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Chapter 24 Secret News

Zuo Liangyu's official career can be summed up in four words.

That is... help from noble people.

When he was in Liaodong, for some unknown reason, he was favored by Sun Chengzong. He rose from being an unknown general to becoming the capital.

Or the commander of a pure firearms unit like Che Youying.

After being dismissed due to the Ningyuan mutiny, it didn't take long for him to make a comeback.

This time, his nobleman is Hou Xun.

I don’t know why Hou Xun fell in love with him and took him under his tent.

During the Jisi Incident, Hou Xun was ordered to go to Tongzhou to recruit troops to serve the king, and Zuo Liangyu got the opportunity to command the troops.

This time, he entered the fast lane of life.

In just a few years, he was promoted from deputy general to commander-in-chief, and then gradually became a warlord.

In fact, what Zuo Mengeng didn't know was that among the people present, there was also a distinguished person named Zuo Liangyu.

Hou Xun has been famous for a long time.

During the Tianqi period, because of the struggle with the eunuch party, the father and son were dismissed from office, so they became famous all over the world.

In addition, many people in Donglin were brutally killed by the eunuchs during the Tianqi years, Hou Xun's status has been rising steadily, and he is now a very important boss in Donglin.

When Chongzhen ascended the throne, he punished the eunuchs and recalled the people from Donglin to the court.

Hou Xun went north this time to serve as Minister of War in the capital.

Hou Xun was from Guide Prefecture, and it was naturally convenient to take the canal to go north to the capital, so he had to pass through Linqing.

The local Donglin Party members in Linqing or the gentry who were close to the Donglin Party welcomed him with great fanfare.

What makes Zuo Mengeng strange is, who is the person alongside Hou Xun?

Judging from everyone's attitude, it seems that they are even more respectful than they are towards Hou Xun.

After a while, the official ship docked and the gangplank was set up. Hou Xunyan asked and let the man go first.

The man was not polite and Shi Shiran stepped out of the boat.

Everyone was impatient and rushed to meet him. The scene was so noisy and chaotic that Zuo Mengeng was pushed aside.

Zhang Haogu and his fellow sufferers failed to come forward and join in the fun.

Zuo Mengeng finally caught the person and asked, "Who is that Nian Tai Gong?"

Zhang Haogu was inexplicably surprised.

"You don't know? That's Mr. Jishan."

Zuo Mengeng suddenly realized it and couldn't help but look over there.

The famous Liu Zongzhou, one of the few thinkers in the late Ming Dynasty, was deeply respected by the world.

Liu Zongzhou was in front and Hou Xun was behind.

When Hou Xun got off the boat, Zuo Mengeng noticed that he was holding an eight or nine-year-old child in his hand. He was carved in pink and jade, and his upper and lower parts were full of aura.

Seeing Zuo Liangyu approaching Hou Xun, Zuo Mengeng had no choice but to go over.

But Zuo Liangyu's actions shocked Zuo Mengeng.

Zuo Liangyu came to Hou Xun and knelt down without saying a word.

"Sir, Zuo Liangyu kowtows to you. I am so happy to be able to serve you again after so many years."

Zuo Mengeng is so confused.

Fathers are on their knees, what should he do?

He was not willing to kneel down and kowtow to others.

It is natural for a man to kneel to his parents. It is debatable whether God should kneel or not, let alone an outsider who is neither a relative nor a friend.

Just when he was hesitating, Hou Xun moved quickly and pulled Zuo Liangyu up.

"Don't be like this in Kunshan. There is no need to be polite in our relationship."

Seeing Zuo Liangyu getting up, Zuo Mengeng stopped kneeling. He bent down and bowed, which was considered a fool.

The child hiding next to Hou Xun saw it and couldn't help laughing.

When Zuo Menggen looked at him, he even shaved his cheek. Apparently he saw Zuo Menggen's cheating.

Zuo Mengeng winked at him, he was thick-skinned and didn't care.

The child was stunned, probably seeing such a person for the first time.

Zuo Mengeng was tall and it was impossible for Hou Xun to miss him and asked: "This young master is..."

Zuo Liangyu said hurriedly: "It's Quanzi."

Hou Xun looked at it and found that Zuo Mengeng was high-spirited and sharp-looking, with a domineering air that he would give up on others. He was not as submissive as Zuo Liangyu. He couldn't help but praise: "Your Majesty, your majesty is magnificent, and your heroic spirit is soaring.

He must be a person with great talent inside and sharp outside, and his future will be limitless."

Zuo Liangyu was just happy after what he said, scratching his head and scratching his head. He was even happier than getting promoted and getting rich.

Zuo Mengeng knew that Hou Xun was very important to Zuo Liangyu, and with Hou Xun's energy, he would be of great help to him in the future.

"My father often said that we are here today, mostly because of the appreciation of the elders. The elders taught us earnestly and served the country with loyalty. My father always kept this in his heart. During the bloody battle with the rebellion of the Tartars, he would fight bravely and be diligent in the king's affairs."

This is both a compliment and a test.

Because Zuo Mengeng discovered a new situation.

Zuo Liangyu and Hou Xun seemed like old acquaintances.

