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Chapter 93: Re-entering the Secret Realm (2)

Since Chaitino, non-human beings who originally existed only in legends have emerged one after another. At the beginning, the secular state could control them and introduce them into all aspects of the state system.

In the beginning, the non-humans were still able to cooperate, but as time went by, the non-humans became more and more capable, and gradually became unwilling to be managed by ordinary people like ants, and the contradiction between the two sides became more and more serious.

Until one day thousands of years ago, the conflict between the two sides completely broke out, and the war between non-humans and ordinary people spread throughout the entire western part of the secret realm...

In the end, the non-humans won a great victory, and no ordinary people were left alive. In the western part of the secret realm, no complete country existed anymore.

Non-humans rule the world from a high position, and ordinary people have truly become ants in the dust. They can only crawl under the feet of non-humans, seeking a chance to survive.

As the secret realm is completely controlled, inhuman abilities once again undergo great changes, and they are vaguely able to interfere with the operation of the laws of heaven and earth.

In the end, those powerful inhumans separated the world and created small worlds just for themselves to live in. The secret realm was damaged, disasters in the world increased, and it became more difficult for ordinary people to survive.

The originally lush western part of the secret realm is now gradually becoming withered and slowly heading toward destruction.

A few days ago, after listening to the explanation from the owner of the camel team, Chaitino had only one thought: the development of this world seems to be somewhat similar to that of the big world.

However, he really didn't expect that the appearance of the inhuman would be related to him, and the change in the secret realm probably originated from him. Otherwise, it would not make sense why the legendary inhuman would appear again.

After staying in Liuwu Town for three days, Chai Tiannuo continued on the road heading east. For some unknown reason, a voice in his heart said to himself, go to the east, start there, and end there!

"Xiaobai, let's go, I want to see if this world can be saved!"

The white camel nodded slightly, its hooves fell like rain at an alarming speed, but its upper body was as steady as still water. The title of "Ship of the Desert" is indeed not bad.

The lively Xijiang County in my memory is deserted, with only a few ruins sticking out of the yellow sand, telling the story of the past scenery.

Walking through Qingliang Mansion, all you can see are broken eaves and broken walls. It is the largest settlement, and the number of people does not exceed a thousand. The original green land and forest have now turned into a mixed yellow desert.

Finally, when passing by the capital of Yanzhou, I saw the city, but it was controlled by inhumans and became a place where they kept people and animals in captivity.

Chai Tiannuo didn't waste any time. He rushed to the door and beheaded forty-one inhumans and more than two hundred family members. A white flag hung down with a line of blood-red characters on it:

"The murderer, Chaitino!"

Under the hanging flags, there is a view of the capital built with layers of heads, just like it was more than a thousand years ago.

"Is the sword hero really reincarnated?"

As the news spread, ordinary people kept asking trembling questions.

Although Chai Tiannuo, the swordsman hero, is an inhuman being, according to legend, he hates evil as much as he hates it and can be called the incarnation of justice!

"It should be, otherwise who would have such great ability to kill Inhuman 41 by himself?"

After leaving Yanzhou and heading east, we entered Xiliang and went to Beijing, the capital of the original kingdom. The majestic white pagoda soared into the sky. It was the palace of the Lord of the Inhuman Kingdom, and it was euphemistically named Baiyu Jing.

Chai Tiannuo sneered and stretched out his hand to strike thirty-six thunderbolts, which shattered the white tower and turned into dust. The inhuman king was furious and fought in the wild with a horse-tooth sword and two thousand guards. They were all destroyed in one battle!

Drawing talismans with his bare hands to seal the city, Chai Tiannuo slaughtered the city with a knife for ten days. Not only did he kill all the non-humans and their family members, but all the ordinary people who were loyal to the non-humans were also killed!

Those who do good deeds should be gentle afterwards, and their heads will be no less than 30,000 yuan!

"Are you really Chai Tiannuo, the swordsman from more than a thousand years ago?"

