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Chapter 53 Barbarian is sick

Chaitino also picked up the wine glass and drank it down happily. As expected of an old uncle, what he said was exactly what he wanted!

The next day, Chai Tiannuo put on his newly sent uniform of a lieutenant general. Sister Xi and others looked at her with their eyes shining brightly, praising her for her handsomeness. Chai Maner wore a yellow dress and a green dress, which was extremely beautiful.


Sister Xi couldn't help but reached out and pinched her cheek gently, and said with emotion:

"Fortunately, my man's son is married to Tiannuo. With your appearance, which brings disaster to the country and the people, how can others protect you?"

The red rouge rabbit led the two of them away quickly. Chai Man'er was very thoughtful and first went to a famous shop in Luoyang to buy some pastries and expensive supplements. It was his first time to come to the house, and the door-to-door gift was indispensable.

After dismounting in front of the door, Chai Tiannuo looked at the front door of Kong's house and found that it was not much smaller than that of Zhou's house, which he had ransacked.

"Where does an old bachelor get so much money?"

Chai Tiannuo couldn't help but mutter, but Chai Man'er gently pulled his sleeves. After all, he is the elder and the junior cannot criticize.

After announcing his name, the doorman ran to the inner house in horror to report. After a while, the door slowly opened, not the main door, but a side door.

Seeing that Chai Tiannuo was about to get angry again, Chai Maner hurriedly explained:

"Husband, you are a junior and a blood relative. You cannot be considered a guest. It would be wrong to open the front door."

Okay, this reason makes sense.

Chai Tiannuo nodded reluctantly, took Chai Man'er's hand, and strode in following the door.

After walking through the long corridor and entering the inner house, they met a middle-aged man. Chaitino smiled when he saw him. Isn't this the third uncle who wanted his own life? He hadn't seen him in two years, so he was indeed much older.

Just as Chai Tiannuo wanted to say hello, Kong Cheng ran away in a panic. The illegitimate son he wanted to murder back then was now a big shot. What Kong Cheng was most afraid of was causing Chai Tiannuo to retaliate.

"Master Chai, this is the old man's residence when you enter the house. He is in poor health, so you must keep your voice down."

The doorman whispered, Chai Tiannuo nodded, and entered together with Chai Man'er.

As soon as he entered the house, Chai Tiannuo was stopped by a man. Looking at his face, he looked very similar to Kong Ji and Kong Cheng.

"You still dare to come to Kong Mansion?"

"Who are you?"

Chai Tiannuo frowned, thinking that the old bachelor Kong's tutor was not very good, and none of the men in the house were polite or could speak human language.

"I am your second uncle, but I dare to beat an elder. Do you still understand Tsuna's ethics?"

"As expected of wild"

The usual insulting words were used again. Chai Tiannuo's eyes suddenly turned cold. Chai Man'er's heartbeat was broken. Her husband was angry!


Zhonglang took out the special horizontal sword from its sheath, and silver light bloomed in the air.


The second son of the Kong family covered his lips and strode back with a look of fear on his face, and blood continued to fall from his fingers.

"Very good."

Chaitino nodded slightly, cut off the hem of his robe and threw it over, humming and saying:

"Cutting off one's robe is originally used for brothers, but it makes sense to use it here."

"Kong Lao Er, from now on a certain Chai Tiannuo will have nothing to do with the Kong family. If you dare to do anything nonsense, you will be killed without mercy!"

After saying that, Chai Tiannuo took Chai Man'er's hand and walked past the frightened people who came after hearing the news, but his mind felt extremely relaxed.

From now on, I will make it easy for this bullshit Kong family to be completely torn apart, and if they dare to harass me again, I will tear them alive!

"Ahem, boss, how's the injury to the second child?"

In the inner room, a skinny old man leaned against the bedside and asked. Kong Ji, who had a swollen head, covered him with a quilt and sighed:

"The second child's lip was split in two. The doctor is stitching it up. It won't be cured in a short time."

"...Hey, I wanted to be with you before I die, but you ruined it. What do you want me to say about you?"

Bachelor Kong’s face was full of disappointment, and Kong Ji said inarticulately:

"That kind of bastard who doesn't know etiquette, just don't climb it!"

"You guys,

He keeps his mouth shut, you bastard, what is his identity now, are you just looking for him to be beaten?"

"The Kong family has never helped him. We just relied on that blood connection. If you could say soft words and have a better attitude, why would you end up like this?"

Kong Ji lowered his head and stopped talking. Old Bachelor Kong sighed again:

"If you don't have relatives, you won't be able to protect yourself and you will have an enemy. What can you do? What can you do?"

After leaving the Kong family, Chai Tiannuo had a very pleasant few days. Mo Xiangju ran to and from the Imperial Academy, and the construction of the courtyard was proceeding in an orderly manner. Everything was developing in a good direction.

Chai Tiannuo planned to take a long vacation in two days, return to Shaoyin County, and arrange his marriage with Man'er. According to Sister Xi, don't talk about things after sixteen.

If we sleep together all day long, Man'er can't be with anyone else, and you, Chai Tiannuo, can't let go. Let's get this thing done quickly, so that we can raise a fat baby as soon as possible and let Chai's family flourish.

Chai Tiannuo smiled bitterly and whispered to Sister Xi:

"My sister, what kind of child did Man'er give birth to before she came to Tiankui?"

Sister Xi was stunned immediately:

"This girl, Man'er, is too late to mature, isn't she?"

Two days after the words were spoken, Chai Man'er cried and threw herself into Chai Tiannuo's arms, choking and saying:

"My husband is not well. I am sick, very sick. I pee a lot of blood!"

The expression on Chai Tiannuo's face was complicated. In this era, women usually came to Tiankui around twelve years old. As a young lady, she really came late enough.

But finally here we are, Man'er, now a big girl.

In the evening, Sister Xi had a long private conversation with Chai Man'er. The shy little girl blushed, and then she understood what Tiankui meant.

At first, everyone was very happy that Xiao Nizi had finally grown up, but before the licking and tucking was over for more than ten days, Chai Tiannuo knew that something was wrong...br

Chai Man'er, who was originally lively, once again looked sickly. The doctors who paid a lot of money to see her all said that her mother had suffered a loss in her womb, that she was born with insufficient yang energy, and that there was an innate fetal poison lurking in her body.

Now that menarche has come, it has caused bleeding, and there is no way to cure it. I am afraid that time is running out.

After hearing what they said, Chai Tiannuo immediately became unsteady on his feet. If Li Yichuan hadn't helped him, he would probably have fallen to the ground.

Seeing Chai Tiannuo's performance, everyone couldn't help but sigh. With such a performance of the dignified Yaluxian, it can only be said that his mind was in chaos and his body could not be controlled.

Only then did Chai Tiannuo realize that Man'er was more important to him than he thought!

Ever since she started martial arts, no matter life or death, Barbarian Girl has always been by her side. She has been deeply rooted in my heart. Even if I die, I can't let her die!

The moon was in the sky, and Chai Tiannuo held the weak Chai Man'er in his arms. His heart felt like a heavy weight, and he felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Husband, am I going to die?"

Man'er asked weakly while holding Chaitino's arm.

Chai Tiannuo felt his heart stinging and shook his head vigorously:

"No, even if I die, I won't let you die!"

"It's a pity that the Chai family can no longer spread its branches."

Man'er said feebly, Chaitino's heart was as sharp as a knife, and he gently held her in his arms. Her body was trembling, and she couldn't think of how to save her life.
This chapter has been completed!
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