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Chapter 112: The Supreme Emperor

"this is not good."

Frowning and shaking his head, Chaitino thought for a while and said seriously:

"The world is ever-changing, and no one can predict what will happen in the future. We cannot delay our children because of the current predicament."

"I will go back and talk to Your Majesty. The mistakes made by the adults must not affect the children. The Imperial Academy has an attached elementary school for the prince to study in dormitory. Why can't he miss his homework?"

King Yong and the princess left their seats again and saluted Chai Tiannuo again. If it can be done, it will be a great joy!

Even if you can only be an idler forever, it is better than being trapped in one place for the rest of your life.

"My lord, please don't do this. When someone was treated unfairly by the emperor, you still spoke up for me in spite of the difficult situation. This is what I should do. Every drink and every peck makes my decision!"

One drink and one peck, this is so well said!

King Yong was impressed. After eating a meal with clear soup and little water, Chai Tiannuo said sincerely before leaving:

"The necessary nutrition needs to be supplemented. I will tell you when I get back. The supplies will be delivered as usual. Your Majesty, please don't refuse."

Looking at the malnourished young son beside him, King Yong nodded and said softly:

"Mr. Chai, I have nothing to do with the food robbery. After all, I was just the prince back then. If possible, you can go to my father's place and have a look. Maybe he can get some clues."

Chai Tiannuo nodded, cupped his hands as a gift, turned and left.

Back in Luoyang, Chai Tiannuo first went to the Ministry of Revenue to explain the matter of King Yong. All supplies must be comprehensive and he would check them at any time. Otherwise, the name of Emperor Tianqi would be ruined in the end, and a harsh and mean person would be indispensable.

After that, he went straight to the imperial city. It was almost evening, and Emperor Tianqi met him in the imperial study.

When he met Emperor Tianqi, Chai Tiannuo did not hide anything and explained clearly what happened when he met Queen Yong. Emperor Tianqi listened with rapt attention and nodded gently and said:

"Back then, King Yong had outstanding literary talent, and most of the political affairs in the court were handled by him. His abilities were far superior to those of our brothers. If he hadn't gone astray due to the divine right of kings, he would have been a Ming Emperor."

Chaitino nodded first, then grinned widely:

"Your Majesty, there is something really wrong with what you said, and it doesn't sound good to others."

Emperor Tianqi didn't understand the meaning at first. Chai Tiannuo pointed in a direction with a smile. Only then did he understand and couldn't help but grin:

"What do you think Da Wei was thinking about choosing this name? There is no hint at all."

Chaitino grinned, pointed at the bridge of his nose and said with a smile:

"I named him for nothing else. When Zongge thinks of his own name, he has to think twice when doing things. Whether what he does can be called Emperor Ming!"

Emperor Tianqi chuckled:

"Only you can do such an obvious trick."

After saying that, the emperor sighed:

"The matter of Prince Yong's son has been ignored. It is really heartbreaking to have a child unable to leave the few acres of land after birth."

"It's better for Princess Lanling to come out too. She won't be restrained anymore. It's time for a young girl in her twenties to find a husband."

Seeing Chai Tiannuo looking at him in surprise, Emperor Tianqi smiled bitterly:

"After all, I hugged her many times when I was little. How can I say that Gu is also her biological uncle!"

"I also agreed to your meeting with the Supreme Emperor. Your fairy peaches are quite good. Bring some with him to fulfill your filial piety for my son."

Seeing Emperor Tianqi's rare expression of bitterness, Chai Tiannuo cupped his hands and said softly:


After leaving the imperial city, it was getting late. Chai Tiannuo got on his horse and looked back. The huge building looked like a tiger crouching, which made people feel fearful.

"...The word "Emperor" will cut off so many flesh-and-blood relationships, but is it still worth it?"

He shook his head, spurred his horse forward, and felt warm in his heart as someone was waiting for him at home.

Before dawn the next day, Chai Tiannuo went straight to the Ministry of War and rushed to King Yong with two jujube horses to tell him the good news. Princess Lanling burst into tears. You can imagine how depressed she felt after being trapped in the Mood for Love for so many years.

"It doesn't matter if the princess comes out. Meng's school will take a break for five days. Then the princess will pick him up. It's best that the family will finally be reunited."

After that, Chaitino left a basket of new peaches and left.

King Yong looked at Chai Tiannuo's figure and said with emotion:

"Dahua is so lucky to have someone like Mr. Chai!"

It was almost noon when we returned to Luoyang City. Chai Tiannuo didn't bother to rest and went straight to the East Palace.

When we talk about this, we have to talk about the uniqueness of Dahua.

Most of the inheritance of China comes from Dali, so the prince's east palace is all in the imperial city, except Dahua, which is different. The east palace is built near the east city gate. Some good people have said that this is to match the word "east".

Chaitino was very disdainful of this statement. The reason was very simple. He just didn't like the successor to be an eyesore in front of him.

But for the sake of the country, we had to see each other, so we were assigned to Dongcheng District. The location was neither far nor close, and the father and son were comfortable with each other.

Compared with the captive place of King Yong, the East Palace is much better, at least on the surface.

The capital is draped with gorgeous Yulin army guards and on both sides of the gate, the red walls that were painted years ago are very eye-catching.

Chai Tiannuo dismounted and moved forward. When a soldier saw him coming straight towards the East Palace, he immediately glared and waved his hands to drive him away:

"Go away, go away, this is the East Palace, how can you, a poor jacquard, be able to get close to it."

He lowered his head and took a look. Yesterday, his clothes were dirty because of the young prince's touch. Today, he was wearing white clothes, the most favorite style of monks wearing white robes.

Man'er also tied a sultry red flower to his collar, and he really looked like those jacquard reading men who have no connotation at all.

"I've been a good boy, but if you keep going here, believe it or not, I'll stab you to death with a gun!"

Chai Tiannuo laughed out loud, "Well, the dialect is very charming. After coming to Luoyang for so many years, this is the first time to deal with the Yulin Army. It feels good!"

"No one dares to kill anything without eyes!"

He walked out of the door with his trousers tight, and most likely Chu Gong came back. Seeing that his subordinates dared to yell at Dr. Guanglu, who was blushing purple, he slapped him on the back of the head, and then bowed his head and said:

"Master Chai, you are here. Why didn't you say anything before? You guys should make preparations in advance."

The smile on Chai Tiannuo's face did not diminish, but he sighed heavily in his heart. It was rumored that the Yulin Army was the most shameful, with the most beautiful equipment and the worst combat power. When I saw it today, it turned out to be true.

The team stood tall and straight, but the bodies of the pawns were crooked, and the gun heads were coated with black paint. Judging from the pits, they were definitely filled with rust.

The armor on his body was shiny, but it was coated with silver powder, and the cowhide cord that he wore was almost rotten, and he didn't change it. The things that were used to save his life to kill the enemy were all fooled, and he killed a stupid enemy!

After saying hello, Chai Tiannuo entered the East Palace from the small door. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The pawn who was beaten said aggrievedly:

"Why did my uncle hit me? Didn't you say that the Yulin Army is a bastard? It's too frustrating to not even let a poor person yell!"

"You're yelling at your mother. You don't have the slightest bit of discernment. That's Master Yalu Xianchai. If you make him angry, he'll slap you to death!"

"Mom, it turns out it's him!"

The pawn rubbed the back of his head and looked at the door in shock.

The East Palace is just like those of the Yulin Army, bright on the outside but rotten on the inside. When you enter the vermilion gate, you will see the disrepaired bluestone road, full of cracks and overgrown with weeds.


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