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Volume 1 Looking Northwest, Shooting the Sirius Chapter 31 This ingot of silver is so pretty

"Chai Tiannuo, your understanding of the Three Strategies is very deep, which is rare in the martial arts academy."

"Teaching is overrated."

Chaitino handed over his hand and continued reading the lecture and teaching:

"If the trickle is not blocked, it will become a river; if the yingying is not saved, the heat will be nothing."

"You must be careful in military affairs. Even a trickle will turn into a roaring river if it is not blocked early. The sage said..."

Another breath of cold air entered my stomach, and I smiled bitterly while teaching the scriptures. This man's literary attainments and knowledge have surpassed his own. What he explained was really good. The sage said, I don't know which sage said this. I feel ashamed.

Watching it until the end, I waved the cinnabar red pen when I was teaching scriptures, and it was still the same two words, A top!

The third page is full of unfamiliar parts, so the teacher will mark it carefully according to the answers.

"The six reasons why kings and tyrants govern the princes are: they use land to shape the princes..."

He said it thoroughly. How come he and those others didn't expect it? Compared with this guy's explanation, there is a huge difference!

After reading word for word, the teacher sighed heavily and waved the cinnabar red pen again, reading the two words "A" again.

After the incense was burned out, the scholars stood up and handed in their papers. They looked through them briefly. The best ones had written most of the first paper, while the worst ones had not answered the first question and answer. This is the level that a martial scholar should have.



"You don't have to attend martial arts classes from today on."

"W-why is this?"

Chai Tiannuo was confused. What do you mean? He answered the question very well. Why was he not allowed to attend class?

"Your study of the Seven Martial Arts Books has already surpassed my teachings. In the next year, your Martial Arts scores will all be top-notch!"

"When manpower is limited, use the extra time to polish other things. I believe you will shine in autumn and spring!"

Looking at the serious face of teaching and lecturing, Chaitino crossed his hands and saluted gratefully:

"Thanks for the teaching!"

The lecturer nodded, tore everyone's papers into pieces, and then posted Chaitino's papers on the wall:

"Looking carefully to find the differences can also help you to clear up your ignorant minds."

After saying that, he walked out of the school after giving lectures and teachings. He looked a little lonely. Seeing the newcomers coming up, he felt mixed emotions, but in the end he was relieved.

We, Dahua, have added a peerless talent. As a pioneer, I am very pleased!

Looking at the eye-catching paper, all the scholars were in an uproar. The gap was indeed a bit big. Compared with it, what I wrote was just a pile of excrement!

Bian Sheng and Shen Tu Zijin already knew that Chai Tiannuo's calligraphy was among the best, so they looked at the content. Bian Sheng was fine, but Shen Tu Zijin almost cried:

"Tiannuo, compared with you, mine is just a pile of dung. How did you learn this? Tell me a shortcut!"

Bian Sheng simply rolled his eyes, learning all the way, there is no shortcut.

Chai Tiannuo thought for a moment and patted Shen Tu Zijin heavily on the shoulder:

"There is a road to the mountain of books and diligence is the path, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work is the boat. If you want to be able to achieve something that others cannot, you have to suffer all the hardships that others cannot endure. I share this with you!"

A quarter of an hour later, the professor who was teaching sand table deduction came in pushing a sand table with wheels, and the bell rang at the right time.

"Chaitino, come forward!"

The instructor directly called Chai Tiannuo. The instructor had just said a lot to him during the lecture. In the end, he commented that this boy is both civilized and military. In time, he will be the pillar of the country!

The truth of this evaluation made the sand table teacher curious, so he directly called Chaitino to come forward and perform the deduction.

"You and I each have our own troops, 30% cavalry, 40% infantry with spears, 20% archers, and the remaining 10% are scouts."

"The river is the dividing line, fifty feet away, let's start the deduction!"

The instructor took a bunch of wooden men and horses and started arranging troops directly.

Chaitino grinned, this is not a chance to refuse, in this case, let's compete!

After selecting the same number of wooden dolls, Chai Tiannuo also began to arrange his troops. The martial arts scholars hurriedly gathered around to see how Chai Dameng fought with his instructor.

"Black Flag has three hundred infantry, go out to the river bank and build a bridge."

Tear down your own curtain, learn to push out several infantry, and transport wood to the river bank.

Chaitino also lifted off the curtain and placed three hundred archers on the hilltop by the river with a smile:

"Three hundred archers with the red flag shot down from the top of the mountain to contain and reduce the black infantry, injuring sixty and killing thirty."

The teacher raised his eyebrows and opened a forest above the river bank, revealing three wooden figures:

"You can't cross the cliff here for horses, but the water is shallow and you can cross the scouts."

"Three hundred scouts marched two miles to attack the archers!"

This is the role of the curtain. Each side has its own bright and dark formations. If you want to win, it depends on how it works.

"There are a hundred scouts in the red flag forest, stop me!"

The trees on the hilltop were pushed aside, revealing a hundred scouts.

"Nine hundred black flag infantry, carrying the long bridge, six hundred archers, covering!"

"The Black Flag Cavalry crosses the river and marches straight in!"

The woods were pushed down, the black cavalry concealed the infantry and pushed forward, the archers formed a formation, and the cavalry stepped on the long bridge raised by the infantry and ran all the way!

It was just a simple sand table deduction, but everyone watched it intently. As Chaitino and the teacher continued to perform the deduction, the voices of the crowd became louder and louder:

"Chaitino made a wrong move. He didn't cross the border and attack just now. Now the cavalry is marching straight in, aiming directly at the commander's camp. He is 80% likely to lose."

"Not necessarily. The road leading to the commander's camp is rugged. If a battalion of spearmen is deployed, the cavalry who cannot raise their speed will inevitably suffer heavy losses!"

"Look, as I expected, Chaitino has a battalion of spear infantry hidden here, and the cavalry is in danger."

Both sides came and went. As the numbers were counted, the number of wooden men and horses decreased rapidly, and the battle became more and more intense. The scholars gathered in a group burst into cheers from time to time. This game-like deduction deeply attracted them.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was time for get out of class to end. When the bell rang, the teacher immediately put down the formation flag:

"Count the numbers. The one with the most soldiers remaining wins."

Several scholars immediately volunteered and began to count, and the final count showed that the remaining soldiers of the red flag were 1,770, and the black flag was 900. In terms of numbers, Chaitino was victorious.

But judging from the situation of both sides, the winner should be the teaching.

His soldiers had broken through many defense lines and were approaching the commander's camp, and the two hundred spearmen in front of the formation could not stop them at all.

"Why don't you guard the commander's camp?"

The instructor frowned. In the few battles he had with Chaitino, he always took advantage and left with little damage. He had sufficient troops. If it was an encirclement and annihilation, he would be defeated.

Chaitino opened the commander's camp with a smile. It was empty inside. Everyone was stunned. When the two armies were fighting, the commander was brave. If the commander ran away, the battle formation would collapse immediately!

Is there any way to set up an array like this?

"Tell me what you think."

The instructor's eyes were a little bright. Dahua and the surrounding countries always had their first target in a war: the commander's camp. As long as they killed the enemy commander, they would naturally win.

Chaitino's little change today gave him a different taste.

"In all the wars in the world, it is not good to overemphasize the role of the commander."

Chaitino opened a jungle on the river bank, where Shuai and two hundred scouts were quietly hiding.

This chapter has been completed!
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