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Chapter 897

In the cold winter season, the sky and the earth are completely white.

Although the color is monotonous, as long as you hide it carefully, it will be harder to find.

The Xia army's scouts were lying on the mountainside.

They were all dressed in pure white clothes, completely blending in with the surrounding snowy scenery. Even if they walked close to them, they were not easy to spot.

Not to mention the military camp far away at the foot of the mountain.

"This must be a team transporting grain."

Wei Zhenjie, leader of the scout team, made a firm judgment.

Shang Wanyu next to him started to calculate even more.

"The army just passed by a few days ago. What we saw with our own eyes was only more than 30 large vehicles. The few supplies were not enough for one day. If there were no food and grass supplies, these North Korean troops might not be able to reach Luoyang.


"These beasts don't even spare ordinary people. They are even more hateful than the Tatars. Team leader, let's find a way to get rid of him, shall we?"

Even in a foreign land, the soldiers of the Xia Army were still furious at the brutal acts committed by foreign troops against foreign people.

Wei Zhenjie used a telescope to carefully survey the team in the valley below, and asked: "Has all the information been passed back?"

Shang Wanyu said: "I have sent them all back."

The set task was completed, and Wei Zhenjie's mind became more alive.

"Then ask the captain, if he agrees, we will kill him."

That night, the scouts who had gone out came back one after another and gathered in a secluded mountain col.

Because there were enemies all around, they didn't dare to light a fire to cook, so everyone ate some dry food to satisfy their hunger.

"Captain, we discovered a North Korean food transport team, with only more than 300 people escorting it. If we take action, the North Korean army will run out of food."

Wei Zhenjie reported the situation to captain Bian Jinfang.

Bian Jinfang immediately took out the map and lit the lighter at the same time. Other soldiers around him came closer, opened their cloaks, and formed a tight circle.

In this way, the lighter's flame will not be visible from a distance.

"Where is the food delivery team?"

Wei Zhenjie didn't even need to search, he just clicked on the map.

"This team just arrived in Sanyangli today, and they were already stationed when we came back. They won't set off again until at least tomorrow morning."

Bian Jinfang simply couldn't believe his eyes.

"Have you seen with your own eyes that this team has settled in the village?"

Wei Zhenjie understood what he meant and couldn't help laughing.

"We actually saw with our own eyes that this group of people just lived in the village."

Bian Jinfang couldn't help but scratch his head.

"Is it any wonder that the Koreans pull their hips so hard that the teams transporting grain and grass don't pay attention to the terrain?"

Sanyangli is a small village located in a narrow ravine. The most terrible thing is that the village is located at a triangular intersection, close to the path and close to the foot of the mountains on both sides.

In other words, the visibility in this place is extremely poor, and there is no buffer zone between it and the wild. Once attacked, there is no chance to react.

Bian Jinfang did some calculations.

His own reconnaissance squadron has more than 200 people, while the North Korean army transporting grain and grass only has more than 300 people.

Just from this comparison of force, we are sure of victory.

Although there are still some civilians, there is no need to calculate them at all.

"Then destroy this team, then retreat from the northern mountainous area and head towards Ulsan to see what's going on over there."

The Xia army's scouts moved quite freely.

The command headquarters did not arrange specific tasks for them, but only asked the scouts from all walks of life to report on the enemy's mobilization situation.

The rest of the time, they can act independently.

When they heard that they could start fighting, the scouts were all very excited and set out overnight and headed straight for Sanyangli.

Bian Jinfang divided the entire squadron into two parts and headed toward the village from the east and west hills respectively.

In the middle of the night, the cold wind is howling, and if you stand outside for a while, your whole body will freeze.

The Xia army's scouts were all bundled up so tightly that they could endure it, but the thinly-clad North Korean soldiers could easily freeze to death.

Therefore, the people who were sent out to stand guard had no choice but to neglect their duties. Even if they did not dare to run back to the room to sleep, they would always find a sheltered place and wrap themselves tightly with straw mats.

As for what happens outside...

How could anything happen on such a cold day?

With this idea in mind, they gave Xia Jun scouts a chance.

They successfully reached the outskirts of the village and easily discovered the North Korean military guard post.

How to touch the sentry is a compulsory course for scouts. It doesn't require Bian Jinfang to make detailed arrangements, and all the ministries will move quickly.

The sound of the wind was like a ghost crying, covering up the slight sound of killing very well.

All the Korean sentries lost their lives in confusion.

Seeing this, Bian Jinfang changed the battle plan.

Instead of asking the soldiers to look for North Korean soldiers to kill, he went to the side of the convoy where grain and grass were stored.

I could hear the loud snoring in the surrounding houses, but there was no one next to the carriage in the open air.

Bian Jinfang pointed to the carriage, and the soldiers understood what he meant.

Several people walked over, took out lighters from their pockets, lit the dry straw mats on fire, and then everyone evacuated quickly.

For a moment, the originally quiet Sanyang was filled with flames.

The fire spread quickly due to the wind, not only igniting all the carriages transporting grain and grass, but also involving surrounding houses.

The scouts had already retreated to the mountain, and then they heard the shrill and desperate shouts of the Koreans coming from the cold wind.

The grain was already very dry, and the straw mats covering it and the carriages carrying the grain were all flammable. With the help of the wind, it was already too late by the time the North Koreans discovered it.

"What did you say? All the food and grass were burned? Who did it?"

Jin Zidian, who was preparing to advance to the Luodong River in Miryang, was stunned when he heard that the grain and grass delivered had been burned to the ground.

The food and grass he carried with the army had been eaten up as early as yesterday.

Because I got the news that the follow-up food and fodder will be delivered today, I am not too worried.

As a result, after waiting and waiting, the news came that was such a devastating disaster.

Looking at the tens of thousands of troops, things were relatively quiet, but when there was nothing to eat in the evening, Jin Zidian couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

"Order all the troops to retreat quickly and return to Daegu. There must be no stop on the way."

All the ministries had already set off. They were all confused when they heard his order, but they did not dare to disobey. So they all turned around, which meant that the road ahead was wasted.

Jin Zidian was even more scared to death and returned immediately.

It was only when he looked at the empty and lonely mountains around him that he finally realized that this battle far exceeded his expectations.

"Send a message to Hanyang immediately and ask His Highness to send additional reinforcements."

This chapter has been completed!
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