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2. Old knowledge

The sea of ​​​​people is huge, and many encounters are like duckweeds. At a quick glance, strangers are still strangers.

After the girl was delivered to the entrance of the Central Hospital in Tongyu County, the transaction between the two was completed. One driver and one passenger, after a while, they didn’t even know each other’s names.

Tan Xuan drove along the road and found a semi-open food stall. Every city has such a place to provide food and clothing for those who are still trying to make a living at night. Of course, they are also doing it for their lives.

There were not many people at the food stall, so Tan Xuan casually ordered some skewers and a bottle of drink, then sat there waiting to comfort himself.

Thinking of the way the girl had told him to wait until dawn before driving back to Jiangzhou when the girl got out of the car, Tan Xuan just shook his head and smiled bitterly. The girl still didn't believe that she was asleep and had a nightmare, but she didn't force Tan Xuan to believe her.

I really saw a ghost, but I just gently advised Tan Xuan not to drive while tired, and that it would be better to wait until dawn before returning to Jiangzhou.

Tan Xuan knew that the girl was anxious to come back just to see someone for the last time, so he did not waste her time to explain so that she could see a "hot" person. He did not rush back in vain, but only warned her that she would not be in good health in the future.

Try not to walk at night during those days when you are comfortable, which can be regarded as a reward for the girl's kind words. He understands the girl's kindness, but cannot accept it. She is afraid of ghosts, but she is not afraid of ghosts. If he is scared by ghosts, he will not dare to

Walking home at night will really make some people laugh.

When the things he ordered were served one after another, Tan Xuan put all his thoughts in front of him and began to skewer skewers in his hands. He should not worry about so many things in the world. He has his own life.

Taking care of yourself is the key.

Are the kebabs delicious? It's just okay. Tan Xuan is not a very particular person. He just wants to fill his stomach. There is no need to be too serious. If he really cares about the taste, he will not come to a place like this.

After three strokes, five divisions and two, a pile of meat and vegetable skewers were swept away. After Tan Xuan Shui was full, he patted his belly, paid the bill and found a dark corner for a while. After feeling relaxed, he walked slowly

After getting back in the car, he planned to return to Jiangzhou under the cover of night. If he was lucky, he would meet two "tired birds returning to their nests" passengers when he went back.

After Tan Xuan got in the car, before he could even sit still, he noticed a drunken man standing not far from the roadside in front of him. His good professional vision made him realize that it was a drunk man who was planning to take a taxi, so he immediately drove forward.

After a few steps, he stopped next to the man.

"Brother, where are you going? Take a car?"

"I'll go..." The man agreed while looking up at the car, but then he waved his hand, "Forget it, I don't want to carpool with others."

"Carpool?" Tan Xuan frowned upon hearing this, "How much have you drunk? I'm seeing double images. Brother, I'm alone."

When Tan Xuan glanced at the rearview mirror, Tan Xuan stopped talking and reached out to slap his forehead hard.


I don't know when three more figures appeared in the back row of the car, one virtual and two real. Among them, the two figures, one black and one white, were too familiar to him.

"Giggle..." After the laughter, a burst of joking came from the back row, "What's wrong, Xiao Xuanzi, you slap your head when you see us. Are you happy or unhappy?"

The two people next to the car doors on both sides are old friends of Tan Xuan. Although their identities are different and they are not in the same dimension, they have had many contacts while working in the past and have shared joys and sorrows together, so they gradually became friends. The two of them gradually became friends.

The one in the middle was the one who was responsible for recruiting, and the one in the middle looked like the person they were recruiting this time. It’s just that since Tan Xuan left his original job, he hasn’t had much contact with anything before, and with them

There has been no contact either.

Tan Xuan's expression changed quickly. He turned his head and immediately showed a particularly sincere smile, "Sister Quan'er, what are you talking about? Of course I am happy, but I am just too excited. Why are you here? Why?

Of? You were demoted too?"