According to the limited historical data, Zuo Liangyu was appreciated by Hou Xun after Liaodong. Logically speaking, the two people should have had no intersection before that.

But looking at Zuo Liangyu's attitude towards Hou Xun, it can be said that he was grateful, as if he were serving his parents, but he didn't know why.

The secrets he pried into were revealed by Hou Xun, who was an old man and was even more watertight.

"Kunshan, have you ever asked your son to study?"

Zuo Liangyu said respectfully: "The only disadvantage I have is that I don't know a single Chinese character. I followed the old man's instructions and hired him a husband early. But this kid is my son. He can't study well. He only knows how to wield a sword and a gun."

.I originally thought of taking him to Liaodong to have some adventures, but now it’s all gone.”

Hou Xun patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged. Just stay at home and wait for good news."

A big shot who is about to serve as Minister of War said this, and his future is definitely gone.

Zuo Liangyu's heart finally warmed up again.

Over there, Zhang Zhenxiu came over and grabbed Hou Xun's sleeve.

"It's rare for Mr. Ruogu to come to the Qing Dynasty. I wanted to do my best to show my friendship to the landlord. But it's really annoying that Mr. Ruogu favors Brother Kunshan. He lives in a humble and simple house and dare not condescend to the true Buddha. For this reception banquet, Mr. Ruogu has to do it.


Hou Xun laughed loudly and turned to look at everyone.

"Zhang Cunyu is forcing me to this point, what can I do? I have to let him go, and I'll get drunk with warm wine and have some delicious food to cheer me up."

The crowd laughed loudly and surrounded Liu Zongzhou. Hou Xun got into the sedan chair and rushed to the inner city.

We hadn't gone very far, and before we even stepped out of the pier, we were met by a huge wave of people.

The signs of "Quiet" and "Avoid" were flaunted, and the whips used to clean the streets drove pedestrians away like dogs and rabbits.

Many of the subordinate officials dressed in soap clothes were evil-looking, carrying scimitars on their waists and holding pale yellow hands, looking majestic and majestic.

Protecting a large sedan chair with eight carriages, on which sat an old man with a python robe and a wing crown, a white face and no beard, his eyes were already fixed on this side.

The two sides approached each other and stopped at each other, quite tense.

In the crowd, someone whispered: "It's the eunuch Feng Lun."

Only then did Zuo Mengeng know that this person was Feng Lun, the local emperor of Linqing and the guarding eunuch.

If it were in the past, these people would have no choice but to retreat when they saw Feng Lun.

But now news has come from Beijing that Wei Zhongxian, Li Chaoqin, Cui Chengxiu and others have been brought to justice. It is inevitable that the eunuchs will be annihilated. They can finally hold their heads high and face Feng Lun, a low-level tiger.

Liu Zongzhou and Hou Xun in the sedan also got the idea, opened the sedan curtain and glared at Feng Lun. Looking at him like that, they really wanted to peel off his skin and eat his flesh.

The hatred between the two sides is unforgettable and has already reached the point where they will never end.

Being looked at by so many pairs of angry eyes, Feng Lun was calm and fearless.

"Hey, who am I? The former hasty rat, now he is back again?"

Hou Xun got off the sedan chair, walked to the front of the crowd, and shouted: "The holy king is coming to the court, and the eunuchs will be executed. The death of Wei Eun, Li Eun and other giants are not far away. You, a grasshopper after the autumn, will be in panic all day long."

, I can only behave like a rabbit dying and a fox pitiful."

Feng Lun seemed to have heard some big joke, and he laughed so hard that he couldn't help himself.

"Hahahahahaha...it's really sad...ridiculous...poor, Hou Ruogu, do you really think you won? Just wait, sooner or later the emperor will understand who is his sweetheart."

Hou Xun shouted and cursed.

"You eunuch will only confuse the king, ruin the country, and harm the people. Now it is wishful thinking to expect to survive for a long time. You must know that the Holy Lord is an immortal and wise king. He uses thunderbolt methods to kill demons and eliminate demons. The country is cleansed and transformed into a new one. You guys, Xiaoxiao

It is inevitable for our generation to disintegrate and disappear into ashes from now on."

Everyone cheered loudly, feeling quite happy that all their grievances had been wiped out.

Someone suddenly rushed out of the crowd, furious, and rushed towards Feng Lun.

"Thief, you have come to pay homage to the spirit of Xiancao in heaven!"

Zuo Mengeng was shocked. He happened to be close and quickly stopped him.

"Brother Zhou, please be patient."

Even if Feng Lun deserves to die, the only thing that can deal with him is the emperor's imperial edict. Before the imperial edict is issued, even if he knows that this person's death is not far away, he cannot act randomly.

The people who rush out are traveling around.

At this time, he had already lost his mind, but he could not break away from Zuo Mengeng's blockage.

He stared with a pair of blood-red eyes and roared angrily.

"Back then, Xian Kao was caught by this evil thief and thrown into a prison and beaten to death. If I don't avenge this, how can I be a son of man?"

Zuo Mengeng was stunned for a moment, and then his mind started to rumble, and many mysteries were solved at once.

This chapter has been completed!
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