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Chapter 110: King Yong

"Because compared to other ministers, Mr. Chai, you are much cleaner and your identity is strong enough!"

Waiter Jia said with a smile, and Chaitino subconsciously touched his face. Well, it is really much cleaner than those old guys.

"I admit that you are clean, but is it a bit far-fetched that your identity is strong enough?"

"There are so many senior members from the first rank to the first rank, so I can't be considered tough, right?"

"I say Master Chai, you have really underestimated yourself."

Waiter Jia stopped eating peaches, wiped his hands with paper, and counted with Chaitino one by one:

"Double Guard General Dahua is the only one, are you tough enough?"

"It's a close call. There are twenty or so generals. It's not too tough."

Chai Tiannuo grinned, and the waiter Jia continued:

"Wenzong, Shixian, the vice-president of the Imperial College of Literature, the deputy mountain chief of the martial arts academy, the second-grade Doctor Guanglu, plus the status of a land god, is it tough enough?!"

Chaitino couldn't help but take a breath of cold air:

"It's true, if you say this, gather them together, my status is really important!"

"That's it."

Waiter Jia nodded, approached Chaitino and whispered:

"I say you are clean because you have nothing to do with the courtiers in the court who beat you up. In addition, you have no ambition and you are a great master of the Wei Dynasty. Who has the capital to win you over?"

"makes sense."

Chaitino blinked and realized that no one was more suitable than him for this matter.

"What does it mean to be unmotivated? I am very motivated."

"Think carefully to see if you are motivated."

Chamberlain Jia smiled, and Chai Tiannuo grinned. It was true that his official position was given by the imperial court, and he did not have this ambition. He longed for traveling around the mountains and rivers and living a leisurely life.

After Jia's servant left, Chai Tiannuo immediately collected the tables and chairs at the door and rode Rouge Rabbit straight to the Imperial Academy. Since he wanted to get involved, he had to master the basic information, right?

Early the next morning, Chai Tiannuo was still dressed in white, but with a purple ribbon on his chest to identify himself, riding a rouge rabbit, all the way up Luoshui.

After traveling for more than two hours, Chai Tiannuo saw the deposed prince in captivity in the so-called suburbs of Kyoto, which is now the territory of King Yong. He originally thought it was very big, but in fact it was not. It only occupied five or six acres.

There are no pavilions or pavilions inside, just a row of ordinary blue bricks and green tiles. There is no heavy guard guard, just a few country soldiers sitting lazily at the gate:

It is said to be the outskirts of Kyoto, but in fact it is deeply embedded in the hinterland of Beihe Province. If you take a sloppy stage carriage to Luoyang, you will definitely not be able to reach it in a few days.

There are no walls in the enclosure, just a fence made of scattered dead branches. Not only dogs, but also people can pass through the gaps freely.

If the people inside really want to come out, they can just get under the skin.

"Who is here? Tell me your name. What business do you have?"

Someone shouted in the grass house, but as for the few sitting country soldiers, they paid no attention to Chai Tiannuo. They just sat on the bench and fell asleep with their guns in their hands.

After a few glances, Chai Tiannuo looked for someone in the grass nest. He saw a man lying on the ground looking at him half-consciously. His body was covered with thick straw. It was not too tiring to cover him up in such a hot day!

"Chai Tiannuo, the Guanglu doctor, asks to see King Yong."

King of mediocrity..., Chai Tiannuo couldn't help but shake his head. The irony of this title was too deep.

"Who did you say you were?"

The Wu Commander stood up suddenly, and Chai Tiannuo said with a smile:

"Guanglu Doctor Chai Tiannuo, please see King Yong!"

All the country soldiers immediately jumped up and immediately knelt down to salute:

"Young man went to pay homage to Immortal Chai, but if you didn't know that the Immortal was coming, you would not be able to greet him at a distance. This is a capital crime!"

Chaitino waved his sleeves and the air surged, and several people were immediately lifted up. What the hell is this!

"Brothers, please don't show me such a big gift. Please let me know. Chai wants to see you."

"No, no, no, Chai Immortal wants to see Jin.

Just go, no notification is needed!"

The chief hurriedly waved his hand, joking, Immortal Chai arrived, and a useless prince announced something!

After dismounting, Chai Tiannuo smiled at a few people, led the rabbit and walked in.

"Head, is it really Lu Xianren?"

"Nonsense, he can lift us up with just a wave of his sleeves. Who else could he be but this old man?!"

Listening to the whispers behind him, Chai Tiannuo shook his head helplessly. The rumors about him near the capital were already a bit outrageous, and he didn't know how outrageous they were in this remote place.

Passing through the bamboo door that was not a door, Chaitino walked slowly towards the brick house. Somehow, as soon as he entered these acres of land, he felt quiet. Except for the occasional chirping of insects, there was no other sound.

Hearing the noise from outside, someone came out of the room to greet her. The leader was a middle-aged woman with a delicate appearance in civilian clothes. She must be the Crown Princess back then and now Princess Yong.

Next to Princess Yong is a slim woman, about 20 years old, very beautiful and very similar to a woman. She should be Princess Lanling, who is said to be talented and intelligent and can recite college recitations before she is five years old.

As for the carrot head who was hugged by the princess with a big head and a small body, he should be the prince who was born in the year of the dragon.

The three of them looked curiously at Chai Tiannuo, who was leading the horse. The person who could make the village soldiers bow to him in such excitement must be no small person, but they had never seen him before.

He is probably less than 20 years old. He is dressed in white clothes and has an outstanding gentle and elegant temperament. It is unknown which prince or minister he is the legitimate son of.

Stopping a few feet away, Chaitino crossed his arms and saluted:

"Hello, Your Royal Highness, Dr. Guanglu Chai Tiannuo, I would like to see Your Highness King Yong!"


"You are the immortal that Uncle Lu mentioned, the Yalu Immortal who single-handedly killed Kui Tianlang and saved Luoyang from destruction?!"

Prince Wang excitedly jumped out of the woman's arms and came to Chaitino, looking up and down carefully.

"Well, it should be, but I'm not an immortal, Alu Immortal, so that makes sense."

Chai Tiannuo grinned, and Princess Yong and Princess Lanling's eyes lit up at the same time, and they returned the favor:

"I'm so lucky to meet Chai Shixian (Wen Zong) today!"

Prince Wang was very excited, as were Princess Yong and Princess Lanling.

Having been enclosed in this small area for a long time, the sources of information were a few rural soldiers and occasional visiting officials.

The commotion that Chai Tiannuo has made in the past two or three years is not ordinary. The northwest, the capital, and the Tianji debate are all considered to be major events.

It can be said that since Chaitino went to the northwest, he has been involved in all major events in Dahua, and he is the absolute protagonist!

"Mr. Chai, when did your song "Bright Moon" come up, and under what circumstances did you come up with it?"

"I hope we can share the beauty of the moon forever. It's so well written. I never imagined that there are such heart-warming poems in the world!"

Princess Lanling's eyes shone brightly, and her originally pale face had an unusual blush.

Princess Yong also had the same expression and said with admiration:

"Eight hundred miles away, my subordinates are burning, fifty strings are beating outside the Great Wall, and the soldiers are in autumn on the battlefield!"

"Only a brave warrior like you can write such a popular poem."

"Mom, it's more than that."

Princess Lanling shook her head slightly and said with a vague look in her eyes:

"Being unfazed by favor and humiliation, I just watch the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court. I have no intention of leaving or leaving, and I follow the clouds rolling in the sky. It is so ethereal and quiet, and only my noble nature can do it."

This chapter has been completed!
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