"Shut up." The woman in white, known as Sister Quan'er, immediately stopped Tan Xuan.

The man directly behind Tan Xuan also spoke: "Bah, bah! Don't talk nonsense with your bad mouth. Don't you know your own virtues? Your crow's mouth seems to be open. We don't want to be sent back to our hometown like you."

Yes, we are here on business."

Faced with the warning from the black man, Tan Xuan chuckled and said in a nonchalant manner: "It turns out it's business. When you two showed up here, I thought there were layoffs over there too."

"Shut up!"

The voices of men and women behind them sounded at the same time. Good guy, the first sentence was about demotion, and the next sentence was about layoffs. This crow's mouth was also shocking. But their surprise caused the middle man to be shocked.

Screaming in agony.

"What's going on with you?" Tan Xuan glanced at the shadowy figure between the man and woman, with undisguised disgust on his face. Tan Xuan didn't dislike his state, but his identity. Although he opened

It's an online ride-hailing service, but not everything can be seated in your own car.

Sister Quan'er said with a smile: "We were ordered to go out to work and took in this newcomer. We were planning to take him back, but we didn't expect to see your boy here, so we came over to catch up with you."

"Who needs Brother Quan'er and Sister Gou to go out together? They've traveled so far away." Tan Xuan glanced at the middle man one more time, and he was able to alert the two of them to go out in person. It seems that this person has a good background, but it's just that

Looking at the other party's rich appearance, a confused look on his face, and a weak and unstable breath, he looked like a "newcomer" at first glance, but he didn't look like a treacherous and evil person at all, and he was not worthy of these two people making a trip in person.

The man in black, who was called Brother Gou, snorted and said in a loud voice: "The superiors arranged for us to greet this great benevolent man. They said that he did a lot of good things during his lifetime, and they were afraid that he would suffer on the road, so they sent us here."


Tan Xuan Wenyan chuckled and said teasingly: "He is a talented person with a good background. He may be your leader's guest. You must serve him well and don't neglect him."

"Shit!" Brother Gou snorted heavily, with deep affection and disdain, "There are too many people who are seeking fame these days, but they are just using some trick to deceive people and think they are perfect. I have seen this too many times.

, when he does bad things, he always thinks that no one is aware of them, and when he does good deeds, he wants everyone to know about them, but everyone just turns a blind eye. What kind of service does he deserve? Just go through the motions and go back to work. If he doesn’t obey me, I will

I kept him in check and submissive, let's see who feels uncomfortable." "You're awesome." Tan Xuan gave a thumbs up, and then started laughing, "Then you guys are busy, we can make an appointment later when we have time."

Sister Quan'er patted Tan Xuan's seat and said dissatisfiedly: "Xiao Xuanzi, what do you mean, driving us away?"

Tan Xuan smiled bitterly and did not deny it, "Aren't you guys at work? Don't delay your work. We will get together again when we have the opportunity."

Brother Gou on the side said: "No delay, we are taking him to the state to register, so I will take your car back to save us the trouble."

"Take my car?" Tan Xuan's face suddenly turned as bitter as a bitter gourd. Sister Quan'er might have been joking, but Brother Gou rarely joked. His dark face just barely had "I'm serious" written on it.

"" is a few words. Of course, given his skin color, he has to write in white.

"Sister Quan'er, this is the car that pulls people. You and Brother Gou are just sitting here because we are friends. What's going on with him?" Tan Xuan pointed at the man in the middle and the woman in white, because he knew clearly.

She is the one who keeps her word, so you have to talk to her about the truth.

"He?" Sister Quan'er chuckled, "He really doesn't sit here for nothing, and you really don't pull him for nothing."

"No Bai La? Am I not my relative?" Tan Xuan curled his lips, "Why, you two went to all the trouble to drag him out of my ancestral grave? It would be great if it was, I thank you two,

It just so happens that you are so tired, take me to identify the grave."

