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Chapter 323

Among the young talents, the ones Zuo Menggen needs to worry least about are brothers Li Rixuan and Li Yuanding.

These two people inherited their uncle's advantages and were able to do things.

The only thing Zuo Mengeng needs to pay attention to is the direction of use.

In any case, with Li Banghua as the boss, Li Rixuan and Li Yuanding still need to avoid suspicion.

Zuo Mengeng thought for a while and said to Li Rixuan: "Liangshanji is newly built and there is a shortage of people. Can you come over and be a deputy? Is that okay?"

Li Rixuan smiled calmly.

"It all depends on the instructions given by the attendant."

Even though Liangshanji was just a town. After Li Rixuan was sent, he was not even a mayor. However, the current territory of the New Army is not large, and the town is already a very important administrative unit.

And before Li Rixuan, other administrators started at the village level.

Li Rixuan had already received advice from Li Banghua, and he didn't care at all about the size of his current official position.

The New Army is thriving and its future is bright and promising. How far it can go in the future will depend on its achievements.

The same goes for Li Yuanding, who was arranged by Zuo Mengeng to go to Dongchang Mansion to work under Huang Daozhou.

The last remaining brothers are Huang Zongyan and Huang Zonghui.

"You two, just stay with me and do some chores."

Huang Zongyan was better off, but Huang Zonghui really gave Huang Zongxi a headache.

This guy has a bit of a lazy attitude. Although he is very talented, he is very arrogant and arrogant.

To put it bluntly, I am praised too highly by others and do not know how to be down-to-earth.

With Huang Zongxi's temper, if he were taken by his side in person, severely restrained and educated with sticks, he would be able to change Huang Zongxi. But Huang Zongxi could not do this in order to avoid suspicion.

Feeling his friend's embarrassment, Zuo Mengeng took the initiative to take over the problem guy Huang Zonghui.

Staying by your side is not a good life.

Huang Zonghui obviously didn't know this, and was quite happy to hear that Zuo Mengeng was left to work.

"My brother has read poetry and books since he was a child and has read military books. He must carefully praise the general's paintings and help him in every possible direction."

Huang Zongyan is not as discerning as his younger brother.

"My two brothers are very talented and have little knowledge. If there are any shortcomings, please come and bear with me."

Zuo Mengeng didn't comment and just threw them to Fu Yusun.

As a personal secretary, Fu Yusunke understood Zuo Menggeng's thoughts very well. After bringing the Huang brothers to the secretariat, he came over with a large pile of documents without saying anything.

"These are urgent matters. You two have to write them out before noon tomorrow without delay."

Huang Zonghui's face turned green when he saw the half-foot-thick document.

"Brother, my two brothers are here to paint military aircraft for the Counselor. You can handle such trivial matters yourself."

Fu Yusun scolded with a cold face: "You two are now civilian staff of the Secretariat of the New Army Military Headquarters and are under my control. The order has been given and will be implemented immediately."

Huang Zonghui frowned and said angrily: "Who in the world dares to order my brother to do things?"

Fu Yusun was about to attack immediately, but Huang Zongyan got ahead of him.

"I'm sorry, it's my brother who is reckless. I don't know how to call this brother?"

His soft words did not change Fu Yusun.

"My name is Fu Yusun, and I am the Secretary-General of the Military Secretariat. All civilian work of the Military Department is under my management. Now you are my soldiers and you must obey orders. I would like to advise you that the military is different from the outside. If you violate military orders, you will not be punished.

Even Political Commissar Huang can't save you."

Huang Zongyan hurriedly said: "We will get it done."

Fu Yusun said in a deep voice: "You have to answer yes or no to your boss's orders. Don't talk nonsense."

Huang Zonghui jumped up angrily and shouted: "I won't do it, what can you do?"

Fu Yusun squinted his eyes and looked at him, his tone neither urgent nor slow.

"According to military law, anyone who disobeys military orders will be punished by death. Anyone like you who deliberately disobeys military orders will be killed without mercy."

Anyone who has been on the battlefield has murderous intent in their eyes. Once Fu Yusun had murderous intentions, the Huang brothers felt a bone-chilling coldness that made them shiver.

Huang Zongyan was really troubled by this unruly brother, so he quickly stopped in front of him.

"We still don't understand something, please give us your advice."

Fu Yusun's attitude towards him was much better. He raised his hands, raised his eyebrows straight, and said: "This is how you will salute in the future. This is a military salute. Whether you see your superiors or subordinates, you will use this as a salute. Of course,

When you see your superior, you must be the first to salute. There is no room for negotiation in the military. When an order is given, it must be carried out no matter how difficult it is."

Huang Zongyan nodded to express his understanding.

After Fu Yusun left, Huang Zonghui was still angry.

"Second brother, why are you stopping me? I want to see if he really dares to kill me?"

Huang Zongyan slapped his hand on the table and yelled: "Who do you think you are? Are you great? Where will you end up doing this?"

Huang Zonghui paused, his face turned red and pale.

