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Chapter 953

"Sir, the left and right wings are retreating."

When Liu Lin was in a state of despair, she suddenly heard the desperate news.

He turned back blankly, and through the thick smoke, he could vaguely see the warships on the left and right wings moving away.

"What happened? Didn't I order all warships to move forward at full speed?"

After hearing this, the ordering soldiers once again conveyed the military order to the left and right wings, but did not receive any response.

Liu Lin's whole body was cold, and she instinctively felt that something was wrong.

The explosions in his ears became more and more intense, and even the ships near him began to be hit by bullets.

This obviously means that the power in his hands has been greatly weakened.

He had no way of asking or knowing what exactly happened. Just looking at the situation on the battlefield, it seemed that failure was inevitable.

"Kim Jong-seo and Cui Hazhi are so stupid, how can they retreat at this time?"

He also thought that the North Korean navy on the left and right flanks were frightened by the Xia army's fierce artillery fire, so they were afraid to move forward.

In this case, as the commander-in-chief of the entire army, he should set an example!

During the Battle of Myeongryanghae, Yi Sun-shin took the lead and led the entire army to turn fear into courage, and finally won the victory.

"Tell everyone that we have no way to retreat. Muster up your courage and rush forward. Victory will belong to us."

Under his strict orders, the remaining warships rose up and continued to move forward against the Xia army's fireships.

The Xia army's fireships were not manned and driven, but simply moved along the current. It was inevitable that many fireships were washed away from the waterway.

And more fireships rammed straight towards the North Korean Navy.

However, the North Korean navy still has ways to deal with this kind of unmanned fireship.

The soldiers picked up long poles one after another and held them against the front of the fireship to prevent them from approaching, thus ensuring the safety of their own warships.

If this is the case, Xia Jun's fire attack will naturally be broken and it will be in vain. But don't forget that Xia Jun's artillery is constantly attacking.

The North Korean Navy had defended the fireships and had no way to maneuver to avoid the Xia army's artillery shells.

Under the artillery bombardment, even if the North Korean warship cannot be destroyed on the spot, the rising waves will make the North Korean warship lose its balance.

Many soldiers who were holding up the poles fell down one after another, and the fire ship had no obstacle and rammed into it ferociously.

There was a sharp iron nail on the front of the fire ship. After it hit the North Korean war ship, it was firmly embedded in it and could not be separated for a moment.

The raging fire began to spread and soon set the North Korean warships on fire one by one.

Fires shot up one after another across the sea, and thick black smoke rose into the sky, blocking the view of the Korean warships behind.

After the Xia Army's heavy artillery rested for about ten minutes, the temperature of the barrel returned to normal, and they resumed firepower.

At this time, the Xia army was fully equipped with all its firepower, and various long-range weapons had no blind spots in the narrow strait.

There were fireships blocking the front, so the warships of the North Korean navy were completely unable to break through the 1,100-meter line, and all were damaged here.

Liu Lin actually knew that defeat was inevitable, but he could not retreat. Even if he could escape from the battlefield, the responsibility for defeat would be a dead end for him.

Moreover, his family was kidnapped by the Xia Kingdom. Once the court finds out, his reputation will be ruined.

His only option is to die fighting here, maybe he can preserve his innocence.

"Move forward! Keep moving forward! A true man defends his family and country and dies a worthy death!"

Liu Lin shouted desperately, hoping to boost morale. But the tragic scene could not be changed by empty slogans.

Especially after many North Korean soldiers saw the two wings retreating one after another, they became even more fearful and began to cheat.

Some generals even quietly ordered their ships to move to the rear, ready to escape at any time.

There were fewer and fewer warships around Liu Lin, gradually forming a situation where she was alone.

The New Army's artillery couldn't find any target, so they all aimed at this place.

After another round of bombing, Liu Lin's ship did not escape the ending of being torn apart.

A cannonball penetrated into the cabin close to the waterline, and then exploded violently, completely tearing apart the fragile bottom of the house boat.

The sea water rushed in wildly, breaking the wooden house boat into two pieces on the spot.

Liu Lin was still shouting instructions for the battle, when suddenly the ground beneath his feet began to spin, causing him to fall flat on his back. Before he could get up, a jar next to him hit his head, causing him to faint on the spot.

The North Korean navy, which had little courage left in the first place, finally collapsed completely when it saw its commander's warship being sunk.

Everyone screamed in panic and turned the boat around, just wanting to escape from this hellish battlefield.

Kim Jong-soo and Cui Hazhi had been hiding in the rear, carefully watching the situation on the battlefield. When they saw that the main force began to retreat, they both ordered a U-turn at the same time.

Their fleet is not far from the mouth of the strait, and they can survive as long as they escape.

However, when the leading warship had just reached the entrance of the strait, it suddenly rose from the ground and turned into pieces in the air.

It was only then that the fierce gunfire from the west of the entrance to the strait came continuously.

"what happened?"

Jin Zhongshu's boat was in the center and he couldn't see what was ahead.

However, he could see that the warships that continued to sail towards the opening were torn into pieces one after another, and not a single warship rushed past.

The opening of the strait, which is more than 200 meters wide, is filled with huge waves one after another, as if to tell them that this road is impassable.

Finally, someone from the front relayed the situation back.

"General, Xia Jun has blocked the opening and we can't get out."

Hearing this, both Kim Jong-soo and Cui Hazhi turned pale.

I originally thought that Xia Jun's firepower would be terrifying in a face-to-face fight. However, I didn't expect that Xia Jun actually used a trick to trick Chen Cang.

This is obviously to block them in the Myeongryang Strait and eliminate them all.

At the mouth of the strait, there were still unbelieving Korean warships rushing out. But the result was that without exception, they were all bombed and sunk.

On the west side of the strait, all the warships headed by the Linqing were lined up, aiming their artillery at the narrow opening.

There is only such a small passage in total, and it is bombarded by hundreds of artillery pieces. No ships can rush through it.

"Go to the north shore, abandon the ship and go ashore."

At the critical moment of life and death, Jin Zhongshu could not care about anything else and ordered his men to turn the ship again and rush to the northern shore of the strait.

This time they even washed the warship onto the beach, jumped off one after another, and ran desperately towards the depths of the land.

They no longer want to endure such a battle.

He can run north, but Cui Xiazhi can only run south.

To the south is Zhendao, which is quite large. As for how long we can hold on there, it's too late to think about it now.

Seeing that the North Korean navy had completely lost its combat effectiveness, Bai Dasheng was very satisfied with the result.

"Order all the boats to go out, capture the prisoners, and destroy the remaining enemies."

It is not easy for a large ship to turn around in a narrow strait. Bai Dasheng just sent out a small ship to clean up the mess.

This chapter has been completed!
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