The two lean young men plucked up the courage to speak to Chaitino who was cutting off his head, their voices trembling violently.

Chaitino threw the head onto the cart behind him, shook off the blood stains on his hands and said with a smile:

"What's the point of pretending? I am who I am, and I can't fake it."

The white camel pulling the cart couldn't help but stamp its feet. The strong smell of blood made it feel uncomfortable.

"You, you are an inhuman ancestor, why do you help us ordinary people?"

The young man asked what he wanted to know most. Chaitino stopped what he was doing, grabbed the dry soil on the ground and rubbed off the blood stains on his hands.

Sitting on the side of a collapsed stone pillar, I patted the side:


The two young men leaned over timidly and sat down, with only a little touch on their buttocks.

“First, let’s talk about what it means to be inhuman?”

"You have so much ability, you can control the wind and rain!"

A young man said.

"Immortal and immortal, transcending the mortal world."

Another youth interface.

Chaitino smiled:

"What is an ordinary person?"

"Ordinary, just like us, like dust on the ground."

The two young men lowered their heads at the same time, their faces silent, and the people hiding in the distance looked sad at the same time.


The sound was like thunder, and gravel really rolled around him. Chaitino stood up, smoothed his hair with both hands, and said loudly:

"A certain Chaitino will remain a human being until death!"

"Ordinary people can have great abilities, they can control the wind and rain, and they can transcend the mundane world!"

"Only those who don't treat ordinary people as human beings are inhuman, just like this one!"

Chaitino bent down and picked up a corpse from the ground, tearing it into two pieces. The bloody internal organs were flying, which really shocked everyone.

"What's not human? It's just a pile of stinking rotten flesh!"

Are you going to throw away the remains in your hands? Chaitino looked around at the people who were still scared, but there was a little excitement in their eyes, and shouted loudly:

"A certain Chai Tiannuo vowed to kill all non-human beings and bring peace to the world!"

The sound was like thunder, and the earth trembled. Everyone looked at him in disbelief, their lips trembling.

"...Kill all the inhumans, long live the hero of the Golden Sword!"

"Kill all the inhumans, long live the hero of the Golden Sword!"

The two young men knelt on the ground, crying and roaring. Everyone fell down, and the roar shook the sky.

That day, Chai Tiannuo established the Xiliang Kingdom again in Shangjing and was elected as the leader of the Xiliang Kingdom. His vow to kill all inhumans was like a strong wind, blowing through his homeland!

Five days later, a large army attacked Shangjing, with three thousand soldiers and one hundred thousand servants.

The soldiers and civilians in Beijing fought wildly under the leadership of Chai Tiannuo, and everyone did not hesitate to die, just to restore the world to a peaceful world, so that future generations would no longer be ants in the dust!

Chai Tiannuo, the hero of the Golden Sword, changed his image as a legendary martial artist. With every movement he made, the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering. His magic techniques swept all directions like a frenzy. The inhuman army collapsed in less than half an hour, and was killed by the soldiers and civilians of the capital!

The servant army surrendered collectively, and the king ordered the Xiliang New Army to kill all the officers. The remaining officers were killed according to the eleven-day law, and the executioners were their original colleagues.

After this battle, the capital was stabilized and no one dared to attack again.

Countless ordinary people flocked to Beijing from all directions. In a short period of time, the population of Xiliang capital exceeded 300,000!

There are also countless ordinary people who have joined the cities and towns, and even those non-humans who have not done too much have also brought people to join them.

Chaitino's assertion about inhumanity spread rapidly. All people in the world are ordinary people regardless of their ability. Only those who do not regard ordinary people as human beings are inhuman!

Half a year later, the six-pronged army swept across the border of the former Xiliang country. Among the soldiers, there were some who were mediocre in martial arts and some who could call the wind and rain. But now they only have one title, ordinary people!

When one person shouts, hundreds of people answer. The hundreds of millions of people who demand peace in the world do their best to support the Xiliang Army. They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of the future generations being slave ants!

This chapter has been completed!
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