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Chapter 595

"Commander, this is our latest printed product, please take a look."

If Shandong wants to fight a war of public opinion, articles and books are indispensable.

In order for more people to see new ideas, they must be printed in large quantities.

Chen Hongshou found Zuo Mengeng and presented the latest printed products.

The writing on it is "The Process of History" by Zuo Mengeng.

Obviously, what he wanted to show Zuo Menggeng was definitely not an article, let alone a correction of its content.

It's the effect of printing.

Zuo Mengeng picked up the paper and looked at it carefully. He found that the printing effect this time was much better than before, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Tell me, what do you do?"

Chen Hongshou followed Liu Zongzhou to Shandong.

However, this person is lazy and greedy for enjoyment, so it is not easy to arrange.

This lsp stayed around for a long time, visited seventy-two brothels in Linqing, and gained quite a reputation.

He even made a "Review of Fang Lu", commenting on the famous prostitutes in Linqing brothel, which caused a sensation.

The prostitutes in the brothel were even more proud of being on the list and tried their best to flatter him.

Later, Liu Zongzhou couldn't bear it anymore, so he used his painting talent to arrange for him to be in charge of the printing of books and articles.

The work was not very onerous, and it was his specialty. Chen Hongshou did it like a duck to water.

I didn’t expect to be able to surprise Zuo Mengeng.

"Mr. Galileo asked us to help print his works. After seeing the movable type printing we used, he said that there was a better printing technology in Europe. He introduced it to us, and after testing, it was indeed better than the one we used.

Copper movable type printing is of better quality.”


Zuo Mengeng was greatly surprised.

Isn’t it said that printing is a Chinese invention?

Could it be that before the emergence of modern printing technology, printing technology in Europe surpassed that of China?

What he didn't know was that the printing technology brought by Galileo was the movable lead type printing technology invented by the German Johannes Gutenberg.

Gutenberg's invention was not just a change in materials, but also included a series of technologies.

For example, the use of fatty inks, the manufacturing of printing presses, and the regulation of font size, etc.

Zuo Menggeng visited the printing factory in person and actually saw this new printing technology.

"Well, the ratio of this movable type is very remarkable. You must record it and adopt this standard in the future."

He was holding a newly cast movable type mold in his hand, and he could see something fishy at a glance.

This lead movable type module from Gutenberg is made of three metals: lead, tin, and antimony, and the proportions are perfect.

This kind of cast movable type modules is very regular. No matter how many modules are laid together, the surface is very smooth without any fluctuations.

When the paper is laid on it, there is no gap at all, and with the help of fatty ink, the printed work will be so perfect.

He only approved this method out of knowledge. What he didn't know was that the ratio of lead, tin, and antimony invented by Gutenberg has not changed much until five hundred years later. It is the most perfect ratio.


Zuo Mengeng read the movable lead type casting ratio document copied by Chen Hongshou, and discovered that in China at this time, people were not aware of the existence of antimony.

The content written in the document is tin white.

Because antimony ore basically grows together with tin ore, people mistakenly think that it is also a type of tin.

But antimony is antimony, and it’s a metal element with a wide range of uses.

Zuo Mengeng took it upon himself to change "Xibai" to antimony, and then said to Chen Hongshou: "Send these cassiterite and this document to Chen Shuangjin."

Now the person in charge of researching elements here is Chen Shuangjin, who dared to light a fire in the mercury fulminate factory.

This madman is quite talented in chemistry. After hydrogen, he has discovered oxygen.

Although I don’t know what I am studying now, I will definitely not stop.

Giving him new elements can be regarded as perfecting the chemical framework.

Liao Zhongjian is back.

Zuo Mengeng did not dare to neglect and rushed to Qingdao himself.

"Commander, fortunately you have lived up to your command."

Just one sentence made Zuo Mengeng burst into laughter.

"Minister Liao Da, thank you for your hard work!"

The economic benefits brought by opening up the trade route between North Korea and Japan are secondary. The most important thing is that Wu General, Mang Gurtai and others who are far away in Sakhalin Island are no longer isolated and helpless.

However, Liao Zhongjian's report on the situation in North Korea still made Zuo Mengeng very interested.

He thought of Bingzi Huan three years later.

It was that battle that completely broke the backbone of North Korea, made North Korea submit to Hou Jin, and began to become Hou Jin's accomplice.

Of course Zuo Mengeng would be happy to create some trouble for Hou Jin.

"We must strengthen the determination of Kim Sang-heon and other Westerners, and at the same time let them see hope."

Hou Xun saw this without Zuo Mengeng planning.

Fu Yusun also said: "Secretly forming a musketry team on Jeju Island and starting to build a defensive perimeter in Busan will have miraculous effects by then."

A group of people lay on the map, carefully studied the terrain of Busan, and agreed that Busan could be defended.

Because Busan is close to the sea, there is no shortage of supplies.

There is even cultivated land within the Busan Defense Circle, which can meet consumption needs.

"You can't just rely on the North Koreans themselves, they are unreliable."

Zuo Menggeng is very clear about the virtues of Korean people.

No matter how good the terrain of Busan is, it is impossible for the Koreans alone to hold it.

"Once there are changes in North Korea, we will directly send troops to Busan."

Liu Yiyuan had no objection to this, and at the same time he was very interested in fighting in foreign lands.

The top brass reached a consensus and the Navy took action again.

On April 15th, Chonghua and Zhang Keda set off from Qingdao with a larger fleet.

This time, they will go to Jeju Island, Busan, Tsushima and Sakhalin Island.

Liao Zhongjian still had no time to spare and went south again to trade artillery with Zheng Zhilong.

The Dutch were pressing harder and harder, and it was obvious that the day of war was getting closer. Zheng Zhilong was eager to see through Shandong's artillery.

The two fleets from Shandong came out in full force again, and Qingdao Port suddenly became empty again.

Only the shipyard was in full swing.

The keel of the new Galen ship is being laid.

This work alone will take until next year to be completed.

It took less than three years for the entire ship to be launched into the water and become combat effective.

However, a large number of workers have already honed their skills in the construction of the first ship, and there is no need to wait until the first ship is completely built before starting work on the second ship.

Once the keel is laid and the inspection is passed, construction of the second ship can begin.

On the beach not far from the shipyard, under the scorching sun, countless majestic men were running wildly on the waves.

Tang Wenhuan was also naked from the waist up, only wearing shorts that didn't reach his knees. He didn't care about his tanned body.

He held a tin trumpet in his hand and shouted at the soldiers.

"What are we?"

The roar of thousands of soldiers made the world change color.

"Tiger on land, dragon in water."

"What is our goal?"

"In the sky, on the earth, in the water, who else but me!"

Zuo Mengeng clasped his hands behind his back, looking at the army that was gradually taking shape, and couldn't help but purse his lips.

This chapter has been completed!
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