Tan Xuancai didn't believe that that man had anything to do with him, because he was an orphan and was raised by his master since he was a child. Even his surname was given by his master based on the only sandalwood ball pendant he wore. How could he know his own?

Who is the ancestor, let alone where his hometown is? At most, the place where he was picked up is regarded as his hometown.

"Don't talk too much." Sister Quan'er scolded with a smile. She knew Tan Xiao's experience from childhood to adulthood, so she didn't explain it to him. "Anyway, you didn't suffer any loss. You will know it later."

"What's the meaning?"

Tan Xuan wanted to ask clearly, but unfortunately the two people behind him obviously had no intention of further explanation, and the "person involved" did not have the ability to express himself.

"If you don't want to throw me down, let me ask you something." Tan Xuan changed the subject knowing that the question would not yield any results.

As a result, before Tan Xuan could ask, Sister Quan'er spoke to her. She lost her playful expression and said seriously: "Are you asking about the whereabouts of your master? If it's you, there's no need to ask. We won't lock up Mr.


Tan Xuan's expression suddenly fell. Although the master had disappeared for two years, during which he had asked many people and got the same answers, but now that he had heard this from these two people who were not human, he was already filled with tears in his heart.

The little hope was reduced a bit.

Sister Quan'er put her hand on Tan Xuan's shoulder and comforted him: "Xiao Xuanzi, don't worry. Although we don't know the whereabouts of Mr. Guan, this is a good thing. At least it means that he is still alive."

"Yeah, think about it from another angle. It's something that has no results yet. Why bother worrying about it? What if the old gentleman goes to find a junior wife for you? I will bring you a junior brother back later." Brother Gou also followed.


"Okay." Tan Xuan nodded. It was not easy for Brother Gou to tell such an unfunny joke. No matter what, you should not treat guests with a depressed mood.

"Are you really on a business trip this time, not just to meet me specifically?"

"I came here to do business, and I saw you taking some time to do some personal things. It's harmless." Brother Gou regained his cold face and said seriously.

"Oh, that's it." Tan Xuan took a deep breath and nodded, then showed a bad smile on his face, "As the old saying goes, brothers should settle accounts. Since you are working in the office, you can't sit in my car in vain.


Tan Xuan turned around faster than turning over the book, which made Brother Gou unhappy. His originally dark face almost turned black. He reached out and smashed the back of Tan Xuan's chair and said angrily: "Hey! You guys are still planning to have sex with me."

Do we need fare?"

Tan Xuan didn't accept his trick at all, and still said with a smile: "You are on official business, you must distinguish between public and private matters. If you come to see me specially, not only will I not ask for money, but we also have to have a good get-together. But you now

I'm on the job, I have friendship with you, but I don't have any relationship with your superiors... We don't do it for personal gain, but we can't pay for it, right?"

Brother Gou wanted to retort, but Sister Quan'er stopped him and said with a smile: "Xiao Xuanzi is right, we are taking a taxi for official business, why should we use personal relationships? We should give this money, and we can't let Xiao Xuanzi's hard work go in vain."

.It’s late at night to get to Jiangzhou from here, about five hundred.”

Tan Xuan smiled, and smiled very happily, "The people in this circle are still reasonable. Five hundred is just five hundred. Anyway, it is reimbursed by the government, so I won't be polite to you. I accept the loss. I will give you an invoice later so I can go back."

to reimburse."

"You kid..." Sister Quan'er patted the seat and smiled.

The deal was settled. Of course, Tan Xuan would not delay his friend's business, so he started the car and hit the road again. And there was no need to rush, the speed of the car was much faster than when he came. Of course, what was even more different from when he came was the car.

The atmosphere there was lifeless when we arrived, but we were singing and laughing when we returned. Especially when the two heard about Tan Xiao walking at night and bumping into ghosts, they burst out laughing.

"Where did you come from, you stupid thing? Didn't you read the almanac when you went out? How dare you find a substitute to find a substitute on your midnight lover's head? Didn't you just take care of it?" Sister Quan'er smiled so brightly that her delicate white face was all over.