He is just crazy, not stupid, so he naturally understands what Huang Zongyan means.

"I don't rely on my eldest brother for my life. He insisted on me coming to Shandong. We originally were free and happy in Zhejiang, so why would he force others to make things difficult?"

Huang Zongyan was really angry and refused to fight.

I looked around and saw no one around, so I dared to tell the truth.

"Don't you look at what the elder brother is doing now? Sooner or later, the court will find out. Are you still staying in Zhejiang, waiting for the court to confiscate your home and behead you?"

Huang Zonghui trembled on the spot.

"You...you mean?"

Huang Zongyan took the document, slapped it in front of Huang Zonghui, and said gloomily: "You are not stupid. Didn't you realize that our left-hand officer has too many soldiers? A mere general with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under his command, intends to


Huang Zonghui was completely lost, his mind was in a state of confusion, and he obviously could not accept this reality.

There are two new people in the secretariat, and they are not worthy of Zuo Menggeng's constant attention.

In early May, after completing the assembly and preparation, the new army finally began to send troops.

Two regiments of more than 3,000 soldiers and horses took boats and went south along the canal. After arriving in Jining, they took the Sishui River and passed through Yanzhou Prefecture and headed straight to Qufu.

The prefect Zhang Kan was lying on the city wall worriedly, looking at the mighty army passing by with a very ugly expression on his face.

"Wang Sunfan is a bastard. He did evil things and ran away, but now I am left here sitting on pins and needles."

The person next to him is his master.

"Looking at Zuo Jun's appearance, I'm afraid that the one who comes here is not good. If there is trouble between him and the Kong family, does the proprietor have a good plan?"

Zhang Kan just stamped his feet.

"Is there any good strategy? Even if we ask Mr. Wen Ge, what can we do? Then Zuo Menggeng is said to be on good terms with everyone in Donglin, how can he put Mr. Wen Ge in his eyes?"

Zhang Kanai was a disciple of Wen Tiren and could not get along with Zuo Mengeng no matter what.

But Zuo Menggeng really had a conflict with the Kong family, and he, the prefect of Yanzhou, would never escape Gua Luo. The only thing he could pray for now was that nothing would happen.

It's a pity that Zuo Menggeng has been preparing to come for a long time, so how could he allow nothing to happen?

One day later, the new army arrived in Qufu. It transferred from Si River to Xiaoyi River and headed straight for Nishan.

According to the intelligence obtained from earlier reconnaissance, the White Lotus cult bandits who fled from Anshan Lake and several other groups of rebels merged together and are now occupying Nishan.

And Nishan is the west gate into the Yimeng Mountain area. By capturing it, the new army will have a base to advance.

But when the new army moved to the outskirts of Nishan, Kong Yinzhu rushed over in a hurry.

"General Zuo, what do you want?"

Seeing Zuo Mengeng, Kong Yinzhu's eyes burst into flames. If possible, he would have killed Zuo Mengeng into pieces.

The Kong family has been prestigious for thousands of years, and no one has ever dared to disobey the majesty of the Kong family. It was Qiu Ba in front of him who disgraced the Kong family.

Unexpectedly, before the Kong family came to trouble him, he actually led troops into the saint's hometown.

Compared with him, Zuo Mengeng was much calmer.

"Didn't Mr. Kong see it? I am going to destroy the White Lotus Demon under the emperor's orders. What, Mr. Kong has any objections?"

Kong Yinzhu's face looked like his dead father. He pointed at the mountain behind him and asked, "Do you know where this place is?"

Zuo Mengeng said leisurely: "I naturally know that this is Nishan."

Kong Yinzhu straightened his back.

"Now that you know this is Nishan, do you dare to conduct war here?"

Zuo Mengeng clearly knew, but deliberately pretended not to know.

"This general is confused. I was ordered by the emperor to suppress the bandits. Now that the White Lotus bandits are on top of Nishan, I can't advance into the army?"

Kong Yinzhu thought from the bottom of his heart that he was just an ignorant Qiu Ba, and said proudly: "Nishan is the place where my ancestors of the Kong family came to the world from heaven. How can I allow you to fight here?"

Zuo Mengeng pretended to be suddenly enlightened.

"Oh I got it."

Just when Kong Yinzhu thought he could persuade Zuo Mengeng to retreat, Zuo Mengeng asked a heart-wrenching question.

"I dare not ask Mr. Kong, but Mr. Kong didn't allow me to use troops to suppress the bandits, so why did he allow the rebels and rebels to set up camp here, a wine pond and a forest of meat?"


Kong Yinzhu was so stunned that a mouthful of old blood spurted out, but he was speechless.

In fact, Zuo Mengeng's question was too sinister. No matter how he answered, Kong Yinzhu felt that he had fallen into a pit.

You say that the New Army's use of force here is disrespectful to Confucius, so it is not allowed.

Then why did you, Kong, turn a blind eye to the rioters who occupied this place and danced on the graves?

What does Kong Yinzhu say?

Only when he rolled his eyes did he faint from anger.

This chapter has been completed!
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