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Chapter 40: On the Blessed Land of Hades

"It's bad, why is the child's breath getting weaker and weaker?"

The old woman suddenly screamed. Chaitino stepped forward and put his finger on the child's head to look around. He immediately knew what had happened.

The mother's body is not a human being. Although it was conceived, it lacked Yang Qi after all. It was similar to the soldiers of the Bing 2nd Battalion who had been sucked away by Yu Nu.

He quickly took a piece of fresh fruit and put it into the child's mouth. His pale complexion immediately turned rosy, and even his thin and small body began to become rounder.

"The two heavens of yin and yang are ultimately different. If you want to continue your descendants, you must think about how to replenish yang energy for your descendants."

Taking out a handful of fruit and handing it to the old woman, Chaitino said goodbye to the living corpse who had thanked him so much and set out on the road again. The breath of the cowherd was on the other side of the mountain.

Riding Rouge Rabbit to the top of the mountain, Chaitino couldn't help but shake his head as he looked at the densely packed wooden houses below.

Are they considered the living dead or the dead?

Although a child is still alive, his body naturally contains a lot of dead energy, and he will inevitably suffer from many illnesses in the future, and his future life will definitely be bumpy.

However, the Great Dao is fifty and Tianyan is forty-nine. Since the child has come to the world, it naturally makes sense and there will eventually be a way to survive.

Nodding lightly, turning around, Rouge Rabbit went down the mountain road, getting faster and faster. The originally bright sky was once again covered with clouds. At this time, Chai Tiannuo could be sure that if the weather changes, something ominous will inevitably appear!


Thunder rumbled, heavy rain poured down, and the sky turned red. Chaitino shuddered and entered that small world again.


The cow brayed again, and in the dim sight, a blurry and huge body collided head-on!

The speed of Rouge Rabbit was not reduced by half, Minghong cut through the rain curtain and flashed cold light, and the hills were split into two with the sound of breaking through the sky.

After five breaths, he stopped his hand, and blood stained the surrounding area for dozens of feet. He was pounding the ground and sucking blood crazily, and the sound of tsk-tsk could not be heard.

After a while, the heads of the huge tiger and cow carcasses were turned into mud. Chai Tiannuo raised the Minghong and took a closer look. The black star of Rahu, which had been frustrated and sluggish, regained its vitality again. The small scratches on the blade disappeared and the blade was as bright as before.

"Very good!"

Chai Tiannuo laughed, the Rouge Rabbit raised its head and roared, ran away, and disappeared in an instant.

At night, it's pitch black, not a single star is visible, and I can't even see my fingers.

Seeing that he could not move forward, Chai Tiannuo found a high ground to rest. He gathered his energy to form a shield and maintained it. Dense raindrops fell on it, like a transparent crystal cover.


Rouge Rabbit shook his head and slapped his hooves. Even at a high place, the ground was still muddy and waterlogged, making him feel very unhappy.

Chaitino smiled and patted its neck, then turned his hand and slashed to one side, causing the black shadow to fall to the ground.

Looking at the rapidly turning black water on the ground, Chaitino leaned over to take a closer look and couldn't help but frown:

"What is this?"

The human-shaped black shadow dissolved quickly and turned into a thick ink-like liquid flowing in all directions. Chaitino dipped a little of it with his little finger and smelled it, and it turned out to be the smell of ink!


Minghong danced quickly, and more than ten human-shaped shadows immediately piled up on the ground. Chai Tiannuo was a little confused. This thing had no attack power at all. Did it come here specifically to die?

More and more black shadows rushed around, and as the blades flew, they gradually accumulated into a large area. Even Rouge Rabbit raised his leg and kicked several of them to death.

In a distant place, a cowherd sits on the back of a tiger and an ox, grinning:

"My inkstones are washed by the clear pond, and the little ink marks are like blooming flowers."

"I don't like the common people to appreciate the color, I just want the spiritual energy to spread all over the world."

"A little adds up to a lot, and ink flowers bloom to dye the world!"


The black shadow lying on the ground exploded together with the running human figure at the same time, turning into a boundless sea of ​​ink with a faint silver light, covering all directions instantly!

