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Chapter 1073 Conflict of Interests

Tokugawa Iemitsu finally received Matsukura Katsuie's request for help.

Tokugawa Iemitsu was very happy about what happened on Kyushu Island.

He felt more and more that the Tokugawa family was really their destiny.

Otherwise, why did various incidents occur repeatedly that allowed him to gradually weaken those famous names with evil intentions?

Let the Tokugawa family's rule become more consolidated.

The Satsuma clan had some evil intentions before, and was beaten to a bloody head by the Natsu Kingdom.

Although Japan lost face and paid a certain price, it allowed him to achieve his goal of weakening the Satsuma Domain and hold the Hyuga Kingdom in his hands.

This riot in the Karatsu clan will definitely allow the shogunate's tentacles to penetrate deeper into Kyushu Island.

However, like those daimyo and the Natsu Kingdom, Tokugawa Iemitsu also had some contempt for the Shimabara Uprising.

"Let the chief minister of Kyoto come to see me."

Itakura Shigemasa appeared in front of Tokugawa Iemitsu.

As the son of Itakura Katsushige, Itakura Shigemasa also gained the trust of Tokugawa Iemitsu.

"A pariah riot broke out in Karatsu Domain. You led 20,000 Gyeonggi troops to quell it. In addition, bring back the lord of the Matsukura family."

Itakura Shigemasa immediately understood Tokugawa Iemitsu's intention.


The shogunate's troops were dispatched.

This immediately attracted the attention of the entire Japan.

Everyone is waiting and waiting to see the condition of the shogunate's army.

At the same time, they also kept praying secretly, hoping that the untouchables of Karatsu clan would be braver.

Itakura Shigemasa was content with his ambitions.

It's just quelling the untouchable riots. How difficult is it?

He decided to play nice.

Let's shock those half-hearted big names and let them know who has the final say in Japan.

While asking for help from Tokugawa Iemitsu, Matsukura Katsuie also made a request to his neighbors.

Relying on the good popularity of the Matsukura family...

Not a single reinforcement came!

The daimyo on Kyushu Island had long heard of Matsukura Katsuie's cruelty and looked down upon him at all.

If he can be used to cause trouble for the shogunate, the western daimyo will certainly be happy to see it happen.

Under the ulterior motives of all parties, the Shimabara Uprising became more and more like a raging fire.

No one knows who will be burned by this terrible fire in the end.

Songjiang Prefecture.

Businessmen from Fujian are visiting here.

"Please also take care of me, for the sake of the Zheng family and Xia Guo's close ties."

Zheng Zhifeng, on behalf of the Zheng family, stated the purpose of the trip.

The person who met him was a representative of Songjiang Prefecture's textile industry.

"Mr. Zheng doesn't know something. It's not because we are deliberately making things difficult. In fact, in recent years, cotton production has been insufficient, so that cotton production is in trouble. Now the production is not enough for Songjiang Prefecture for our own use. Even if we want to alleviate Zheng's difficulties,

There’s nothing we can do!”

Hearing this, Zheng Zhifeng looked very unhappy.

The Zheng family not only monopolized the trade route from Nanyang to Japan, but also went into business personally.

Whatever makes money, do business.

The porcelain, silk and cotton sold domestically to all over the world are all within the scope of Zheng's business.

But starting from the spring of the tenth year of Chongzhen, it became difficult for the Zheng family to engage in the cotton cloth trade.

Songjiang Prefecture no longer provides cotton cloth to the Zheng family, which is the main reason.

How could Mrs. Cheng tolerate the loss of her business?

Therefore, Zheng Zhifeng was sent to lead Fujian merchants to negotiate, hoping that Songjiang Prefecture would resume supply for Zheng's sake.

Who would have thought that even if Zheng's representatives personally came forward, they would still be rejected by Songjiang Mansion.

Zheng Zhifeng did not believe a word of the reasons given by Songjiang Mansion.

Before the negotiation, he had already secretly investigated the situation in Songjiang Mansion.

So many cotton spinning factories are still busy day and night, and the roar of machines can be heard just outside the walls.

This is enough to show that Songjiang Prefecture's cotton production is very sufficient.

There is only one reason.

That is, the Xia State wanted to monopolize the cotton business and was ready to kick the Zheng family out of this circle.

"Haha, if that's the case, then I won't force myself to do anything difficult. But the sky is high and the water is long, and the sun and the moon rotate. I hope we can still be friends one day."

The words sounded nice, but the threat was also very sharp.

Seeing Zheng's people leaving, everyone in Songjiang Mansion felt the pressure of the coming storm.

They discussed and discussed, but for the time being they couldn't figure out how Zheng would proceed.

Zheng Zhifeng left Songjiang Mansion full of anger and boarded the return ship.

A Fujian businessman accompanying him was worried and couldn't hold himself back anymore, so he approached him.

"Yu Gong (Zheng Zhifeng's nickname), in my opinion, it seems that it is not appropriate to have too much of a quarrel with the Xia Kingdom. If this continues, I'm afraid it will be a lose-lose situation for both parties."

Although the other party was very young, Zheng Zhifeng did not dare to neglect him.

"Brother Chen, everyone's business is now affected. If this matter is not handled properly, I, the Zheng family, will be disgraced. From now on, we Fujian people will have to drink from the northwest wind."

Seeing Zheng Zhifeng's resolute attitude, the businessman surnamed Chen sighed, feeling extremely powerless.

At the junction of the sea and the sky in the far distance, rolling dark clouds are coming. The wind and waves on the sea are gradually rolling, just like this suffocating current situation.

Zheng Zhifeng and others sailed along the waves and returned to Fujian soon.

Without wasting a moment, he hurriedly went to see Zheng Zhilong to discuss countermeasures.

Unexpectedly, as soon as we landed, we heard the continuous sound of firecrackers in the village, which was very lively.

Zheng Zhifeng didn't know what happened and hurriedly walked faster.

At this time, in Zheng Zhilong's mansion.

Officials from all over Fujian arrived one after another, and everyone said auspicious words to the beaming Zheng Zhilong.

"Come on, come on, Lord Marquis, please come and take a seat."

Xiao Yifu, the governor of Fujian, had a bright face and a kind attitude. He personally extended his hand to invite Zheng Zhilong to take a seat.

Just next to Xiao Yifu, another chair was placed, and it was also on his right side.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Zhilong was really excited and couldn't help himself.

From struggling as a common man to now being able to be on an equal footing with the imperial officials, he has gone through so much.

And he was convinced that this moment was the pinnacle of his life.

He Zheng Zhilong will no longer be a pirate from now on!

He is no longer a mere general!

He is the Marquis of Jingnan, a lord who has retired from his country.

Even the governor of Fujian had to be polite when facing him and invited him to sit down.

Learned martial arts and sold them to the emperor's family.

What Zheng Zhilong feels most deeply now is that accepting the recruitment was absolutely the right thing to do.

"Haha, now the rogue bandits in the northwest are lingering on, and their demise is imminent. The Ming Dynasty's countercurrent, as far as the eye can see, only the sea is left. But with the lord here, your majesty's worries can be relieved."

"The Sword Comes"

Xiao Yifu spoke loudly and pointedly.

Zheng Zhilong understood this and immediately clasped his fists towards the north with an extremely respectful attitude.

"In the whole world, everything is the king's land; on the shore of the land, there is nothing but the king's ministers. It is the way of a minister to serve your majesty with all your heart. I also ask Xiao Zhongcheng to present to your majesty. Zheng Zhilong will do his best to share the worries of the king."

This chapter has been completed!
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