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Chapter 194 Post-War Treatment

As soon as August passes, I am covered with dust.

Come back again, things have changed and people have changed.

After finally completing the restructuring, Zuo Mengeng had to face the aftermath of the sacrifice again.

This time was much more miserable than Dengzhou, with nearly a thousand people not coming back.

What Zuo Menggen has to face is nearly a thousand broken families.

Fortunately, the great victory somewhat diluted the sadness, and with the experience of managing the situation, the entire Zuozhuang was relatively peaceful.

"Sister-in-law, are there any difficulties at home?"

The person Zuo Mengeng faced was Li Xiangzhu's wife Huang Lianzhu.

This is a woman in her early thirties. It can be seen that she is well-educated and should have been educated in poetry and calligraphy. However, like Kuri Xiangzhu, she has experienced the hardships of wandering and hunger, and is much more down-to-earth now.

"A humble man fights to the death for his country, which is the right place for him. Even though he is a woman, he is also familiar with righteousness. There is no need to worry about thousands of people. In this village, we, mother and son, will never be left without food."

Zuo Mengeng pulled Li Xiangzhu's son Li Yuanshu over, stroked his little head, and asked: "What is sister-in-law doing now?"

After so many days, Huang Lianzhu has been able to accept the news of her husband's death.

"A humble man joins the army and becomes a general. It is not easy for the slave family to be exposed to the public. It is managed at home."

Zuo Mengeng thought for a while and said: "I'm afraid my knowledge is extraordinary from my sister-in-law's words. From now on, it's better to go out to work and show off what you've learned. Team Li will be pleased to see that you are self-reliant and knowledgeable."

Huang Lianzhu was silent for a moment and then nodded.


She has actually wanted to go out and do things for a long time.

Especially when she saw the women on Zhuangzi being so arrogant, especially the lieutenant Wang Xiuqin, it gave her a huge stimulation.

She just thought about her husband being in the military camp and often not coming home, and she had to take care of the children, so she could bear it.

Now that her husband has died, she and her children still have to live. They can still earn a salary and support their family when they go out to work.

Just when she was thinking this, Zuo Mengeng took a document from Fu Yusun and handed it to her.

"Sister-in-law, please keep this. This is Captain Li's proof of military exploits. With this certificate, you can receive a monthly living allowance of five taels of silver."

Huang Lianzhu was startled and did not dare to answer.

"This...how does this happen? The slave family can't have it."

Zuo Mengeng forced it into her hand.

"Captain Li sacrificed his life heroically for the country and the people. No one can forget his contribution. Five taels of silver is already unfair treatment to the martyrs. It is true that many businesses are waiting for prosperity and we cannot spend much money. This is all we have

People's kindness is what Captain Li deserves."

Previously, she was still worried about her future life, but now that she was holding on to Li Xiangzhu’s military exploits, Huang Lianzhu finally burst into tears and burst into tears.

But behind the tears, there is more warmth.

Only here can a person be remembered and comforted after death, right?

Zuo Mengeng left.

In addition to the proof of military exploits left to their mother and son, there is also a "First Class Military Merit" plaque hanging on the wall surrounded by red flowers.

Zuo Mengeng clearly informed that with this military exploit, Li Xiangzhu’s descendants would be exempt from personal taxes for three generations and receive free education.

Tax exemption is a privilege that only officials have. How can ordinary people dare to think about it?

Although the Li family has not paid any taxes since arriving in Zuozhuang.

But Huang Lianzhu felt that this young Qianzuo would definitely achieve great things. If he became emperor in the future, then this tax exemption would be a real discount.

Oh, by the way, it’s no longer Qianzao, it’s called Sanzuo.

"Wang Xiangdong, on the first day of the first lunar month of the third year of Chongzhen, when he was camping at Zhangbatai at night, he discovered that Donglu was attacking the camp. In order to protect the entire army, he resolutely detonated the hand grenade and provided a timely alarm to the entire army. Hereby, through the Shandong New Army

The Military Headquarters of the First Army approved it as a first-class meritorious service. Now, I would like to pay tribute to the families of the martyrs and send them a first-class military merit certificate and plaque."

This battle gave birth to many heroes.

Zuo Menggeng knew the role and significance of heroes very well, so he did a lot of work when counting military exploits after the war.

In front of Wang Xiangdong's house, officers from the Political Department read Wang Xiangdong's achievements aloud in front of the neighbors. At the same time, amid the sound of firecrackers, Wang Xiangdong's family members were given certificates of military exploits.

The farmer, who has been honest and simple all his life, had mixed emotions when he accepted such an honor.

On the one hand, I thought of my dead son, and on the other hand, I thought of the great honor. I was filled with joy and tears, but at the same time, I felt a heavy sense of satisfaction in my heart.

At the same time, the same scene was played out everywhere in Zuozhuang.

It also made ordinary people realize that heroes are so close and so glorious.

The new recruits who had just joined the new army were even more inspired when they saw this scene. They also dreamed that one day they could become a hero.

Three days later, a grand burial ceremony was held at the Martyrs Cemetery.

Gun salutes roared, guns were fired in farewell, and more than 900 martyrs settled here.