I almost laughed out loud.

Tan Xuan shook his head, "I scared the passengers in the car so much that I didn't say anything, and the one who showed up was just a ghost, and the others behind him didn't come out. I passed by there a while ago, and Sister Laonuquan took action to solve it. I guess it was solved recently.

The impact of the commotion is quite bad.”

Sister Quan'er snorted and pretended to be angry: "I think of you, Sister Quan'er, at this time. I don't care. It's not like you can't solve it yourself."

Tan Xuan chuckled, "I can solve it, but I'm not as professional as you. Besides, I've resigned now. I'm an unknown teacher. It's easy for people to think that it's a dog picking off a mouse when doing good things. It's totally thankless."

Sister Quan'er stopped laughing and looked at Tan Xiao with a look of regret, "Xiao Xuanzi, your brother Gou and I both knew what happened at the beginning. You don't want to listen to what I said to you. Your master is missing."

Don't blame your director. She has her own difficulties. In the past two years, she has been searching for your master's whereabouts through her own channels. Everyone knows the relationship between your master and apprentice, and everyone understands your feelings.

It’s okay to cause a big fuss in the bureau. Even though you resigned, you shouldn’t have any resentment, and you shouldn’t stop meddling in those things just because you’re not in the bureau. Don’t forget, you are Muye’s beloved,

It is your duty to eradicate evil."

Brother Gou on the side also said: "Yes, no matter whether you are in the Good Man Bureau or not, don't choose to turn a blind eye when you encounter things that should be dealt with because of your own personal grievances. Mr. Guan will definitely not want you to be like this..."

Tan Xuan shook his head and said with a wry smile: "What are you talking about? Why do you sound like I have broken the pot? Although I no longer do what I did before, I am now self-reliant and I am still quite capable."

How about a motivated young man?"

Seeing that the two men didn't answer, Tan Xuan could only sigh and continue: "To be honest, in fact, I don't blame anyone. This is the kind of life my master and I live in the bureau. Even if something happens, it is reasonable."

, it would be glorious at worst. I only blame myself for my lack of ability. But when things really happened, I found that I was not as strong as expected... I have no resentment towards our director. She has always taken good care of me.

, is also very tolerant. She has to worry about everyone in the bureau, inside and outside. Now I drive an online car-hailing service. Not only did she find someone to help me with the procedures, she even bought the car with me...


"Brother Gou, sister Quan'er, you don't have to worry about me. I've just been in contact with people more now, and I know a lot about the ways of the world. I don't do anything because I'm afraid of accidentally ruining other people's good things. After all, this is some people's livelihood.

, but you are different. Catching ghosts is your job, and no one can make mistakes."

Sister Quan'er looked at Tan Xuan's side face for a while and took a deep breath, "You can just drive if you want. Just stop the car when you pass by there later."

"Then Sister Laoquan'er will try to serve all those things in one pot." Tan Xuan turned around and said with a smile.

Tan Xuan changed so quickly that Sister Quan'er felt a little uncomfortable. She glared at Tan Xuan and said, "You don't have to worry about this. When have you ever seen someone slip through the cracks of my men?"

"Yes, yes, Sister Quan'er took action, and not a blade of grass grew. No, no, the gods and ghosts were shocked." Tan Xuan flattered in a nonchalant way. Anyway, there were professional people who got rid of the harm, and it was free. Tan Xuan didn't care how much more money he gave.

A word of praise that comes from the heart.

Tan Xuan's plan was good, but the reality soon disappointed him. Although he hired extraordinary helpers and making a few kiddos was just a trivial matter, when he arrived at the river, he found that there was a lot of work there.

It was clean and tidy. Not only were there no evil spirits playing tricks on people, but there were not even any wandering ghosts nearby.

Tan Xuan looked at the road and the river in the night, dumbfounded, "Damn, what's going on?"

