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Chapter forty-ninth literati

At the end of the competition, Chai Tiannuo was the undisputed first. As for how to evaluate the rankings of others, the examiners were worried.

"Master Zhao, this is not a problem."

"Master Chai is invincible. Anyone who encounters him will be beaten. Look at those three, they are all strong men in the army, but now they are covered in bruises. How should we rank with them?"

Zhao Shilang also scratched his head for a while. You said it was inappropriate for them to compete again. In Bian Sheng's state, he might not be able to defeat even a pawn.

"Tiannuo, you are too cruel. If the top 16 were to do it again, the other two would be fine, but Bian Sheng would probably be worse off."

Zhao Shilang smiled bitterly and shook his head, but Chai Tiannuo grinned:

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I have a way and will never delay the game."

After drinking a cup of tea, the three of them immediately improved. Zhao Shilang suddenly nodded:

"I forgot that you will be born again."

The battle for the top sixteen continued. Chai Tiannuo didn't have time to see the results, and he ran away without a trace. Tomorrow is the main event, and the liberal arts examination is about to begin.

Speaking of which, it is no wonder that people in the literary circles were dissatisfied. The attitude of the Great China court towards Chaitino was truly enviable.

Although he was hit and suppressed at the beginning, after the two guilty edicts were issued, everyone could see that the Dahua court gave Chai Tiannuo preferential treatment.

Especially after Zhou Shilang's house was ransacked, Chai Tiannuo, who kept his secret affairs secret, revealed another identity, General Qianlong Wei Zhonglang, which shocked the entire capital.

Qianlongwei is the secret guard, a confidant of the royal family, and together with the unprecedented three-level general, everyone has only one idea. The previous attack and suppression was purely for show to the world.

Chai Tiannuo was basically Emperor Tianqi’s confidant!

Because of his dispute with the civil, Dao and civil examinations, Emperor Tianqi simply changed the rules and separated the civil, Dao and martial arts examinations that were held at the same time. There is no other person in the world who can help him like this.

Back at Moxiangju, the sky had turned completely dark. Chai Tiannuo happily entered the house, only to see Chai Maner's face turned pale, with tears brewing in his eyes.

"What's going on, but you don't feel well?"

Chai Tiannuo hurriedly hugged Chai Man'er who threw himself into his arms. After checking up and down for a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

"But it's too boring to be alone. You can go find Sister Xi and the others. If you go out and walk around more, your mood will naturally improve."

Chai Man'er shook his head vigorously and said aggrievedly:

"Husband, didn't you see the couple at the door?"

"Those guys are too much!"

Yes, Chaitino raised his eyebrows and went home without really taking a closer look at the changes in front of the door.

Taking Chai Man'er's hand and walking out of the door, Chai Tiannuo smiled immediately. He really didn't realize that his pair had been covered with white paint, and he wrote a new pair:

"The reeds on the wall are top-heavy and shallow."

"Bamboo shoots in the mountains, sharp mouth, thick skin, hollow belly."

Looking up, the plaque of Moxiangju has also been changed:

"Reckless Chaitino, you're a loser!"

"Don't tell me, your handwriting is really good."

"You're still laughing, I'm almost pissed off!"

Chai Man'er's little mouth was so pouted that Chai Tiannuo felt itchy and couldn't help but peck her hard. The shy little girl's face turned red and she put her head in Chai Tiannuo's arms and rubbed it vigorously.

"Don't pay any attention to it. This is the contempt between scholars."

Chai Tiannuo held Chai Man'er's hand and walked back, smiling and saying:

"Martial arts are simple, a punch or a kick can tell the difference."

"Literati are different. One article can be interpreted in hundreds of ways. Even if it writes a piece of shit, it will still make you think that no one in the world can compare with it."

"In order to gain fame, what these rotten people like to do most is to step on others to get to the top. Except for their mouths, they have nothing."

After listening to Chai Tiannuo's explanation, Chai Man'er's mood improved a little, but he still felt unhappy.

"Husband, if you catch those bastards, you'll have to teach them a lesson. If a wild dog pees in front of a wealthy family's house, its legs will be broken. Besides, you're still the best of the best!"

What Man'er said makes perfect sense!

Chaitino almost laughed and nodded fiercely:

"It's necessary. If someone is caught, break their legs!"

The next day, it was still dark again, so Chai Tiannuo rushed to Tongtianyuan in Luoyang City early.

The martial arts exam lasts for five days, but the liberal arts exam lasts for ten days.

The four books and five classics were tested in the first three days, arithmetic was tested in the middle three days, poetry was discussed in the last three days, and the last day was the external examination.

Chai Tiannuo did not need to take the external examination. He had already come out on top in arithmetic. What he had to take was the Four Books, Five Classics and Policy Theory.

However, when he thought about having to stay in Tongtian Garden for three whole days, Chai Tiannuo was not very happy. If he had that time, he might as well spend more time with Man'er. It would be fatal to stay with a bunch of rotten people!

Following the same process, Chaitino entered Tongtianyuan after inspection.

After the destruction of the room, the examiners did not make any further arrangements with him. Chai Tiannuo set out his own large mahogany table, drank tea and snacks happily, and waited for the examination papers to be issued.

"Invigilator, this is unfair!"

Compared with the martial arts examination, the civil examination examination did have a lot of work. Seeing Chai Tiannuo being treated like this, he immediately cried out in dissatisfaction.

"How unfair it is, you are all scholars, how inappropriate is it to shout about it!"

It was the chubby member of the Ministry of Etiquette. When he saw many civil servants shouting, he immediately frowned and shouted.

"What we, as scholars, despise most is injustice!"

Yiwenju walked out of the room directly, pointed at Chai Tiannuo and said angrily:

"Why is it that while I'm staying in the room and not being able to do anything, he's drinking tea and eating snacks under the pergola?"

"We are both candidates, why are the treatments so different!"

"Yes, why?!"

There were shouts and screams one after another, but Chaitino wasn't bothered and just looked at them happily.

"Shut up!"

Yuanwailang yelled, and the sound was so loud that the shuttles in the nearby dormitory fell to dust. Chai Tiannuo couldn't help but look at him in surprise, groaning, he was actually a master with internal strength, he really didn't realize it before!

"Who is equal to you as a candidate?"

Yuanwailang, who has a smile on his face, is very imposing once his face turns cold.

"Master Chai is a third-grade general and an important minister of the third grade. If I hadn't made a bet with you and others, how could you have seen him casually?!"

"We are both candidates, and Mr. Chai has not determined the ranking. How can we calculate the candidates?"

"If you dare to bark again, I will drive you all out of the examination room!"

As soon as the voice fell, the field fell silent. The candidates who walked out of the room walked back without daring to shout any more.

After ten years of hard work, just for the sake of being named on the gold medal list, how can you lose a big thing for a small thing?

"Master Zuo, you must be thirsty. Drink some tea!"

Chai Tiannuo happily pulled Yuan Wailang to sit down, which was pleasing to his eyes.

"Why didn't you see those adults a few days ago?"

"The civil and military examinations are different after all. The invigilators for the liberal arts examinations are mostly from the Hanlin Academy. Mr. Chai needs to be careful."

Yuanwailang whispered, and Chai Tiannuo smiled and nodded. It was well known that the guys in the Hanlin Academy did not deal with him.

But it doesn't matter, just as Yuan Wailang said, he is not a real candidate, and there is not much for them to control.

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