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Chapter 667: Solid as a Rock

When Azig launched the attack, Tang Wenhuan realized his mistake.

"Hurry up and send troops to rescue."

Gu Erzhong knew that the situation was critical and quickly reminded him.

The order to mobilize troops came to his lips, but Tang Wenhuan swallowed it hard.

"Cannot return aid."

Gu Erzhong was anxious.

"If we don't return reinforcements, those soldiers will die!"

Tang Wenhuan remained unmoved and pointed at the overwhelming force of the Eight Banners coming directly ahead.

"If we return to support and Dorgon comes forward, it will be all over."

Gu Erzhong was stunned.

He looked at the battlefield situation again and naturally knew that Tang Wenhuan was right.

"so what should I do now?"

At the critical moment, Tang Wenhuan showed his ruthless nature.

"Order all troops to advance forward. I will defeat Dorgon in one battle!"

The loud sound of the trumpet broke through the sky, and the Marine Brigade, which was still confused at first, immediately became solemn.

More than 4,000 people reorganized their military formation, paying no attention to Azig rushing from the side and rear. They marched straight towards the main force of the Eight Banners in front of them with uniform steps.

Next, it’s time to grab time.

If Azig first eliminates the flanks of the 1st Marine Brigade and completes the outflank, then the 1st Marine Brigade will definitely lose this battle.

But if Tang Wenhuan defeats the main force of the Eight Banners first, then Azig must be careful.

Since the battle with the Jurchens, the New District has always adopted a defensive posture. It has set up a formation and is waiting for the Jurchens to attack.

But this time, the new army finally showed its fangs for attack.

Unlike the Jurchens who ran all over the mountains and plains, the new army's formation remained very strict even as they advanced.

While the footsteps were unified, their speed was neither urgent nor slow.

At the same time, there was no other sound from the entire array except horns and whistles.

This silence is even more frightening.

Under the commander's flag in the rear, Dorgon frowned, watching the new army's response, thinking that the Eight Banners soldiers would never be able to do this.

"I don't know who the enemy general is, but he can be a famous general."

Tang Wenhuan didn't know about Dorgon's praise, and he didn't care either.

If possible, he would even want to chop off Dorgon's head.

He ignored the 19th Company, which was blocking the attack, and the 7th Battalion, which was fighting hard. Instead, he focused all his attention on the front.

He believed that his subordinates would not disappoint him.

Not to mention that this time he came up with a trump card.

In the main formation of the 1st Marine Brigade, two small red flags were waving crosswise.

Under clear weather, it was really seen by the artillery troops in the distance.

"Bazooka ready!"

Yes, the trump card that Tang Wenhuan pulled out was the rocket launcher that had never been used.

Not only that, Zhang Keda at sea reacted even more quickly.

Eight warships had already been dispatched by Zhang Keda, and they quickly sailed to the flanks of the 7th Battalion and the 19th Company.

Each battleship is equipped with two twelve-barreled rocket launchers.

Eight warships can fire ninety-six rockets at a time.

Coupled with the fifteen rocket launchers of the artillery unit, this firepower is formidable.

Tang Wenhuan ordered all rocket launchers to be used against Azig's cavalry.

He had great confidence that his main force did not need such fire support.

The 7th Battalion and the 19th Company were so selfless in the fight that every soldier poured out their firepower as fast as they could in their life.

Although there was only one company, the 19th company actually fired six rounds of volleys on the way Azig came, killing more than 300 Eight Banners cavalry.

The Eight Banners cavalry finally stepped into the iron nail formation.

The sharp iron nails pierced into the horses' hooves, causing many war horses to roar and fall to the side.

Not only did the person on the horse fall off, but it also seriously hindered the people behind him.

People and horses collided constantly, neighing and screaming kept coming, and dust was flying for a while.

But Azig also became ruthless, ignoring the misery of his men and desperately urging the cavalry to rush straight into the iron nail formation.

The range of the nail array deployed by a company is extremely limited.

The obstruction caused to the Eight Banners was only temporary.

The mines behind the iron nail array were stepped on one after another, and the casualties caused by thermal weapons were far greater than those caused by the iron nail array.

However, Hou Jin's war horses had also been trained and had already adapted to the roar of gunpowder, so there was no chaos.

By the time Houjin Cavalry broke through the minefield, the 19th Company was already within easy reach.

After paying such heavy casualties, Azig raised his saber high and prepared to enjoy the fruits of victory.

But at this moment, someone shouted: "What is that?"

Azig turned his head and saw the most unforgettable sight in his life.

I saw a large amount of bright fireworks flying rapidly from the island and sea in the distance.

Even during the day, the sky is filled with this brilliance.

Although I don’t know what it is, it is so beautiful that it is fascinating.

"Is it a hundred tigers running together with arrows?"

Azig guessed.

But he had seen hundreds of tigers running together with arrows. No matter what, it was impossible for such crude weapons to fly so high or so fast.

what is it?

The cavalry's horses are very fast, but the rockets fly even faster.

Almost in the blink of an eye, hundreds of rockets smashed into Azig's cavalry formation.

The fiery storm produced at that moment was unforgettable for every Jurchen.

A cavalry team of several thousand people was killed in this sudden rocket attack, and more than two thousand people were killed.

The cavalry charge, which was originally like a torrent, seemed to be cut off by a dam made by God, and was no longer as powerful as before.

However, the life of the 19th Company was not easy.

After all, the rocket bombing can only fall behind the cavalry team to avoid accidentally injuring themselves.

The 19th Company still had to use its own flesh and blood to block Azig's assault.

"Fire the bayonet!"

Cui Zhen has no fear at all.

The soldiers of the 19th Company were not afraid either.

In order to protect the main force, they are not afraid of sacrifice.

More than a hundred people attached bayonets to their muskets, and the formation became tighter.

There were still more than 400 Azig's forward troops left, and they roared into the infantry formation of the 19th Company.

The weapon of the Jurchen cavalry is a three-pronged horse fork with a length of three or four meters. When mounted on a horse, it is far longer than the muskets and bayonets of the New Army.

Therefore, in the first wave of collision, almost all the first platoon of the 19th Company were killed.

But the sacrifice of these soldiers was not in vain. They really used their own flesh and blood to block the cavalry charge.

Moreover, before they died, they stabbed wildly, and the horses of the Eight Banners cavalry were also stabbed many times.

War horses are trained to adapt to gunpowder explosions, but they will still go crazy if stabbed by a bayonet.

Many people stood up, and the jumping horses finally gave other New Army soldiers a chance to fight back.

The bayonets are like a forest, glowing coldly in the sun.

The 19th Company unexpectedly surrounded the Eight Banners Cavalry with a numerical disadvantage.

The Eight Banners cavalry stood condescendingly on their horses, with longer weapons in their hands.

The New Army soldiers stood on the ground, but were more flexible. Since they couldn't stab people, they stabbed horses.

The casualties on both sides increased sharply, and the winner could not be determined for a while.

This chapter has been completed!
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