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Chapter 555

Zuo Mengeng was stunned at the side.

Does it have to be so scary?

People are actually starting to study hybrid rice.

Although he didn't know what hybrid rice was, he thought that hybrid rice could increase production and income, and it probably absorbed the advantages of other plants.

He knew even more how great Chen Zilong's research was.

The only thing he could do was to use his limited knowledge of hybrid rice to help Chen Zilong go further.

"I suggest you go to the wild to look for male sterile plants and use them to hybridize with mature rice. There may be unexpected gains."

This is Zuo Menggeng’s only little understanding of hybrid rice.

This was because Mr. Yuan's death in his previous life aroused his interest and he accidentally learned about it.

But just because of his words, a window opened in front of Chen Zilong's eyes.

"Hey, why didn't I think of this?"

"Finding male sterile plants in the wild is a very arduous and luck-based process. Do you have enough funds?"

Zuo Menggeng is very generous with any opportunity to improve agricultural production capacity.

Chen Zilong did not accept his kindness.

“Part of the income from all farms belongs to our Ministry of Agriculture, so you don’t need to worry about funding.”

Unlike other departments, the Ministry of Agriculture is not just a functional department, but also has good profits.

Because any results of research by the Ministry of Agriculture will be handed over to various agricultural reclamation companies for implementation.

Agricultural reclamation companies have made huge profits by relying on these technologies, so it is unjustifiable not to give the Ministry of Agriculture a certain return.

Therefore, although the Ministry of Agriculture is unknown in the entire administrative system, it is actually the most nourishing.

In this case, Zuo Mengeng was relieved.

Chen Zilong thought of something else and said to Xu Guangqi sincerely: "Mr.

Xu Guangqi just felt that he was too careful.

"When I wrote the book, I originally wanted to benefit the people. If you have such kind intentions, I can only borrow them all."

After getting his consent, Chen Zilong was very happy. He was very busy and didn't want to gossip, so he turned around and went back to the rice field.

Fu Yijian came running from a distance.

"Commander, the agreement sent back from Cangzhou requires your signature."

Zuo Mengeng was overjoyed.

"It seems the deal has been concluded."

Xu Guangqi also knew that he was busy with work, so it was extremely rare for him to come here to accompany him for such a short time.

"Go and do your own business, don't delay your business."

Zuo Mengeng had no choice but to say to Xu Ruolin: "Grandpa, keep an eye on me. If it gets cold, go back quickly."

Before Xu Ruolin could take over the cart, Liu Rushi was obedient and got ahead of her.

Seeing this, Zuo Mengeng felt relieved and ran back to handle official matters.

Liu Rushi pushed Xu Guangqi and accompanied Xu Ruolin to continue strolling along the country road. Her eyes could not help but look at the rising and falling figures among the rice seedlings.

Xu Ruolin noticed it and couldn't help asking: "Don't you recognize him?"

Liu Rushi was stunned.

"I seem to have seen it before."

Xu Ruolin chuckled and said, "He is Chen Zilong."


Liu Rushi exclaimed, rarely losing his composure.

"I recall the time when Chen Zilong, dressed in fine clothes and angry on horseback, traveled across the south of the Yangtze River. One article could be regarded as a millionaires. People say that Jiangnan is very talented, and he, Chen Zilong, has eight points. Why is he here, still doing... and still doing..."

Gu Xuan

She wanted to say that Chen Zilong was engaged in "slightly despicable" farm work, but she was stuck when she thought that everyone was treated equally here.

However, his eyes were always aimed at the figure that was getting farther and farther away, and there was quite a sense of loss and depression in his heart.

Time crossed, she did not stay in Jiangnan, and Chen Zilong was not the same scholar as before.

If they have never met, they will naturally have no love.

Now that they met in a different place and met for the first time, Liu Rushi didn't know whether he was lamenting the passing of a great talent, or whether he was surprised by the encounter with this person.

After Zuo Mengeng returned, he reviewed the agreement item by item with Hou Xun and others, and found that everything was exactly the same as the original plan.

"It seems that Meng Angong and the others did a good job in negotiating. This time we got what we wanted."

Zhang Zhenxiu was extremely arrogant.

"How can we allow the imperial court to be half-hearted when our troops are pressing down on the territory?"

Cao Wenheng thought a little more.

"We can sign here happily, but I don't know what the emperor thinks?"

Zuo Menggeng had already picked up the pen, signed his name on the agreement, and then handed it to Fu Yijian for sealing.

"Under the general trend, he cannot be allowed to act recklessly. Unless he dares to risk the fall of the Ming Dynasty and the ruin of the country."

Although Chongzhen was headstrong, he obviously did not dare to take such a risk.

So three days later, Shandong and the imperial court sat together again.

The agreement was signed by both parties, covered with precious red velvet cloth, and then exchanged on the spot.

This means that an agreement recognized by both parties has been reached.

Zhang Fengyi's face was full of bitterness.

Although Shandong promised that the agreement would not be disclosed, he could not guarantee how long the sieve would be kept secret by the court.

Once word spreads, those censors cannot do anything to the emperor, but he, the person in charge of the negotiations, may be torn to pieces.

"Everyone, since the agreement has been reached, as agreed, we will rescue King Lu as soon as possible. I wonder who from your side will be the envoy to accompany our army south to Yanzhou?"

One of the clauses in the agreement was that Shandong was responsible for rescuing King Lu from his predicament.

Now that the agreement has been signed, Shandong has kept its word and proactively mentioned the matter.

Zhang Fengyi was excited and suddenly remembered that there was also a time bomb called King Lu.

I don’t know what’s going on over there in Yanzhou?

If something happened to King Lu during this period, Chongzhen would definitely blame him.

But if King Lu is rescued, even if the agreement happens, he will still have something to say, so he won't be unable to defend himself.

"In this case, Eunuch Gao and Master Lu will go with your army."

Who will go to Yanzhou as an envoy has already been agreed upon.

At that moment, the two parties dispersed, but Gao Qiqian and Lu Xiangsheng stayed.

Shandong abided by the agreement, packed up its troops and horses that day, and returned the same way, all the way to Dezhou.

Once the danger in eastern Gyeonggi Province was lifted, many people inside and outside the government breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Banghua took Gao and Lu further south and handed them over to Mao Yuanyi.

The Second Army has already received orders from the headquarters and has begun moving south.

However, the movement of the Second Army was quite strange and it did not attack Yanzhou directly.

The Fourth Division moved south from Daicunba, with one division occupying Wenshang and the other division occupying Ningyang, cutting off the Dongjiang rebels' northward escape route back to Jinan.

The second division detoured to the west and captured Jining with lightning speed.

The Third Division in Mengyin has quietly moved to Surabaya and established a defense line far to the east.

There were also New Army troops making feints in the Zouxian area to the south, and they were quickly detected by the rebels.

Looking around, Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming suddenly discovered that there seemed to be only one way for them to go.

But they haven't yet figured out what kind of big changes will happen next.

This chapter has been completed!
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