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Volume 1 Looking Northwest, Shooting Sirius Chapter 53: Border Town

There is no prefix for "Border Town". This important border town is called "Border Town" and it is also very famous throughout the northwest region.

This place was originally a barren alkaline beach. The two husbands of the Zhong family spent a lot of effort to dig out rocks in the mountains, using rammed earth as the lining and rock slabs as the surface. It took twenty years to build this city that guarded the strategic location.

In the past, some officials in the Dahua court were dissatisfied with this. Military expenditures in the northwest were already very large, and in order to repair the city, the expenditures were almost doubled.

If it weren't for the two emperors of Dahua who fought against all opinions, the construction of this border town would have been abandoned long ago. However, the controversy has always existed. It was not until the great battle three years ago that the world understood clearly what the purpose of this border town was.


One hundred thousand prairie cavalry took advantage of the cold wind of early spring to massively invade the territory of Dahua. Dozens of defensive forts on the border were wiped out in just ten days, and the five major military offices were eliminated in the First World War!

If there is no border city to defend, the prairie cavalry can pour in and reach Zhili Mountain Pass in more than ten days!

Since then, there has been no disagreement between the DPRK and China. On the contrary, they have increased financial support for the border town. It took three years to build the border town into a military city with ultra-high defense capabilities that is second to none in the northwest.

In terms of defensive capabilities alone, the border city is a few steps ahead of the northwest provincial capital.

"It's incredible. It's like a hedgehog. It's really unimaginable how many lives are needed to capture this important town!"

Chaitino looked up at the pure black city wall in front of him and sighed repeatedly.

The wall is more than ten feet high, and the top protrudes outward, making it difficult to climb even if you want to.

Above the city wall, there is a five-step arrow tower and a ten-step cannon. Other equipment cannot be seen, but I think and know that it is absolutely indispensable.

Coupled with the dense crowd of soldiers defending the city, it really makes people feel frightened at first sight.

"Master, this city looks so mighty!"

The little girl sighed repeatedly, and Chai Tiannuo also nodded. The world-famous city of Luoyang cannot be entered, so we can finally visit this important town.

Showing the ultimatum document to the guards guarding the city gate, Chai Tiannuo happily urged his horse to enter the city. However, the guard stopped him with his long spear, grinning and yelled:

"Young master soldiers from the capital are not allowed to enter the city, get out of here with your bed-warming girl!"

"It's his mother's fault!"

Chaitino suddenly became furious, grabbed the gun body, and with a strong movement of his arm, he directly picked up the guard:

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will tear your stinky mouth to pieces!"

"Come, come quickly, the young soldiers from the capital want to break through!"

The guard was also a big guy with a fiery personality. Even though he was held high in the air, he was still yelling relentlessly.

"Nang goods!"

Chaitino suddenly swung the guard and knocked him to the ground. Then he swung the spear in his hand and instantly swept away the other soldiers who came to stab him with their spears.

"How dare you, don't you want to live? How dare you break through the city gate in broad daylight?!"

The defending officers and soldiers reacted very quickly. The inner city gate suddenly closed, and a large number of guards with swords and guns came to greet them.


Chai Man'er looked back with worry, Chai Tiannuo shook the spear in his hand and grinned:

"If you dare to talk shit and look for trouble, I won't be afraid to fight with them!"

Two hundred people have died at his hands. Chai Tiannuo is no longer the frail scholar he once was, and his character has changed drastically.

With a sword in hand, he will naturally not give in when trouble comes. If he dares to pick a fight, even if he is facing thousands of people, he, Chaitino, will have to distinguish clearly!


The desperate guard jumped up and wanted to curse, but Chaitino turned his spear upside down and knocked him down with one shot. Eighty percent of his teeth were missing.

The guard was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect that hundreds of brothers had gathered around him, and this guy from the capital would dare to act like this!

"Remove his weapons and send him to the military court!"

The team leader, Mr. Qian, was furious in an instant. He hurt others in front of him. He was simply lawless to the extreme!

After dismounting and waving his hand for Rouge Rabbit to take the little girl away, Chai Tiannuo picked up the other three spears on the ground, came six feet away from the doorway, and shouted loudly:

"Come here, you bastards who spout shit, let me see what kind of trash you are!"

Puff puff!

The three spears were pierced into the ground. Chaitino took the tip of the spear away from his hand and assumed a mid-level spear position, wanting to test the capabilities of these ruffians in front of him.

"Arrogant, I will destroy him!"

If one person provokes another, Mr. Qian will become even more angry. Regardless of anything else, he will first destroy this guy.

"Put down the stick in your hand and I will spare your life!"

Seven or eight spearmen came at the same time, stabbing at Chaitino's lower third route with their spear points.

Okay, you are trying to make me cripple!

Chai Tiannuo did not retreat but advanced. He leaped up in three steps and struck the crowd with his long stick.


Shi roared loudly, and the spearmen raised their guns at the same time, waiting for Chai Tiannuo to throw himself into the trap.


The long stick changed its moves in an instant and hit the spear forest hard. Chaitino's shocking power exploded, and the tough white wax pole exploded into pieces, making the spearman scream.

A loud kick knocked him unconscious, and Chaitino swung his iron fist quickly, hitting all the spearmen with just a few blows.

Chaitino grinned at the guards on the other side of the city gate and threw all the spearmen he had knocked down outside the doorway.

"...This is a dragon crossing the river from the capital. Put down your weapons. Don't let him say that I am waiting to bully him with my weapons!"

When Mr. Qian saw that Chai Tiannuo was not at the entrance, he immediately understood that this kid was arrogant. He didn't have a sharp knife in his hand and was facing hundreds of people. Naturally, he couldn't pass the test.

Moreover, although this group of military scholars joined the army in the border army for three months, they died in the Ministry of War. If it is really discussed, the trouble-making of people like themselves will be exposed. By then, not to mention the camp head, all the generals who fail to protect the troops will be punished.


After all, the fact that the northwest frontier army did not obey orders has long been known throughout the court.

The soldiers threw down their weapons and grinned in unison. Even if they lost their weapons, hitting one of these hundred people was really too much, right?

But President Qian has given the order, so let’s do it, the young soldiers in the capital just deserve to be beaten!

With a bang, nearly a hundred people rushed over at the same time, waving their fists. Chai Tiannuo smiled. After the Cangtian Dao battle, his realm had improved a lot, so he just used these meat buns to practice his skills.


Just when his fists and kicks were about to reach him, Chai Tiannuo stomped on the ground, and the surging internal energy in his body burst out like a frenzied tide. A big hole suddenly exploded in the hard Sanhe soil, and the crowd fell instantly.

Not bad, not bad, this move is really good, and it’s definitely great for group fights!

Chaitino nodded with satisfaction and rushed into the crowd. Before the shocked pawns could react, he was instantly reduced to seven or eight.


After all, they were veterans who had experienced battles and killings. The remaining forty or fifty people reacted immediately and rushed towards Chaitino in an overwhelming manner.

"Kill you with a ball!"

Chai Tiannuo, who was pinned down by the mountain of people, suddenly raised his arms, and more than ten people flew up, and fell to the ground like a goddess scattering flowers.

"My mother, you are a dog?!"

After kicking away the bag that was holding his thigh and biting him, Chaitino grabbed their belts and threw them out, knocking over four or five more people!

"...Hey, a dragon has really come across the river. The Ministry of War has really made a big move this time!"

This chapter has been completed!
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