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Chapter 1568 A Song of Ice and Fire

Chapter 1568 Song of Ice and Fire

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

Chapter 1568 Song of Ice and Fire

"Withdraw your troops."

The first time he saw the bastion, Nijinsky made suggestions.

At this time, he was in a very embarrassed state, like a wild deer that survived after being mauled by a pack of wolves. He couldn't recover after drinking several sips of wine.

The cold in Moscow makes people in Europe shudder, but in his opinion, the bitter cold here is ten times worse than in Moscow.

But these feelings are no longer important.

He only knew that things like bastions were definitely not something that the Mongols could break.

"We paid a bloody price to get here, and this is our last chance. If we retreat like this, we would rather die."

Subadi's eyes were bloodshot, and he really wanted to melt the boundless ice and snow with his anger.

What Mongolians love most is autumn.

Fat cattle and sheep indicate a good harvest.

Even if there are shortcomings, you can always make up for it from within the Great Wall by getting on your horse and heading south.

What the Mongolians fear most is winter.

Often after a white disaster, a tribe quietly disappears from the world.

Therefore, Mongolians are very quiet in winter, huddled in tents as much as possible, and tried their best to resist the severe cold.

But now they have violated the ancestral precepts and braved the coldest ice and snow to trek thousands of miles to the fishing sea.

If we don't fight a war and don't drive away the Han people, the Mongols will really be doomed.

After all, Nijinsky was not a Mongolian and did not understand the thoughts of the Mongolians.

Looking at the perfect bastion in front of him, his heart was filled with turmoil.

Someone once showed him the city of the Central Plains Dynasty.

He admitted that that kind of city was very spectacular and suitable for human habitation. But in terms of military use, he could conclude that it was completely incomparable to the bastions of Europe.

The firearms he obtained from the governor were relatively easy to deal with the cities of the Central Plains Dynasty.

But to deal with bastions...

Nijinsky was convinced that even if all the artillery shells were fired, the bastion would not be damaged.

Especially the bastion in front of him was still a bit unfamiliar to him, and he didn't know what changes the Han people had made.

It was the first time for the Khalkha Mongols to see a bastion, so naturally they didn't know how powerful this thing was.

Although Nijinsky's face was solemn, Haug, Subadi, Gunbu, and Shuolei decided to attack the city immediately.

Marching thousands of miles in heavy snow has severely damaged the vitality of the Khalkha Mongols. More than a thousand people died on the road alone.

The consumed cattle and sheep will leave the grassland empty for five years even if the battle is won.

If it drags on any longer, the ice, snow and severe cold will kill the Mongolians.

Following Suba's first order, the Mongols took a breath and began to deploy their attack.

On top of the city, the National Defense Forces were bored.

Although there are many enemies outside the city, everyone is sure that they cannot attack.

Xue Mancang was still interested in chatting and laughing with his partner, Cao Zhe, the military administrator of the 54th Division.

"Tell me, how much energy do the Mongols still have to reach the city after walking through the ice and snow?"

Looking at the waist-deep ice and snow outside the city, Cao Zhe also smiled.

"They can't get to the city."

The Mongols don't see it that way.

Although the city in front of you looks weird and the towers are ridiculously high, it has no moat!

If a city without a moat is approached by Mongolian eagle shooters, it is not just a random suppression.

So the Mongols began to attack the city in disorder.

They got off their horses and rushed towards the city wall on foot.

It’s not that the Mongolians didn’t want to ride horses, but the short Mongolians couldn’t run in the waist-deep snow.

Without horses, the Mongols moved slower, almost crawling in the snow.

The most important thing is that they don't have sunglasses, and the shining ice and snow quickly make them feel dizzy.

I saw many Mongolians walking, but they actually deviated from the direction and walked towards the uninhabited wilderness.

Of course Wehrmacht soldiers wear sunglasses, so ice and snow have no effect on them.

Seeing the Mongols starting to attack, they still stood leisurely.

When the Mongols approached 300 meters, they took their hands out of the muffs.

This kind of hand covering is made of thick cotton covered with cotton cloth. There is no fork except the thumb.

Wearing this thing, no matter how cold the weather is, your hands will not get cold.

When their hands are taken out, their skin is not in direct contact with the air.

It turned out that their hands were covered with a thin layer of silk gloves.

The gloves are very thin, almost like using bare hands.

But such inconspicuous gloves allowed them to load their muskets, shoot with ease, and last for an hour in the bitterly cold weather.

Never underestimate this hour.

This is an hour that determines victory or defeat, life or death.

The Mongols did not have such gloves.

Although they wrapped their palms with thick cloth and leather felt, their fingers were inevitably exposed. Otherwise, they would not be able to control the string and release the arrow.

As a result, the Mongolian's fingers were all turned blue from the cold, faintly transitioning to black.

Even so, they still had to open their furs, put their precious bows in their arms, and let the biting cold wind destroy their bodies along the gaps.

This makes their actions more difficult.

The walls of the bastion are very high, and the Mongols need to rush to the bottom of the city to suppress the city with bows and arrows.

The National Defense Forces do not need to wait until that time.

At a distance of three hundred meters, and from a commanding position, the Migne rifle can hunt at will.

Xue Mancang gave the order to shoot at will.

The soldiers of the National Defense Force stuck out the barrels of their guns from the shooting holes and shot whoever they saw.

The sound of musket shooting was irregular and sounded like a heavy rain in winter.

It's just that such heavy rain will create blood and add different colors to the sky and the earth.

The Mongols were killed one after another, but they still did not enter the range of the bow and arrow.

Even if they get in, can they really shoot someone?

When Hauge and others who were hiding behind saw this scene, they all felt chills all over.

"Fire! Fire quickly! Blow down the city wall!"

Apart from Nijinsky, Hauge was the person who knew artillery best.

After all, he was present in almost every city captured by the Qing Dynasty.

The Mongols pushed up small cannons one after another, and then opened fire one after another.

The black cannonballs were very frightening, and many of them hit the city wall.


Except for the scattered black spots left behind, everything fell to the ground.

Seeing that there was not even a single crack on the exterior of the city wall, both the Mongols and Nijinsky were stunned.

Even Nijinsky, an experienced man, knew that the small cannon sold to the Mongols could not blow down the bastion wall, but it could not even break the wall. This was beyond common sense.

The National Defense Forces hiding inside the city wall only heard loud banging and banging noises. The city wall remained motionless, and they became even more relaxed.

Now that the Mongols have fired artillery, the National Defense Forces feel it is necessary to let the Mongols understand who has the most powerful artillery in the world.

Small openings on the city wall were opened, and the artillery poked its head out and began roaring at the Mongols.

(End of chapter)

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