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Chapter 738 Seemingly Ordinary Market

Wang Weiran's failure lies in the gap in cognition.

His understanding of Zuo Mengeng existed only a few years ago.

At that time, Zuo Mengeng had just started his career and his power was weak, so he wanted to ask for help from him, so he was naturally very eager to him.

But in recent years, as the Northwest Rebel Army swept through Shanxi, Wang Weiran was trapped at home and somewhat isolated from the outside world.

Even though Zuo Mengeng has become famous in recent years and his strength has grown step by step, he has only heard about it and has never had personal contact with it, so naturally he does not feel it deeply.

Although it has only been a few years, Zuo Menggeng has grown into one of the overlords who can decide the fate of the world.

And he is still just a son of an aristocratic family.

In his mind, two thousand war horses were definitely a substantial bargaining chip, and he would definitely be able to get what he wanted from Zuo Mengeng.

This is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

People like him are now like fat meat in Zuo Mengeng's eyes.

Zuo Mengeng didn't care about his feelings about the two thousand war horses, and just sent someone to take them over.

Why did Zuo Mengeng delay three days before meeting him?

In fact, it was just preparation for this matter.

Wang Weiran came to see Zuo Mengeng with full confidence, but got a blow in the head and lost completely.

"Master Wang, I have told you a long time ago that Zuo Mengeng is despicable and greedy, and your method... is of no use."

The old woman did not miss this opportunity and planned to take the opportunity to suppress Wang Weiran.

They are in a cooperative relationship, and whoever has the right to speak depends entirely on who can succeed this time.

The last time he faced the old woman's ridicule, Wang Weiran fought back hard. But this time, Wang Weiran was so overwhelmed that he had no time to argue with her.

Wang Weiran knew very well that if the goal could not be achieved this time, the Wang family might all suffer.

"If you can accomplish this, the reward from the Great Khan will definitely not be less. It is impossible for the Great Khan to be happy and reward you with a fortune."

The old woman laughed again and again.

"I don't like the mere barbarians. They are just taking advantage of them. I have my own way of doing things."

Wang Weiran did not fight back, but sneered inwardly.

When the Great Khan takes over the world, how will you, a bitch like you, deal with yourself?

Linqing is becoming increasingly prosperous, and as people's pockets are getting richer, consumption levels are rising sharply.

If Zuo Menggeng hadn't always paid attention to supporting various industries, Shandong would have already experienced inflation.

Walking on the street, a dazzling array of products is enough to meet people's daily needs.

Business was very good today. Butcher Zheng saw that it was getting late and was ready to close his stall.

Just then, a pretty little daughter-in-law came.

"Shopkeeper, cut two pounds of meat. Don't make it too fat, and don't make it too thin."

Butcher Zheng was stunned.

"Your Majesty, would you like front leg meat or hind leg meat?"

It seems that my daughter-in-law is buying meat for the first time and is not very knowledgeable.

"It's best not to go forward or backward, right? It should be faster. My family is in a hurry."

"Oh oh oh, easy to say, easy to say, I'll be fine soon."

Butcher Zheng found a piece of meat with some bones.

"Is this okay?"

The little daughter-in-law nodded.

"That's it. How much does it cost? If it's more than thirty yuan, I don't want it."

Butcher Zheng grinned.

"If you don't need thirty coins, twenty coins will be enough."

The young daughter-in-law smiled when she heard this, quickly took out the money and took the meat.

Butcher Zheng looked at his stall, looked carefully inside and out several times, and finally closed the stall.

He went to buy wine first and bought some cooked food before heading home all the way.

Before entering, I knocked on the neighbor's door first.

Neighbor Wang Sanzhu came out and was quite surprised to see him holding wine and cooked food.

"Are you getting rich?"

Butcher Zheng laughed.

"Make a fortune? Didn't I hear that you were promoted? I bought it specially to celebrate you."

When Wang Sanzhu heard what was going on, he couldn't help but smile.

"Old brother, if you are interested, let's go and come to my house. Let's prepare some delicious dishes tonight and let's have a drink."

