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Chapter 121: Returning Yang Pill Part 1

"If you have a clue, tell me!"

Chai Tiannuo and Mr. Qian raised their eyebrows at the same time. It would be nice to have clues, so that the two supervisory censors would not look at people sideways, as if they were the criminals.

"Sir, young Mingli is a government servant here and has been there for fourteen or five years."

"It must have been seven or eight years ago. Many neighbors reported to the police that their children were missing."

"At that time, many clues pointed to Zhang Sheren, and the Ministry of Punishment sent people directly to conduct a thorough investigation. Later, a big shot said hello, and since the child was not lost any more, some money and food were compensated, and the matter was over."

"But the children started missing again a few days ago. I think that there is a high probability that it is still related to Zhang Sheren."

Losing a child, Chaitino narrowed his eyes slightly, this is a big deal!

Arriving in front of Zhang Chenglu, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating leisurely, Chai Tiannuo sat down and suddenly laughed:

"Master Zhang, you have been in office for forty years, but you are just a humble servant. Is this intentional or due to lack of ability?"

"It's not intentional, and it has nothing to do with ability. I'm a weak person by nature and don't like fame and fortune. It's not easy to have this official position."

Zhang Chenglu shook his head gently, and Chai Tiannuo smiled again:

"If you are really weak by nature, you should resign and go home. If you are really weak by nature, you won't have so many spindles to support half a hundred servants!"

Zhang Chenglu's face changed slightly, and Mr. Qian was also suddenly stunned. Really, although the family is not big, the number of servants here is really too much!

The two supervisory censors who had been thinking indifferently suddenly realized, yes, it is not easy to live in the capital. How can they afford to support so many servants with the meager salary of others!

"Unless, many of these people are not real servants!"

Chai Tiannuo's smile faded, and Zhang Chenglu's expression changed again.


The housekeeper suddenly roared, and nearly twenty people cast a lot of spells at the same time, and all kinds of rays of light instantly lit up the night sky!

"Air shield!"

Chai Tiannuo waved his hand fiercely, and the secret guards were immediately protected by the colorful air shield, and explosions could be heard one after another. If it were not for the protection of the air shield, the casualties would definitely be huge.

"Fire the arrow!"

Mr. Qian roared loudly and fired his crossbows rapidly. Most of the scattered people immediately fell to the ground. Chai Tiannuo quickly rushed out and returned after a cup of tea, carrying seven or eight dead heads in his hand.


His head fell to the ground, and his frozen eyes were fixed on Zhang Chenglu. Zhongshu Shengshe, who was a civil servant and had never seen such a scene before, had a calm expression, and his face, which was about to change color, had returned to normal.

"Master Zhang, what's your explanation?"

Chai Tiannuo waved his hand to cancel the air shield, came to Zhang Chenglu again, and asked with a chuckle:

"Explain what?"

Zhang Chenglu asked back, Chai Tiannuo nodded his head on the ground:

"This is your housekeeper, and there are nearly twenty people attacking the secret guards, and they are all magicians. No need to explain?"

"Explain what?"

Still saying the same thing, Chaitino laughed angrily and slapped him!


With great force, Zhang Chenglu was knocked to the ground with one slap, his teeth mixed with blood and flowed all over the floor.

"My mother, I want to do whatever I want with you, but you treat me casually. Why are you seeking death?"

"Master Chai, what you are doing is wrong. Zhang Sheren has not been convicted, so..."

The two frightened censors opened their mouths to stop Chaitino when they saw him using violence, but were knocked to the ground by the strong wind whipped up by Chaitino's wave.

"Stop their mouths and don't let them beep blindly!"


Several secret guards stepped forward and held down the two censors, took out the sesame balls from their pockets and stuffed them in. The stuff was easy to get in and difficult to get out, so the two of them couldn't take it out for a long time.

Zhang Chenglu supported his body, half of his face was swollen like a ball, but he said vaguely:

"Those are servants who have signed a contract, not slaves. Attacking you is at best an oversight on my part. Why should I explain?"

"Okay, you can talk back."

Chaitino nodded, pointed to the crowd of people behind him, and hummed:

"I don't believe that these people can't ask you questions!"


Zhang Chenglu's voice was still calm. Chai Tiannuo couldn't help but frown. He looked confident. Could it be that his hands and feet had been taken care of?

"If I search, I can't believe that I can't find any clues!"


The secret guards took action immediately, but after searching for a long time, they found nothing.

Chaitino nodded and said with a sneer:

"The prestige is quite high. Okay, I admire you. I won't play tricks with you anymore."

After saying that, Chaitino strode to the group of slaves and said with a smile:

"Do you understand what a secret guard is?"

Seeing a group of people cowering and no one answering, Chai Tiannuo pulled out one person and killed him with a single blow!

Everyone's eyes immediately widened. How could an innocent person be killed?!

"What the secret guard does is a shameful thing. He likes to reason and provide evidence. If he can reason with you, he doesn't like to use violence."

"But don't think that without evidence, you can't kill someone!"

At this point, Chai Tiannuo grabbed another person and let him struggle violently to beg for mercy. Minghong still slowly penetrated his chest and emerged from the back.

With the sound of clicking his tongue, the man immediately turned into a mummy, and then turned into dust and fell to the ground.

The two censors became anxious and rushed towards Chai Tiannuo with sesame balls in their mouths. Looking at their scarlet eyes, they must have been very angry.

With two slaps, Chai Tiannuo slapped them away. It was a clean slate and annoying!

"Give you a chance. Those who confess will be spared. After three breaths, there will be no sound. Kill them all!"

Chai Tiannuo said in a low voice. Seeing that there was still no reaction from everyone, he frowned and raised Minghong.

"Master Chai, after I tell you, maybe my life will be safe?"

A young man ran out of the crowd and asked loudly. Chaitino smiled and nodded:

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one dares to touch you!"

The breakthrough point has come!

"But although my master's official position is small, the matter involves a lot, and there are many relatives of the emperor. Can you really handle it?"

"Can bear it!"

"I will send you to Dahua as soon as tonight is over. You should know who I am. When you get there, you will be nothing more than a relative of Dahua's emperor!"

"Thank you Mr. Chai!"

The young man bowed deeply. Zhang Chenglu, who had always been calm and calm, suddenly changed his color and cursed:

"Beast, I really shouldn't have spared your life back then!"

The man didn't answer. He bowed his waist and led Chaitino back until he entered the backyard, then sighed and said:

"The younger one was bought by the Zhang family from a trafficker when he was young. Of the seventeen children, I was the only one who survived and became a slave of the Zhang family."

"Speaking of which, the master is also kind to me, but the way they act makes my heart tremble every time I see them."

"If you hadn't come this time, I wouldn't have dared to expose anything."

"Mainly because you're afraid of death, right?"

Chaitino asked with a smile, and the man grinned and nodded:

"Everything they do is evil. As a slave of mine, the fate will be bad. If you don't expose it, you will die. If an ant cares about his life, let alone me."

The two entered a dilapidated wooden house. The man lifted a large pot on the stove, found a ring from the ashes, and lifted it up. An extremely secret tunnel appeared in front of him.

"It's really a secret. No wonder those bags can't be found!"

Chaitino grinned and followed the man who lit the torch and got in.

Going down into the tunnel, it was still very dark even with torches. Chaitino thought for a while, and colorful flames immediately lit up behind him, shocking the young man.


This chapter has been completed!
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