."

Everyone was dumbfounded. They had done the necessary homework in advance and did not expect such an unexpected situation to occur. For a moment, they did not know how to dissuade them. The only thing they knew was that they could not remove their fingers from the bottom of the plate.

Not only were people dumbfounded, but even the expression of the skinny old ghost riding on Li Jianyang's shoulders became a little stunned. His slender eyes looked back and forth on Su Cheng and Zhang Yanan, and the smile on his face gradually turned sinister.

"That's enough, shut up!" Li Jianyang shouted. After all, he was the organizer of the event. He knew more about the importance of the event than those ignorant people. He glared at the two quarreling people fiercely and asked: "

Do you know what you are scolding? Do you know if you will make Yin Shen angry?"

Li Jianyang's words were very effective. Su Cheng and Zhang Yanan immediately shut up and stopped talking, and their expressions became respectful and cautious again.

After it was quiet again, Li Jianyang lowered his head, closed his eyes, and began to mutter in a low voice, "Don't be upset by the gods, don't be upset by the gods. Please don't blame me for your unintentional actions..."

The plate on the white cloth shook slightly, and everyone else quickly sat up straight, staring at the plate in the middle, their affection became extremely serious.

Li Jianyang let out a long breath and his expression finally relaxed, "Yin Shen is not angry and does not blame us for being unreasonable. Let's move on to the next person."

"Is it my turn?" Zhang Yanan looked at Li Jianyang and asked.

"Yes, hurry up."

"Okay." Zhang Yanan nodded, curled her lips in protest at Su Cheng, then closed her eyes and said: "Yin Shen, Yin Shen, I want to ask the person I love deeply if he loves me? When will we


Hearing Zhang Yanan's question, Su Cheng and Li Jianyang frowned. Although they both closed their eyes, they were obviously very dissatisfied with Zhang Yanan's question. Each person could ask one question, but she actually asked two at once. They were obviously dissatisfied with Zhang Yanan's question.

It doesn't comply with the regulations. But now that the ceremony is in progress, they don't dare to remind or stop it casually.

After waiting for a few seconds, the plate did not move, and everyone was shocked.

"Yin Shen, Yin Shen, I want to ask the person I love deeply if he loves me?" Zhang Yanan asked again, as if realizing that her cleverness had made Yin Shen dissatisfied, this time she only asked one question.

After waiting for a few more seconds, the plate still didn't move, and everyone opened their eyes one after another.

Li Jianyang motioned for everyone to close their eyes, and then asked softly: "Yin Shen, are you still there? Please answer."

After a moment of silence, the plate trembled again. The answer was obvious, it was.

"Yin Shen, Yin Shen, I want to ask the person I love deeply, does he love me?" After confirming that Yin Shen was still there, Zhang Yanan hurriedly repeated the question again, for fear that the question would be delayed and Yin Shen would be off work.

The plate remained quiet and motionless.

Zhang Yanan felt a little unhappy, and her tone of voice became no longer as respectful as before, "Yinshen, are you tired? You should answer me."

Again the plate was unresponsive.

Zhang Yanan was annoyed, opened her eyes and shouted at Li Jianyang: "Li Jianyang, is it your fault?"

Li Jianyang also opened his eyes when he heard this, glared at Zhang Yanan and reprimanded: "What are you yelling for? Didn't I tell you not to say...that word? You can't tell me that the result is that you are not sincere. What does it have to do with me?"


"You're lying. It's obvious that you're just pretending to be a ghost, but you still don't dare to answer my question."

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense, be careful of evil spirits."

"What's the blame? There's no evil spirit. I've been asking for a long time but there's no answer. If so, just call her out and let me see. I don't believe your nonsense. If you don't want to marry me, just tell me. There's no need to do this.

You are so secretive that if you don’t tell me, I won’t listen.”

With that said, Zhang Yanan was about to withdraw her fingers and stand up. But she was immediately dumbfounded because she found that her fingers seemed to be stuck to the bottom of the plate and she couldn't remove them at all. Even if she stretched out her other hand to pull, she couldn't pull them.

The plate lay motionless on the white cloth.

"Asshole, what did you do to the plate? Why can't I get my hand back?" Zhang Yanan yelled at Li Jianyang, becoming much more angry than before.

"I didn't do anything." Seeing that Zhang Yanan didn't seem to be acting, Li Jianyang was confused for a moment. He tentatively pulled back his fingers and found that he couldn't move his hands. At this time, the candlelight from the four corners of the white cloth was also there.

Shake it vigorously, and the flame becomes long and thin, as if it is about to jump out of the lampshade.

The sweat on Li Jianyang's head suddenly fell down, and he said in a panic: "Don't be upset by the gods, don't be upset by the gods, she didn't mean it..."

Zhang Yanan thought Li Jianyang was playing tricks again, and continued to shout: "Stop acting, please let go of my hand quickly, if there is any evil spirit,"

"Shut up. If you keep talking nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart." Li Jianyang was also angry. Everything was beyond expectation now. He knew the seriousness of the matter better than anyone else.

"Hurry up and apologize to Yin Shen, quickly!"

Zhang Yanan sneered and said: "Are you still pretending? So what if there is a Yin Shen? Why should I apologize to it? If I want to apologize, it will apologize to me. Since you have accepted our incense, why don't you answer my questions? Eat others.

Their mouths are short and their hands are short for holding others. Don’t they know these rules?”

Before Zhang Yanan finished speaking, the plate on the white cloth suddenly moved in full view of everyone, and it moved quickly and powerfully. She took everyone's hands and slid it directly to the "beating" position.

Seeing the word "beat", Zhang Yanan went crazy and shouted: "Do you want to hit me? Who are you trying to scare? I'm not scared. If you can, just hit me. If you want to hit me, who are you?"


"I told you to stick your hands, and I crushed you to pieces." As she said that, Zhang Yanan pressed hard.

It was too late for everyone to stop them. They heard a "crack" sound from the bottom of the plate, and then the plate bounced up and out of everyone's hands. It bounced up to a height of more than one meter before falling. After falling, it didn't finish before it fell.

It keeps rotating in the center of the white cloth.

"This..." Everyone was stunned and froze there. This phenomenon was much more magical than pointing just now. Although they were a little scared, they were more happy because tonight was not in vain.

But Zhang Yanan was completely dumbfounded. After knowing that Li Jianyang was not behind this, she immediately became frightened. She sat there and stared at the endlessly spinning plates. She wanted to cry but didn't know how to cry.

"The Yin God calms down, the Yin God calms down..." Li Jianyang was still awake, clasping his hands together and repeating those words in his mouth, but the speed of the plate's rotation did not slow down at all. And he felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, as if

A big stone was pressing on his body, and it was getting heavier and heavier, until he could hardly stand up straight.

"It's over. We have offended the Yin God. Are we going to be punished? The Yin God should calm down..." Li Jianyang was completely panicked.

"The Yinshen calm down..." After begging several times but still getting no response, Li Jianyang took out a knife from his pocket and slashed it towards the middle finger of his left hand.


Li Jianyang was shocked because someone tapped him on the shoulder, and then he felt a lot more relaxed. He turned around and saw Tan Xuan, who he thought was in the way, coming to his side.

Tan Xuan looked around and said sternly: "It's getting late, it's time to play and make trouble, go back where you should."

This chapter has been completed!
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