That night, the two old brothers drank and talked happily, and they were all drunk and blurred.

"Hey, our brothers were so poor that we were about to starve to death. You didn't know where you went. I thought you died outside."

As long as a middle-aged man drinks too much, he will inevitably reminisce about the past.

When talking about the hard days of the past, Wang Sanzhu's face was filled with sadness.

The same is true for Butcher Zheng.

"I'm different from you. You have the skill of blacksmithing, so you don't have to worry about food. I'm just a pig butcher. In those two years, people couldn't eat. How could there be pig slaughter? It's not like today, when every household can afford meat.

This is how we can barely survive.”

Wang Sanzhu couldn't help but laugh.

"What do you mean by barely surviving? Even though I'm in the factory all day long, you also know that you, Butcher Zheng, can sell several big fat pigs every day, so you must have saved a lot of money, right?"

Butcher Zheng quickly became humble.

"No matter how hard it is, I can't compare with you guys in the factory. Who doesn't know that your wages are the only ones in Shandong? Hey, I'm just wondering, how do you think the barrel of the gun is made?

What’s so strange? Why do you get such a high salary?”

Wang Sanzhu was a little drunk, and now that he had been promoted, he was so proud that he started talking more.

"What do you know? This gun barrel... there are many ways inside. If nothing else, just using the iron component is very knowledgeable."

Butcher Zheng felt looked down upon.

"Hey, I'm not convinced by this. They're all iron, so what can you say?"

Wang Sanzhu burped, his drunken eyes even more blurry.

"What do you know? Some iron is brittle and some are hard. Why are they different? It's because the ingredients inside are different. To make a gun barrel, you have to mix tin into the iron material, so that the barrel is made

Very useful."

Butcher Zheng seemed to have heard a book from heaven.

"What is it? The West? What is the West?"

However, Wang Sanzhu's mouth was already speechless, his body fell backward, and his snoring sounded like thunder.

"Hey, Third Brother Wang, get up and keep drinking. This is not enough."

Butcher Zheng greeted him several times and pushed him several times. When he saw that Wang Sanzhu was indeed asleep, he shook his head and left without clearing the table.

When he got home, he couldn't sleep either. He just sat there, his mind turning over and over again.

Near midnight, I heard someone from Wang Sanzhu's house next door come out, cursing.

"Every day you learn how to drink cat urine. If you drink too much, I will have to wait for you. I am also blind, marrying you for such a thing."

Hearing the crackling of the courtyard door, he guessed that Wang Sanzhu's family had gone to buy medicine for him. Butcher Zheng couldn't help but pursed his lips in amusement.

Butcher Zheng was a good drinker, so he set up his stall the next day like a normal person.

Yesterday, the little daughter-in-law came again, looking quite happy.

"I have bought meat from several stores, but the shopkeeper is very warm-hearted. From now on, I will only buy meat from your store."

Butcher Zheng was extremely happy to have secured a regular customer.

"Sister, please ask around. Who doesn't know the reputation of Zheng, the butcher? What kind of meat do you want today?"

"Today we are making dumplings at home, what kind of meat should we use for filling?"

Butcher Zheng laughed.

"Hey, you asked the right person about this. Here, just use this sandwich meat and mix it with celery and leeks. The more you eat it, the more delicious it will be."

The younger daughter-in-law was quite confused.

"But I've never made leek and pork stuffing."

Zheng Tuhu Ancient Road Hot Sausage.

"Big sister, if you think highly of me, I'll find a way for you."

As he said this, Butcher Zheng got a pen and paper, wrote down the recipe for leek and pork stuffing for his wife on the spot, and handed it to her because she was hungry.

“I’ll do this when I get home, it’ll be delicious.”

My little daughter-in-law is extremely grateful.

"Shopkeeper, you are such a good person."

Butcher Zheng was quite happy to see his little wife carrying the pork and leaving.

For a small business like them, a regular customer is a considerable amount of wealth.

This chapter has been completed!
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