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Chapter 73: Frontier Fortress Taoyuan Part 2

If you can withstand the infusion of internal energy, you will really make a lot of money!

"The solitary smoke in the desert, huh, huh, huh, huh, isn't this a pair with the Baturuna horse?"

Chai Tiannuo lowered his head to take a closer look, but found four words at the end of the gun, Desert Smoke. He remembered that the eight-foot-long horse gun in Batulu was called Changhe Sunset. This is a perfect match.

The royal envoys traveled throughout the entire border fortress and did not enter the city. They only stopped at the earthen forts and border cities.

Tumubao Chaitino took a shot. At the border city, the black-shirted man and Zhong Xingxin saluted each other and spoke to each other.

"Don't cause trouble again, big changes are coming, stability is the best!"

"I got it, brother Hetu, take it seriously!"


The golden spear passed by, and the border fortress returned to calm again.

The Black River Guards occupied Manzi Fort and made simple repairs to the damaged areas.

The northwest frontier army resumed their daily patrol work, but they could not find a single person in the open land.

Chai Tiannuo was due to return in about ten days. Zhao Jijin wrote the comment in front of him. The first-class superior's comment made him smile from ear to ear:

"Brother Zhao is over-praised, really over-praised!"

"It really doesn't work. It's better if you and I write a sentence that has never been done before or since. I'm really embarrassed to be a first-class person."

Looking at Chai Tiannuo's shoehorned face, the corners of Zhao Jijin's eyes twitched:

"Do you still want to be embarrassed?!"

The comments are over. Chaitino's military status has been filed and he can return to the capital today. However, Chaitino has been restless since he came to the northwest. He wants to walk around. After leaving, I don't know if there will be a chance to come back again.

Hearing that Chai Tiannuo wanted to walk around and see the great rivers and mountains in the northwest, Zhao Jijin was immediately happy:

"But throw it away. I've committed the habit of living in poverty again. This barren land in the northwest is so beautiful!"

Chaitino was so angry that he shouldn't have said such sentimental words to this rough-and-tumble idiot!

After taking the files, documents and other things, Chai Tiannuo went home and talked to Man'er about his thoughts. As a result, the little girl curled her lips and said:

"But pull it off. There's nothing interesting to see in this barren land in the northwest. If I have that time, I might as well go to the market for a stroll."

"...Man'er, you and Zhao Jiujin are probably related."

"What statement?"

The little girl raised her delicate face and asked curiously.

"They are both idiots with heads full of stones!"

With no one to accompany him, Chaitino had no choice but to ride alone for thousands of miles. The first place he went to was the Shibali Fort that he was familiar with.

If there is anything to see in the northwest, then if Shibali Fort ranks second, other regions will definitely not dare to rank first.

"The scenery of our Shibali Fort is definitely at the top of the northwest. We also have the fairyland-like realm you mentioned, but it's just farther away."

The veteran who had been a guard at Shibali Fort for half his life pointed to the east:

"Go straight east, cross a stone mountain, and you will see a large natural peach orchard. I am the only one who knows about it. Dalang, you have asked the right person."

Chai Tiannuo looked at Dongfang, and couldn't help but feel a sudden thought in his heart. He seemed to be quite destined for Tao!

After riding a horse all the way east, passing through a large forest, and crossing more than ten small rivers, Chaitino finally saw the stone mountain that the veteran said.

Looking at the steep stone mountain, Chaitino grinned and patted Rouge Rabbit's neck:

"Rabbit, you are wandering around here. I will go up and take a look. If it is fast, it will take an hour. If it is slow, it will take three or two days. Don't run too far."

Rouge Rabbit snorted at Chaitino with his teeth bared, turned around and skipped away. Chaitino grinned when he saw it, he really turned into a rabbit.

Stone Mountain is not high, at most four to five hundred meters, but it is steep. There is no other way except for a narrow stone step built in an unknown year and month.

Chai Tiannuo stepped on the stone steps that were only half a foot wide and walked all the way up. He was amazed in his heart. Even with his own skills, it was so difficult. How did the veterans of Shibali Fort go up?

He is really playful.

After climbing to the top of the mountain and looking at the scene in front of him, Chai Tiannuo's eyes suddenly lit up!

The top of the mountain is uneven and sunken downwards, forming a valley that looks like a wide-mouthed porcelain bowl.

Lush forests occupy half of the country, and green grassland divides another half. The rest is a clear pool with mountain springs flowing down, and the water vapor is lingering, like a dream.

"This beautiful one is a bit too much!"

Chaitino took a deep breath, the fragrant fragrance entered his chest, and he couldn't help but shiver with comfort.

Running along the stone steps into the valley, the fragrance becomes even stronger, and there are exotic flowers and plants everywhere. When Chai Tiannuo enters the forest, it is really all peach trees. The flowers have long since fallen, and the green fruits are hanging on the branches.


With a few fruits in hand, Chai Tiannuo had just walked out of the peach grove when he saw a big bird wearing blue feathers and a colorful crest on its head, walking towards him with big curious eyes.

The cry is like the sound of heaven, which makes people feel refreshed.

Watching mountains and rivers, watching birds and tasting peaches, Chai Tiannuo stroked the smooth feathers of the green luan, chewed green peaches and said with emotion:

"This is the real paradise, bah bah!"

Spitting out the residue, Chaitino swallowed hard twice.

The smell of green peach is fresh, but it is too bitter to be swallowed.

After taking a few steps to the edge of the pool, Chai Tiannuo rinsed the water for a long time before the bitterness faded away. However, there was a strange smell in the water that made him frown.

After taking another sip of water, Chai Tiannuo's expression suddenly changed. The clear water in the clear pond actually had a strong smell of blood, and in that smell, there was a faint aura of heavenly beings!

When I stood up and looked around, I could see the whole valley scene. It was so peaceful that it couldn't be here.

Chai Tiannuo stepped into the pool and tasted the spring water, which was clear and without any odor.

There was a narrow cave beside the pool, and there was a faint roaring sound. Chai Tiannuo lowered his head, and there was a smell of blood.

After a slight hesitation, Chai Tiannuo adjusted the weight on his back, bent down and walked into the cave.

Bend your knees and bend over, the smell of blood gets louder as you walk, and through the faint light, you can see traces of undispersed blood stains in the water.

"...I want to see what happened here!"

The water level was getting higher and higher. Chaitino held his breath, plunged into the water, and swam quickly forward.

The cave that turned into a culvert was extremely long. Chaitino sneaked for at least a hundred meters before he saw a bright light falling above his head and finally swam out.

Although he was at the bottom of the water, Chaitino still heard clearly the sound of crying outside, so he hid next to the stone wall and slowly emerged.

"Master Shaman, spare them!"

"I agree to kill them. They are smaller than a wheel, and Shilong Shanyu will not kill them!"

As soon as he came out of the water, the sounds of prayers, cries, and the breathless sobs of a child filled his ears. Chaitino looked at the scene in front of him and was stunned for a moment.

This is also a valley, but it is several times larger than Taoyuan. Looking around, you can see the golden armored guards who previously guarded the golden spear!

Surrounded by golden-armored guards, there was a large group of naked Chinese people, including men, women, old and young. The number of them was in the thousands.

Bang, a guard in golden armor kicked the woman's legs, grabbed her hair and pulled her away. The woman's painful wails did not affect his actions at all.

Although they are both human beings, in his eyes, women are worse than domestic animals!

This chapter has been completed!
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