All officers and soldiers observed this scene and received a real education.

After properly solving the problem of sacrificed soldiers, we still have to deal with the resettlement of disabled soldiers.

There are more than 500 injured soldiers who have no way to rejoin the army and are no longer fit to fight on the battlefield.

But they are also people who have made contributions, and Zuo Mengeng does not want to just give them a one-time award and forget about them.

How to place them will become a common practice throughout the army in the future.

"It's okay to have a broken leg, but don't give up on yourself. You all received basic education in the military camp and were guaranteed by strict military training. Even if you return home, you will be useful. I will hand you over to Chief Chen. He will

I've arranged a job for you. How about it? Do you have the confidence to do it well?"

In Zuo Mengeng's opinion, these soldiers who were discharged due to injuries are also extraordinary talents.

At least they can write and do calculations, but they are not comparable to ordinary people who are illiterate.

There are more and more people in Zhuangzi, and the difficulty of management is also increasing. It is no longer enough to rely on Chen Zhi alone, and more administrative personnel must be added.

Zuo Mengeng was originally worried about this matter, but this group of retired soldiers became the answer to the problem.

There are more than 180 soldiers under Chen Zhi's command, and they will become the grassroots managers of Zuozhuang.

To put it bluntly, these people are not officials after all.

And unlike the officials of the Ming Dynasty, these people really went down to the grassroots level and better understood the hardships and problems of the people at the bottom.

I don’t know if those who step forward to serve in politics in the future will be much better than those people in the Ming Dynasty who only know how to read poetry and books and have a higher eye.

In addition to the more than 180 soldiers absorbed by Zuozhuang, the remaining 300 people have somewhere to go.

That's the second division.

Although it was decided to give priority to improving the first division and use the second division as a training base for new recruits.

But whether the recruits are trained well or not depends on the person who teaches them.

These veterans are of course the best instructors.

With more than 300 people serving as the grassroots of the Second Division, the skeleton of the Second Division will be built. The recruits of the Second Division will mature much faster.

As soon as the military affairs were over, Zuo Menggeng still had no time to spare and was dragged to Zhuangzi again.

I haven't been back for more than half a year, and the changes in Zhuangzi are very obvious.

Visible to the naked eye, the area of ​​the residential area has become much larger. Just outside the original Zhuangzi, a large area of ​​​​houses has been built.

"Those people came here with the letters of introduction you gave them. They suffered a lot along the way and it was terrible. So I organized everyone and settled them down."

Chen Zhi is talking about the people who went south from Zunhua.

They really made it to Linqing and found Zuozhuang.

Because of Zuo Mengeng's arrangement, Zhuangzi did not dare to neglect and immediately settled them down.

Zuo Mengeng was very concerned about this matter.

"There are tens of thousands of people, which is about the same population as our Zhuangzi. There won't be any trouble, right?"

When they mentioned this, Chen Zhi and Lao Qintou burst out laughing.

"Oh, my eldest young master, you don't know, we are living a good life now."

Seeing everyone smiling happily, Zuo Mengeng was baffled. He didn't know why everyone could still laugh when the population nearly doubled out of thin air.

Even a steady person like Chen Zhi couldn't help but play tricks on others.

"Senzuo, guess how much our vegetable greenhouse sold for this winter?"

Mentioning the vegetable greenhouse, Zuo Mengeng was thoughtful.

"It must be nice to see you guys so happy, right?"

Lao Qintou couldn't hide the matter and told the story while laughing loudly.

It turns out that before the Hou camp set off last year, Zuo Menggeng took the lead in Zuozhuang and used the open space to build a greenhouse.

Because of the glass, the greenhouse has a very good insulation effect in winter.

At first, everyone thought that planting vegetables in the coldest month of winter was a fantasy and against the laws of nature. But when they saw all kinds of vegetables thriving in the greenhouse, everyone was dumbfounded.

In December, the first batch of vegetables was harvested, totaling more than 80,000 kilograms, with a full range of varieties.

On the day when the vegetables were harvested, the people in Zhuangzi tasted them first.

The feeling of eating fresh vegetables in winter made everyone burst into tears. For the first time, they felt that it was possible to grow vegetables like this.

Logically speaking, more than 80,000 kilograms of vegetables are not enough for the farmers to eat themselves. But Chen Zhi thought of Zuo Mengeng's instructions and immediately organized the farmers to load the vegetables into trucks and send them to the city for sale.

Winter green vegetables have become a special attraction in Linqing City. The whole city was in a sensation, and many people came here just to see the Western view.

After I inquired about the price of the vegetables, the excitement became even greater.

It is not that there were no off-season vegetables in the Ming Dynasty, but most of them were cultivated with hot spring water. Even if they were produced, the quantity was extremely limited, and they were not affordable for ordinary people.

Except for the emperor and nobles, only wealthy people can eat it.

Such vegetables are simply not available outside, not to mention the price is as good as gold.

Zuozhuang's fresh vegetables appeared in the market in such large quantities, and the sensation caused by the prices was even more exaggerated.

The price of thirty cents per pound immediately made Linqing City go crazy.

This chapter has been completed!
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