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Chapter 135: Look at the chaos in the world (Part 2)

"I feel a little ashamed to receive this thank you from Mr. Da."

Emperor Chuangtian heard that Chai Tiannuo Bufan was staying in Taohua Village, fearing that there might be some minor harm, so he sent out his trusted general to take care of him.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Xiaowei didn't see him, but it was the 30,000 cavalrymen who were taking advantage of the country's power!

The human world is full of great avenues, and the immortals and gods in the world are helpless. If Chai Tiannuo had not said a word about the great changes, I am afraid that there would be no peach blossoms, pheasants, dogs, etc.

"You can bear this thank you. If God doesn't take action, I'm afraid I'll say something else. If that's the case, you won't be able to see me now."

Speaking of this, Chai Tiannuo also sighed with emotion. He can only say that there is a certain destiny in the dark. If there is no immortal general, he can only make a few words to determine the right path. No matter how good his life is, his life will be doubled, and he may not be able to wait until Luo Ze


If that were the case, everything would be different now.

While talking and laughing, the strong wind dissipated and the heavy rain subsided. Chai Tiannuo rode the green ox and prepared to leave. Emperor Chuangtian raised his hands and asked solemnly:

"The world is changing, and disasters are bound to happen. Mr. Da is a saint in this world. Can he teach me what to do?"

Chaitino thought for a while and said seriously:

"Lay a solid foundation, stock up on food and prepare for war, hold on to your realm and don't break through, wait for the opportunity, and soar into the sky!"

Emperor Chuangtian pursed his lips and asked doubtfully:

"Mr. Big, when is the opportunity?"

Chaitino smiled brightly:

"The great world and the heaven and earth beads merge into one. In these dreams, someone has seen that day coming."

Watching the green ox in white clothes go away, Emperor Chuangtian still couldn't calm down. If the world of heaven, earth, pearls and the great world were to merge into one again, the changes would be beyond imagination!

Looking up at the sky, Emperor Chuangtian couldn't help but whisper:

"Heaven, heaven, if it is unified, what will you do?"

The green cow walked along the post road, and there were many killings along the way.

Disputes are more caused by robbers who have turned into robbers. Their minds have been filled with killings, and they cannot listen to any words. They will kill people if they disagree.

It's just that when a saint travels, there must be supernatural beings following him. Every time before he can show his power, strangers, gods or immortals, appear, and the robbers end up miserable.

After traveling through Kyushu for more than half a year, Chai Tiannuo found that as time went by, the fighting became less and less.

The world has been in chaos for a long time and the people want peace of mind. Countless people with lofty ideals want to restore the stability of their country and the country. Disputes can be negotiated. Stability has become the general trend.

On that day, Qingzhou was under the jurisdiction of the separatist forces. There were only two left from the original four, and they all occupied one state. Not only did they have to guard against the civilian army and the imperial court, they also had constant friction with each other.

Two days of small battles and three days of big battles were considered normal. The common people were miserable as if they were living in hell, but the rich and powerful in the city lived a life of drunkenness and dreams, which was extremely consistent with the saying that the bones of a wealthy family were frozen to death due to the smell of wine and meat.

Chaitino also sighed when he saw it. This was the worst of the three confrontations, but it would have been better to have been defeated earlier.

What he saw in Qingzhou was desolate, and Chai Tiannuo felt depressed and angry. When he left Qingzhou, he saw the confrontation between the imperial court and the civilian army, and couldn't help but ask them:

"The people of Qingzhou are in dire straits, but what are you doing?"

"If you want to fight or negotiate, we can discuss it after we take over Qingzhou!"

After saying that, the blue oxen roared, white clothes fluttered, and the ticking of hoofs disappeared in an instant, leaving both parties stunned.

There have been many saints and saints appearing on the battlefield, but this is the first time they have said so seriously that the two generals are discussing and cooperating to enter Qingzhou.

Just like the sage said, save the people and the fire and water, that is what you should do!

Three days later, the green cow stopped by the moat, raised its head, mooed, and dozed on its back.

