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Chapter 1183 The hostility of the Xia Kingdom

"General, the Xia Kingdom is invincible. Fortunately, we are allies, and we must maintain such a relationship."

Watching the entire Xia army's attack, the Dutch officers were all trembling and frightened.

Xia Jun's weapons were completely beyond their imagination.

Santo Domingo is a very strong castle even in Europe.

With the current military level of European countries, it would take at least about half a year to attack such a castle, and tens of thousands of troops would have to be concentrated.

However, such a strong castle collapsed and shattered in minutes in front of the Xia army's artillery.

Putmans had already seen with his own eyes that the soldiers of the Xia army began to climb up the city wall.

The Spanish soldiers behind the low wall, who were lucky enough to survive, had already thrown away their weapons and knelt down to surrender. Their frightened eyes proved that they had completely lost the courage to resist.

There are no traces of resistance on the city walls.

Even the Spanish soldiers who stood up in the mud were hit by concentrated fire from the Xia army's muskets, and their bodies were beaten into a hornet's nest.

"With allies like this, the future of the Netherlands is bright."

Putmans had the same idea as the other officers.

He decided to write a good report after returning to remind the rulers in the country that they must pay more attention to the existence of the Xia Kingdom.

The resistance in the city of Santo Domingo lasted less than an hour in total.

Rausa Gonzalez and the fifty-three remaining soldiers all obediently threw away their weapons and became prisoners of the Xia army.

The Spanish civilians in the city were crying loudly, not knowing what fate awaited them.

Gonzalez was led to Zuo Hua.

"Dear General, I wonder where you come from? Why are you attacking Spanish territory?"

The Spaniards still knew nothing about the changes that had taken place on the island of Taiwan. But seeing the Dutchman next to Zuo Hua, Gonzalez vaguely guessed something.

The other party was just a small captain. Zuo Hua had no intention of discussing anything with him, but gave instructions to the translator.

"Ask him, how many troops are there in San Salvador City? And what is the terrain like?"

The translator took the order and conveyed it to Gonzalez.

Hearing that these strange enemies wanted to attack the city of San Salvador, Gonzalez was shocked and angry, and kept silent.

Zuo Hua didn't have much patience.

"Pull down and shoot."

Immediately, two soldiers rushed forward and dragged Gonzalez away.

Gonzalez panicked on the spot when he saw the ferocious side of the Xia army soldiers.

"I said! I said everything! Please don't kill me!"

Seeing that he finally gave in, Zuo Hua was filled with contempt.

"Hmph, you bitch."

Seeing that Zuo Hua had a very bad attitude towards the Spaniards, Putmans was a little surprised.

"General Zuo, according to the rules of your Xia army, shouldn't we treat prisoners preferentially? Why are we shouting to kill these Spaniards?"

Speaking of this, Zuo Hua became angry.

"More than thirty years ago, these damn Spaniards injured more than 20,000 Han people in Manila. How can we be polite to these devils? If it weren't for the military laws of our Xia army, I would have killed them all.

It’s light.”

Putmans suddenly understood.

He also heard about what the Spaniards did back then, but he didn't take it seriously.

The crimes committed by these European colonists around the world are countless. Don’t call the elder brother evil, the second brother is all a virtue.

But here in China, it is definitely unacceptable.

Although Zuo Menggeng has always paid attention to the ideological construction of the Xia Army and prevented this army from turning into a terrifying devil. But when they heard that their compatriots were being massacred, the Xia Army could not help but be angry.

Even if you don't pay with blood, you won't be too polite to the Spaniards.

"As far as we know, the Spanish are not strong in Taiwan. You can send this Spanish officer to San Salvador to urge the Spanish to surrender."

Zuo Hua was quite proud.

"Since the Spaniards are not strong and can simply fight, why do we still need to persuade them to surrender? Even if we can successfully persuade Taiwan to surrender, what about Luzon? Will the Spanish surrender happily?"

Putmans was stunned when he heard this, then laughed and shook his head.

Luzon's position in Spain is very important, and it is impossible to give it up even if you kill it.

This is also the reason why the Xia Kingdom joined forces with the Netherlands to launch a war against the Spanish.

If you don't let it out, then grab it.

And this is Xia Guo's plan.

Against the Spaniards, there is no need to negotiate a peace, just fight.

We must fight not only now, but also in the future, and we must fight all over the world.

After capturing the city of Santo Domingo, the Xia army did not delay. Only one company of soldiers was left behind to maintain order and help the officials who followed to rectify the situation.

The army continued to board the ships and marched along the coast of Taiwan towards the city of San Salvador.

The castle was the center of Spanish rule in northern Taiwan.

The Spanish Governor in Taiwan is stationed here.

The city of San Salvador is not on the mainland of Taiwan, but on Sheliao Island (later known as Heping Island) near the sea.

During the invasion of Taiwan, the Spanish found that the aborigines on the island had very crude weapons and no ability to cross the sea, so they built a castle on Sheliao Island.

In this way, you can maintain absolute safety without worrying about being attacked by the indigenous people.

The Spaniards had a good idea, but they did not expect that one day the enemy would come from the sea.

The small area of ​​Sheliao Island is almost clearly visible except for some low hillsides in the middle.

When the East China Sea Fleet rushed towards them, the Spaniards were completely panicked.

Several warships docked in the port rushed into battle, but the outcome was no better than the previous one.

The East China Sea Fleet has six third-level battleships, equipped with breech-loaded explosive shells with extremely long ranges.

The Spaniards in the castle originally had high hopes for the warship, but when they saw that their warship was directly destroyed after being hit by a cannonball, they were all dumbfounded.

"He's from Xia!"

The Governor of Taiwan, Enna Domingo, finally became well-informed and recognized the identity of the enemy.

But this didn't make him feel much better.

"Why did the Xia people attack us?"

There was no friendship between Spain and Xia, but there was no conflict either. Domingo was completely confused about this sudden attack.

But Xia Guo's hostility made him feel cold all over.

The few warships on the sea have all been completely destroyed by the East China Sea Fleet.

The broken wood floating everywhere and the flags rising and falling with the waves are all like the situation of San Salvador.

Although the Spanish sailors who fell into the water were rescued by the Xia Navy, they were all tightly tied up and their fate was left to their own devices.

"Mr. Governor, the Xia army has begun to land."

The Spaniards in the castle had no idea what to do and could only place all their hopes on Domingo.

But Domingo compared the strengths of both sides and felt only deep despair.

This chapter has been completed!
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