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Chapter 115: Connecting with Your Heart, Part One

"Those are more than ten thousand gods, all descendants of you two?"

Chaitino said with a slightly different tone in his voice. The man nodded and said with a wry smile:

"It should be true. Although there are more and less bloodlines, they are indeed descendants of our bloodlines."

"Since De Xin has the ability, why not take back Empress Houtu?"

At this point, Chaitino couldn't help but look the man up and down. He really didn't feel that he was out of touch with the world at all. He didn't even have the slightest aura of becoming a demon. No matter how he distinguished it, he was just an ordinary person.

"It seems that Mr. Da doesn't know much about his exquisite heart."

The man chuckled. Chai Tiannuo knew without asking him that because of this exquisite heart, every ordinary move of others was a pointer in his eyes.

"How could I ignore my wife? Three days after I got the Exquisite Heart of the Seven Apertures, I wanted to get my wife back. However, those rebellious descendants have amazing methods and they can only capture the remaining soul despite all their efforts."

"Now the physical body has been completely destroyed and turned into living soil, and it can never be restored."

Having said this, the man sighed deeply, his eyes filled with sadness.

"I see. No wonder I feel that there is not enough soil, but this is the reason."

Chaitino nodded suddenly, and then remembered the general's feelings. He couldn't help but look at the big house and said:

"So, what's in the statue is the remnant soul of Mrs. Ling. Do you want to breed it with merit and incense?"

"That's right, but who would have thought it would be more mistakes than mistakes!"

The man looked depressed and said in an unusually depressed voice:

"My wife is the reincarnation of the remnant soul of Empress Dowager Tu. Her soul was incomplete to begin with, and she was harmed by her descendants using evil methods. Her soul was even more seriously damaged."

"I originally wanted to be pregnant with merit and incense, but what the world wants is

Empress Houtu is the real Houtu, not my wife who is in love with me."

"Like a sea of ​​wishes, the gods are reviving, but my wife's thoughts and memories are getting weaker and weaker. I'm afraid that in two or three years, the real Queen of the Earth will return."

"One wrong step, one wrong step, and now there is no hope at all. The one who finally killed my wife was not the one who wanted to, but it was me who loved her deeply."

Chai Tiannuo didn't know how to speak to comfort the man. He always felt that his wife was in a similar situation to Man'er. They were both part of someone else, which made him helpless.

"By the way, why did you write so many scriptures to save people? Could it be that you burned them for your wife?"

"How could it be so? My wife is integrated into the body of the earth empress after she is reborn. She is not reincarnated, so her scriptures are useless."

The man shook his head, but he laughed, and he didn't know what he was laughing at.

"Then why do you write so much?"

Chaitino frowned, and the man's expression became even brighter:

"This is written by myself. The news of Mr. Da's visit to the temple has spread all over the world. I, the thief who has stolen all the exquisite hearts, know that time is short, so I wrote more scriptures to save people."

"I don't ask for anything else, I just want to suffer less when I enter reincarnation."

"I have suffered too many hardships in this life. I have really had enough, so I ask God to give me a chance. I don't want to be a god or even a human anymore. I just want to be a stupid animal. I don't have to worry about being stupid."

"...Why are you so pessimistic? I want to take back my heart, but I don't want your life!"

"If a certain heart is so important to you, you can keep it as long as you don't want it."

The man was shocked by Chai's seriousness. He stayed there for half a stick of incense before asking softly:

"Mr. Big, there are rumors that

You are already a half-step Immortal Lord, but your true strength is probably close to the top of the Immortal Lord Peak, but is it true?"

"Yes, although a certain person is only distracted from the Great Perfection now, he will have immortal energy when he enters the path of immortality, and his realm has already been established. Even in the world of Tianzun, there are many."

"Although I have never fought against Tianzun, I have seen it a lot. If I am confident, I can fight against Tianzun several times!"

Chai's seriousness made the man take another breath and said incredulously:

"You know, if you melt the Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart, you can immediately enter the Immortal Lord. The Heavenly Lord is not far away. In the world, except for the Unbounded Patriarch who lives in the 33rd Heaven, there is probably no one who can check and balance."

"Even so, are you willing to let go?"

"There is nothing to be reluctant to give up. The fragrance of roses lingers in your hands. If it can help you, there is no harm in giving that exquisite heart with seven orifices to you!"

Chai Tiannuo said with a smile that the scenery over to Xianjun is indeed good, but he can still cross it, and it won't take long. This is Chai Tiannuo's confidence, and it is also a feeling in the dark.

Integrating into the heart can speed up this step, but it is nothing like Chai. He has a great affinity with the man who looks the same in his previous life.

Whether it was because of his appearance or experience, Chaitino was willing to help him, even if it meant giving him his heart.

"Mr. Da can reach this point today, and it is really not what we can compare with!"

The man sighed, but then he did something that shocked Chai Tiannuo. He slashed his chest with a knife, and a heart flashing with colorful glass light immediately rolled out of his hand and was still beating.

"How is your body..."

Chaitino was surprised not because

It is the heart, but there is nothing in the man's body. The internal organs are actually empty. Without the support of the heart, the skin and flesh begin to melt, and finally turn into leather.

"My wife turned into living soil, so naturally I will not be able to do well either. I will be turned into a skin statue by them and cause harm to the world."

The man who turned into a mummy in a short period of time is still smiling, but he is extremely ferocious.

"I don't want this heart, just keep it!"

Chai Tiannuo's heart trembled slightly. He felt pity for Empress Houtu and this heavenly immortal general, but also had anger towards the gods of the temple. The ruins of his ancestors were left here, and even monsters were rare!

"I can't stay any longer. Connecting with your heart is the right path."

The man shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand to light the Sutra of Saviors around him, and said softly:

"Mr. Da's heart is too powerful and contains amazing memories. My damaged soul can no longer bear it. Most of what I have been thinking about these days is your past life."

Hearing this, Chai Tiannuo's eyes suddenly opened, and the man smiled again:

"It's such a colorful world. That's the real paradise. I really want to live there with my wife."


Chai Tiannuo suddenly understood what it means to be born from the heart, just like other flesh and blood, while giving others powerful abilities, it is also devouring and even transforming them crazily.

The same is true for this immortal general left behind by Heaven.

"My life is simple, and the thing I cannot let go of is my relationship with my wife. Although it lasts only a few hundred years, it is the happiest memory. Even if I die, I don't want to forget it."

"Maybe I know your name?"

"Luo Yu."

As he spoke, flames shot up into the sky, and the rotten skin and flesh burned more fiercely than paper. In a short time, they turned into a ball of flying ashes, and the exquisite heart with seven orifices fell into the ashes, still beating non-stop.

"...I and Man'er cannot see each other, how can I let you two do the same!"

Ignoring his own heart, Chai Tiannuo gritted his teeth and said, waving his hand to grab the man's broken soul, and wrapped it with awe-inspiring aura and sent it to the white spot between his eyebrows.

The figure arrived at the big house in an instant. Chaitino waved his sleeves, and the statue immediately shattered, and a gray soul like mist came into his possession.

This chapter has been completed!
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