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Chapter 86: Can we meet again after parting?

"If you become strong and can protect Master, you will be of great help to Master, and you will not die without a burial place."

"The same goes for a man who should strengthen himself and his daughter. If the world were peaceful, Master would like you to be able to spend your days doing nothing, but now, after all, it is not peaceful!"

Chai Tiannuo comforted him for a long time, and Qingluan reluctantly nodded, but he never let go of the clothes he was holding in his hands.

Taking Qingluan's little hand and holding it tightly, Chai Tiannuo smiled at her and flew away, just like he held the hand of a crying child and pulled it out of the darkness.

With the cultivation levels of Liuyun Immortal General and Chai Tiannuo, it took them more than an hour to escape from the water space. The landing place was different, but in the flowing clouds and strong wind, there were countless palaces, palaces, and immortal mountains flying.

If you look carefully, you can actually see asteroids that are several miles in size, appearing and disappearing in the wind and clouds, and there are countless huge corpses floating in the wind, even bigger than asteroids!

"Hey, I never thought that Doube would look like this."

It's no wonder that Chai Tiannuo was shocked. The space in front of him was chaotic, the scene was completely different from what he had in mind, and many of the buildings were far from those of the Immortal Family.

If you really say it, it has some abstract painting style from the previous life, which is really eye-catching.

"This is the Heavenly Tribe. If you are not familiar with Doube, you may seem a little uncomfortable with it."

Liuyun Immortal General scratched his face and said with a wry smile:

"The Dou Bu is the largest among the eight divisions of Heaven. In terms of number, I'm afraid the other seven divisions combined can't even compare."

"Furthermore, the origins of Doubu immortal gods are complex. Some ascended to the Great World, and some came from outside the sky. Just like the Star Lords of the Doube, most of them came from the Great World."

"My background and temperament are completely different from those of the rest of the world, and my customs, habits, and appreciation style are even more unique. It took me a long time to adapt to this place."

"Flowing Cloud Immortal General, who are the origins of those immortal families that are more than ten miles long? Why do I feel that they are similar to the giant immortal soldiers?"

There were novel scenes to see, so Qingluan stopped sobbing and asked curiously, pointing at the huge remains that were disappearing and appearing in the wind and clouds.

"The Giant Spirit Immortal Soldiers are from the Giant Spirit Clan. The height of several hundred feet is the limit. The ones the fairies are referring to are from the Outer Heaven race. I heard that there are very few great laws there. It is possible for some giant ones to grow to ten thousand feet."

Qingluan couldn't help but take a breath when he heard this, "Wanzhang, how big is that!"

Even an eyeball must be a small lake, right?

"Don't be too shocked. Think about the legendary ancient god Pangu. In terms of size, it is beyond imagination."

Chaitino said with a chuckle, but his face froze. He couldn't help but think of the illusion he saw when he entered. The big star exploded and turned into chaos, which should be the prototype of this world.

Is it possible that the ancient god Pangu was born in the chaos?!

The more he thought about it, the more this possibility became possible. Chai Tiannuo felt his heart beating hard, but he felt that something vague was slowly opening the curtain.

"What are those big and small balls? Could they be little stars falling from the sky?"

Qingluan asked curiously again, but Immortal General Liuyun sighed softly:

"They are also the immortals and gods of Doubu, and most of them are star kings in the sky."

"My God, these are all stone balls!"

Qingluan said in shock, and Immortal Liuyun chuckled:

"That is the phantom body. All immortals are enlightened by the stars. After many battles, they have revealed their true form. That's all."

Chai Tiannuo raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he had seen such a scene. It was really unimaginable that even stars could practice Taoism!

However, after thinking about it again, I feel relieved. The appearance is just an appearance. Not to mention other things, the deities either evolved from the world or evolved the world themselves. Seriously speaking, isn't it even more magical?

