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Chapter 1438 This road is blocked

Meng Qiaofang returned to her camp worriedly and summoned the generals to discuss matters.

"Today we must attack the Guanyin Temple no matter what, even if we all die in battle. Remember, whether we can withdraw outside the pass depends on this battle."

Different from ordinary traitors.

Meng Qiaofang surrendered to the Manchus without any psychological burden.

He was originally a deputy general of the Ming army, but later he was idle at home because of his conviction, and he was full of resentment towards the Ming Dynasty.

During the Jisi Incident, the Hou Jin army captured Yongping Mansion, and Meng Qiaofang and several others surrendered obediently to the Hou Jin Dynasty.

If according to the original history, after Hou Jin left, he should have served under Amin, and eventually became the Hou camp's military exploits under Qingshui Yueming Pass.

But there was a deviation in history, and Meng Qiaofang followed Huang Taiji back to Liaodong and escaped.

On the contrary, several other people either died under Qingshui Yueming Pass or were killed by Amin when he massacred the city.

This is also one of Amin's responsibilities.

People's minds often change firmly because of a small thing.

"Go and send a message to Prince Yu immediately."

Some soldiers of the Eight Banners came up and stabbed the wounded to death as easily as trampling an ant to death.

Duduo was riding on the horse, watching the army sluggishly moving forward, and his nerves could not help but beat wildly.

"Lao Xin, you lead the 37th Regiment to march along the south bank of the Hutuo River. Bypass the county seat of Dai County, don't let the Qing army escape one by one."

He planned to use the lives of his soldiers to pave a way for the army.

The three big men pressed him firmly, making him unable to move. The knives pierced him one by one, taking away all the energy in his body.

There was a sudden noise in the front line, and thousands of Han troops suddenly turned around and began to kill the Manchus and Mongols behind them.

These people are different from him.

"The guilty generals Zhang Yong, Zhao Liangdong, and Wang Jinbao thank the general for his kindness."

On the contrary, this time because of their actions, the situation suddenly became more favorable, which is worthy of commendation.

After Nikan and Meng Qiaofang passed by, Yuan Chongsheng gave the order, and the special forces made careful arrangements at this narrow pass.

This traitor ended his sentence in an unexpected way.

"Baylor, the right wing ran away."

Under the command of these three people, their troops and horses suddenly took action and withdrew into the city as quickly as possible. They closed the city gates, climbed up the city to defend, and stood ready.

The 50,000 troops of the Ninth Division began to press towards Dai County.

But it was obvious that in the Qing army, people were divided into three, six or nine levels. The Manchus and Mongols would not do this in such a situation, so they began to force the Han people to go ahead.

On the open plains, landmines exploded from time to time, taking away lives one after another.

With the rebellion of "Meng Qiaofang", it is no longer possible to attack the Guanyin Temple.

"The guilty general and others have killed Meng Qiaofang and retreated to Dai County, relying on each other with the heavenly army to ensure that Yanmen is not lost. Please, General, please grant us a way to survive for the sake of our repentance."

Zuo Mengeng is just not here, otherwise he would have to sigh with emotion.

He is preparing nervously to send troops together with Meng Qiaofang later to launch a desperate assault on Guanyin Temple.

"Humph, a dog is a dog, and you can't raise an unfamiliar dog."

It was impossible for the special forces to fight against the large group of troops, so they had no choice but to hide.

"Old Xu, you lead the 36th Regiment to advance along the north bank of the Hutuo River, establish contact with Guo Dongwei, and block the Guanyin Temple."

Looking at the general kneeling in front of him, Yu Lichun laughed and raised his hand to help him up.

Nikan sensed a crisis.

But this kind of cold and heartless approach made the Han people intolerable.

Meng Qiaofang roared several times, and blood spurted out from her nostrils and mouth.

If Duduo's army cannot arrive before the Ninth Division, they will have no way out.

Time is life, and Duduo's vicious side broke out.

Many of the wounded had their legs blown off and fell to the ground wailing, which quickly spread to the entire army.

The Qing army wanted to walk through the farmland on both sides of the river, but within a few steps they were hit by a landmine, killing the Qing army and injuring many.

They are in big trouble.

Yu Lichun didn't know what the Wang Jinbao in front of him meant. He only knew that the strategic goal of blocking Duduo and gathering together to annihilate it seemed to be achieved.

When the news came, Nikan was stunned.

The three generals killed him and took action immediately.

Deputy division commander Xu Tiancheng nodded and accepted the order.

"If you can understand the general trend and abandon evil and do good, it will be a great achievement. After this battle, I will personally ask for credit for you."


Several generals looked at each other and silently gathered around.

Bridges were blown up and mines were laid in the plains, all of which were obstacles to the Qing army's advance.

If you use us as cannon fodder, we will support you.

At this time, Duduo's army had just reached the intersection between two mountains north of Yizhou.

"What the hell is Meng Qiaofang doing?"

Yu Lichun met people who came to surrender west of Fanzhi.

The leading general quickly divided the work.

Moreover, they surrendered to the Manchus because they were depressed in the Ming Dynasty and hoped to change their environment to get promoted and make a fortune.

When the battlefield was moved to the Guanyin Temple, the county seat of Dai County was no longer important and became completely empty.

Xin Junle had no objection to this arrangement.

Meng Qiaofang felt a little short of breath, so she opened her eyes. What she could see was the bright dagger stabbing into her chest.

Nikan is also a smart person and reacted quickly.

Now, let alone getting promoted and making a fortune, your life may not be saved. Even if you save your life, you still have to leave the prosperous Central Plains and go to Liaodong to suffer...

These generals all surrendered after the Qing army entered the Central Plains. You can imagine how loyal they are.

"If I go there, I won't believe it. How many landmines can there be?"

As a result, Meng Qiaofang ran away.

Yu Lichun personally led the 38th Regiment, Heavy Artillery Regiment, Engineering Regiment and other troops to the end.

Good guy, three of the four generals in Hexi have gathered together at once.

The surrendered general was overjoyed and prostrated again.

"Xianwu, you go east immediately, look for the Chinese army, and report our intentions. Qingzhi and I will lead the army to retreat into Dai County City, and we can always resist for a while."

The stone bridge on the Hutuo River was blown up, causing the road to be different.

After Meng Qiaofang delivered the military order, she closed her eyes and rested her mind. She didn't notice that the generals below all had ugly expressions.

Although these people's positions are wavering, due to the chaos in the late Ming Dynasty, they often cannot ask for too much.

It turned out that the Third Special Battalion had received the task of delaying Duduo, but its previous marching speed was the same as that of Nikan and Meng Qiaofang's troops.

If they were killed on the spot, it would be nothing. But the most uncomfortable ones were those who were injured.

"Kill them all! Kill them all!"

As Duduo ordered, he retreated without leaving a trace. It wasn't until he was surrounded by Eight Banners guards that he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

There were many Han generals around just now. If these people also rise up...

Duduo didn't realize at all that his heart...


This chapter has been completed!
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