Chai Tiannuo and the red rouge rabbit were thrown high into the air, and countless spikes suddenly rose from the sea of ​​ink, piercing them fiercely.

"Shake the Five Mountains!"

With a punch, the giant tree-like spikes shattered and turned into ink and sank into the sea of ​​ink. Then, more spikes rose up and stabbed Chai Tiannuo from all directions.

The change came so fast that even Chaitino felt a little overwhelmed and panicked for a moment.

Shaking the Five Mountains blasted out continuously, forcibly making a huge hole in the sea of ​​mok. Chai Tiannuo and Rouge Rabbit landed, and their originally hanging hearts were slightly calmer. After all, it felt better to be down to earth.

The sword came out like a mountain and the fist fell like the wind, and the sea of ​​ink was broken into pieces. However, the sea of ​​ink was like the softest water. No matter how much it was beaten, it still remained unchanged after being reunited.

No, this is not the way to go, you will be eaten alive by Mo Hai!

Chai Tiannuo was anxious, and after thinking about it, the only way now was to ride on the Rouge Rabbit, spread his wings all the way into the abyss, and force his way out. He didn't believe that this sea of ​​ink could really cover the entire small world!

"The dragon is in the abyss!"

Chai Tiannuo roared, and a colorful glass barrier appeared, immediately crowding away the surrounding ink sea.

"Rabbit, run!"

After getting on his horse, the Rouge Rabbit screamed loudly and ran into the distance. The sea of ​​ink raised high waves and instantly submerged the barrier.

For a quarter of an hour, for two quarters of an hour, Chai Tiannuo became more and more anxious. This sea of ​​ink seemed to be endless, and he could never reach the end.

The barrier formed by Long Pan Yuyuan has cracks. If there is no solution, it is likely to be in trouble!

The cowherd leaned over the cow's back, reached out and picked up a handful of thick ink, and said with a smile:

"This is the foundation of the world, how can there be a beginning and an end?"

Bang, after being under pressure for a long time, the colorful glass barrier formed by Long Pan Yuyuan finally broke.

The sea of ​​ink immediately spawned spikes, stabbing Chai Tiannuo from all directions.

At this critical moment, the plum blossom mark on Chai Tiannuo's forehead shone brightly, and an ordinary ink ingot flew out and fell into the sea of ​​ink.

Chai Tiannuo was shocked. Isn't this the ink stick that Zhi Laoyu had among the four treasures of his study? How could it suddenly fly out on its own?

Chai Tiannuo was wondering, and the sea of ​​ink suddenly became rippled!

Where the ink ingot fell, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared, and an indescribable sound resounded throughout the ink sea, like fear, like joy, as the dark waves quickly converged towards the whirlpool.

After a cup of tea, the vast sea of ​​ink disappeared without a trace, leaving only that inconspicuous piece of ink lying quietly on the ground.

Bending to pick it up, Chai Tiannuo sighed in his heart. The Four Treasures of the Study were all unimaginable treasures. It was a pity that Mr. Zhi did not explain the usage in detail. At that time, he was fascinated by the pure gold box. Now that he thinks about it, it is really annoying.

Seeing that there were no more evil spirits around, Chai Tiannuo thought for a moment, waved his arms fiercely, and the man and the horse disappeared immediately, and when they reappeared, they were in a paradise.

Looking at the gorgeous sea of ​​flowers and the clear sky, Chai Tiannuo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although his heart ached, in this strange little world, there was only the paradise where he could rest with peace of mind.

"...What happened?!"

The Cowherd suddenly stood up, his originally short body suddenly grew larger, and he looked at the bamboo board in his hand and roared loudly.

There is a lifelike painting painted on the bamboo board, but the ink mark is light and almost disappears if you don't look closely. It was not like this before.


Roaring furiously, the herd of tigers and cattle rushed like a mad tide, and soon arrived at the place where Chaitino disappeared. The aura was still there, but no one could be found.

"Damn it, where did Wang Ba Duan go?"

The Cowherd danced his green bamboo stick, which also became heavy and huge, and smashed it against the ground.

Then there was a bang, the ground cracked, and a crack dozens of feet long appeared!

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