"To be honest, there are still some problems with canonization in heaven. There are many star kings, some are already heavenly kings, and some are just true kings. The gap is really too big." Kanshu La

Chai Tiannuo said with a smile, Immortal General Liuyun also nodded and smiled bitterly:

"But it's a bit confusing. Just like Zhenwu Dangmo Zhenjun, although he has the title of Zhenjun, his real strength has long been far surpassed."

"The same goes for Erlang Zhenjun

In this way, it is really speechless to have Tianzun's fighting power but to be just a little immortal at Guanjiangkou."

Erlang Zhenjun, Chai Tiannuo's brows trembled again, and he couldn't help but think of Zuo Xingbuer.

Now that Taoyuan Blessed Land has been separated, I don’t know what he is like now.

But as long as the blessed land is not broken into pieces, I think I should be living a good life. I have the martyred concubine Feather Girl to accompany me, and there is also Taoist Fish and Food Taoist’s small world to wander around in, so I shouldn’t be bored.

"Liu Yun Immortal General, do you know what kind of existence the heaven in this world of heaven and earth pearls is like?"

Chai Tiannuo asked softly, but Liuyun Immortal General heard this and shook his head slightly:

"Heaven has collapsed long ago, so there might still be a heaven."

Chai Tiannuo thought for a while, and then gave a general summary of what happened in the world of Tiandi Zhu. Immortal General Liuyun was silent at first, and then said with some enlightenment:

"World Honored One, since I can take two of them to the ruins to wait for rebirth, is it possible that the so-called heaven was also built by some immortal family?"

"The purpose is to ensure the normal operation of this world to avoid any mistakes!"

Chai Tiannuo nodded lightly. This is indeed possible, and it is very likely that a certain immortal will take some of the ruins of the heaven and the heaven to rebuild the heaven. The human space will definitely not be comparable to the past.

Therefore, even such an important matter as canonization can only be carried out outside Nantianmen. It makes sense when you think about it!

As for why the ascended power has not returned, Chai Tiannuo has an idea, which is a bit scary when you think about it carefully. If you don't keep it all, it means returning to heaven and earth to support the operation of the world of heaven and earth pearls!

Moving forward in the sea of ​​clouds and strong winds, I saw countless incredible sights along the way. After walking for a long time, I still didn't reach the destination. Qingluan, who had never wanted to be separated before, became a little anxious, and shouted at the top of his voice to General Unxian:

"Xianjiang~, how long do we have left? These two or three hours have passed. Do you want to throw me and Master into the wild hills of Huangpo?"

"...Fairy, there's such a loud whistling sound, it's so strenuous to pull your neck and shout, how about using your spiritual consciousness to transmit the sound?"

Immortal General Liuyun said helplessly, and then used his spiritual consciousness to explain to the two of them that the main hall where the Holy Mother of Jinling was located was different from Shui Dexingjun. It was not static, but was flying with the strong wind of Liuyun.

You have to follow the trajectory of the wind and cloud slowly, but you can't rush.

Upon hearing this, Chai Tiannuo nodded lightly, pulled a piece of Qingluan's body to calculate cause and effect, then grabbed the two of them, changed their trajectory, and went straight into the depths of the stormy clouds!

More than half an hour later, there was a huge peak floating in the sea of ​​clouds ahead, and strong winds circled the mountain, making an unusually harsh roar. Immortal General Liuyun said in admiration:

"The World-Honored One's methods are so powerful that he can even calculate this behavior. If we follow the normal rules, I'm afraid we won't be able to find him within a day or two."

"This big hut on the mountain is the nest where I shed my body in my previous life?"

Qingluan couldn't help but widen his eyes as he looked at the only building on the colorful mountain, the large thatched hut that remained as stable as Mount Tai despite the strong wind.

"Exactly, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is obsessed with spiritual practice and doesn't like complicated and luxurious buildings. The main hall is different from other immortals. It is a hut built by one's own hands."

This chapter has been completed!
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