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Chapter 969 The helplessness of technology

The actions of the 200,000-strong army were intricate and complicated.

But there wasn't much time left for Dorgon and Hauge.

Their current location is too far away from the northern line. Every moment of delay increases the risk of being cut off.

"Prince Yu and Wu Keshan will lead the cavalry and set off first, making arrangements along the way to clear the way for the army."

Dorgon quickly came up with a solution.

But when Hauge heard that he actually let Duduo run away first, he was a little reluctant. Just when he was about to object, he received a signal from Fan Ji to stop him.

Although I didn't understand the reason, I still held it in.

Dorgon was originally prepared for Hauge's opposition and dug a big hole for Hauge.

As a result, he was quite surprised to see Hauge not saying a word, and at the same time he became increasingly wary of his nephew.

"An order was sent to Tulai and Nikan, instructing them to leave the Korean army behind and quickly head to Xian'an County, and then retreat after the army passed."

Haman County is located on the east-west south bank of the Nakdong River. By controlling this area, the road leading north to Daegu can be guaranteed.

And this road will be the most important retreat for the Qing coalition forces.

After seeing the power of the Xia Navy, Dorgon did not dare to lead his army to retreat along the east coast. If the Xia Navy got ahead and blocked the way, he would really die without a burial place.

According to his arrangement, although the Qing army escaped, the Korean army in Jeolla Province led by Li Shifang would probably become cannon fodder.

But at the moment of life and death, Dorgon didn't care how many Koreans died.

Preserving the vitality of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is the most important thing.

Only then did he look at Hauge.

"Prince Su, after I arrive with my army, you can retreat first. However, remember to prepare supplies of food and sufficient troops along the way. At the same time, the marching speed should not be too fast to avoid losing track of the front and rear."

Seeing that Dorgon actually let him go first, Hauge was quite surprised. He didn't understand when he was so kind.

How did he know that Dorgon, as the commander of this battle, would naturally bear full responsibility.

If he left Hauge behind and ran away at this time, I'm afraid Huang Taiji would have an excuse immediately.

Now Dorgon finally feels the aggrievedness of Amin and Mang Gurtai.

The four former Baylors have become history, and Huang Taiji is all about himself. Anyone who threatens him has become a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.

Nowadays, within the Manchu Qing Dynasty, apart from Huang Taiji, the most powerful one is the Two White Banners of the Dorgon brothers.

Obviously Huang Taiji has been secretly planning how to cut off the power of the Dorgon brothers.

Dorgon had no other choice but to be cautious and leave no trace behind.

He knew very well that compared with Huang Taiji, his only advantage was his youth.

As long as you keep spending, you will have hope of making a comeback.

However, his actions made Haug become more reasonable.

"I will leave three granaries between Daegu and Guimo to ensure your retreat without any worries."

In the transfer operation of 200,000 troops, the most important things are food and grass, and drinking water.

Therefore, there are not many routes that the Qing coalition forces can choose.

They can only go north along the Nakdong River, so that they can have water sources anytime and anywhere.

The two commanders reached a consensus and the order was immediately sent to the entire army.

The North Koreans quickly noticed something unusual.

Cui Mingji and Li Shibai came together to find him.

"Your Highness Prince Rui, there are rumors in the army that the army intends to return north. Is there something wrong?"

Now that the matter has come to this, Dorgon no longer needs to hide anything.

"The Xia army has captured Incheon and Kimpo and is approaching Hanyang. If our army does not retreat, it will be in a dead end. You also go back and pack your bags quickly, without delay."

After hearing the situation, Cui Mingji felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

He suddenly fell to his knees and kowtowed to Dorgon.

"Your Highness, if the army withdraws at this time, wouldn't it mean that half of Korea and Taiwan will be lost? Busan is clearly right in front of us, why not attack it with all our strength? As long as the rebels and the Xia army in Busan are eliminated, why should we fear the danger on the northern front?


Although Li Shibai didn't speak, his angry expression said everything.

Everything was fine originally. As long as Busan was captured, North Korea would settle down.

Who would have thought that the Qing army would actually retreat.

Faced with Cui Mingji's dissuasion, Dorgon was very rude.

"The Battle of Busan has been going on for two months, but is there any progress? North Korea has repeatedly delayed in providing food and grass, and must answer its crime. If the retreat is cut off by Xia's army again, you and I will die without a burial place."

Cui Mingji and Li Shibai were powerless and could only watch the Manchu army demolish the camp and embark on their return journey.

"Lord Judge, after you retreat...can you come back again?"

Li Shibai looked at Jinjingshan angrily.

The Xia army's flag was still fluttering in the wind, and the defense line was impregnable, which made him very unwilling.

But the Qing army insisted on leaving, and it was not something they could stop.

Without the help of the Qing army, the North Korean army would have been annihilated not to mention conquering Busan.

"At this point, North Korea's country is completely shattered!"

Cui Mingji has been in the army these days and has seen with his own eyes the power of the Xia army.

He understood very well what today's retreat meant.

Is North Korea really going to die?

The retreat speed of the Qing coalition forces was not very fast. After all, there were so many people and horses that just coordinating them was very troublesome.

But the Fourth Division didn't notice it and still stood firm.

It wasn't that the Fourth Division was slacking off, but that as the defenders, they had no way to move forward, so naturally they couldn't see the changes in the enemy's force.

Although the scouts and special forces behind enemy lines discovered the movements of the Qing coalition forces, they were unable to send messages back because they were separated from the battlefield.

Therefore, the Fourth Division was still the same as before. Although it felt strange that the Qing coalition forces had not attacked for several days, they did not dare to rush in casually.

It was not until ten days after the northern front captured Jinpu that the Fourth Division received the order transmitted from the sea.

Only then did they know that the northern front had achieved great success and had begun to approach Hanyang.

As a result, the reason why the Qing coalition forces did not attack for many days cannot be guessed.

"Damn it, you've been delayed for so long and you don't know how far Dorgon and Hauge have run?"

With the military information in hand, Bai Xiaoqi was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

This is the case in this era.

Without more advanced communication tools, it would be impossible for two battlefields thousands of miles apart to achieve complete unity of pace.

The allied forces of the Qing Dynasty could pass the land route by fast horse, and it only took three or five days for the troops on the southern front to learn of the situation and respond quickly.

On Xia Jun's side, the information could only be conveyed through speedboats at sea.

We have to go around most of the Korean Peninsula, so ten days is fast enough.

"In any case, there are as many as 200,000 enemies. We must not be reckless in our pursuit. We must be careful not to get hit by a counterattack."

Along with the military situation, Chief of General Staff Liu Yiyuan also came.

He officially took over command of the Southern Front.

Precisely in view of the inconvenience of transportation on the south and north lines, after discussing with Zuo Menggeng, the Xia Dynasty allied forces formed two command centers in the south and north.

Zuo Mengeng is in charge of the northern line, and Liu Yiyuan is in charge of the southern line.

Now Busan's offensive and defensive situation has completely changed, and the Fourth Division has become the offensive side.

Bai Xiaoqi, who received the news too late, was filled with anger and decided to find an unlucky person to perform the surgery.

This chapter has been completed!
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