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Chapter 65: The width of the road (Part 1)

"No matter what the reason is, innocent lives cannot be sacrificed!"

"I've heard that the sand bandits in the Northern Territory are ruthless before, but I never imagined that they would be so rampant. If I have the chance, I will kill them all!" Li Changgeng said bitterly. Chai Tiannuo turned to look at him and blinked lightly, and then laughed. This kid, Why do you look so much like yourself back then?

After galloping for forty miles, Chaitino pointed to the leeward depression behind the sand dunes when he saw the sky slowly getting dark. He would set up camp here tonight.

Running forty miles on flat ground is nothing, but the desert is extremely difficult. If Chaitino and the horses hadn't given them extra meals, they would probably be so tired that they would vomit blood.

Gourli lit up a bonfire, smashed the stone-hard dough into pieces, mixed it with dried meat and threw it into the iron pot. After the fried aroma, he added a large pot full of water to cook.

In less than half an hour, a pot of gray-white paste mixed with the aroma of flour and meat was ready. This is what everyone eats these days, even Chaitino is the same, no one is exception.

The army's rations for long-distance marches have always been like this. Although it is easy to store and fill the stomach, it smells very fragrant, but it has a different taste when eaten in the stomach.

If you eat for a long time, your stomach will become swollen and uncomfortable, and passing stool will be as difficult as dying. If you eat for a longer time, your gums will bleed easily and you will become weak and sometimes it will kill you.

Although he had made up his mind to travel in the dust all the way, Chaitino still prepared bamboo leaf and pine needle tea early. A simple and ordinary thing, but extremely effective, this is the benefit of rich knowledge.

Boil a pot of tea and drink several large bowls of it for each person, which will not only relieve the fire but also refresh the mind. The fatigue of the day will also dissipate, and when you wake up the next day, you will be full of energy.

Looking at Mr. Zhulin standing on the sand dunes and looking up at the stars, Gurli couldn't help but sigh, he is indeed a living saint, and he will not be touched by dust even in such a dirty world.

After walking for three days in the dirty, waterless sandy sea, my husband was still spotless, which is really impressive. Gulli admired it, but Chaitino was helpless.

This trip was full of dust, but I didn't expect that the dust and gravel would not touch my body. I wanted to do it on purpose, but on second thought, I lost my original intention, so I just let myself do this.

He and Chai Tiannuo left a bowl of paste, and everyone started to eat it. Li Changgeng looked at his master with longing in his eyes, when would he be able to reach such a state, like a green lotus, emerging from the mud and unstained.

"Ziqi, when do you think we can reach the master's realm?"

"Such a body that is not stained by the world is really enviable!" Xiang Xiu looked at himself and Li Changgeng and couldn't help but grin. They were really dirty!

After three days of rapid marching, strong winds howled and dust covered the entire body. The originally bright white Confucian shirts had already turned into different shades of khaki, and there were several sizable holes at the hem. The two of them could not look like the elegant and elegant young men they once were. appearance.

The neatly combed beard and hair that were usually combed were now as disheveled as a bird's nest, and the whole body was even more dirty. They were not as attractive as the soldiers wearing dark armor, and the phrase "dirty beggar" was not wrong.

"Senior Brother Taibai, you are also a powerful person among the Five Immortals. You are not far from the path to immortality. I am just a little bit of dust. I will never think about the master's realm in this life." Xiang Xiu shook his head and smiled bitterly. He patted his body casually, and a large amount of dust immediately rose up. .

"...Ziqi, I think you will gain a lot from this trip!" Li Changgeng moved his buttocks to avoid the dust and said while eating.


"Think about the last time Demen traveled, was it such an embarrassment?" Li Changgeng raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile. Xiang Xiu shook his head vigorously: "How could it be possible? There were hundreds of escorts and attendants alone, and they took the county route. , there will always be someone to serve Jingyi, after all, he represents the Northern Territory and the Academy, so etiquette cannot be lost."