Chai Tiannuo stood up and rubbed his eyes, looking at the towering towers in the distance and grinning, "Good guy, how did you end up in Tingdu?"

Seriously speaking, this world has been around for a long time, but Tingdu, the capital of the Shang Kingdom, has really never been here before.

Chai Tiannuo originally wanted to go into the city to have a look, but the sky was just a little dark and the gate was closed tightly. He had to sit on the green ox and walk to the mountains outside the city. After all, Qiuyue Mountain outside Tingdu is also famous.

Especially the maple trees all over the mountains and fields are in full swing as soon as autumn comes. It is one of the most beautiful scenery in the city. The silver plate in the clear night sky has left countless popular poems. Since I am here, I naturally want to visit it.


Looking at the scorched black mountain in front of him, Chai Tiannuo couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his eyes for a long time. Not even a single blade of grass was left, not to mention the maple trees, and only a pitch-black patch remained in the dim light.

Chai Tiannuo can understand why this is the case. After all, he is also a great military sage. If he wants to defend the city, the first priority is to strengthen the walls and clear the country.

The maple trees in Qiuyue Mountain are beautiful, but they are also extremely dangerous. They can both hide enemies and make siege equipment. It would be foolish not to cut down the trees and burn the mountains.

Just thinking about how such a scene was ruined by man-made disasters made Chaitino feel a little regretful.

I patted the green cow and let it go all the way up the blackened bluestone road. When I was in Haoran Academy, I had heard about Qiuyue Villa in the mountains many times. It was the favorite place for literati and poets to go. I don't know what it is like now.


Looking at the ruins of the wall, Chai Tiannuo's whole face began to twitch. Needless to say, all the poems on the walls of the building must have been burned away, and the stone tablet was also burned by the mountain fire and turned into rubble. There was no trace of literary ink left.

"A complete prodigal!"

Chai Tiannuo sighed, jumped off the back of the ox and went to the blessed place to get it.

Lying on his back on the straw mat, the only thing he could see now was the silver plate.

When the moon reached the zenith, Chai Tiannuo didn't move even a little bit, he just watched quietly. Qing Niu was lying on the side with his eyes closed, already asleep, but there was a suspicious voice:

"Brother, what's the meaning of looking at the moon blankly? Could it be good for your mood?"

Chai Tiannuo turned his head, with a bright smile on his face. At some point Luo Ze came, lying beside him looking at the moon, with a slight frown on his brows.

"Why are you here? Don't you want to see the whole world?"

Sitting up, Chai Tiannuo asked with a smile, Luo Ze also sat up, shook his head and said:

"It's almost the same. The scenery is pretty much the same. It's not that interesting anymore."

Seeing him like this, Chaitino still smiled, but his temperament was no different from that of a childish child. They were both hot and tired after the heat passed.

"Can the realm be improved?"

"Yes, I am already an Immortal Lord, and I have seen Tianzun's door. If there are one or two bloody pieces of flesh and blood, I will enter if I can't keep them all."

Luo Ze said a little tiredly, but Chai Tiannuo was shocked. It was so fast, even he was three points behind!

"Now, all the ashes I have found these days are here. If you eat them, it will be helpful."

Luo Zeyu took out a black ball from his arms, and Chaitino took it in surprise:

"Why is it so big? Could it be that all the remains of the true body end up here?"

"That's right. I've found almost everything I can find. However, I can't see the Peach Blossom Land in the Mirror Flower Realm, nor can I see the oaths related to you."

"...How could this be?"

Chai Tiannuo frowned, Luo Ze looked at the night sky and said softly:

"In my opinion, 80% have to go to heaven, where I feel

It feels very unusual. If it can exist, it should be there."

"But brother must go there in person, and this body is still with you."

"What do you mean?"

Chai Tiannuo frowned again, and Luo Ze grinned:

"I found myself in Guixuli. My eldest brother may not be suitable for me. I want to be reincarnated and enter reincarnation again!"

This chapter has been completed!
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