Brother Gou took a cigarette from Ye Shu and put it in his mouth, "I didn't even smell the ghost smell, and I didn't find any signs of fighting. It doesn't seem like your colleagues have been here. I guess those guys are all here."

I was frightened by your majestic figure, so I probably moved overnight."

"This..." Tan Xuan was completely speechless and had no intention of refuting Brother Gou's teasing.

Sister Quan'er looked at the night outside the car, her eyes flashed with red light, and soon returned to normal. She turned her head and reminded Tan Xuan in a low voice: "I just left, and I also deliberately drove away the ghost spirit. It was obviously intentional.

This thing is a bit abnormal. Heizi and I have official business now, so it is not appropriate to waste time on in-depth investigations. You should pay more attention in the future. Since you have come into contact with them, it is impossible for you to push back, hide, and relax.

, it’s your turn to take action, you can’t push it away.”

Tan Xuan glanced at Sister Quan'er who had a serious expression. Although something was abnormal, he didn't take it to heart at all. He said with an indifferent expression: "Let's talk about the future things later. If you really let me meet you...

I won’t sit idly by and ignore it, as long as no one thinks I’m a dog or a rat.”

Sister Quan'er's face darkened, "If anyone dares to have an objection, ask him to come to me."

Hearing that Sister Quan'er was so upright, Tan Xuan smiled and said, "Okay, as long as you say so."

The good thing he did to gain some moral virtue along the way didn't work out, so Tan Xuan could only drive back honestly. As for whether he really wanted to do it himself in the future, Tan Xuan didn't care. Anyway, if it happened to him, he wouldn't ignore it.

After all, we can't delay our friends' serious errands. What's more, they are still our customers, so we must pay attention to their needs. The speed of the return journey is much faster than when we came. There was nothing unusual along the way. Tan Xuan said directly

The three "passengers" in the car were transported to a Town God's Temple in the old town of Chunzhou in a very fast speed.

After the "passengers" got off the bus, Tan Xuan said hello to them and left. As for the agreed fare, Tan Xuan did not ask for it or mention it again, because he knew that since his two friends agreed, they would not

No, it's just that they won't give it to themselves personally. After all, their money doesn't circulate here, and they will transfer it to themselves in other ways.

Watching Tan Xuan's car disappear quickly on the street, Sister Quan'er sighed, looked at the big black guy next to her and asked, "Do you think Xiao Xuanzi really wants to leave?"

Brother Gou snorted coldly and said loudly: "Shit! It's strange that he can think about it. He is sometimes more stubborn than me."

"I hope he's okay." Huan'er looked again at the direction where Tan Xuan disappeared, undisguised worry flashing in his eyes.

Brother Gou glanced at his companion and curled his lips, "What can happen to a beloved man with a vicious reputation?"

"Things that worry you are more difficult to deal with than difficult things."

"It doesn't matter if you can hide it in your heart, at least not now. It only counts when you can't hide it."

Sister Quan'er looked at her companion in surprise, shook her head, and said nothing. After a while, the two turned around, pulling the person they had always regarded as air from the left and right, and walked into the gate of the City God's Temple.

What is a beloved man at night? A beloved man is not someone’s husband, and a beloved man at night is not a husband in general. A beloved man is a good person who does good things, and a beloved man at night is a person who appears at night, but they are not with him.

Good is good, but evil is evil, and the targets are non-human beings.

The street was finally quiet in the early morning. Those who had been energetic at midnight had now fallen asleep and some were drunk. There were only a few people showing off their drunken state on the street. I don’t know if it was for no reason.

You can return home, but you still forget where your home is. From time to time, you add a few untimely roars and a few dirty things to the quiet night.

Tan Xuan drove the car and wandered on the street. He did not take any more orders, nor did he look for people who were anxious to return home at night. He just drove slowly, the car was moving forward, and his mind was back to the past.

The cool night breeze brings endless worries into my heart, I think silently, my sweetheart is only in my heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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