"That's it. The dust is stained with dust, and even the dust is not stained. How can we make great progress in this state?" Li Changgeng smiled again, Xiang Xiu was slightly startled, and when he thought about it carefully, he really felt a little clear in his heart.


"Thank you, Brother Taibai, for understanding!" Xiang Xiu wanted to stand up and salute, but Li Changgeng held him down: "Brother, don't thank me like this, it will only cause trouble!" Xiang Xiu thought for a while, nodded and sat down with a smile.


The ten disciples of the sect are all outstanding figures, but Xiang Xiu considers himself to be the most inconspicuous among them, and he usually has the least amount of social contact with the three disciples of the sect.

If he hadn't returned home with his master this time, he would never have expected that the second senior brother of the Taoist sect, who he originally thought should be extremely aloof, would actually be such a straightforward person.

"Senior Brother Taibai, if that's the case, why did you enter the Five Immortals at such a speed even if you have never been infected?" Xiang Xiu asked curiously. Li Changgeng shook his head lightly: "Ziqi, you are wrong. I have been there since I entered the academy.

The practice of refining the dust has not stopped for a moment." Seeing Xiang Xiu's confused face, Li Changgeng laughed: "How can it be so easy to be the general manager of the academy?"

"Human relationships and sophistication are intertwined, and experience in the human world is nothing more than this. Why do you think Brother Xianji and the others entered the court?"

"Even Master and others have to go through the world of mortals, let alone us. If we don't transform from the world of mortals, how easy would it be to become a cicada?" Xiang Xiu suddenly realized that this was the case, and then he said sadly:

"Such a truth, why have senior brothers never told me?"

"It's very simple. What others tell you is not as good as finding it yourself. Telling you may not be good for you."

"...Then why did Senior Brother Taibai tell me?" Xiang Xiu had a complicated expression on his face. Li Changgeng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, patted him hard on the shoulder and said, "Ziqi, Ziqi, I can't blame Master for calling you a homebody.

You are such a homebody by nature!"

"Zhai?" Xiang Xiu rubbed his shoulders and muttered with a grin. Thinking carefully about the meaning of this word, Li Changgeng grabbed his shoulders and said seriously: "Read a book."

"Don't you understand the truth?"

"Although it has only been three days and you are still confused, you have reached the border without knowing it. It won't be a big deal if I remind you again." At this point, Li Changgeng couldn't help but look at Chai Tiannuo again and said with emotion: "

I have to say that Master is very powerful. I am afraid that this is the reason why I brought you out." Xiang Xiu was frightened, and then he felt the sound of a rope breaking in his body. He was delighted and realized that there is something accumulated in the mud. When the dusty shell fades away, it will be ready.

It’s time to scream loudly!

"Senior Brother Taibai, what is the dust that Daoist Senior Brother is made of?"

"The Thirteenth General is a ninth-level person who knows destiny, which is true and enviable!"

"...Senior Brother's bones are amazing. To him, the world is nothing but dust!" Li Changgeng said with emotion. Xiang Xiu looked confused again, but felt that compared to his Taoist senior brother, he and Taoist monks were just idiots.

"The astral body is filled with stars. As soon as he is born, he is already stained by dust." Thinking about the discussion between Youtian and Luo Hu, Li Changgeng couldn't help but say with emotion that after all, they are both stars in the sky, and Luo Hu understands Zhang Daoling best!

Xiang Xiu nodded as if he didn't understand, and then asked doubtfully: "Senior Brother Yongqing, is it possible that treating diseases and saving people is an experience in the world?"

"Ziqi, congratulations, you have realized it." Li Changgeng grinned, the dust fell from his face, Xiang Xiu grinned, the roads in this world are really ever-changing!

Listening to the conversation between the two disciples, Chai Tiannuo chuckled, "Best brother and friend, hello."

This chapter has been completed!
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